The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, January 27, 1888, Image 6

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tuore poor t»uo*w wuo were Xiimi must nave
I moii aittinj here. Their IoI mm were foutid
How a Young Shorthand Reporter Got
dow u there iu tbTBlO» •’•ot- Yre. I are how
Ahemt of the Judge Advocat».
it waa They were taking ti rv»t w I mmi death
Whcp Ca|< Brace, of th» British gunboat
“All thia talk about speed," “id • short­
Veiigvànre^ tighted Thunder Island in th«
hand writer, “reminds me of a little experi-
Tlwn bl' f*«*t' turned | ki I l ', ba the thought
N<Mitb reas h» felt Ilk» falling on hta knew in •truok him that |i»r‘*a|w In? waa t taking bb
■mce that I ha«! away back in
I wtts
tbw> located in New York, and wa» a mare
life on the pwlretal.
The supply of wnthr on the mal was
la Tb»ory th» No»l»aa Class« His Harens
“I will g-1 off, ‘ lx mutterel, aud walk
about'vXhnriNted, ami th* men were half tick.
1 I had never I fen in a court room and know
brat with lur •> « *»de <V«i.”
with Mecca's Holy at Holies —Social
Thunder Island wa* an unexploivd Ht of
absolutely uot hing about the form of trials. I
Re jump**'! down on the cand. Rw|»hf
land, and the captain did not know whether
could write shorthand, however. There wa»
The raui 1 came ju»< *« tliecaplain jumped,
It was bnrren or fortilo; iiihabitinl by savages and a ru*b flf a.r >.,u«'\ hi.non t> e c lira k, 4
a big murder trial going on iv North Caro­
or a dasolato » mi ■
lina. and they sent to New Yifk in hot Last.
-Mv G<" ’■ li«‘ t'l i.Nl, -n hat< an it U■•*
In theory the Moslem clax?ea his womon- 5 for a slenogiapber. I happeinxl to I* the
He iound *a toleiablv decent harlxM*, and
lie look->1 up and for a moment ihainted kind w th the Holy of HoU»» at Mecca. The
lab» one summer aft»rimotfTa& tfca Vengeaiue tko oKideuc* of his sen**«. If bhayvawvre
j i>n)y one at the time available, and Graham
innermost shrine of his temple and th© room?
lirtn it,
no. playing him falra. the gigntilic arm of with latticed wiuddwauNn© both called by the , sent me down.
IHlng a prudent commander the reptnin <| m » Malue was quivering in its |ocxet!
“1 »hall never forget that exjwrience
same name of harem or sacred. The apart­ ■ About the first man I came iu contact with
w* it out a iiumtxr of uuu iiws to examine the
B:*ace was a bard beaded sailor with no
I*iand. In the couiwe of an hour they re­ nonrauso about3pm. When his momentary ment is hareui, and th* Inti les who live in it wax tbe judge advorate. He was as gruff
are Mdwn for all but tbs lord and master.
turn«*! with a fav«>ml>|» report.
«urpriw? wiu over be commenced * talking to He may enter at will, bu: generally on- *nd sarcastic as a cross cut saw half a nnh
“It I* tlie loveliest spot in the world,” wtid hi ins»'l f.
, from an oil can. He looked me over in n
nou.ire» his Coming beforehand, co that he
Lieut. Hay “It i* well Unilwred, with run­
. sneering way that I shall never forget, an.I
“That arm moved,’* he said; “no «ioubt
ning streams, end no end of wiki fruit* and about that. I beard its swoop tlnxHiph the may not ruu tbe‘ risk of mee dag female visi» i* 4 seemed to be sadly disappointed over the fact
tors, who are probably too wives of bis
vegetable1«. *
air, and I «aw it quiver after it returned it# frimda In well regulated houses the hus­ that there was not more of me.
