■A I Numinous. Notice of Firnd Settlement. The mean height of the land In th. eiroali coart of th. ataie M above wale rd, according to Mr. Yamhill counly. wiiti Gibson tic craped, has filed hia final ac- lafayktte ...,. - X'ousox. W.T. Booth «nd Elu Wrijht, Jahn Murray, is 2250 feet; and the count of k» admintetraiioa ot aa>4 !**•“ “ Koere under the #rm name of county court of Yamkill county. FEBRUARY <>. 1888. depth of the oegan is 12.450 lb A Wright, ptemtilft, aald coart baa tied Tu^y. JJ»reh *?•_ VS. at ike kour of one o’clock io tka »> “f ft-1. (pnly two per ceht. of the sea H. 8. Saphena, defendant. »aid day al tka county co .rt room at Latkyatto, SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY To H. 8. btepens, defendant: Oregon a. th. tune and place lor healing the is included inside a dept^ of 500 1« the name of* the stat« of Orn “Therefore all pereone Intoreated In «aid aa- hereby required to appear and ana fathom» while seventy-seven per STELLAR PARALLAX. tete are hereby noulied and required to appear plaint fib d againat yoo tn the al • cent lie» between 500 and 3.UOO at «aid lime and place and ahoar caoee if any action on or before the la day of In determining the distances of bare ba wky »aid «.tele be not «wily routed. gular term of the circuit court of fathoms. If the land weri filled in­ Hated tM. -Mi, day of J«^. angular measurements are Oregon, to-wit: on the 26th da to the hollows, the sea would roll lfo*8, and if you fail to answer i at interrala of six months, Administrator of MM1 EoUto. (juired the plaintiff wDI apply to over the earth’s crust to a unifurm F kjcton A F emtom . judgment againat „ oc aa prayed f< the parallax being the apparent Notice for Publication. * Attorneys for KsUte __________ plaint herein, to-wit: ’ For a iuda depth of two miles. said defendant for toe aum of fl] change of position which results ’ Lax» Orne« ar Owoox Cirr. I I Considerable differences in the percent interest thereon from Orrere.J« 3«»> f Notice of Filial Settlement. front shifting the point of view- 1885, and their costs and disburse RoOre » kereU r»«“ W*’ •** standard barometers of the princi­ Baaed teilte» baa «ted »olire of lua m»n- Notice is hereby given that the u^deraigsed action and $20 attorney'a fees. about 183,000,000 miles, the diam­ This summons is published by o< te eOe ioalt roof » «apport s may prop»riy come be­ herefo reqaireA to «freer end eaevez tbf corn judge or cleik of Yarnh II count/. Oregon, at suit in the above entitled court on i - ilia»« ira »rtiwi v«o ,n the above entitleo Lafayette, Oregon, on Wednesday, March 14th. 26th day ot March. 188«. that being brador duck—are believed to have raft on er before the «rat day of he next regn 188«,’ vjx: of the next regular term of said become extinct, while the following fore the convention. , Ur teran of th« court whir*, is Mondey, March I, 0. Hanchett. Homestead Entry No. 5637, if you fail to appear and ana ar Said convention will be composed 2a. !*«&, and if too fail fo answer. for want For the » i, n e 4 and the 8 e 4 of n w 4 and n e that plaint within said time the plaintl eight, through scarcity or diminu­ tbe fUafouff will apoiy to the court for 4 of a w 4-'sec 25,15 a. r 9 w. to the court for the relief pray* of 155 delegates, apportioned to the , a there»* «foc-ee danimi ’be bonds of matrimony x- He names the following witnesses to prove complaint herein, to-wit: For a < tiveness, were ‘•lost” with the tak­ between plaintiff and defendant, and fo hk continuons residence upon, and caltfvation closing the mort age described h various counties on the vote east ♦ the raw and c^todr of Cleo Force and Verna of. sia land, viz: ing of Xhe first specimens, and are complaint h* rein and for an order g ---------------- •for candidate to congress at the Frere toteor ckitere. of ooH pert«* eod thel I. Fnqua, Arnos r Fuqua. __ Francia -- Mercier and premises described therein as fo| now being eagerly sought: The Mo*»-, be .teereedeo have ooietereet mthe Bobert MalHaaa, all uf Lafayette, YambUl south-west one fourth (4) of the nog | election of lsSti. being one delegate flexor e real route to-wie Itepan.ng at a o ’u fourth -of section f< nr (4) in T| carbonated warbler, blue mountain t feet real of tk* «wtkwert furner Of of kM lot W. T. BURNEY. and all that portion ot the wem os« for each county and one for every 7 Meet bhW 17.0» We town of McMmnvi.le, \am * Register, warbler, small headed warbler, the south-east one fourth (1) of sec- a»6t cowalv. Oregon. thence oaet 11 t feet. north ;■__ _____ ____________________ __ ___________ of T 4 8, R 4 W. lying north of th 200 and fraction over 100 votes so htel Mt feet. w«4 214 **L south l frat to place _ ____ ______________________ _ Cuvier’E kinglet, Townsend’s bunt­ net of Baker and Panther ereeks, eti cast. In accordance with*aid appur- <.f brd model. drawing or »1___ ___________ , CUtsop .............. ' 5Morrow. This summons is published by a M tioa We advise i. patenta’ le or not, foe of R. P. Boise.judge otsaid court akin than air of the same tempera­ ; Columbia. .. - J Mnlmcanal la the cireuH court o the atate of Oregon for charjfe Our fee n««t due ti il i1 pat^ut • is *- secured, — l . Dooe at chambers.