The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, April 20, 1888, Image 6

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The Oregon Rerister
GdUB-BBXTÚra M aboul UwiMily trade
that has out been affra-led by «uai-hm-
ery. Tbi work fa doue to-day just a»
it «a three itaHurire ago.
Tux eaule'tnist of Itaavec has jwM
rkwed a cs'ulraci «nth the Freoeh
GvvvrnHMHil ‘to «Ulgdy tbs Frvach
army with -IX*.WO head oí beta
Tu world rmailtoTi S.l«faAk'\*.t)
bushel» of -Wta unuahyr •V lise
taeid oí the Ftt-tSe C um » » vedy a
d.-\H' in the bo.-he«, with its.ÄiW'M“
to TXOXMM) bushel».
TR* Sad» Si-p Muulway Cempuay ESyuarwdd «.«a «raergv Mti-fi a vurpa-
wcwatly iiwll a uowweng and Teptnai »•«■? wimà.» jx Vtw Y« t < «tty. ami
highly «acvarwg'.ag jnjwrarvtts.
k » un.eni aitar Pint.
3 l «a were ia.-a¿.y
w th ta l shas laS.'XHJ. AV mil Jw -w
. _ .
It * MttPuU zteà ‘.Teo» mrarufee». ae
gouwd » co«»»« «ta YtatataTvwa cwnrfi» «ge.- k-mj. mH tarai a
. » .
«ígáí- éedaerw ux Fimideìpà.» » «war'
te tetóte• tata « Bm «_"*•**■ TW «ftaftty *L**
ttVifc. 4¿ra ue
Statt »pwdtng W reme Fmwgaa.
Theraufva Jutta F'a.ptnpj «net Ä»
paper her ùbei aaù .-w.’«mwd Í1 jif«
-------------- - ,
ÇaJàFVtaKi ta» jtf. lW aerar» rf
«nunci Irra» aad. Fù. mua fU.JWU «.-ma.
The crop *ro -pemng m ’Ctaifhrm»
traw »«uxnutat u Z JW.MV Mora,
3M*Rt ^umiwr’ » tu « «2 T ARp- w?t»
Jt» Itaarfa«». ÄÄ» W» Atar^taK
liu mi x EY ï 1 V«M>rc t»kii wed
* |h«ta « XM .-unaexa» it am taco. at
Twtsìe unì >äwd ta imrasy aun rm.
fW; ,-cner nuidrmt ir-uk ita re-
maotaer tas tara aus a&eotd.
A .Jtarago à Jùsm. iratgos tan wa»
*Midmi Ty Jirw tastata M CHaswp.
Wtarwta Fond.» crop « pmcwl « mnn rtf tara ±-mi xmm.
UJ,M).iJOV' > 'X“T
wæ -mimnìay c&ed. utd Stentai- aun»
— _
xnmdlw wmoded.
Ttaicsajun» n Piunt ..-row» eer * «wn . ’
ta tau wwta and Seid» peer ChiUta-
ttvnfenc icv-irrad :a tae
, .
.Tlictau. MHwuùaw à St. ?-*ol l*i-
tataghi StttaUfe-aod ptap.e mu tu
Vwiumuxu. tjw». “ï
difficulty m approechiug and anSHRg* rrùtiiw liad leen ñamen ewav aw a
Xu mu snuwe wnitt ramied f>rsge, uni a çmaieniçitr sua umailed
taetr bihidnww.
uai tae «¡ream, »iiw niutmi s£- full
Hrweu. Cie uni-ne sad urrwemmenee
C.»:..roiuU-» iiuu tauut iuuuied 1er wein: ok ai trowäruni tara, unme-
puptttauuu in the run ywm» vince he it enei* sunmur-^tai in ' an torren» rf
'.net .'«nuua. The. -lunrauiiu »um» ta v .- kht wnurh »«drifi'iwwi trie thana». ‘A
cun* ut tan wiiftnt* .'umtnsim vtueud.
money »pedí by the didfereac .*u<iane»
riera were towuc mtrry strepiti n the
and citan» in advertming aonmd lu» vmuHHn ' Tour were tiled. w far to
been the cuumi ta tile ouH. menane ul Hiiiiwn. oewdew 31« 7tngpiue^;,whu, wut
mwi.“! "wvwwu the r»n md eni. iter
Che fremita rsospvi imitxrs, There
UnuniAr» Dunui» mata.» taita ile nue Were mm •msmrA-tr»» a* Biircytive
received many 1 roUta» atpunai mduu- waimtea. The hviini » 'ùnte wvenu
tlun if no uarrif m tmu.