“It i* inhal>i<e«i,? said the captuin. thought­ n«ual position. If 1 bad remained on the
“ ‘The man whose shoes you have been sent
band intrudes only at fixed houre. perhaps for
jwdiwtal tbe Now would have sniasbvl my a short time after midday prayer, and does I to fill could write- 300 words a minute,’ be
“Yea,” revlird the other, “and that is the
not else favor his harem till he retiren to rest. said gruffly. 'How many can you writer
W-oiwt of |<, \VX M\v several aamgre <t a d»-
“ ‘I don’t know exactly, «ir,* I stammered.
He gave a »tart of astoni&hmeut and
Home life such as we understand it can i
tanco. They appealed to be acoutM thrown proaebed the pedestal.
“Well, Til drop into your room iu th*
•carealv be said to exist for the Mohamme­
out to olewrre opr movement* IVhen we
morning before court opens and put you
The place wte're lie had been sitting wns
appt*«acLuxL them they retreated up«a narrow hollowed out iu the gianite. leaving just dan. the man lives in and at his work out- through yofir paces,’ fa»said sarcastically.
side and the woman among her slaves and
pathway leading over that ranged hills. room for a man to sit comfortably.
“When I got to my room I wa» about th»
friends in the harem.
With our »mall force I decided not to ¡HirMte
“Aha!” be ejaculated, “I have an idea
In many rrapecU the harems of Constanti­ worst t frightened boj you ever saw. This
them. Rut how dM you find out that the That arm did not move without human aid
a nice sort of man for one who knew
nople are allowed greater liberty than those
island »»> inhabitedT
There b somebmiy inside of the statue!*
of Egypt and Persia The ladies of Btain- nothing whatever about courts to encounter.
•‘Lonkl“ »aid the captain,
He gave a low whistle, and one of the pick- boul are much addicted to walking, whereas About tbe first thing A saw when I entered
Tlie lieutenant turned hi» eyra tn the direc­ <4» resjioeded by coming to him.
threw of Cairo are never seen in the street» on my room was an old volume of Webster'fc
tion fad ira fed
^jieecbes. An idea at once struck me. I
“Didn't vou tell ma,* asked the cap fain.
On the sandy lw>ach. mounted upon a mas­ 'AteHit finding something that looked like a foot. At tte Bwret Waters Uie harems stray picked of these and practiced on it
over the maadows or picnic on the banka of
sive granite |*edmtal, siaxh I a coloaaal figure tunnel over then* in tbe ravine!*
the Kiaght Khanch stream, with the fresh most all night. The consequence was that I
of hidvou« aspect.
“Yea, captain,*
U m * reply,‘Arfeen I waa
The Egyptian had committed it to memory and feaui it’ right
The two «vfltx’viw quietly walked to the spot •Hit scouting yereeniay I foup«l the nmuth of air blowing round them.-
at my finger ends. All that remained was to
and cèwrlv scrutinised the idol, for that wa> a long cave or tunnel tending in the direction .km», however, can never »Tir except in devia» some scheme to get the judge advocate
their carriage*. and can only view the world
wbat tlie statue aWMMred to lie.
if our camp. I was afraid to explore it, an-< and their neighbors from the windows of ft to select that partirulrr • speech for the text
“It i» a work, of art.* taM the captain
I had »stlier srartL*
Tbe B«zetan of Stomboul is Bright and early the ce^t reorning he came
•You ere that it is made of brass, iron and
-Go and wake up half a doaNt men,* onterei,
into my iwra.
lead. Now, the people Who ooiwtrurtied this ‘ha «'aptsin, “aixi jo \ iv \1* a ! once to tte daily honored by great ladies, who also think ^^-‘Hàve you got anything here that I can
wo evil of riding in tbe public traincars be­
thing trust hare had *>mr kind'oicivilizathm.
leintb of that tunuel. If any living thing twren Galata anti Pera; hut an Egyptian Cfoa.l to you fromT he asked.
