The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, April 20, 1888, Image 2

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    LOVE THE*Í?ERNA1_ 't
DAUGHTERS of eve .
rhe W»y 1» Whieh •
FreaelMW Mil- . A Ke» Yerk wqumui *
lleulre’. Wife Taeaalehed Them.
Oetiein .igned with Detroit for W,TOO.
The new Milwaukee ground will eeat .■>.300
Omaha ba. organtae.1 an amateur baieball
The California league aeason of 18KM will
begin March 25.
Florida is passing through a severe attack
of baseball fever.
The Chicago* will play a series of games
at New Orleans afUW leaving Hot Spring
The St Louis dub is said to be trying to
make a deal for pitcher Hughes, of th*
Brooklyn club.
The California league has adopted another
eastern innovation and* will have a staff of
salaried umpires.
Smith and Mullane are said to have made
nearly 4500 apiece last season for extra win­
ning games pitched.
If, the Cincinnati team clears more than
expenses on the present trip, thd surplus will
be divided among the players.
It is thought that the southern trip will
cost Uw Cincfiinati club in the neighborhood
of 61,500, but
good luck expenses may
be cleared.
From Omaha comes word that Van Dyke,
of the De Moines team, has challenged Sun­
day, of the Pitteburgs, to run him a 100 yard
dash for 6250 a side.
Many of the players who wintered in Cali­
fornia are heavily in debt to Hart and Foutz,
who acted as bankers, to the tune of several
thousand of dollars.
Anson reports That he has quite recoveroo
the throwing use of bis right arm, which has
been strained for some years. * He attributes
his recovery to hand ball playing.
Smith can go to Boston for 62,200. This is
about all President Soden will ■ pay for him,
and the increase in salary will hardly pay
Smith’s expenses of removing to Boston.
Tiernan has accepted the terms of “the New
York club, but has not yet signed: He says
chat rather than leave the New York club
be would play for 61,000 less than be could
~et elsewhere.
Brooklyn will have three big threes this
year: Caruthers, Bushong aiurFoutz,
of bt.
Louis; D. O’Brien, Orr and Radford, of the
Mets, and Smith, Terry and Pinckney, of
rhe home club.
Atlanta has declined tq ^o into the sSuth-
*ru league, which leaves out Chattanooga,
ind the league will be composed of four
•ities—Birmingham, New Orleans, Charles­
ton, S. C., and Memphis.
Slattery^jwho will play left field for the
\'ew York team next season, was at one
time the champion amateur high jifinfier of
.iassachusette. Slattery is a runner of no
mean ability, and has a 100 yard record of
10 3-5 secs.
Smiling Mickey Welch, of the New York
?lub, who is now at Holyoke, refuses to either
•onfirm or deny thé report that he would not
sign. He said he had until March to con­
sider the matter and his decision would then
be made public.
Harry Wright thinks Billy Sunday will
strengthen the Pittsburg nine in base run-
jing. He says: “They talk about the little
fellow not getting a good start off first base,
but he manages to get to second- before the
oall. I think he is one of the best base run­
ners in the League. .And in the field—well,
he chances everything.”
a^irte for
kevra cent, a down
A few day» ago a lafiy from Ban Fran
Iliw Lockwood'expect, to make a aiaU
?toco who Lad a ver>
bank account tor: or from her lecture, i» defeta» of Mor
went to Lake Tab<« on a pleaauia tr& monHU
with h< daughter She concluded that
Thk» say that the qua» regent ef Spain
she would hare a good tinted and afljbrd-
umly took ale ng x»nw plain, nervidnable teas «*ed President Cleveland’« wife- former
lothes and no jeWelry.. When she struck photograph.
one of the fashionable resort» she found
In Morocco women who talk scandals are
herself in the midst of a lot of people mak­ [Hinished by having cayenne pepper rubbed
ing a vulgar display of clothe« and dia­ into t^eir lipa
monds. and every lime »he turned around
Mrs. I^ewis and her husband have been do­
she was the subject of the most unmerciful ing Europe on a tricycle. They are Ameri­
snubbing. She was put off iu an obscure cans, o^course.
corner to d&t, and not one of the fashion­
has i«ack«i her carpet
able guests condescended to show her the
n once more on an ‘ intiina-
blightest civility. The lady bit her lipa bag and
for a few days; took in the situation and, K>oo”bytaie
Cain, of Milton, Maa., is
with true feminine instinct, decided on re­
Mrs. Char
id has a green parrot which is
venge. She dropped a line below, and »1 years ol<
years of age.
presently there were deposited at the hotel not less than
twelve Saratoga trunks waybilled to her
Mrs. Harriet Brecher Btowe, in spite of Um-
address She and her daughter retired to advanced age, is fond of outdoor exercise
Some Varlelie« Co«» 70 Cent« a Pound their rooms, and that evening came down and walks from five to seven miles daily.
to the dining room in a blaze of lace and
<>n the Plantation«.