He «y» if nelle» un yet inaiar art Trees.
1 ^jw-iu mm .’ensva. Perm. de­
the tuniP in ta»i árame ve fomuiart ir
reduced u the extent pronumM. ,k mil mi» * enrhie naactmune.
tie mil -rnif ene rrviywre-t with «
lave « iiMutuvnie -taten tpun he sin-
un» >1 ue ptnemi muumù niun, jre
ing menta» if Iihtau.
nnÚB nu «W • rame Tiri ipun He
rasa. samen luam*
The pieza watt'run-
■ wjul il erratesi ma*. rasi», no.,
UM I raw me xi hie fact that the
m »-tu». wttHiut nyiiry. owing
axe- u tarty au nsexnuf ~u vermit m
■eci * nitre» rama» mt many
■mes «Bel miarrai ■ annoi mm th“
Thu Govemur >1
i*e m-
trounced lia nieiiti4iifl^P*®f-«xi -xtra
w*HHun it he Legteeautm or •teewnus-
tug wliat ■iisposuiun vsiad m nane a
tin» rrmeurw «rpm» trra he «. Ufa
. ■ 1
•MIO (if indemnity UM -own rr
grew renditi» ToxtUk Die -vtrpiti* if
the time of the regular meeting ó be
Ugmiature a
henee, mil w num
u wd.
than fd.lMIO
.MH). and
he ¡-
» reih nr ha tala aiu bwtr .maim
•»teravssna «»own. TTi* -retira n he
* he ^sassropl» sere
-as »-mac wmnri, teeenmion. honren
úreeierior hetr nothing
■“* «axed with -nlfering mm her
n»™k ~m umleeeir hmhgn the
‘«««•taú nmd wantar tm.ivrrtatam
œ , riniftwt
^»rrw rwn
M b„r friMidfc.
An observant met
says that he can te
condition by the state
The Bible tells tu that
gone Samson lost hi*
Tk. ¥•■■< <"»w.
Some cows may be naturally vicioua, Romans considered ba
but nearly all nciouaneea M the result 1 I affliction and Julius
of ill treatment. Calving fa a severe quite satisfied with hi
nervous strain and leaves the cod poll was bare.
The face, however, i* fa
nervous and irritable. If the calf n
her first one she is very much afraid 1 and one can readily traesj.
lines, ch.nJj
that it will be injured ; in this she fa
like all young molliera. Milking fa an pie x ion the state of the
entirely new operation to her ; likely , The eye that fa unua
drawing milk from her udder gives her ’ 1 yet lias a pallid bright
jwin. Her condition, her fears, and 1 ,upon whose cheeks n»tu?
she operation, all call for the exercise rose of singular beauj/T
of tbe’gTeateet patience apd gentleness, j more marked in.contra*
But instead, her solicitude for her calf ‘ Master appearance of ths
h n sen ted, if sbe shows shyness when j ■ nose and lower part of fa
it fa attempted to milk ber— sb opera- 1 of those whom the »kifaj
lion which »he knows nothing of and will tell you will some fa,
which her instincts to nourish her funereal month of Marfa
offspring would cause ber not to sub­ is then that cousunipfai
mit to readily she fa scolded ; if the richest harvest.
fi.n caused by the milk being drawn ' tell us is caused by ..... w
les-It her to kick, she fa kicked in other thing, by microbes *
return. Thus ber fright and nervouv- micrt>organi»ms 10 the bfav
ness are increased and soon sbe fa cient nutrition, by a tlusu^Ù
angered. If this treatment fa contin- things, but whatever the eu»
ued she is made vicious ; and we have begins with a cough sad fa
never known of a ■heifer being “con- that will effectually »top fa
■quered" in this way. After her tor- that cough cures the dfa,
mentor has worn himself out she fa yet lunga
ready to kick, or to use ber horns if . That fa all there fa of it
need' be. Ir does no* do better to tie
The cough fa an evideos»
her bead or to put her between poles ; ing. To stop it effectual)» »
thii only frightens ber the more. Her must be used that nill «cani
temper m ruined ; and a cow, no mat- cause, remove that aud fa»
ter bow liberal a milker sbe may be, lung and do away with fa
m fit for the »bambina only if she fa This fa the power, *|>eeia| t»
It in no rare thing for » man possessed alone by Warnet’ifa
to throw *50 to the wind by striking a Cough and Coneumptfa ■
young cow.
