The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, February 17, 1888, Image 5

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    reg-ori. TSeg-lstar
Oregon was twenty-nine years old "on
Tuesday. She was admitted into the sis­
terhood of states February 14, 1859.
17, 1888
A young man escaped from the jail at
Dallas Wednesday nigtyt. The county
court recently ordered the prisoners re­
turned to Dallas from Salem, where they
ou like
were confined., for safe Keeping. The
i running now at a lively rate. sheriff refused to return Landreth, the
K Laughlin warf in town on murderer, therefore he is still safe in the
Marion county jail.
is drying up very fast these
; to taxpayers, in another col-
Littlefield is suffering with
i of the lungs.
were and Rev. T. L. Jones
n Monday afternoon.
val services at the M. E.
id on Monday evening.
ss is a county-Beat town of one
ople and no bank—fine open­
»ny people in town Tuesday,
ir was too nice to stay at
Mitcfiell renews our obliga­
ti, by valuable public docu-
rçy lias the best and largest
,f tobaccos and cigars in La-
hillips, of McMinnville, and
r, of Dayton, were in town on
At the local option elections in Michi­
gan recently, prohibition was adopted by
four counties with the following majori­
ties: Cass, 765; Shiawasse, 1,680; Ea­
ton, 3,700; Allegan, 2,000. Prohibition
has been adopted by thirteen counties
and thirteen, more will vote on the
question before March 1st.'
At the late special election there were
four votes cast in Bellevue precinct for
Lafayette, and up to this time there are
only nine' men who claim to have voted
these four tickets., As the taxes increase
and it becomes more and more apparent
tliat it was a mistake to move the county
seat the men who will claim the honor of
voting for Lafayette will increase. t.
W. M. Ramsey; an attorney of Salem,
has located in Pendleton. We are told
he will be a candidate for judge of this
district. Doubtless he thinks we have
no timber here suitable for the purpose,
and wishes to obviate the difficulty,
which is very kind of him to be sure.—
Union Scout.
Judge Ramsey got his start in Yamhill,
and if the people of the upper country
want a good judge he can satisfy them.
A San Francisco exchange says that
; Portland Vindicator hhs
tenth year. It reprewente its the 0,. & C. will put on a lightning ex­
press from San Francisco to Portland as
soon os the roads get settled, to make
ect df the national democrat-
the run in 30 hours instead of 36, the
n being held in San FranciB-
quickest time now made. This train will
stop only at the principal towns. A b it
i will give a leap year ball at will leave San Francisco at 7 a. m., it
hall on Wednesday evening, will reach Portland about 12:30 the next
. J
Hard, of Vancouver, W. T.,
The prohibitionists of Marion county
thin week. We acknowledge announce a banquet to be held at the W.
0. T. U. hall, Salem, February 22d, be­
istenson has been trimming tween the hours'ofll-rfM) a. in. and l :30
■es and otherwise fixing up p. m. The object is to have a social re­
union of all the members of the prohibi­
Dunn did a good thing Tues- tion party, both ladies and gentlemen,
aving life accumulated mud ' who can attend. A conference for ma­
turing plans for the coming campaign
In street.
'ickrey’s and see tlie finest w.ll be held the Bamc day.
The Portland Journal of Commerce
pet offered with baking ]>ow-
says: “The steam schooner Rosie 01-
ire beauties.
ke (Nasby), editor of the To- sen which was built to run between Til­
died Wednesday morning, of lamook and Portland has been obliged to
give up the trade she endeavored to es­
1, aged 55 years.
tablish, and her owner has decided to fit
optic county convention wjU.
her up and rim her in the sealing trade
Dallas, March 24th. It will
arid after that is out of season she will
I of 84 delegates,
trade iiF Alaskan waters. Here goes
ux was called to Vincent & another enterprise off to the north.”
sawmill on Sunday, on ac-
I nfobmatiox W anted .—Sedgwick Post
sickness of the engineer,
received a beautiful souvenir No. Iff, G. A. R., department of Oregon,
f the New York World es- at a late meeting authorized their com­
, including its new lightning mander to make, through the kindness
of the press of tlje state of. Oregon and
Washington territory, the following in­
I. senate has passed a bill
quiry : Any information leading to the
Dalles City to construct a
knowledge of the whereahouts of Freder­
if the Columbia river from
ick and Alice Morter, children of the late
ashington territory.
Comrade William Morter, who died at
rey has just received a fresh Ogden, Utah, laBt A ay, will be gratefully
loiee family groceries. First­ received by this post. Address Z. M.
and full weight guaranteed, Parvin, commander Sedgwick Post No.
elivered free within the city, 10, Salem, Oregon. State papers please
________ _ ________
vis, who has resided here and copy.
itistry for the past eighteen
W hiting S chool .—The lecture of Prof.
decided to travel during the C. A. Bauer, at the schoolhouse Tuesday
mer. Mrs. Davis will .live evening, was largely attended, and proved
snts at Monmouth.
instructive and entertaining. The school
irn World, an illustrated opened on Wednesday evening with about
m journal is upon our table, 40 scholars in attendance, and more have
neat monthly of 16 pages, signified their attention of attending.