They knew I mw b'tttihre the metals, and tl*ey
• 'I don’t know,’ I replied, as carelessly as
Mines out, capture it or kill^t,*
harem who attempted to mix with the crowd
bad wwne know Mge of wultini*. They most
¡»ossible. ‘Let's see. Ah, here’s a l»ook which
The marine «leparfod to carry out hb in :
have bren superior b* the av.rage B.mth Sea uu ucuoios. and th captain remained at bis I in such promiscuous fashion would be «reins to belong to the room. It’s Webster's
promptly banned. In. other ways, however,
04. He ke-pi lib eyes upon tbe statu« but i 1 especially since the days of Ismail Pasha, the ■^teeebra. «»Mebbe this might do.’
‘ IV bat a nvmthr <otciaime>l th«' lieutenant. intbing ooewred to at tract hi« at ten U n.
-I opened it. carelessly at tbe particular
Cairrebas opened its *yre con*i<ler-
*A man rouM-ran liNb«**! into 1t.w
speech which I had practiced upon aud
Tire sun was peeping over the hills ! ab,y to what goes on beyond its proper ken.
“I have a theory,* tvmarkM the captain.
x hen the mannes who bad been sent to guard ;
The wives and families of foreign resident- handed it to him. He examined it carefully,
*Tfiis was erne a much larger island, and a
be nmwr| rviorwcd. They brought with ; And travelers put down tbe varé »us high and all tbe time my heart was in my mouth.
"portion of if has bre«t .submerged in srenecon-
he a a prison«-, a nttie i wsrf whw sAvag. j Lareurf on their visiting' lists, aud the bi­ I was afraid be woul l turn tlie pages and
vulti ai »*f nature. IVihaps the »4at«w »wire
»xiMtonanre glared upon hb CApt-xa with . weekly promenades on the Sboobraand Gexi- pick out some other s;xech. But he didn’t
autod at io«'gateway.of aometemp)» wVirhi* ten.Indi rhaiigmty
“‘I should think this would do,’ be said,
* , « N»h avenues give the wiled ones an oppor­
now bunol umier U»eww A city may hare
and proceeded to count off 23tf words.
“1 will talk to him.* said tbe captam. after ■
gone «lea n in tisRffiak. The hNhwy of the w bSki been infiirm^i that the i^-.soTier had ; tunity of seeing in the flesh the personages of
“Well, at it we went, and when the 300
. whom they are perpetually hearing stone»
that Atlantis imv ftri\ e Ijeen repreted bore/*
wen oamrirt as be emc>rg*xi from ttje mane.: ahd anecdote*. It also'gives tbe men a chance were written I still had ^fteen seconds of tbe
' Well, I don't know, and I donV--rare.* an
uiunte to «Tiare. Ha timed me with one of 1
’I know the lingo of WKWt of the S*aith Sea
sw.'re»! the lieutenant, -The mvagre we «w Klandera. and perhaps I can make him under- of having this and that khanetu pointed out :hose old stop watches, and I can see it yet.
r3 them as they whirl past inx^beir neat liltíe
wore armed with N^wwaod arrows, and I am <and mft’ f, ------ 1—:-------- .—2------------ 1
___ “'Humf he. said. ‘I guess you’ll do,’ and[
sat ixfio.1 tl»at we can hoM our own against
Tte dwarf was not taclined to talk.» but
after that he seemed to think I waa more of a
them ifdhrx attempt te gtre vm trouble, W<
whr-n one of the marines provided him with a
man than 1 looked.“—Chicago Times.
ouerfit to stay liera a week or two far the Myonct be spoke emt,
health of-tlx men. and tlien you kix>w the
He wa* h psiest. be rai.l ^For ages and
Cads and T'owboys in London.
