The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, April 20, 1888, Image 8

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    Purchase Anything
Drug or Notion Line
“A Just Criticism,” published in
a late issue, calls to mind a friend
of mine, who was left alone with a
\ family of five boys.'’ Being im­
pressed with the importance of their
early acquiring a knowledge of the
- great physical truths which sooner
or later, from sources pure or im­
pure, musMBfepvealed to them,
she took occ SM, aa, one by one,
their minds sufficiently developed,
to convey to them this know­
ledge. She taught them reverently
and tenderly, as befitting this most
important and imperative motherly
duty. SJ)e won the confidence and
devotioh .pif their yóung hearts, and
becatfae their trusted councellor in
all things. They grew up in an
eastern city. Temptation and dan­
ger beset their pathway. The sa­
loon, the gaming table and the
gilded halls of vice held out their
allurements, but in vain. In thè
wisdoth and sympathy and woman­
liness of their mother and the
The Lafayette Flouring Mill
healthy atmosphere of their home run on full time until further
they found shelter and safety from notice, v,
outside perils. To-day they are
prominent business men, occupying
positions of trust and honor; models
of odorai and physical integrity,
and their mother is to them an ob­
ject of reverence and tenderness.
Such a record of parental duty as
this would have saved rnauy a
parent from an old age fulliof sor­
row and règret; and many a bright Bsaitifilly lllsstntrt. 25 ctx., $3
and promising mother’s idol from give*
preisraooe to aaUsaal Coatee sat eseam. aaA
t iterator* aafi art are of th* bigbsM etaadard.
crime, insanity, idiocy and death.— Re
raseoas American writer* fill it* page* with a wWs
Notice tor Publication.
P.rtUsd ... 7.*)a« Airli............ 11 JO am
PudM ... S S5 • ■ Sh.rxi.n Jw 2 M J ■ [
Laf.yetu 10 Ch am Lafayetto.
3 2ipa
Bkenda. Junll « p n Dandt.
Airlia(arTiT) 2 27 p m Portland (ar) «
p ■ j
Fw faith.r iafomatioa apply to the Cam-
Hifi Ag>al at Lafayette, or addma Geimral
8U-. P a n teaTOra.'
Notice for Publication.
•natios teal!
Sheriff*» Sale.
a Ysar.
U. S.
vartoty bf iatereariw akotcho* of travel aafi admat-
nrs, aerial aad abort etariea. descriptive aeeoaeto st
oar famous country mo* aad women, bnef ernaye oa
the faromoot problems of the period, aad. m aaort,
this Magarino is
A correspondent write# fSom Distinctively Representative of
Monmouth, Ill., concerning/! hew
American Thought and P ro gr e ss
financial plan which the W*. C, T.
U., of that place, has successfully' x
adopted. This union has made an IM POR TANT.
Illulrwled PremlM A.IM. m A
arrangement with a broom-maker «tear emetti* la Caaab ar Valuable Pi f la m s
ta Cl ab Reale er*. will be seat aa receipt af
to sell brooms on commission, get­
ting ninety cents on every dozen
sold. They put a temperance mot­
to on every broom and sell by or­
ders; the Band of Hope children
gladly taking orders on the.street in
which they live.
It is suggested that if temper­
ance farmers would raise a few
rows of broom corn, (the dwarf kind
Notice for Publication.
can be raised between rows of ber­
ries), and donate it to the -cause,
L and O fiicb at O bkgom C ity J
Oregon. March 31, 1888. f
temperance women could manage
Notice is hereby given that the following-
filed notice pf bis intention
the rest, securing not only, a hand-
to make nnal proof in enpport of bis claim, and
some sum for their work, but
that said proof will be made before the county
judge or elerk of Tillamook county, Oregon, at
spreading far and wide, in humble
Tillamook Oregon, on Motday, May 28th,
1888, m:
cottage and in princely mansion,
the great truths of temperance and
sobriety. 8ince the W. C. T. U.
represents so universally the homes
of our country, could we have a
more fitting emblem than a temper­
ance broom to represent our work?
A cabman in Dublin, Ireland,
was recently brought into the police
Notice of Appointment of Ad­
court in that city for having, while
under the influence of whisky,
driven his cab, containing five
’ women, into the canal. T^he cold
water appears to have revived the
driver’s senses a little, but his only
request to the policeman who came
to the rescue of the vehicle was:
“Sard the horse, never mind the
women.” This is like the business
all through. The manufacturer,
the rqtailer and the drinker become
brutalized. Human peril does not
touch them. They are sensitive
only as to their pockets. And the
cry is now ringing through the I
states from every grog-shop: “Save
the business, never mind the
women!” ’
Advertise lUSSEJSK
The death of “Petroleum V- Nas­
hy,” David Ross Locke, on Febru-
Notice of Final Sei
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby give« that the undersigned
Gofciter, adminielraior of the estatetof Arav
C. Goet*er, deceased, has filed his final ac­
count of his administration of said estate in the
county court of Yamhill county. Oregon, and
said court haa fixed Tueaday, May 81,, 1888,
at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of
said day at the county court room at Lafayette,
Oregon, as the time and place tor hearing the
Therefore all persons interested in said es­
tate, are hereby notified and required to appear
at said time and place and show cause if any
there be whv raid estate be not finally settled.
Dated thia’23d day of March, 1888.
Administrator aforesaid.
F exton A F lxton .
Attorneys for Estate.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Mustang Unii
M exican M ustang lawnrarr,
JfiMcto« to PÎry Bon» I WoadsC