Chicago; subscription price, Prof. Bauer is an experienced teacher,
and his school here is sure to be a success.
ar. Send for sample copy,
n Leader has changed hands.
A. Baker and E. Ridenour
proprietors. We think the
ioned' is M. A. Baker form-
Kunty. We wish them suc-
The following deeds were recorded dur­
Geo. E. Getchell has moat of his stock
Feb. 15,1888,
ing tlie week ending February 11, 1888: moved and his new store presents a very
C. W. Powell was in Portland last
Edward N. Faulconer and wife to Ray­ fine appearance.
week on business.
One Jake, a[i»tof Amity, whose ef­
mond H. Knowles, lot 3, block 13, in
J. T. Watson, school clerk (or district
Sheridan; $600.
fort appeared in the Herald a short time No. 28, took a census oL Dayton on Thurs­
Edward N. Faulconer and wife to Ray­ ago, should, judging from the length of
mond If. Knowles, lot 6, .block 13, »400. his ears, sign his name Jack.
The meetings which have been held in
John Green and wife to Samuel Soper
Very healthy times now and the doc­ Holiness chapel during the paM vs*
and John Soper, lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, block
tors look down their noses.
cloaed on Thursday evening.
4, in the town of Willamina; »100.
I see that Cumtnx, that celebrated na­
Deed cf assignment of Soper Bros, to
Thomas Charlton, who formerly worked
tive, has get out of the well. I am glad in the sawmill at this place, for W. 6.
William DeHaven, assignee.
G. W. Walling to Francis Robison, a you have Bro., but I see you are fatigued Powell, was in town Friday.
part of block 10, in the town of Amity; (judging from your last), and would ad­
Dr. V. A. Humphrey and wife returned
vise that you go to your father’s wigwam
from Sellwood Friday, where they have
Samuel Turner and wife to Jacob
been visiting friends and relatives during
need not wear that ku-klux shoe of
Brock, 42 acres of the Elijah Dodson lanih
the past week.
Jake’s if it does not fit.
claim; »424.30.
, Arley' Armstrong has been quite sick
Bro. Hawkeye I second the motion in
Jesse Hobson and wife to M. E. Town­
during the past two weeks.
regard to Friend Fryer for assessor. He
send, 10 acres in t 3 s, r 2 w; »125.
Born.—On February 10, 1888, to tho
O. S. Phelps and wife to Nelson Flinty ,
wife of Prof. D. H. Hartson, a son.
40 acres in t 4 s, r 3 w; »400.
J. C. Nichols and F. j. Fletcher made
W. T. Landingham to D. M. Doty, lota
Mr. C. Allison will open out with a
new stock of groceries and hardware a flying trip to the metropolis of Yamhill
in Amity; »800.
A. S. Stephens and wife to M. L. Ste­ soon, in the building formerly occupied county on Saturday.
Mies Lucinda DeForde, a student of
phens, a part of the Cyrus B. Hawley by J. O. Mills.
land claim; »325.
O. P. Q. seems to be down on Jaxe, the Dayton academy, will teach a schodl
Levi Ilagey and Peter Hagey to the that he would be ashamed to shaxe him in Happy valley this summer.
Portland and Willamette Valley railroad by the hand. While I do not lixe the
There was an ordinance passed at the
company, right of way; »150.
way Jaxe does, nor his style or poetry,' I last meeting of the council for the benefit
David C. Pierce and wife to Wm. R. had rather taxe him by the hand than of the children; that is all boys under 20
Morris, 40 acres in t 3 s,-r 5 w; »300.
years of age and all girls under 18 are re­
taxe the Carlton “siwash.”
quested to remain at their homes after
M asquebadb B all .—On last Friday
the hour of 6 o’clock during the winter
evening a masquerade ball was given at saloon in running order this weex.
months, and the hour of 8 o'clock during
Barney Springer has sold his store
Littlefield’s hall and proved to be the
the summer months. This is a good or­
most enjoyable affair of the season. An building on Trude street to Hulery, of
dinance and it should be strictly enforced.
excellent supper was served at the Essex McMinnville, and tlie same will be
From the appearance of the windows
house, and the dancing was kept up until moved to a lot near the depot, purchased
early morning. Following are the mask­ for that purpose, and used as a saloon. in the millinery store it looks as if they
at wholesale.
ers : Libby l’erkins, Goddess of Liberty; The lot waB secured from Joe Watt, and were selling valentines
-The question chosen by the debating
Orice Laugnfin, Gipsy; Mrs. D. W. tlie price paid was »150.
