Whoa« Oratorio** I’owora Aro Simply Womlortul. George!" cried young Mrs. ' running to meet her husbnnd at >r. “I’ve something the beet to 11 ” f” said George; “what is it?” «;• don’t you think—the baby k! At i he fourth annual convention of architects inCinciunaU. recently, a house which was built with flre-o oof wire lath­ ing, was eV cjpi fire iu order to show the urcnitects tbat it would nut burn. PHENOMENAL. SALLY Yes. sir, actually tali! He’s yer and ever so many things, •iglit into the nursery and hear ge went in. », baby,” said mamma, persua- ■•talk some for |o you do, papa?’ ” papa. Say: >, goo, goo. goo,” says baby. ;r him!” shrieks ¡ally. "Wasn’t' that mpmnia, just as s plain can beP” tries to think ge says it is, and ■Vm glad to see you. L da, boo, bee, boo.” a you ever?" cries mamma. “He bst »ay every thing! you Now ¡us little honey bunny boy, say: iou well, papa?’ ’’ io, ba. ere it is,” said mamma. “Did ter know a child of his age who really talk as he does? He can dear own little darling »is, you?” jo, goo, dee, dee, di, goo.” jar that? ‘Of course I He says: lust as plainly as anybody could a have him phenomenally so t These very brilliantbabies t always die young.”— Tld-liit». - ----------- -—i---------------- . I'cidnous shrubs may often bo sd into interesting forms. The ’ ( Seven years ago Mexico h«d but4(P miles of railroad; now she has 4,000. Camelline improves, an«J preserved the oomplexion. ’ a young man whom Phyai- ; times gave up hope Since he has Ing the Emulsion his Cough has ceased, C arlton FAI.1TEB. A venus , B hooklyn , ock’s Porous Plasters ore undoubt- ¡he best external remedy manufac- I meke this assertion to the public ny own personal experience or their srful virtues. Suffering from severe in my «ide and chest., contracted ?h a severe cold. I applied a couple cock’s Porous Plaster* upon going to night. The resu t was, that id eight after applying them I could get up ’alk about with very little pain or when the night previous I could » get up nor aown without help, nor to remove my shoes. I have since them in my family for various aii- , and have never known them to fail b almost instant relief. T. H. B ackus . ITCHING PILES. roMS—Moisture; in tens« Itching And stinging, night; worse by scratching. If allowed to oon- imor« form, which often bleed and nlcetaie, « very sore. 8 wayt » k ’ b O intmbnt stope the and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many 'mores the tumors. It is equally efficacious in jUBkln Diseases. DR. SWAYNE A SON, ton, Philadelphia. S waymb ’ b O intmbnt can ®«d of druggists. Bent by mai^ for 80 Cento.* Antisell Piano advertisement. I bbmxa for breakfast. Fever - sore»,” or Mealy Botifk Skin, in short, all dtoeuscs caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, puri- fvinir, and invigorating medicine. Ureal Eullnu Ulcer« rapidly heu! under its bo- nign AufluenoO.-~Bspccial>y J1 manifested ft» potmey in curing Tetier, Row Ka»h., L» Bolls, Carbuncle*, k^oi- ulous Sores and Swelling«, Hip- jolnu Pi«ea»eA 1/5*111 Goif/e, or TUick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. H Bnil ten ^a riijia «rf a largo treat}»', with colored pl ucs, on Skin Diseases, or the san?«- amount lor a treaties On Scrofulous A •• “THE BLOOD IN TKB MFR»* •Thorouglilv cfefinseit by using Dr. Pierce • Golden Medical Dlscoj’cry» and food diaeatlou, a «air «kin/Lnoj ant spir« Us, and vital «Ire ng th, will be eelaoheLcd. which to Scrofula of the Lungs. Is ar­ rested and cured l»y fins remedy, it lx> fore the last stag«« of tbe disease are reached. From its nutrvetotts -powvr-twr this lerribly fatal dlae.w‘, when first offering this now celebrated renu^ty to the public.