- Venreânre nee<k repairs *
lgr?s tte- hoi* men of bis line bad been arcu*-
Tbe cowboys in Buffalo Bill’s camp object
1’oat Hight the mannes campe.1 on t-be
. wnod to spend their nights in prayer tatid»
tQ the manner in which the visiting crowd
Reach, and nothing
a __
<r ■ heir big braz.'n god. ’lOnty
, Tltr next day the tiiipV sto.’Y>. were un
U»ea that ft w«s texiow, and they aionr
around the doors of the tent» and studying
Jnaded and atack«M cm th* *bo,'e. « ben th t
otew that tbe tuniiel te»f te-+k -tbe sujM-r-
tbe inner lives of the ecru par. ta. Many of
could have fhe wdrantageof Kwh ran an.i aix stitaoas fra^ of tte natives k<yt item a wav
the cowboys are married and bay? their
•Aw cxpl«*c<ng pertv atu-nipte.i so créa» the from tte . locality, and it was only on rarrr
wires and children living’ With them ItFCitfip,
hills we«U of »be camp, hut with«wit mma fie ml «x'casions that ttey visited tte statue.
and they do not much enjoy having the path
There w as Hit one n*ad. a rocky
and it Thrif the victim« were bound tiand an/i loot
Tursjue tbeir .^omes t<esieged by a staring
peemod to la» swarming with brawn sax ago, uiki placed la tte raat prepared for tbenron’
mol.. who, perhaps, under the impression
aH armed, and ready for a fight.
tbe ¡x'deou The priest inside would d’ork
that the English language is not spoken in
' We are not licre to make war,* sa»d Capt ite maebimry, and tte m«mst.’Mus arm wonid
Texas, make the loudest and freest comments -,
Rnre. “and if the inlahitants leave u* nnm> «teacend' with reosTte* force, crflKfflng the
wi the fixnngs and the inhabitant» of. the
tested on this skie «it th«' hills we ought to be «fefiil of th« anfortunate,'l^»d burling him
sent The cowboy? in general are very good 1
There may be something worth ■tewn 4oAte aautte-bekte-. - - -—--------- r-
and civil Lately one of them of­ 4
■weeing tn the tnterkr, be! tie are M called
Thr intssha- eu wretch grinned as be made
fered mild remonstrance to , a thoroughly
«pin to go tliere. ”
tbest ri velati-ins.
typical cad. who was making his female c- -m-
Wh.'n night came pickets were ported, and
“Rut wh> did a V ou kill my men * asked
rianion very merry with his comments as
a sentinel was stations.i on the brack near Uie Braces “an<i why did you try to kill mer*
they stood in toe. middle of a little mob of
big statue to guand U m -stores.
The urics*- ¿bowed hb teeth, filed down to a
In the morning -a horriMe discovery wa> fine pmut, and stained withaome kind of Jue-
_ _±.WhyT5o you stand there all the time end
e»Mu« utar'kinc
<tare .and jeer like thatT the .cowboy asked.
The sentiwel was found «trad at the 1«* of
“Ttey wen strangwra, and they sat in the
th. great brazen idol:
■Surely you ought to have more sense.*
racrifiemi srat Ww n<u this enough ? I saw
His xkul^ had been crushed by a blow from them thr »ugh tbe open mouth-«of Ratnkn.
-Dare say you Yankee* have come over to
soim h.wvy weapon, and tie bad rvutenUy an»! 1 pulled tte tever. bad SLatek« « braVy
teach us sense.“ was the cad's smart reply.
died instantly and without a groan
The cowboy looked at him calmly and said:
arm fen and crashe.1 htxenennes» U.e so many
The j wo venons and supplies guan lad l-y him
■'If you were a foot or so nearer to my size' I
tewiaiwed i’hWii'V T1 m asxa^r. was no rofilwr. flies.*
zw® I would try to knock some sense into
-Kill him’“ shout«', a marine “kill tte
but who was he. and what was- h» motive,
you;* and then the young Texan giant turned
black devil’"
•and how did lie got there*
in«i stalked liack into The rect-ww of his tent,
“I an. tte last of tte bojy pricst-bood." said
Th*' pickets ware p.wiCire that nr orw had tte dwarf calmly “If my tune lias come, it
murmur;ng to some friends who were there:
passes': them and it was out of the question
-If I stayed any J^rer where I could see
is wel. ' Tba> was once a mighty land, but
I snnpow th >t a wwng* boat had*l «.