Laughlin, Sleigh Bells; Sarah Nelson,
The youngest child of Jno. Dollarhide society for next Tuesday evening is, “Re­
Summer Girl; Doll Johnson, Red Riding has been quite sicx, but is now improv­ solved, that fire is more destructive than
Hood; Ellen Steward, Night; M> ud ing.
Dayton wants a shoemaker, harness­
Johnson, Pop Corn ; Cora Ball, Morning;
Dr. £mith went to Derry on business
maker and hardware store. Where is
Kate Wall, Red, White and Blue; Alice last weeK.
the enterprising man who is going to
Wall, School Girl; Katie Jonnson, Queen
He^v 6. Newby has purchased the
build his new hardware store where the
of Hearts; Rose Bryan, Spring Time;
property of Rev. Doty on Trade street.
old Fisher house used to Btand?
Mrs. L. C. Thompson, Fancy Dress; Gus-
Our marshal is as proud as a green bay
B lack H awk .
sie Juker; Fancy DrfeBs; Mrs. G. E.
Johnson, "Morning; Mrs. A. P. Fletcher, mule, now that he has a fine silver star
Fairy Queen; Mrs. J. E. Hembree, “AU with six points.
Feb. 14,1888.
Married.—February 14, 1888, at the
is not gold that glitters;” Della Bryan,
We are having spring wea': er now.
Jockey; Mary Morris, Sclrool Girl; Miss residence of Rev. E. 8. Craven, Mrs. C.
Miss Maggie Inglis is visiting at New­
Harrington, Evergreen; Florence McCo;, E. Sailing, of Ballston, Polx county, and
Huntress; Lib Nelson, Queen of Hearts; Dr. G. W. Goucher, of this place. Rufus berg. ,
Maggie Bryan, Polka Dot; W. W. Cary, extends his congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Maris are rejoicing
Knight; William Juker, Clown; James doctor.
over the arrival of a little son.
The Polx county Itemuer must be a
Steward, Uncle Nam; Claud Ferguson,
The Chautauqua literary and scientific
Papa’s Boy No. 1; Peter Olds, Papa’s prophet or a eon of one to get this news circle of this place, will give an enter­
Boy No. 2;^f. E. Hembree, Quack Doc­
tainment Wednesday evening, February
tor; D. Nelson, Tin Horn, Gambler;
22d, in honor of Washington’s birthday.
William Grace, Indian Chief; M. A.
Tlie members of the circle will appear ia
Henry, Dude; H, Doney, Plow Boy; T. B.
costume, personating the old-time char­
Nelson, Pleasant ^oy; Dr. E. Davis,
acters. Come and see them.
Pleasant Girl. *
Mrs. Round, of Albany, was in attend­
- ---- --—- ----- -x,'
T> ib R ioleb J vby —There has been which has grown into a cant, that Amer­ ance at Friends’ quarterly meeting held
much curiosity to ascertain the standing ican girls are so extravagant that young last Saturday and Sunday, and delivered
men cannot afford to marry them, should
of the jury in the case of Prof. Rigler, in­ be exiiosed with something of the sever­ excellent sermons at both sessions. Mrs.
asmuch as one juror has stated that an ity it deserves. The young men do not Round admonished the people to give
agreement was made to withhold that in­ marry either because they do not want freely of their means for the spread of
to, or because they are so little worth it the gospel, and suggested the plan of
formation from the public. Another that the girls will not have them.
giving one-tenth of our substance as un­
juror said th^t the fli sHjaUot stood nine
If the average young man of the period
for acquittal and. thrJ®5W conviction.
der the old dispensation.
would reckon his weekly earnings and
The second, taken half an hour later, was proper exiienses, then reckon the weekly
ig^ntertainment of the F. P.
The closinr
bu R ol recitations, etc., from
ten for acquittal and two for conviction. sum of his squanderings, and then com­ •A. will coral
Thus matters stood almost until the pute the cost of housekeeping, with a the three popular poets, Longfellow,
close. One of the advocates for convict­ snug home and a life mate to cheer and Whittier and Scott.
w. o. T. u.
ion is the father of a boy who not long bless it, he would find his better account
since was punished for a misdemeanor in in the home—as as a mer^matter of ex­
school, and he was in no mood to vote for penses. The joys and comforts and
Be your own physician I A ladv who
an acquittal. Finally he gave in, and blissfulness of the married state cannot for years sufferen from distressing female
the other juror followed, making the vote be computed. Eloquent as human tongue complaints, weaknesses, etc., so common
to her sex, and had despaired of a cure,
of acquittal unanimous. The jury held or pen has ever been, neither has yet, in finally found remedies which completely
that the .evidence for the prosecution all the ages of the world, been competent cured her. Any sufferer c.:n use them
concerning the punishment of Charles to the subject. The “Go west, young and thus cure herself, without the
of a physician. From feelings of
Webber was exaggerated, and in view of man!” of Horace Grecly, is bettered by aid
gratitude she will send two prescriptions
this fact and others which were con­ the admonition, “Youngman, many!” —which cured her—and an illustrated
sidered, it was decided that Charles It is the best thing a young man can do. pamphlet entited “The Stepping-Stone to
Webber received but littlo, if anything Too many men who are not young eager­ Health,” and full instructions, sealed.
