The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, April 13, 1888, Image 1

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    f ’*■
,. VII.
NO. 36.
Oregon -fctegis
Mr,ezr. Inzdvznee................. »2 <»
BO»th<iD zdvaco............. * <»
•d *t the pofrtoftice in Lafayette,
gs eeeond else« matter.
directory .
of Stale...........
of Trewnry
of the Interior,
of W«r.............
of Nzvj....... ...
>r General.........
K» t .................
Grover Clevelznd
. .Tbo». F. Bayzrd
Cbu. 8. Fairchild
.......... W. F. Vila»
Wm. C. Endle.iV
... W.C. Whitney
Don M. Dickineon
. .. .A. H. Garland
Morrison R. Waite
. ................ ................... Í J. N. Dolph
..................................... Biuger Hermana
state .
......... Sylvester Pennover
.. .Geo* W. McBride
........................ ............ G. W. Webb
iïicïurtruction............... E-B. MeElroy
‘ _
................ Frank Baker
< W
W. W
W. Thavftr
Judge«. ....................... • ¿ Wui. P. Lord,
H. b. btiahun.
............ R. P. Boise
...... ....................................Geo. W. Belt
f...................... .............. W.
county .
.Geo. W. Briedwell
............. ................................ J. Harris
.. W,W. Nelson
....Wyatt Harris
........ J. D. Fewton
; ; . . . ...............
( George Dorsey
' (J. 8. Hibba
The Register
Will Continue
During the r*** Year 1888
The Leading Paper
Of Yamhill County.
•Representative Stewart, of Georg­
ia, has introduced in the house a
The democracy of the state of Oregon,
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
bill to amend the naturalization in convention assembled, declares its
W ashington , March-30,1888.
laws so as to require would-be citi­ fealty to tbe great national organization
Who is to succeed Chief Justice zens to make oath that they are not of which it is apart, and asks the re­
spectful attention of the people of the
Waite? That’s what everybody polygamists, anarchists or commun­ state to. this, its
statement of national
want« to know and what Mr. Cleve­ ists. The sooner the bill becomes a and local policies:
■ it
land alone has tho power to decide. lawttihe better-
Reiolved, That we heartily endorse
It is, owing to the present peculiar ^►In a special message to congress President Cleveland, who, by bis capabil­
status of the eight associate justices the president recommends the pas­ ity and fearless honesty, and fidelity to
the trust reposed in him, has illustrated
of the supreme court, the most im­ sage of a law to prevent the impor­ the principle that this is a government
portant single question perhaps that tation of hogs from France or Ger­ of, by and for the people, and pledged to
any president has had to decide.
many, owing to the prevalence of guarantee equal rights to all and give
On mor? than one important disease among the hogs in various Special privileges to none.
Reiolved, '.That we approve the present
question which is likely to come be­ sections of those countries. It will
faithfbl and efficient democratic state ad­
fore the court, for action the justices probably strike those foreign au­ ministration.
are known to be evenly divided, thorities that Americans understand
Reiolved, That we most earnestly and
which practically gives Mr. Cleve­ how to play a little game called “tit unqualifiedly indorse the policy of tariff
revision, and a reduction of the surplus
land an opportunity to make the for tat.”
revenue to the needs of the government,
decisions himself by selecting a
Hon. W. II. Barnum, chairman economically administered, aa set forth
man for the position who thinks as of the national democratic commit­
in the president’s last annual message to
he does.
tee, was in the city this week, but congress. We believe that such a re­
Many men in different sections of declined to be interviewed further vision is dictated by sound policy, and
the country have been favorably than to-say that he considered the that unnecessary taxation is unjust taxa­
mentioned for tbe honor; it has outlook very flattering. It is gen­ tion and oppression, and that the public
revenue should, as far as possible, be de- .
even been suggested that Mr. Cleve­ erally understood here that Mr. rived from taxes levied on the luxuries
land should resign and that Secre­ Barnum, who is not in entire sym­ rather than upon the necessaries of life.
tary Bayard, jfho would suefceed pathy with Mr. Clevelend on the
Reiolved, That we demand the for­
him as president, should appoint tariff question, will retire from the feiture of unearned land grants, and that
Mr. Cleveland chief justice. This chairmanship of the committe at the public domain be held as a sacred
trust for homes for our rapidly-increasing
arrangement would be an admir­ the St. Louis convention, and that population; and we comfhend and ap- .
able one were it not for the fact he will be succeeded by W. L. prove the president’s message in regard
that the people of the country seem Scott, of Pennsylvania, who is, in to Oregon wagon-road grants lately sent
to have made up their minds that addition to being in line with Mr. to congress.