;hese folks I might lose mv temper.r—London
the ocean tias nearly swallowed it up Wnite
the beaob.
men bare pr<daned car soil and Mucbed
Caju Hr»'« gare tte unfortunaHr matfiM
Katuk- wit? their uhholy bands. JLkfcXinx
Cure of tbe Opium Habit.
a decent burial, and tiien the meti Ware «et Xc
for m« to di«.*
work repai ing the al»h and
Varied factors affect tbe cure. Much de-
fir touted bis arm<an», ndapeed into gteotny
supply of f uito. vt*getal4ra and water
individual constitution and en-
The pick. • ware inon*«»ed that night, and
vir.jpnwnt. Recurrence of tbe original dis
Tl. was Bran ’s iutentlon tc have tte savage
raeh man win, instructed to bevjgitant. A .«hot, hut white tht matter was umter dw’us-
ease mu« be carefully watched lest it be made
fcarlra*. wi.le a wafer'fellow r» stationed to sion U m prisoner with a quick movement
the pn^ext for au occasional taking, which
guar«} the provisions», and with tbra precau
will incur large risk of confirmed re-use.
drew a smal: dagewt froir. ius manUe an».
Cions the camp went lo steep feeling prrtty <ahted himadf t(> tte teiart,
Alcoholic taking greatly lessons the prospect
rf permanent recovery.
The ex-opnun
Tbe body was throwi. tnto tte- sra, and all
As *<v»r. as it wras hgbt enough to see the !iand' went ti work with a will to get tte
nahitut mast, if be values his future g(x»d,
carte in
up and about. Hr fern no time Veugeane»' re»u!y for her departure.
entirely alisrain from alcohol.
in gr»i g «iowti to tte beacL. He felt unra^y
Tbe heroic plan of abrupt, complete disuse
Before tte tiur left tta barter a twelve
about the wntinol.
JestTvee the severest condejnnation. No phy­
plunder was a*.nr*«l ar tte* statu'.
A light
Tbe statw towered ut h. grim majesty
sician is warranted, save und"r circumstances
puff of «mofcf, a trerTiend’TQ.- ciatter of old
and it seemed to tte captain that to fcnrûrre •rm. and im - ww and U m grea-: Matae al Ka
peculiar and beyond control, in subjecting his
ba i a frroolrui» look Rut when was the take ranted down on tte aand> in a ttensand
patient to tbe torturing ordeal of such with­
drawal Ttq? jilan. has tbe sanction of mon
fTagn»-*n:s—Wallace f’I Reed Hi Atlanta
Halt daaad. and witi. a sinking heart. Rrare Const itutinu.
■»therwise eminent in tbe profession, but I
wi'hted around u the ouïe»- réte of the idd.
venture to suggest, with no lack of resjiect to
The maHne »«» lying fare downwani One
them, that lice a somewhat famous nautical
teeA t 'th- smry Tte 4 «ad nianV brad bad
individual, “they mean well. Imt they don't
K-. -d tattered by a terri kite hk»w
‘Til rake tlw mid. treuigtA,* aaic the <w»n-
Tneory is one thing, practice another, and
I am quite certain were they compelled to
1'nri ig the entire day bermr and mwter
undergo the trial there would be a rapid and
raMn: p»«*vaâçd tte camp. Tte
radkal change of opinion. I regard tbe plan
w dling to far* drati*, I«t tticw wwre euporst*
as cruel and barbaroue—- utterly unworthv a
tiom. an«, tte nawter? of th«te murders
Hralmg art.-J. B Mattison, M. D., in The
tu -neil tte teVi.test into a cotitibï &
Ei» vu
Tiw savage» beyond tte hilh rontmw*d
ramj -ox« vrray wu wy>eu queeri
their poli *y of imireivlrv They rout*: te- wer.
laau far a period nf nine days, and it is su;>
wntdnug tte- ii;va.ten». Hi» they ah w?d m?
pored that the phrase “A nine dnvs* wonder*
disiHwirutr. teact on th» <iff»»n«tva
■aui is ohgta u,
Anotber supposition
Àt tte ckwr of tte> day Muff Opt Bmo>.