“Dr. lb eiu H thought seriously of caitmg It. Ids sumption Curp.” but abandoned tlmt name as too Timitoa for a medicine which, (I 41• 1 01 . from its wonderfpl combitiftthm <« of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-blll«us, pectoral, and nntrltivo pr«>i>er- ties, is unequajed, not only n« a rr niodv for consumption, but for >r all Chronic Bis- cuncs of the EEDS’ir“ 0. M. FERR Y&COMDetrolt,MICh. —♦------ h- 1st Premium* 25,000 in use, li«dfed. New 20 years patented Steel Tunung«, ¿pitting of Blood, ShortneMH of Breath, Bron- cliitis, Anthinn, Severe Coughs, aud kindred affeottons, it is an ofllcicnt remedy. $1.00» or BOTT I, EH for SentT ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce*» book on Consumption., Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Asso­ ciation, 663 Main Btroet, B uffalo , N. Y. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Pr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy „ case of catarrh which for a they cannot cure. If you ------- - —have a discharge from tbe nose, offonstte or otherwise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or nreesure In head, you have Catarrh. Thou­ sands of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage’s C atarrh R emedy cure« the worst cases of Catarrh, “Cold in the Head,” and Catarrhal Xie ad ache. fiO cents. CATARRHS .!!., II J Ï *-r„ sColkSg BSS^S 99 T. 171 Fourth 8U bet. Morrison and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. AOVICC ANO MEDICINE »1.00. WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE PENNYROYAL PILLS CARLSBAD JN_CALIFORNIA. •onfound ibis with Kiectrio Belts I HOBB ••*»•••••• ■—*».*«».*»*• OO., RAM FRAMMCO, -i. ,*>«*=*• CAL ’S MEDICINE advertised to cure all ills from head to toe. Ills for the ONB 4K r» To S8 a Day. Samples worth gl.OO, Fl r..i I.-1 MH Lincs not under the horses feet. Write B bf . w - formation, address Oheever Kloe- W v steb ’ s SAfXTYR kin HOLDER Co.,Holly ,Mich. trio Belt Co., 10S Washington ’ r ’N.' . Mn. 218—* r. N. U. No. »5 street, Chicago, Ill. 4 Hc.hu c IvNlG. Paines (glery Celery and Coca, the prominent in­ gredients, are the best rind safert Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and quiets the nervous system, curing Nervous Weakaees, Hysteria, Bleep- leesaess, dec. AN ALTERATIVE. It drives out the polsonqps humors of the blood purifying and enriching it, and so overcoming those diseases resulting from impure or impover­ ished blood. A LAXATIVE. Acting m ildlybut surely on the bowels habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit, itstrenath- ens the stomach, and aids digestion. i it cures MEH’S FURNISHING GOODS, 232 Kearny St, San Francisco Shirt*. Underwear, Suspender», Hosiery, Glove*, Nockwear, Collar*, Cull*, Eta. SHIRTS TOJRDER, 11. niurtroted Catalogue, with Rule« for Self Measurement. Mailed Free. REWARD! Cl nnn Will he paid for each and every grain of pois- > 1UUU anowi «ubrtancr. found in Wisdom's Roberttoe, acknowledged the moat delightful and only really harmless toilet article ever produced for beautifying and preserving the complexion, removing tan, sunburn, freckles and all blemishes and roughness of the akin. Used and indorsed by the elite of aociety and the -♦we. Bold by all dniggia* al 80 cent« per bottto White and Flesh. Manufacture?by W. M. WISDOM A 00., Ohssnista, Portland, Oregon. {ompound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED 1 ■ 1 - - 1 1 L LIFE REHEWER. KNARFI M^KiO • -, I 8hould Take this Great ÜÍ la Hobb’s Nerve Tonic , Pills aro composed of ,T just such elements as b' Enrich the lSlood and atrengtlwn th.e NnxYoa giving the body thespring and elasticity of youth. Men and Women suffer from Derangements of the Nerves and Pover­ Cît? ty of the Blood« We see IXllnUL* PATTT8 pnoferenoe. it in the whitening hair, the untimely wrinkles, Musical Department A L. Bancroft A Co., Be- the loss of form—in fact, mond to 1S2 Boat Bt.. Ban Franoiaoo, Cal. in all the signs of prema­ ture old age. Men, Young Men,Old _______ Men, and Young Old you need Hobb's “CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH.“ Nerve Tonic Pill*. It is Brain Food, it The Original and Only Genuine, 18«m*Bclelnvigcrator; build« up the Waste sssraisuis«®? Place« ; make« the weak strong and vigor­ ous. Are you suffering in secret for past error« T We will indorse for you if you try the Nerve Tonic Pills. Even if you are weak and nervous with loss of vital power — vour manhood almost fled, leaving you pale- faced and hollow-eyed — Hobb’s Nerve Tonie Pills were made for you, and all person« with the following complaint«, vis.z Palpitation of the Heart« Flutter­ ing, Trembling* Hysteria* Nervousness mHE UNDERSIGNED HAS ESTABLISHED IN in any form, Nervous Headache, Neu­ JL Santa Barbara, Cal., a place for curing Diabetes, ralgia, Cold Hands or Feet, Pain in the Meili tun, Sugar in the UriDe, and all other diseases sub Back, or any other form of »male »jt to cure by th<**e Springs—such as, affections of tbe Weakness wnich we do not care to enu­ ver, Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, eto., on the Carlsbad ea, under the direction of DR. SCHNEE, the oele merate. Try them, and you will join the of happy men and women who ted PhyBiaian, who haacured these ailments in a most thousands ——-- " ’* bl< Lless Dr. Hobb for his great work in astonishing manner. 1*. HOLTZ, M. D , Physician, daily behalf. Surgeon aud Accoucheur. Cor. State and Cota Streets. ; their bel ------ ------------------------- ’~7~ --------- I T~ ^.They drive away Pimples and Blotches ^om *he akin, cause a dull yellow skin to be > to the worst Scrofula-- R«1C- rheuMJ, (r w, THE BEAUTY OF WOMAN TESTIMONY OF A • H. CJ. ROOT, Jf. C.. 183 Pemri Nt. New Ynyh » A particle Is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at druggists; by mail, registered, 60 cents. ELY BROTHERS !B8 Greenwich Street. New York. 417 Hanaomr Mt„ WttSTCOTT BROTHER* Seed Merchants, 400 aud 44N* Banaome Street, Ban Francisco, Cal. I send! ▲ddreus H g di QtCnQ U LLUU Hardy Northern Grown From Minneapolis, Minnesota, are the beet, because they are earlier and the most productive. Take no other until you try them. For sale by all leading dealers on the coast throughout the country. Trade supplied by When I say ctfre I reason for not- uow receiving a ouro. Send at once for a t real iso aud a F two Bottle »n n*y infallible remedy. Give Express and Poet Office. CREAK BALM. said that E gland expends nearly ,000 yearly to maintain her spy sys- i America. re is said to be a sheep at Akron, which weighs ffnO pounds. VOBJLAND. OR C atarrh ELY’8 highly dangerous to use anything purely vegetable remedy for the Hobb’s Little Vegetable Pills Is and is recommended by physicians.* • crown of glory. But alas! how ly dries the nervous debility and Ic weakness of the'sex- #ause the of youth to pass away, sharpen the features, ana emaciate the rounded There is but ODe remedy which »tore the faded roses and bring back race of youth. It is Dr. Pierce’s »rite Prescription,” a sovereign rem- r the diseases peculiar to females, one of the greatest boons ever con- upon the human race, for it pre- that which is fairest and dearest mankind—the beauty and the health 8EED For 1883 Will be mailod REE TO ALL applicants, and to laLt eeason'a customers with­ out ordering it, invaluable to all. , Every person using 'Cardon,F loidorFiowor 723 Markot 8t„ San Francisco, Cal WESTCOTT BROS. CONSUMPTION, 1 ANNUAL BANCROFT BUILDING. *r8eD'1 pi Illustrated, lirerrlp- tireuad irked o u n U U La» lu* < O.M.FERRYACO. 