Imitation is the sincerest flattery in Eng>-
diamonds that took everybody’s breath
At the Coffee Exchange th^ other day away. No such gorgeous or tasty toil­ land as elsewhere. London girls have taken
several well known speculators were dis­ ets had ever bewildered the guests at that to dressing their hair a la Mary Anderson.
cussing the new boom in that market, hotel before It blinded the eye to look at
One of the ladies present at a recent fancy
when the subject of the Mexican product the pair as they quietly entered the room. costume ball in Denver wore a dress of white
came up. Said one broker: “Probably The steward, after recovering his poise, satfn completely covered with copies of a
the’best coffee in the world is railed about rushed forward and pulled our two chairs local newspaper.
Jalapa, but it never reaches the markets from the most fashionable table in the
There is a rumor that Dr. Mary Walker
of the United States, for the reason that hotel. She shook her bead and replied:
it is bought up seasons in advance by resi­ • The old table will do,” and went to the will relelirate her jubilee year by returning
the costume of her maternal ancestors, but
dent English buyers for the English mar­ obscure corner ~^here she had eaten all
it lacks confirmation.
ket. The resident Germap buyers con­
the time.
Mb* Sibyl Sanderson is an American who
tract for three or four years in advance
The utmost consternation spread about
for the crops raised in the states of Vera the dining room, aud the low bum of premispK to mak« a name for her voice. She
Cruz, Tobasco, Colima, Michoacan and voices rose to a fashionable^ buza as they is now in Paris, and Massenet has become
Guerrero. The little state of Colima has warmly discussed the situation, Wasn't greatly interested in her.
probably exported more rich coffee beans it awful? They had been snubbing a i The ex-Empress Eugenie had the remains
than all the other Mexican states put to­ woman and her daughter all the week wiM of her husband and son removed to Farn-
gether and at the astounding price of 70 could outdress them all. In the evening ‘x>rough privately in orda. not to give PI od
cents per pound. A friend of mine went they attempted to hedge, but couldn’t to Pion a chance to exploit himself.
down to try to secure aojne of. this deli­ any considerable extent. The dudes tried
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher has been very
cious product even at the price mentioned; to shine up te th^ girL but aho wouldn’t
hut he found himself forestalled by the have it. and those who tried to scrape an liberal to the' soldier«’ ho nc at Leavenworth,
presented it with 2,000 books from
English, French and German resident' a 'acquaintance with the mother found it like
buyers, who watch with hawk like glance trying to run a tunnel into an iceberg. the great Henry Ward's library.
There are more ladies in Washington at
that the letter and spirit of their contracts For a while she flashed like a comet
with the Mexican planters are carried out through that hotel into a coustant change present trying to get into the dejiartments
even to the extent of a single pound of the, of ravishing toilets, each more costly and than there have been for many years. "There
are about fifty applicants for every position.
bewildering than the ethers, until, like the
“Jalapa is connected with Vera Cruz kings who predestrianized in “Macbeth,”
Mrs. Reid, widow of Mayne Reid, the nov­
by a steel railroad sixty miles long, and they threatened to stretch out till the elist«- is engaged in writing her husband’s
this country he describe* as an Eden. The crack of doom.
life, and is searching for information of his
coffee plantations are interesting and al­
At the end of the week it was learned life and adventures here before and after the
ways slope towards the east. When th* i from the chambermaid that she had only Mexican war.
plants firr one year old they are trans­ J gone through half of her immense Sara­
Miss Frances Lord was for years superin­
planted into squares ten feet apart, with togas. .There were several Women there
Itanana plants in between, so as to protect who had displayed at least a dozen differ­ tendent of the kindergarten system in Eng­
the coffee shrubs from the fierce rays of ent toilets, and they felt that they would land. She claims to be the only living woman
the sun. At this age they are about two just die if she beat their record. But she who has held,a public office in that country,
feet high, and they are never permitted to kept right on. and when she was three save Queen Victoria.
