..if,. - ‘ ^r~ i •' t * I ■**» The following explanatory para- graph from an exchange, shows FRIDAY, JAXVARY 27, 1888 hows "it’s did:" Mr. A. buys I.®» arres of desert land in Southern California for 11 treoWWilliam Curtia says he will an acre, this tract after streets (on j not accept the nomination R»r the presidency. No mugwump ntxd paper) hare been laid out will give to the acre about 16 lots . WORTMAN.......... ‘........... (J Trw»cU • ceMraJ Bu.iou pemu raceit» i »object to check. Beto ezekuae ud I -kgraphie traneter, • ' York, bee Fraactev ate 1'urtUod. Joa.t4.ly. Groceries j I f ■ : Ml l«w Prices and Full Weights. Respectfully. iive me a trial* A. B. Westerfield, J. L VICKREY. a V K-ep, coastaaty oe ku< all tmdag •u.’ Shelf Hardware. Carpenter«' 1| » Saws, Axes and Axe Hand fc r les. Grubbing Hoes, Shovels. <_ J- j Spades. Rope. Weil Buckets. Grindstones. Co« •»./ Bells. Botts of all kinds. Cr Baroawters - Nails. Hatter Chains. All I THIS SPACE Is reserved for Bini A Gates, who are busy opening new . goods. Watch this t ....T- OL Starr. RT.F\ _ Coffins ■ JA» IN STOCK. Ik ADVERTISERS! can learn the exact cost of any proposed lined: advertising in America papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co, ! * Far r aS THIS is the nine - Pearl Chimney, all are imitations» Ifeihuig, Lafayette FEED A NT* SALE STABLE. The Register T. £ -VEXSCLV. Proprie or.- JOB OFFICE »ACKS. Piusborgh. Pa- i. 1 *w tl»M * ». ¡to JL 1 » Notice. CA BOOTS, SHOES, Etc. Watchmaker and Jeweler Ä R1 ch Piasters taencM Agriculturist W. 1. WESTERFIELD, Fr^ r*i a1 My «tuck wall dean and new, and I «ill guarantee at all times FURNITURE The Salem Stotrenaa is now fill-’ ly pemrxded that the wat is over • We are surprised, agreeably sur- prirod. that the SsAXwa-t» should arrive at any swh eohclusma Whenever the rank and file .< the g. o. p. become cuunnocd of that fort. the deCKx-raxic party will have an easy walk-over. The San Francisco .4b* presses the feelings of the last spike party as follows "California pro- faves fo invite Oregon down to vias us. ow the new railroad We our proper that the tire- pomans are as wh.4reroc.xd a ert of follows as ever hailed the «wmng guest, and when they coene to sre us they Srts«-re the best in the house“ RFTT YEARS at the FRONT. LAFAYETTE The wheat crop of Oregon for 1887 'amounted to 1 <000.000 bushels Total acreage was 960,026. Yield in California. Oregon and Washing­ ton combined. 54.774.lW bushels. These figures are from the report of the United States bureau of agnail-. lure and are ¡vvbtWr correct. First National BaJ THE COUNT! SEAT ■ LOTS GIVKjt AWAY (?) Tiie Oregon TSeg-lster , it