Thia fa no new fangfad uotfa
I’M enwe rvcetpua « lie rtiruano
, ■>,
m—------- -
cotica and poisons, but »»
Tvwatabra far i*c ro«e»in< March
A «K-e-tauf poultry man aaya be ioned preparation of l..|wn7
-St a».w>md to IS* STS C. IhM i», »I*4*» ’P *“ _r"“ lWice • -Te"
and herbs, such a* was ata'
aX «i I WAX' HKW taaa ttat Kceqx*
Fifty year» ago the average weight ancestors many years »go, fa
.¿aay pewruo»year.
ta beta cattle was SIX) pound»; now it of which has been secured
TW IWawxisxi.* Stale CtavwoM » 1-W pmixfa.
by the present manufact
»5 Fvn»£e*.a pcauataued J. M. Georm.
Raw milk digetaa in a shorter period trouble and expense. It*
ta F.rGaadL far C o.graea CieraSaad ¡han WUd milk: hence mdk for cold dryer.
It fa a »y
tu imñ.'raed 5cc Frawaóeai. sod Guo young »tcck thould no* be boded but and apbuilder and a co
ermcc Fms. yer ix Vxwtabewñfaat. * warmed.
pellanu Where others fail,'»
rYwm.dbrw» halan bwea ewabixtaed at
Is H the advice oí a prominent dairy- because it gets at the
Atc-ck. faeaaua o.«xx:y. asF al Grove man to farmer» not to keep cow» that cause and remove* it f
Coty. Malhieu; -vairy. Jaa. A. Wood give lew than AX) gallon» of milk a " J. W. Henshaw» c
on Jan. là, lfitM.rej
S3>i Jk’tn T. TTjca were apcocsted
pkwuaataee* cf lie raefweenf .dice».
Inmune oí our northern countiee derived
» .
, » real ¡if
AmiT Hx-k> a and a com fuñica W there baa been «"much a* 350 txuheta I? “?**’ *"?* "*i.
itae- eves. irar*. S-anXka. «seré» and of jaxatota raised to the acre. This S0??11. Í“1 CotMumfkion remwjj
fj».v won* ci leaver alñm» ca the was oa neh land, but with the right “f ha,J ,OT J“" trom th* •*«
Xecjjen rrawe ami were three day» m kind of hni. aer abd good cultivation
a cough, night
taw ram. awh ncstang to eat but raw our coanmon pine land will produce
1 you
700 hate
aararauce in yoorssi
trvua ItM 10 JlM) bushel».
hat you, oh—you, hate no
A: Faaiwe. mra a Lakevwu paper.»
Rotahon of qtope bntSea in a aaeaa- i uoo,"
tad yet Lae flesh,
aria ta Mm. MHer was accaientallT
nxn-enemies. both insect and
courage, as year lungs wi
sect m tae «eu-osr w-jia a shogun m
«!“* P«y “1»« «W«. Ex*
■Jie » »»^» 3t »-. .-An«- S?v. Phytanaa» P4*“*
IU OWTl ¡»«uliar enemies, you may know that »xm faf
am rnnased the ar®t- saxiac otf" part of
changing of planu removes them month of March will claim you,
Ta« f,;.y ¿.tú ¿~q iei- to fields tinoceupaed by such enemies, promptly ami tatcutully you w
_____ _ _
Th» i» true of the enemies of above- article named. If other remedial
new be«g as The
to an m> tailed . trv thia one thoroighlj.
■other» are offered, insist the ro'un X toe a 1 4 5 Co. will be
, ,..
. .
uto bes» toswraa Firaand and Sx P«h •
‘?T ‘“T make Hist trying thia uneq naled pre pultun
sara * Zwsi paper. Thew wiH hold **“* <T”“
P®«1«?. *»* » , Some person.» are prune to
iLrra calcad» Textile, a^ fixed ioe
^mestic aaimaU or •-wo and they shoal u never allow
diaeaee to become vested.