09 PRACTICAL, CIVIL. Mechanical and Mining En /I Toolsand Machinery, Every- -gjUEJIfh thing a Butcher andJSimsago Maker needs. We call special attention to oub ,. Engines and Boilers. Our Tw&Horse Power ACME ENGINE and BOILER cannot bo surpassed for work­ manship and cheapness. Espe­ cially suitable for Butchers, Daines, Saw Mills, etc. Cost of running exceedingly cheap. PRICE (all complote), $205. —Ù------ Write for Description and € nt. in spring the nit blossoms are in A A I I .-’ are admitted to be the Laraost Seodamer in In the world« I.M TERRY R CO’S Shorthand, Tyi« writing. Penmanship. Book-keeping and Telegiaphy all for 875- RAN FRANCISCO . ....................... CAL SIL KINDS OF SAIBACE CiSIKOJ, BUTCHSRS' Iti-ee. Ifliodnp'fo a stake for r two years and then suffered to it mm“ .ooaooo 24 and 26 Ellis Street, ra shnonsis, for Instance, makes y interesting object' trained as n alono » r. Oh, George, it really worries ; yjACOB&CJJ CONSUMPTIVES. deader, can you believe that the Creator afflicts one-third of mankind with a dis- PEACE ON EARTH m ik ease for which there la no reined> 1 Dr. Awaits that countless army of martyr«, whose R. V. Pierce’s “Golden-Medical Discovery” /anks are constantly recruited from the vic­ has cured hundreds of cases of consump­ tims of nervousnebs and nervous diseases. tion, and men are livinft to-day health», LU M BACO. The price of the boon is a s') steumtic conrse of robust men -whom physicians pronounced incurable, because one lung w^s almost Carri»«#.— Why BO many deviata from Hostetter’* Stomach Hitters,—-the finest and graceful accounted fur gone. Send 1<* cents in stamps for Dr. jracuful carriage carriuge may may be beahoountal for in in as most genial of tonic nervines, pursued with Pierce's book on consumption and kindred many ways as there are uiiv.Miaj^en bedngs* reasonable persistence. Earier* ple-asunter affections. Address, World ’ s Dispensary MU8CULAH WIAIXMfc ■ aud suter this than to swush Lite victualing department with pseudu^tuiacs, alcoholic or Medical Association, 603 Main Street, LRIfifi Back.— The spinnl column Is the main- _________ the re verse, beef extrucis, nerve foods, nu root­ Buffalo, N. Y._____ «tay of the body, which stiffens up the le:'. sedut.ves and poisons in dliguise. “Tired straight man or woman, and nature has Nature’s sweet restorer, balmy sleep,” is the Butter and lard should be kept tn stone provided muscular supports to hold it erect. Eovidential ncuperant for weak nerves, and or earthe. ware, and kept in a cool place. is gfbriuus franchis» being usually the con­ TWISTED OUT OF HHAPE. sequence* of sound digestion uhu inureuaed Dlslortiwifi.—Men and women recklessly For relieving Throat Troublew vigor, the great stomucldc which insure« both twist theniselyus out.ofi«hape,*and the re­ is productive also of repose at the required anil <\>U(tUw, 'Brown.'» Broiu-hial Tro- sult is the few standing straight aud the time. Not unrefreshed uwakens the individ­ choe" hbVc a world-wide rep, tatiou. t> urely vegetable, perfectly harmless. 16 THE CHAth.ES A. VOGELER CO., Baitimors. DM cheapest. Wak^lee & Co.. Ssn Francisco. , cents a vial. All druggists. iy any thing he wants to; can’t you The new T>x»n State H oii M 1« the ltu-g- eet State Capitol building iu the L'ulau. A DIURETIC. In its composition the best and most active diuretics of the Materia Medic* are combined sclentiflcally with other effective remedies for diseases of the kidneys. It can be relied on to give quick relief and speedy cure. mh * tm . Drau».. m < WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Propta BUBUHOTOn. FT. Ì . . L