Mrs. Charlotte Simonton, of New Rich­
attain a growth of qver six feet. The ahead of tbeir score they packed up and
’ plant bears from the age of three years, left. . One by one she vanquished the mond, Wis., has reached. the full term of 100
Her only care is that her young son—
mid, unless blighted, continues to yield leaders and the rank and file capitulated,
up to its fifteenth year, when it is usually displaying the rarest generalship imagin­ he was 81 last birthday—may learn to smoke,
uprooted and supplanted by a one^year- able. ’* Mrs. —— appeared in any special like the other bad boys.
-old sprig.
Miss Monk Meyer, a grandniece of Anton
color to nake a spread in the morning, she
“The leaf is olive green in color, the adopted tlia color at once, only in a dress Rubenstein and a pupil of Liszt, is the musi­
blossom white and the berry itself a pea
that eclipsed the others, as the sun out­ cal prodigy of Vienna. She is not yet 18
green. Each berry «ontains two beans, shines the dog star.
years old. but she has composed the music and
which when ripe for picking turn carmine.
She was the absolute John Sullivan of written the libretto of an opera.
The average earnings of six-year-old coffee tiie toilet ring, and knocked out all who
Miss Louisa M. Alcott does most of her
shrubs are 40 cents, and a plant between had the temerity to*stand before her. The
twelve and fifteen years ofage yields from last of her opponents was a red faced vul­ writing in Boston. There she takes a room
she can be perfectly retired and quiet,
to $1.25 worth of lieans yearly. Coffee garly dressed woman from San Francisco,
is picked much as cotton’or bops, and tn< whose flashy toilets had attracted general and with a bottle of ink by her side and a lap
peons earn about 25 cents per diem during attention and admiration from persons ig­ tablet on her knee, she writes until her task
is done. *------------------ ---------
•hé season. Upon the coffee plantations norant of hhrmony and color. Whatever
bananas und castob oil terries raised be­ dress this woman donned in the morning
tween the coffee to shelter it are sold at the fashionable Nemesis was on lier trail
ateurdly low prices. I>ast yeaj^ the value with a color that literally killed the other.
Two ladies in Philadelphia have offered ro
of coffee exported from Vera Cruz was The heretofore cock of the walk was un­ bead a roll of fifty Presbyterian women to
Haggin declines to sell Jockey Ham-
$1,900,000; Colima, $240.000; Chiapas, able to stand her defeat, and; packing her give $1,005 apiece toward the Mi Ilion Relief
lton’s release to Cdpt. Brown.
$96.000; Guerrero, $15,000; Michoacan, trunks, started for home.
. ,
A big trotting meeting, with $30,000 in
$1»,000; Morelos, $88,000; Tobaseo,
The army of snobs w as routed, and one
The Church Army, an organization of the purses, is talked of for Belmont park in Sep-
$60,000, an<l Oaxaca, $88.000. No; we
by one dropped fiut of sight. They just Church of England similar to the Salvation ember next.
don’t know in New York what really good
Army, has just dispatched three missionaries
coffee 14. t Coffee at 70 cents a pound on settled up and quit. Then the quiet little to
Charles Marvin says that the Palo Alta
lady resumed her plain clothes, put on an
the plantation would cost a pretty penny old straw hat with her daughter and went
kilts will not come east next season, but next
here, even if we could get it.”—New
Ashing. As the last gang left, she abso­ den, Saxony, has passed a resolution that rear he expects to bring on a string that will
York World.
lutely had the coolness to be down at* the persew know n to be adherents of spiritual­ Io credit to Cfldifornia.
wharf fishing in an oldAcalico dress, cot­ ism shall not be admitted to the holy com­
A Maipe breeding concern has offered $50,-
ton gloves and straw* hat.
!00 for the California stallion Guy Wilkes,
A Singing .Beach.
The landlord considered that she liter­
Rev. Dr. Judson Smith reports cheering l’be offer was first accepted and then refused.