’.0^4 -M-v ta ic«e. we have me-is
"Tí- “4
far auews and ar-aairamen is mule for
,“T 8*rden track lhat we
—The oppotitioa of the
to* «nek. .Xe^-v Wii..JDD-faes of tan- T.
tor wuT-be retal ia te eottotawte ,»TT* P^«3
«T Government to the mwint
„ , -r „ ■ _„
unutMter the fruit » otf) -come at a Palestine Lu enlminated in u
EWk »'tal» baasSv shot inmseif at
when 1Jther green Iwl u eice
from C-instaaaaople forbiildiig
the >nt. acuita of M. X w Aker, near aooaliw sear '
•.fail.-!« of Meelema. end ose
Asulwgij. .The b.xCet passed tamuga J'
hu been thrown into pringa far
the stomach and lungs, and earned _____
Ing hi» child to a miwim
ieath tn a fa* hours.
To hi» mother-- laMluas
and othery he said the shooting was
not an aecuiettt. tie had been wanting Fancy roil. •
o -fie toe inree vears.
Further tiiau ?r5!Wl
a ,
MiraUWÙMlVMt a*
u» 3«
a.) NBMOB ft-r am raeh.
hiram* -All!« at
wna ±2 /♦iur?* :t
Jailforxua roi
Governor Punnoyer granted full par ¿-¡rm»«_
foil u> Pearl Psge, recently sentenced Eastern, toll
pein ¡entlarv for rob- 9”‘S™'
tu a year :n the
son being aseigned
aeeiuned to
& 1- ­
bery. the reason
as bil
lows ’-Wlivraas, the jury which tried
D bxxd Fatma—
the "bttit Pear. Pagn, brought into court iMnev. (ira. sks ant
a verdibt to the -ffta-t that what said
Xpncoca. new crop
Pearl Page fid in the ¡natter charged' Peaefias. inovenei.
igtunsi Iler she did under the indu- ^ars.
___ ______________
maebine invd
enes of eoercioa of another person ; Pitted ghermes
did. tahereae, as the said jury has
inanimuiiniy petitioned fi>r the exer Citt Pranes?FwnSi
¡las of executive clemency by the Oregon prun» ...I
granting of a pación /’ which he doe»,
„ —
4 I»
‘upon the exprewi condition that she
I »
■mail anmeiHaceiy leave the State and White Lily g bhl___
4 -5
-«main forever therefrom. ’
Country brand______
» <£ 3 73
Last fail; says the Wailowa dipnoi, a
iSaanal.......... -----
camp of thirty-four Chinees moved on Wheat. Valley. F ItM I
one of the bars in ^nake river, just
«mve -he unction of the (mnaha with
F am
hai -iver, tu spend the wtneer mining Oats, choice milling, g
for gold.
When tiley moved there it 10 *«d tochoic
1 M
was in.iwn they had a large bpat and
11111 ®*-------- -
a gmid. -u.ipiv of orovnaon», and, tt 1» Bran, r am. a ...
«17 i»
•taimauei. about F!0 IMM) in gold duet. Shura». » am . .„II
SjlS «)
The bar on which they bad encamped ^y’ F ton- baled
ftS (JU
» very »dotad, ami since spring has
-ipehed a party of men pneemgone day
ooticed no one around ¡he ciunp. and fpple». Oregon, Fbov
» 1 »
■in investigation found the bodies of hemes. Oregon, Fdi
two Chinamen who had wndoubtedlv Limea*p' um ™™* *
wen died by shooting m the head, di ver, ide mmm. pt»
mil lie olherClunamen were nowhere “**• Aaueies, do
to be soon.
Their tente were blown P9^h<Mi. < box ....—
- ioam^Hid after being taken up revealed rJ^™“—,H -.
1» large amount of pmvussu» and min- (¡vJtsttuid. oraría tbs
ng iteneils. which had been used but ¡ Murrain hides,
rery little, die boat wae missing, arid
everything looked ae if it bad been dé-
setted for some ume.
Ou the bank
near the nter were) found several small
uilee of .¡artndge shells, which seem to
lave leer thrown out together, and
does nut feel .unified n ¡arra imp tns nentai aiiv-x ’n which they were -aio- with wtnch the awful deed must have
large ameuut.
wen ¡ommiiteú.
^*lts........ .
CauUllownr. » tarn. "I
p U.D tl
tfasc Oregon. Snrtmr e
1 «
• 1 w*
• I w
olbef i
si » P
, and re]
ffl«O 1*1
utw *
the I»
y imi I