; •me Oregroxi TSogLster T bane 8. H aktow , P ublished ■ ■ - ,y .......... .■ — a FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1888 DEMOCRATIC . t COUNTY CONVEN­ TION. Notice is hereby given that a Democratic county convention for Yamhill county, Oregon, is hereby called to meet at Lafavette, Oregon, on Wednesday, March 21, 1888, at llho'clock a. m. of said day, for the purpose of electing six delegates to the state convention to be held at Pendleton, Oregon, April 3, 1888, and to transact such other business — aa may properly come before the convention. Said convention-will be composed of 87 delegates, ap­ portioned to the various precincts on the vote cast for democratic can­ didate for congress at the election of 1886, being one delegate for each precinct and one for every fifteen and fraction over seven votes so cast. In accordance with said ap­ portionment the respective pre­ cincts will be entitled to the fol­ lowing representation: - 7:8. McMinnville 9 Amity .. ........... 10 Bellevue rrrrirr 4.Sorth Yamhill fitsberidan......... 7 Carlton.............. 7ÎW-'i—■— . . . 4 Dayton ... 4 Willamette......... 4 East Cliehalem 7 M'est Çbehalem "6 Lafayette .. N. McMinnville. 10 Dundee >.............. 3 First National Batik. LAFAYETTE The national democratic commit­ - ------- or if’MntWVUJJt, o«.,-— tee met in Washington on U ednee- JACOB WORTMAN ..... President, dav Io select a time and place for STORE! W. D. FENTON............. Vice-President, holding the national convention ef J mo . WORTMAN ........CNd»ter- that party. July 3d was-chosen as ! Traaaacta a aeaeral Baaklng poMta received .object ui check. Heli, eight the time, after much opposition to ...L»,,. .nd t-lagraphlc tranafera on Now so late a date. Speeches were made York, Ban Franobco aud Portland. Jana 24,1J-* advocating the advantages of the different cities wanting the conven­ tion. On the first ballot the vote was as follows: .San Francisco. 15; W. I. yESTERFLELD, Prop. Chicago, 13; St Louis, 14; Cincin­ nati, 1; New York, 2-. The tenth Keeps constantly on hand a fine assort­ ballot showed but little change, be­ ment of Furniture of every description. ing as follows: San Francisco, 17; Antique Bedroom nets. Walnut Center tables,. Chicago, 15; St. Louis, 14; Cincin­ Folding Bed lounges. Spring Mattresses, nati, 1; New York, 0. The commit­ Extension Tables, tee adjourned until 10 a. m. Thura- Nurse Kocker% day without having selected a place. San Francisco’s chances are very bright and we believe she will g£t Picture Frames, the convention. Mouldings, FUR NITVRE Parlor, Office and Dining Small Parlor stands, A terrible cyclone visited south­ Wall Brackets, Comb Cases, western Illinois Sunday afternoon. Mirrors, Etc. In its path-was Mt Vernon, a town of about' 3.000 people, one-half of whom are now homeless. Thirty- AND five persons were killed outright, and many more injured. Fire im­ GOODS mediately broke out among the ALWATB ruins and added greatly to the IN STOCK. W. I. Westerfield. desolation already accomplished by the cyclone. The citizens havi asked for help and Gov. Oglesby has issued a proclamation calling -DEALER IX«- for money and supplies. Coffins Undertaker’s > The committee respectfully rec­ ommends that the precinct primar­ ies for the election of delegates to said county convention be held on Saturday, March 17, 1888. W. L. B radshaw , They have an attorney in a town up Chairman. the country who is worth employing— THE TEXT. A few days ago the New York World remarked that it would be a good idea to republish President Cleveland’s message occasionally, just to show the republicans what it contains. They gay it advocates free trade,' and so forth. It would be more consistent for them to stick closer to the text. President Cleveland has been' misrepresented. He is not a free trader. He is a tariff reformer and is not afraid to say so. If his party in congress will carry out his views on this question the country will be greatly benefited. This is a threadbare theme, but until it is disposed of by proper legislation it will not down. The cause for the high tariff no longer exists. We are informed that the war is over. The govern­ ment does not need this high tariff, and it is continually robbing Peter to benefit Paul. It is doing more than that; it is taxing a large num­ ber of consumers to benefit a small number of manufacturers. Farm­ ers are especially interested in tariff reform. Everything used on the farm has i to pay a certain per cent ^‘to protect” the manufacturer. If the wheat producer of the great west is willing to bear the burden of the tariff he should vote for the party of “protection.” If he is de­ sirous of reducing his expenses on the necessaries of life and the farm he should vote for the party of tar­ iff reform. A HEAVY SUIT. THIS SPACE Is reserved for Bird & Gates, who areljausy opening new goods. Watch this ~~- _ space. * ■ • . i I .1 ‘j THE flMERIC AAGAZ Buitifolly lllistrated. 