Reiolved, That proper ..public policy
Mr. Cleveland’s services are needed Cleveland’s tariff reform ideas, a
looking to the future security of Hie coun­
at the White house four years long­ warm personal friend of the presi­ try requires that the government keep
er from the fourth of March rtext.
all its pledges to the soldiers of the
From the best information that
The senate committee on terri­ . union in its various wars, and that the
can be obtained at present, either tories has reported resolutions de­ pension roll of the republic lie jealously
Postmaster-General Dickinson or claring against the admittance of guarded as a roll of honor, without im­
[John Thompson
; Thomas Huston
1 M .1 Kauisey
.. LrTl. .
.... JC. Curponior
............H W Dunn
...W. W.Nelson
sori era who do nut give express no­
te cnntiary are considered as wishing
,ae their aubacriptione.
■aha^ribem order the discontinuance of
riodioslh the publisher« may continue to
n until all arrears are paid.
mb-cribera neglect to or refuse tn take
riodied« from tl e office to which they
M directed, they are held reeponeihto
’ have settled their bill anH ordered
per dwcoutinued.
lUbuciiberH move to other plaees with-
rmiiu the publisher. and tbe papers are
the former direction, they are he d
courts hlv* deckled that refu**ing to
Qdkwls from the office or removing
ng-Uiein uncalled fur i« prime facie
of intentional fraud.
poatrtiister who neglects to give the
ce of tlie neulect of a person to take
office the paper addressed to him, is
) to the publisher tor tbe subscription
n will be "held at tW following t mes
» by tbe M. E. pastor in charge of tbe
day—11 a. m. West Chehalem; 3 p.
lay—Lafayette, morning and evening,
iav—11 a. m. Pike school house: 8at-
Hiing previous, at Anderson’s school
nday—ll a. m. Carlton; 3 p. m.--------
i. Lafayelte. Preacher in charge.
»services wi 1 be conducted by Rev.
f the Presbyterian church, as follows:
bbAth of each month at Lafayette.
14th Sabbaths at Zena.
bbath at McCoy. All cordially invited.
J. Burt Moore,
an active experience of nine years
«aervicea to tbe people of Lafayette
H, ’87.
i . r
posing upon uie
the uuupie
people' burdens
uurueim equal to
Speaker Cirttfle will be mwte chief tjuk imitate until polygamy » »« maintenance^
justice. But in any event the coun­ entirely abolished and the control exhausting the resources of the taxpay­
try may safely trust the wholo mat­ of the civil affairs of the territory ers, which may be needed for future de­
THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE IS ter to Mr. Cleveland. He will take taken from the priesthood of the fense.
Reiolved, That as a free people, enjoy­
his own time and select the very Mormon church.
ing the blessings of liberty in a govern­
best man for the place. He has
The International Council of ment of the people, we denounce the jiol-
made no serious mistakes in his im­ Women, which has been in session icy of the English government in its ad­
portant appointments up to this in the Grand Opera, house all the ministration of Irish affairs, and that we
Pftjfible During the Year.
time and is not likely to break his week, has been eminently successful extend, on behalf of the democracy of
record now, on the eve of his re­ so far as attendance both ~bf The Oregon, our earnest sympathy with Glad­
stone and Parnell in their efforts to
delegates and of the public is con­ secure home rule and land reform for the
The funeral of the late Chief cerned.