*t Satem^ Ort Com .. Y.toLiîi roo»l« , . a ___ Patenta, ” _ with re- day of Fe rugry, ffo-S- *aak£! remitv. • a b-»ok, * How to Obtain , ture. Dr. Goldschneider. of the C rook 4 Tiliauxxw ■ ferences to actual client? in yoiu State, coonty, ». B ukdwu .1, PUiaùf . ; W. L. BRA1 14-’ Berlin physiological society, finds . Curry ...... ’ ur town, sen* free. Address 14- 2 rmoxula 274Jt Attorney fa ■ ówxoa M- taiiC IVfMxt*nt. 1 . blnxoi the phenomenon to be chiefly due to IDtartaa- c. - a - suxro'w «sc co, Gilliam. ... . SWasco. To tie rg» M. Beel«», dekadent above 'Oppoeite Patent Office. Wd ihington, IL C. direct chemical action on the end­ I Grant........... . . - 5 Washiagto I Pg In • fee Name of the *Ute of Oregon you »re : JackMm....... .. 7 Wallowa, ings of the heat nerves. 4 ■ Joaepiune ..... 3 Yamhill A prite of 25,000 francs, ins­ Klamath 3 uuu^v ujm . mxu —:u:— I3trtd't *f "w—t. MAIL- : apd for the «aoa oi ß* attorae)*« fee* and * ... „ . c nlr~ nuttee. be held on Saturday. March ( wmb luit LLLVK LEAVE «¿.u a»d dtftharaenrLU of ütw «cito«, and pillars. Mr. A. S. Olhff of Syd- B tJortrowtrH. ■* Ve .9,40 a n. j JI iiicaj M vbtamj L immttx T, M radar ad realaad pcr»oaal pro­ Portland.:... & am Aiilie.— to Ttr'jDMfl Wwndci t undre ... flO 15 a m Sheridan. 12 2s p m anorbed ib sawd c*«ra . ney. mentions one moth tor«. ch>irnian Sute C«t»l 1 perty -------- 1 46 p m I Tλ M?iiix>ia i* pafehsisrd ia-.he O bboo * Lafayette .10 45 a m lAfayrtte Dundee./. . 2 15 p m I abundant during the past season. Committee. RrwîFTYï. for «ix weeks by ord-r of Ron. R P- Sbenda«..12 57 rm*' fr««e.-;aâe» ai aaâd eoart MÒe at eh»»Sera in Airtie ( a rnv) 30ft pm Portland (ar) 4 30 p m ! as being seven inches, long, and —:-------------------------------- '■--------- *— Saxeiu Grec«.» Ja»^*rv î4-;h. A, P.. Notice. Portland & Wilametta Valley R'y Mustang Lin specimen, of larvre of two other species measure eight inches in j » k lengtn. ELECTRIC POWKB FROM COAL : For forth*r information appi? to the Com I —IU l FT^N’ .* ; Art «wer« for PLiiuft ~tWNy>^rwrt nM-afayette, or addreax General office. corner'Firat & Pine 8t».. Portland Ogn. | flFTY YEARS St tile FRONT.? For «ear5? 5$ year« w rf.« 9rer ,T’.« rer-otCM^d atUs- ri y «griaduraal «BartrrB. at Ad »ertisi '¿K £K2£ Subscribe for the Register The direct conversion of heat into electric work is a problem that continues to tax the ingenuity of a fertn. rriatsd frrm p-od readabls type on rood electricians. What seems to be the , n w-ttix uM e am e pa oa we cfeaapect book« «ver pub- • cf um pccv-W aa opeortaauy to seeura the bert ny ctber »r« tbew jrt*l vo:ij voald Cott many most promising attempt at solution u cukj<*u xa itaetf: yet made is a new thermo-magnetic n« rrevvehil BaU« llml. ByM.T. CaLM. «r «b» vwm . v. Tkc OM W»ke« Cfeert. aJEeaet. BySvLv.w« Co»*. Jr. Tfe« Peart eftfee A Nevrt. By C ueba a generator and motor devised by M. ' HUf« AM Ball a . By M. ¿Uffr HeMA. A Keeal. By M»Ä W. P Menges, of the Hague Like, the re- 1 TtoSer «fee LA m » A JUvwi. By tae cent pyro-niagnetic dynamo of Ed­ «aeL ison. it depends upon the fact that Tfee LavycrteaOTvM. AN-*rt. By Wtaa W B. B ma Tfee H«a-««1. By «TM netic power when heated. It claims uZtTte« Tvre «I n . A Beert- By ita estBar ef •* Dem several important advantages, how­ ever, the chief being that the neces­ sary alternations of beating and cooling are given automatically, and that the cores of the armatnre coils are relieved from changes of tem­ perature. Experiments have been made in transplanting the beautiful Alpine edelweiss into the mountains of Bo­ hemia and other place«. In its F new homes the plant seems to be changing its character, and in the mountains of upper Austria it has . become transformed into a new species, bearing red flowers instead ' If you -WT-aLnt ajL^rtliing in tHe li^j.® of of the beautiful ermine-like white ? blooms. < A kind of artificial rabies has; been produced in rabbits and birds XSD I WILL M AKE TOC MOXET. FOE by injections of oil of tansy. This malady was orenxime by treatment N with chloral, and th< experimenter. I C ABMASS? r$ Everywh^ry. aria. H«rk*. Wagnma, Bui-wd niovg, «ad a full line of farming imide Dr. Brown jacquard, reasons from ] Udrai Steel Skeia LaBelle W aeon /the analogy that suitable administra-. oert ut tne a «El. . lions of this drug would prevent | Publishers American Agriculturist a O’OOITiTOIi, , true rabies in man. ■•ro ■- M«. ree» m rm * a i. BOOES,THKEE CENTS EACH! COME AND SEE ME. Farming Implemetns ~l Am Underselling Them AIL“ e LiiirHle. Oregon. « 4 B M