Many people have heard of the singing ally cleaned his place out, and she thinks
beach at Manchester, Mass., where the she had an awful lot of fun.—Carson prospects for Christianity among the Mon­ The owners now place the value at $60,000.
gols. The fact (hat the number of converts
Dan Daly, of St. Louis, lias received a let­
tumd. when driven over or stirred, gives
(Ne^) Appeal.
in China has doubled within ten years, and ter from Ike Weir, the “Spider,” who is now
out a peculiar and not unmusical sound,
now exceeds 30.000, is at once a proof that at Minneapolis. Weir says he contemplates
but few, very few people know that near
Christian work is grandly successful there, a trip to St. Louis to remain some time, and
Pescadero a l>each exists much, larger,
The Prince«« of Wales.
and is a powerful stimulus to more abundant »-ante to know if there is a 120-pound n^an in
giving out sounds in no uncertain manner.
The beach near Manchester is said to be
St.. Louis with whom he could arrange a
onc-flfth of a mile in extent, but heie the Wales will complete her 42d year, Her
At the twentieth anniversary of. U’omeA «parring match.
one of the young- Board of Missions (Congregational:, Bostoi^
writer and a sraall ¡»arty of friends lately j royal highness remains «««
A letter has been received from Jake Kil-
investignted the matter, and found th*}**1 looking women of her age in England. 170 delegates were present from various parte rain in which he says he is well physically
, „ ___ *
. 1......-U _____ !___
floanit«» a
as not
a mMFriwi
married lifi»
life that
that H
not been of the country. The reports show th^t the
Hounds .......
very clear, though
varying in despite
doing remarkably well financially. He
loudness, for a distance of one and a half all sugar plums and coffee. During the society has 112 missionaries with mission urther says he*will return to Baltimore in
miles along the coast line. Thè sound is last year or two, however, the princess schools in large numbers, in various parte of April, and requests that his single scull,
loudest and most distinct where the sand has, regretably enough, aged somewhat, the world. The receipts for the year were which is now at the Ariel boathouse, Spring
. is dry on top and damp beneath. A light as those wh > know her most intimately 6123.22». and the expenses 6120.885.
lardon, be put in order, as be want« to prac-
vehicle- driven over it gives a clear, and love her best have been forced to
The 26th of February is the day designated :ice rowing this summer.
musical sound, a footstep mot quite so admit. Time is tracing lines about her in the Presbyterian church for recounting
Friar's Balsam is still a red hot favorite for
loud and even the hands or a stick stir­ kindly eyes, and her neck, that sure
the past hundred years in the Sabt>ath :he English Derby, only 2 to 1 being offered
ring or lift iugxhe sand causes it to “sing” chronicle of a woman's age, has its dis­
him, while the next in favor is Orbit'
quite plainly. What causes the sound I
things detract nothing from the magnetic bath school work has prepared a suitable it 8 to 1. Friar’s Balsam is about the strong­
do not attempt to explain.
est favorite ever known for the English race
Perhaps the strangest thing about this charm of her presence, and it is a satisfac­
sand, is that persons who have lived in tion to know that she makes aS" good a trinal and practical. A collection for the tt this time of the year, and the general
»pinion is that nothing short of an accident
Pescadero for many years seem to know
an bring about hie defeat
nothing of it. It is out of the way of the it is by means of her photographs that the schools on that day.
celebrated Pebblq Beach road, and the in­ the princess is principally known to the
Removing Grease Spot«.
habitants and the pleasure seekers seem common people.
What to Do with Criminal«.
The princess’ birthday will be cele-
to think that is enough of a good thing
The following is an excellent way to remove
But w^at should we do with the thugs,
for one place, leaving this really wonder­
grease from delicate fabrics^ ^nver the spots
ful and beautiful beach to a few Ashers tenants, whose ladies are already scour­ Lickly with powdered French chalk. Lay a sluggers, assassins—men who revel in
and hunters who go there occasionally fyr ing the country for appropriate dress in piece of blotting paper over this and place a blood and wounds and death?
the excellent surf Ashing and sea fowl which to meet her royal highness. Necks warm but not hoc iron upon it Let the iron
Let the United States government, in
shooting, and never think that the lofty and shoulders and srms are beingnightly -emain a little. If the grease is not entirely
conjunction tfith the state governments,
cliffs, with their faces carved as if in inspected before the mirror in their removed, repeat the operation.
buy an island in the Pacific ocean, guard
Egyptian hieroglyphics and pierced with owners’ anxiety to know whether they
it with gunboats, and thereto send the
caves, forming as fine a scenic effect as will be sufficiently presentable for baring
Fir Trw OIL
the palisades of the Hudson, a thing worth to the critical gaze of royalty. A great
great host of murderous scoundrels who
-'Fir tree oil" is a new remedy that horti- Lave been condemned to the scaffold, who
noticing.—Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. trade is being done by the Norfolk
chemists in skin washes and blood mix­ I -nlturists are recommending for ail the trou- have been sentenced for life to the peni­
tures. A revival in this branch of their J ’les incident to plants; a half pint of the oil tentiary for bloodshed, who lurk and lie
Collect!«»«» of Famon« Foo tvrear.