25 ch. rr» •cers.-THR A merican fivea pTrftsrenca te national topic» at its bUratur« and art ar« TAXPAYERS, PLEASE TAKE No­ tice that the taxes are now due. Call and settle the same immediately and save costs of forced Collections. T. J. HARRIS, ' 2S-4t Sheriff. ar TRIAL 'j/piaKn •'ui.iClTED ~aa Lafayette FEED AND SALE STABLE, Stoves and tee! T. B XELSON. Proprie or. I am prepared tn furnisti CARRIAGES •AOOLB HUBSEA, - - Ogn. .......... Dealer in........... DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. W, make a specialty ef printing Bill Head«. Letter Heads Statements, Receipts, of all kinds, Bal Inritations, Programmes, Btuineas Cards Calling Cards. Envelopes, Rosters and a'l kinds of work done in a first- lass office. TAX-PAYERS, ATTENTION! LaFayette PERFUMERY. Soap*. Comb« and Broabea. Trnsaas, Suppor­ ter«, Shoulder Brace« Fancy and Toilet Article» B'oks and Stationary, Clock and Wathen, Plated and Gold Jewelry Patent Meflieine«, etc.. Family Medicine». GOOD8 WARLENTED AS REPRESENTED BOOTS, SHOES, Niw Th» njoatXaX popular 1 / . P»P*r d*voted to »Aienco. . ffioeennr. diacoveriM, invention •ver published. Evwynumbvr il •plcndid «Hkcravinr». publie« a most valuable encycloflbdii of info, »° P**»» should be without. Th» the Semen no A meric am is such dilation nearly «qui» that ef «U < ‘/V.,ai*co"‘h,ne‘L Price. $3.20aj tonnb«. «o»d brail newadeaivrv, PubiuhOTa, Ko. 561 Broad««?. ». TENTS, g th» Patent Office, and more than One Hun< »nd application« for mted States and fn Caveats. Trade-Mart ^•aenments. and all « •ecnnnj to inventer» tlieii United States, Canada, ht Germany and other foreign pared at abort notice andon n Information as to obtetfltai fully nd*tion on S*pt.». t-f. short notice, to person« vtoh.ng team-» or conveyance. L afayette , O regon . Charge« ReaaoLabie. Z2Z“Mv back« connect« with the dai!v trains to carry naasengers to and from the depot. j . j. era I ^FFLETTCNS' The amount of money involved in the four cases of the Oregonian rail­ DEALER IN---------- way company, limited, against the O. R. A N. C o ., recently decided by Judge Deady in the U. 8. circuit —rWest Chehalem, Oregon,— •court is 1272,524. By the terms of — — THE ONLY NATIONAL STANDARD. a lease consummated in 1883 de­ fendant to the above action agreed Wishes to inform the j>eople of Tailoring Establishment in the County. \\ est Chehalem, and vicinity, to pay plaintiff semi-annually the C^T’Good work and low prices. ContaiHiug Over Twenty Tliou- that he keeps on hand, a com­ sum of $68,131, but afterward re­ sand Articles on Promin ­ M’MINNVILLE, - - OREGON, plete stock of anly 12-87. pudiated the lease on the ground of ent People. having had no power to make it, THE COUNTY SEAT and therefore refused to meet the This standarii work is tlie onlv National GROCERIES. HATS. CAPS. —WILL MOT— _ seiui-annual rental. < yclopasha of Biography in this country and is worthy to rank with the great na­ Go to NEWBERG 8uit was first made in the United tional works of its kind iu the Old World Thia year, but States circuit court in 188^4, when an<4»TIN WARE. In fact every­ now is-ing published in England. Cie/ BIOORE BROS ’ DRUG STORE many, and Belgium. thing usually found in a country Judge Deady rendered a decision No name eminent in literature art Is there with a toll liae of store; which he proposes to sell favorable to plaintiff, and has since i music, emence or invention will be omitt- Fresh, Clean and Pure Drugs, as cheap as can be bought in been repeated at the stated inter­ And Family Medicines. Also Yamhill County. «^.Highest val. The matter in the first place 8old only by subscription. market price paid for produce. TOILET ARTICLES. was appealed to the supreme court, w. W. BECK A toll line of Machine Oils at all Grades and He baa eleo two fame tor «ale. on reaaon Prices to snit the lime«. which tribunal will decide the case •Ma tens«, also. .lock of good, and bgildian 14- Soliciting Agent. Mao ) acre of gronad. For farther partkaUre , during the coming April term.— call Paints and Oils on the endenunad at hi« More. Cannot he obtained cheaper onUide of Portland I J D. Carre« Weet Chebabm. Wrw. J Cyclopaedia of American Biography. G ebe ^’ l M e ^ ghaddise The Only First Class DRY GOODS, BOOIN & SHOES k-ahill County, Oregon. • 8 I 'ban we sell for. Give oa a call. MOORE BRO« f ADVERTISE can learn the exact of any proposed advertising in Am napers by addf. oeo. P. Rowell & Newspaper Advertising ■ IO Spruoe St., New V«* Sand lOota. for lOO-Page I