» that it onginatad from tbe fart thet a
with a cookeu revolvei ir. bte liand walt«i
Lk rvw open.
s»o**b *« aiMi down bis ream, heat Scnrrely
Xatber explanation b verr «tadactorv or
b xardsaway l*x tte ateaptiig ounj. Be-
ytebi was tte fine of leckeu
Tte captain tech his stan*! direMJy tr. front
The Btecwrerry nf Kentucky.
o’ «h- statue, and gtitnre». atewu in every dr-
•Job» Fmtey, an ladiaa trader. Sa» tbe first
wan. maa to en. th, mnununw „,d
Mi Iwigir raww. bnt there wa- nr sign of
Keauukr fl, maa, hit
œ ]TB- an(¡
an encUiVL presence, wo indkrertion of datant
ntaniiag pivr neb g.owrnf: acronnu. of the
B jw * four«! tennsrdi sttelviug tte monster
rotmtrr taa: Dau^ I;.. >Uf. ant, fnur otlwre
Mol. Even by the «tai light h< could are that
«en mdar«l to retara with bino Thrv »r.
it vjab of marvekms aud portée: wra'taaan-
tbe firw regular Wien
afiix Tbe rigb! band of tte «term mt
« urvu.
forth towards the sea.
. toi»,-
“ rii. t mram something/mid tte- captain
♦obiiwreJl, •bu! what’ The bùuary of tbb
>«san th» curtan
ati-aigr god or demon heifwigs- tç a past agv
iig *** rna“s‘^ H-«UM m
ar».' i finer ts no way of girting at it *
MTitaiW;r su»s Xito, any r<u.b»r ynyaping with th»
Hr placed one hand upon U h nedaatal and
' l^pk T-.T1? "T1, ** ar,**ta,Vt l-th", imiluig
ik4pe>‘ :.inw»lf up
u.uto - p*< - 'Ua‘; lx
«iKXt hh twad. at,d a
“Agtewl jOnte te sK^te sum . “and by Jrere 1
catown oi foatlMn Utoùi. over to"
of a J
Who Recommended Outdoor tj
And Above Ail "Such
Nights* bleep”—The Hay gj
“No,” said the polo young man jJ
not working <>u a fariu for my
“le that
•Yea I have come away, ant J
which knew me would perhaps kiJ
if it could get a sight, of me, but it J
•I. went out, jou know, by the J
physician. Said he: ‘You need o«3
vise, and above ail, sleep, such jj
nights' sleep aa you can only find |3
try away from the noise and heat <1
with the great open windows m^g
and velvety breeze floating th J
room all night long, with perhaj
sional night with the pattering ra»J
roof to lull you to sleep.’ ThaJ
doctor stud.
-So 1 hired out to a farmer td
summer, lie said I waa so wlifel
that he couldn’t1 ^give me anythn^l
board for my services, but if I J
work for that I might climb in te
seat and ride out.
„ I
‘‘Bo I did. He had one mdfijhndJ
and the mule balked everyrtiinil
up hill and the horse every time J
down hill, and they both tried to ti
on the leveL He drove them wa
chain tied on a white ash ax beivpl
“But we got out th^re at l^st. IM
to tell you anything about the «nj
1 haven't tune—but I feel as if J J
something about those long nights’ fl
“The flr»t night we got home Inhl
the sun waa only nicely down.
about two hours later out tbeisf
where elra in the known world.
•After irapjier the farmer spent J
and a half tediug me about the Hx;.
the ■■(•ack forty and then be r^
tetter milk. There were twelve ij
be said each would lake six lie g
kickers, and 11 took me two hours,
been dark a long time when 1 finish?
he had me pump up water for Loe m
And it took forty minutea Then Ifi
wood box and split the
as it was a big box/*£ took thirty fl
Then he told me about the oat cr^(
took an hour. And when I weutiil
was growing fight in the east
gla^s nailed over an irregular faflu
boards and could not be opened. J
around in the dim light and finally a
bed. I had just fallen asleep and ¿fl|