business occurs ateut this time annually, ■ * *o ten gallons of water is the proportion for I in wait in our cess pools and slime pits,
wfl wooded plants. It is accredited with re­ with revolver and dagger; all who are
The historical museum of Dresden has a we believe.—London Letter.
moving verbena rusts aud destroying rose known to the police as “dangerous char*
■collection of the boots and shoes of celeb­
rities believed to be unequaled. Among
No. 60. the Stayer.
the historical footwear are a pair of shoes
tet all rape devils be sent there, and
“The oldest locomotive now in use any­
Blindly Written Signature«.
worn by Luther, the toilet slippers of
all who spit upon aud trample the eternal
where near Chicago,” remarked a rail­
It may be the proper thing for bank laws of God and man under foot.
Maria ThcreflU'jmd the pair of riding
boots which hflkl- to be cut to «move them roader, “is No. 60 on the Illinois Central, presidents, cashiers and congressmen to
“They will kill each other,” you may
still making regular trips down the road. •crawl their names in the hen track
from the tired and irritated feet of Na­
She has been in use thirty-three years.
poleon the night following the battle at It is estimated that in that time she has fashion, but men who write for a living
Let them kill I
read enough writing to know* better than
Dresden.—New York Home Journal.
You. nor I, nor any of us wiU be re­
traveled 1,600,000 miles, or equal to to puzzle correspondents with blindly
sixty-six times around the globe. She written signatures. If a man is consti­ sponsible forthat. Our government will
Flrat Stock Broker’« Wire.
has hatiled passenger trains, freight tutionally unable to write bis name and not be responsible for our bipod.
The first private stock brokers wire be­ trains, special trains, pay cars, gravel
The better element that is in all men
tween New York and Chicago was put up trains and done switc fling. She has been iddress plainly, he should use letter paper will assert itself in the felon community,
in 1881, and a few years later there were In several accidents, but was never badly with a printed heading containing the de- and in time they will attain a state of
fifteen sfleh lines in operation between the damaged. She nas killed ’her man’ half -irabie information. Bad writers often civilization equal to their own.
two citlee, at an annual expense of $450,< a dozen times. The average life of a •»rgvt that while a dubious word in the
In mercy, let us do this, remembering
000 The number of these wires has now locomotive Is ten or ttrelve years, and so »Addle of a sentence may be deciphered that the environments and ancestry of
ith the help of its neighbors, nothing
been reduced to five, although the yearly you can see that old No. 60 is a stayer. ”
these scoundrels were
lyere not t the same as
*‘s with the «jgnatu
on which to lias*
rental is only half what it was.—New —Chic*—• Merabi
«'én bo much as a surmise.—-The Writer ours, and th<ir respectability is many de­
York Evening World.
grees less than our own.
I mb too tint to MW ; u
Wt»iy Md .pent, my
Th. needle In too heavy
1 fold the Udy drwn .
The little maid, k »ear
Mual wear ha» faded fmekMoth«^ I
nere, close bealde ma. lira my tUlta.^. I
With «ualnt, brighi faaem^3 I
WaltiqK through all the full Md bun >- 11
For one abort apace of free, utitr2¿?’l
I touch ita rover, with . tender luaj** j
My brain ia dull | I cannot undena.^
1 am too tired to pray, O pitying Uni,' I
1 only know the day’a hard luu L . 1
I bring my burtlena—thoueanat ‘ '.‘nr 1
I lay them down before thee
I ouly long for Bleep, to still my tat.,
And strength to take my burden, Tgi—
—Mary Klddell Corley in Bo»toeS5
Cancellation of Postage
To look at the stampa, JHj
scarcely imagine the trouble It*. «
arrive at an absolutely safe
that will resist water, alkalies
It was once a serious question. Tur
was proposed Vo use certain 1L?
paper, but this proved not
cause a skillful operator could»2'
the ink without Injuring the
experiments were concentred J
printing, and water colors wemJIJ
which would wash off with the\5
tion of water. But It was found iS
heat of summer had the sm,*
Alkalies and fugitive colon «Jj
tried, but they were proved rcJ
Still another method was to la*?!
dxed in the paper, but acids
out the color. Finally a simj«¿k
arriverl at. This was to make thTtl!
materials which chiefly conipom(J¿
writing ink, and, therefore, whatZ
destroy the marking on the stan»»!
destroy the stamp, which would I»J!
same quality and character—
Inspector in Globe-Democrat.