Address (with 2-cent stamp), M bs . W. C.
more, than he deserved, and that a ver­ ly learn the lesson later in life. But the H olmes , 658 Broadway, N. Y. (Name
dict of conviction would be adverse to the question with many of the young men of his paper.)
interests of discipline.— Oregonian.
this age is, not the fear that they cannot
Peterton'» Magazine for March opens support the girl they would like for a
with one of the finest steel-engravings it wife; but, could she support him? Our
has given in a long time, noted as it is girls are excelling our boys in the better
for its excellence in that particular. The ways of life.— Newt.
O bkoon M eal .—Suiter & Daniel have
several hundred pounds of first-class
com meal, which they are offering, in
quantities to suit, at three cents per
pound. This meal is made from Oregon
com, and is seived and first-class in
the women of Washington every particular. We have tried it and full-page wood-cut, “Across My Path," is
e been accorded the right to pronounce it of extra quality, and cheap also an excellent picture, illustrating a
tors of that section who have at the above price.
very dramatic story. In every way. the
»rations are very careful not
R etubned H ome .—E. R. Poppleton; number is a complete success, dnd in
y attack the bustle or the
the nurseryman,-returned from a two- some respects superior to its predeces­
months trip throngh California on Fri­ sors, admirable as they have been.
tern states it is a very good day last. Mr. Poppleton visited Cali­ Terms: Two dollars a year. Address
ereons desiring the nomina- fornia for his health and was benefitted Peterton’e Magazine, 308 Chestnut street,
iffice to make an announce- considerably. In his joumeyings as far Philadelphia, Pa. Seud your subscrip­
I effect through the pajiere. south as Los Angeles he says he found tion to the publishers and you will not
i of the R eoisteb are open no place that suits him as well as Yam­ regret it.
________ _____
Circuit court convened at Salem on
1 is spending a month in the
fv dear Miss Purpleblossom,
beautiful. Would you not
> you in oil,” Miss Purple-
o you take me for a sar-
lington Free Preu.
O nce A oain .—We desire to call atten­
tion to the fact that all communications
prose or poetry, received without the real
name of the writer attached,^are con­
signed to the wastq paper basket, (we
use a box), there to remain in eternal ob­
it the M. E. church by Dr. livion.
' on next Sunday at 11
“O ub D umb A nimals .”—This is the
n the evening by Rev. C. C. title of a monthly paper published in
the people of Lafayette turn Boston by the Massachusetts society for
• A place of this population the prevention of cruelty to animals. It
e church at any rate every is neatly printed and the engravings are
Monday, with Judge Bean of the second
district on the bench. Judge Bean will
probably hold court in this county next
month, as it is not expected Judge Boise
will be strong enough at that time, al­
though gaining slowly.
Of district No. 44, Yamhill county, for
the month ending February 10, 1888:
Number of pupils enrolled 20; average
daily attendance, 15; grand total num­
ber of days attendance, 300; grand total
number of days absence, 100; number of
cases tardiness, 4; time lost by tardiness,
90 minutes. Names of pupils tardy:
Nora Withee, Alta Withoe, Karl Thorn­
ton, Ladru Thornton. Names of pupils
enrollled upon the
Allie Stontonberg, Lena Miller,
Minnie Robertson,
Ethel Miller,
Fred Withee,
Fred Robertson,
Ray Robertson,
Seymour Withee.
Average standing ol school, 80 per
cent.; average deportment of school, 99
The Chinese murderers, Chee Gong per cent. Miss M. L aches , Teacher.
-a a w
and Fong Long Dicx, who were to hava
been hi nged in Portland to-day for the
Corvallis is to have a new paper. Two, This powder never v»rl»x A marvel of par-
murder of their fellow countryman, Lee ambitious young journalists have bought tty, atrenxih and wboleromaaeaa. More eco­
nomical than the ordinary kloda and cannot be
Yicx, were granted a stay of execution the material of the late Chronicle of that sold tn competition with the mnlihnde of low
for ten days to admit of an appeal to the town. It will probably have a new 'ext, short wehrht also, or phorphala powdora
Hold only in etna. R otil Baxiso Powbln.
supreme court.
Uo., IOS Wall Htl.N! Y.
Absolutely Pure.