> i J____
____ ___________
J. people of Ireland.
Justice Waite, on Wednesday, in
Revolved, That we endorse the sals- ’-
tary policy of the national administration
the hall of the house of representa­
citizens of the Pacific states in restricting corporations to the priv-
tives, was largely attended by
iliges, and profits to which they are
During the Present Session of Con- prominent officials of our govern­ during the past week, and reported strictly entitled under the law.
ment and by the foreign legations. expressly for this paper by C. A.
Reiolved, That we are in hearty ac- -
The services were very simple, only Snow & Co., patent lawyers, oppos­ cord and sympathy with the efforts of
the reading of the Episcopal burial ite U. S. Patent office, Washington: the laboring masses and wage earners to
Oregon—F. J. Crouch, Oakland, ameliorate their condition and establish,
service, and did not last more than
their rights, and are in favor of the en­
twenty minutes. The body, accom­ car heater; P. F. McGee, Oregon actment of such laws as will beat protect
Will Have a Regular Correspondent
panied by the congressional com­ City, car heater. California—B. E. their interests, and cf legislation which
In Washington, whose Letters
mittees, justices of the supreme Henriksoh, San Francisco, bridge will totally exclude all Mongolian immi­
are Reliable and In­
and relatives left immediately for fire hose; H. C. Henderson, San gration.
Reiolved, That we favor an amend­
for Toledo, Ohio, on a special train. Fjancisco, shingle; F. ^M. Speed,
ment to the constitution of the United
Claus Spreckels, the California
States, providing for the election of the
sugar king, who is now in this city, F. Nell, San Francisco, car brake; United States senators by direct vote of
told Commissioner of Agriculture J. B. Clot, San Francisco, railway the people.
Coleman that he had imported car indicator; G. F. Dietz, Los An­ Reiolved, That we favor an amend­
twenty-five tons of beet seed, which geles, curry comb; J. Trethewey, ment to the present railtoad commission
law of Oregon, conferring upon the board
would be planted by 163 California Stockton, combined harvester and of railroad commissioners power to fix
farmers on 2,000 acres of land this thrasher; C. B. Rice, East Oakland, and negotiate the rates for transportation
season. He is now erecting an ex­ combined provision box and table; of freights on railroads within tho state
tensive plant at Watsonville, Cali­ J. Porteous, Fresno, plow; D. M. cf Oregon.-
Reiolved, That we are in favor of tho
fornia, to work up this product and Denehy, Acampo, platform scraper.
opening and improvement of the Colum­
expects to make 5,000 tonB of beet
A democratic senator who was bia river and various porta of entry on
sugar this year and to double it
the seaboard, so ^hat Ahe commerce of
consulted by president Cleveland in the country may be carried without in­
next year.
When Mr. Coleman was asked regard to the appointment of a chief terruption to the markets of the world;
whether this beet project of Mr. justice, stated that the president has and for that purpose we demand of the
Paper in the County.
general government liberal appropria­
Spreckles would antagonize the decided to promote net one now on
tions for that purpose, and ask a speedy
sorghum industry which is just be­
enactment ot the pending river and har­
ginning to be very valuable, owing and second, to take no southern man bor hill now pending before congress.
to experiments by the agricultural or any one from his cabinet. He
Buesum W ith T riplets .—A family
department, he said: “Not at all. desires a man 40 or 50 years of age, named Clemente, residing in Camas, was
The beet is only another string to and prefers one from the west. blessed on the evening of March 16th
our bow. We shall have a grand Nearly all the justices on the bench with triplets—girls—weighing thirteen
and fourteen ounces, says the
wedding between sorghum and have expressed their desire to see pounds
Ailorian. The mother, Mrs. Bertha E.
beets, and manufacture enough
Clements, ten months ago bore twins—
—and now tripletta, making five
sweets not only for the nuptial fes­ statement of the democratic senator boys
children within ten months. She is »
tivities, but also to supply a goodly is thought to settle the question of lady weighing 134 |«>urids. Mother and
triplets are doing well.
the selection Justice Field.
share of what we now import”
Two Dollars,
The Register
Oregon Register
8 PAGE 8
Large Circulation I
Spacial Inducement
• i