A Fair Malden’s Stretup,.
“Mr. Sampson,,r she said within,
"I want to ask what you mayth2"
very strange question: Do yw nJ
youis Mr. Brown is a gentlemuT.
rect I’Lblts?”
Mr. Sampson grew pale, and bm
and hawed: “Well-=«r— um—
said. “I think he is, but, oh, Via g,
—Miss Clara—Clara"-----
-A little later he looked dowi |nl#
eyes and said:
“Why did you ask me about Hd
Brown, darling?”
“Because I fancied he is become J
terested in a very dear friend of nu^
said the girl, nnblushingly — Phiha ii
Welch in the Epocty.
Sou« of Siam'« King.
The king of Siam has sent four ofj
sons to Europe and given them «omen
good advice, which is pqblished in fl
Bangkok Times. He tells themnottoi
sume the title of prince in Europe a
not to boast that they are princes, ¿tl
king is defraying all the expenses fra
his own private purse, and not out of d
funds of the state, he has decided oa d
positing a sum in the banks suffldent
give each of them $1.600 a year for d
first five years and $2,000 a year for ti
second five years. A sum of $18,000v
be placed in the banks, bearing intern
and each son will be able todrawtbes
plus on attaining the age of 21.—Ohi^
" Arkansw Red Wood."
Sweet gum is a wood which hw pul
through some very queer changes innml
An Arkansas man once shipped asamphl
car of what he called “Arkansas red mw I
to Philadelphia. It proved to be swtfl
gum, but was accepted without any ofc]
Some enterprising dealer M
New York city, knowing the prejudice ¡3
the market toward sweet gum, succeeddl
in establishing a fairly goou trade by calkj
ing it “hazel wood.” More recentlytj
has been shipped to Europe underthi
name of “satin walnut;” and it is berad
used quite extensively among the cabinet
makers.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
The Anti-Malarial Sunflower.
It is stated that since the sunflower ba
been cultivated on certain swamps of Ik I
Potomac, malarial fever has decreased.
At the mouth of the Scheldt, in Holland, |
it is stated that similar results have beta]
obtained. The sunflower emits large vol­
umes of water in the form of vapor, ui
Its aromatic odor, as w’ell as the oxyga
it^exhales, may have to do with the iuh
tary influence in question.—Public Op» I
The Men Who Succumb.
It is the genial, lovivblo men, the« Dead I
fine sensibilities and winning trait« of char-1
acter, who usually succumb to the Mai I
teste which speculation imposes on its rob I
The men of coarser fiber, «of stall
nerves, are, as a rule, the only men wtol
withstand the moral shock which follow» 1
turn of the fatal ticker which so mono* I
nously ticks otit the grim intelligence tW I
the victim must step down from his seat d I
wealth, sell his houses, horses and carriage, |
give up his club, opera and a hundred I
other social comforts and enjoymentefwMAj
have become in a sense necessities, and tab |
his place among the innumerable host of tb]
hopelessly poor. Many a man has left i
broker's office, his slow footstep« timed rj
to muffled drum beats. And it will be»
as Ipng as men have a passion for specula­
tion, as long as human nerves are of fl«ty
fiber and not of steel.—Cor. Kansas City
Aia lr<»n Uuuee.
At the recent Liverpool exbibitioa
exhibé’00 80>ll
pretty examples of iron houses, choicely MM
nisbed, were exhibited by an
iron workei-s, one being a tropical
building itself was of wrought iroa»^»>R
masonry foundation was required for wj
columns and main suppoits, which bad s*
fixing bases. The interior was of pi» *
red wood. The house was so devised that
could bo readily bolted together by
•killed natives or workmen.—San Franc*1
Chronicle. _________________ _
President Cleveland writes few
dictates none. Ilis public j>apers lw
with liis own hand. Ileuses a stub
a cork ponholdei', ¿nd in reading or wn s
wears six’ctacles wfr !rn djrk $ e®i-fruiDa
«baves Liuiaoif every moiuing.