OREGON NEWS. The Oregon Register. FUBLISHBD EVERY COAST 'CULLINGS.-- | - CONGRESSIONAL. ST. * JACOBS **___ « Legislation Pertaining to the Interest of tbe Pacific Const FRIDAY WHAT IT HAS DONE. I Relief.— In any climate at any__ i tio.. ..avwl i.wAptz-,1 .u ¿.e flu I--- SUATK. • or two applications of St. i fZf! The LaGrande and Wallowa stage A Mexican named Spanish Joe was often < iire« peniianeudy. Ti.iT;,' has been put on runners. found fwad4n to death at Virginia, Nev. Bills, memorials and resolutions experienee iu ten yeurs. ____ a Diphtheria at Ashland and meatlee Tbe mtn.a *ttai,tH^a.the aU>ve sr-atenieS Tbe debt of the city of Roseburg is weighing 1,000 pouuds on the north and merchants engaged in trade be­ cure of all kinds of juinful ailment« Is I he United States the average »703 79. tween the United States and foreign yield of wool is about six pound* per The Roseburg city oouncil recently fork of the Nooksack river, W. T. countries. The Proof.— To make sore of tbb* A colony of fifty families from Indi ­ appointed a board of health. head. , By Saulsbury—A joint resolution ing. answers to ii.qiuri« concenilturJ rrsxsE____ _ - . 1 Democrat« will hold the next State ana, is expected to locate at Adonde, declaring that no further effort can be. inanency of the vures resulted u.. 3 T he defirease in the public debt of " convention at Pendleton, April 3d. Yuma county, A. T., next spring. That Jfm elate erf healing to elau ' properly made by the United States to errry cure hoe remained perrnaeani Decenil*r amounted to »14,584.650;; About five tons of' matter is deliv­ obtain the co-operation of the Euro- rurrsre* It is reported that glanders is prev- OJ pain. . . in ctabhshiug —.. tcl . a 5 the decrease since June 30, 1887, »03,- Bjen, among the horses on Tule lake. ered at the Ixx Angeles postoffiee ~~-¿~ernm¿nU ' t a S—. — of € — values — IvcaSanrzwan . • ’* I- * common ratio between ailwkkP silver 830 335. _____________ Bniil Schutz baa been appointed UMliy. Its Supremacy.— The twenty n.ilta Clerk of . .. Thomiw F. O ’ Comior, ex-t-**-- — — ties sdlii can be justly rated as so n.anre 7 T ~ ' jl** , U. 8. marshal for Wasco and Crook, and gold, as money. in almost every case a permanent <¿J T he people of Salem1 have caused » • he Supreme Court, dropped dead in, By Milliken—A bill to take the tax pries rathe surety of every bottle bd the introduction in both liouws of A h„ been established at the court room at Ban Francisco. • off tobaoco and the duty off sugar, same, every bottle being a cun and (J Congress of a bill appropriating »100. Steamboat, Jackson county, and W. Tom Short, one of the tnost promi­ with a rebate or bounty to compensate an protected. nent meh of Ruby City, Nev., was producers of cane sugar in Louisiana 000 for the construction of a poetoffice E. Finney appointed postmaster, Sold by Druggúte and Dealert Ererytt,^. building in that city. The indebtedness of the city of New- killed in his own house by a man and beet and sorghum sugar in Illi­ The Charle* A. Vogeler Co., Balt*,] nois, Kansas and elsewhere. This will named Smith. I ---------------------- -- port at the close of the year 1887, wae; T he Britfth ship The Goolwah, from »978.75. The Bellevue fferaJei says that in one snyjunt to $10,000,000, and the re­ ”effitwiRtAtiiu?Lti?® the Minnie Moore mine ha.« paid duetion under the bill will reach nearly Penrith to San Francisco, was aban I A postoffice has been estafiJUhed at i. . company over »9*5,000 ii/vi t fori ._ . 49>).000 ■£(),m. 0,184,000; oats, i According to the Arli iston Tintf» cisco, The gas was escaping in .he xji^^rmjgua. 5.896 000; rye,’ 300,000; barley, 3, the bachelors of the L- ,g Creek re- room re­ and the old man had evhlently' ‘ fiy Mitchell_A meniorii.l from the 328,000. public are raising a fund t-. send east been asphyxiated, fmgjeenth legislatix^gssembly of Ore- i | Francis .Blake, senior member of the , gon, praying for modification of the; A ll reports seem to agree as to the for a carload of uumarrieu lemales. Porcupines are quite numerous in firm of Blake, Moffi't A Towne, whole; treaty between the United States and i excellence of the coming orange crop Oregon, especially throughout the t™ -sale papier house of San Francisco,Was the Chinese Empire so as to stop and ! in southern California. The Pomona stock grazing regions, T hey iced on thrown from his buggy and in-tanj;^ ., »prohibit immigration of Chinese and Proyrr** names 2.2*4) to 2,54)0 carloads juniper berries. other Asiatic laborers altogether, and killed, his neck being broken 1 adopt such lawful measures as may be as the probable output, against 1,600 At Weaverville. Cal., a fire uestroyevY* It is said a movement is oh ' foot to —---- ---------- Tfr"------- -necessary to rid the country of those carloads last year. extend the run of the mail clerks on 'the dwelling of J. Arzuello. 4n o’#- already here. man named Maeser was burned to ‘ iwalids ’ Hotel and Surgical Instii the O. S. L. to Baker City instead of A memorial asking that the Colville to Huntington, as heretofore. death. The other occupants of the j By Dawes—A bill providing for the btaiT of Eighteen Ex|it-ric need and ikl e ■ ful **hyHlciau.H nnd HurKeon*. house succeeded in escaping only in ! appointment of an inspector of Indian Indian reservation l>e ¿restored to the W. Christian, brakeman on the schools, who is to have direct super­ ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIAL^ public domain Jias been presented to Narrow Gauge railroad, wax instantly their night clothes. ■ intendence of all schools now estab Patients treated here or at th< ir honi«‘s/l treated at home, through correspondni .. ..................... whilp coupling One effect of the cold 'weather in j lished throughout the west. Congress. Tbe iAervation cyutains killed at Brownsville The as if litre Jn person. Conei He leaves a wife and three snutlrl-California is the prevalencey>l the ibs- j us, or send-ten cent« in fori inspector is empowered io discharge “ StnS 5,000 tquare mires' and 800 Indian care.". 1.-------- .."_____ I__ ____ " Invalid»' Guide-Book,** whTCiT’glVCS iU! pui ease of ••pink-eye ” among horses. The children at Eugene. teachers, abolish -ch<»o1s an«I otherwise uliirs. X tldress: WonLD’ s-iMs m s wA i ttM inhabitants. stock in in nearly nearly all all the the stables stables m in isan San i . . stock cal A ssociation , 6d3 Main St., Buffalo,I .- P?LRal^^^ea,re..Bgftm ag'^ Francisco are disabled from the dis-1 manage the »-duration of Indians. A bill for the erection T hk trustees uf Alameda. CaUiaJS. ing thb building -rd«# bridge across the ease. Some of the stables are being I By ^pv“! * -nf «a— p ul c’v— st- ^J n- y e un e, passed art ordinance declaring euca­ CoTumbia. Th®"propbeeSTsite is prole- heated with stoves. Wyoming^ to cost $80,000. * ally two or three miles east of the lyptus trees to be a nuisance, because city, where the river runs through a The Secretary of the Navy has is-! By Cullom—To pension, at’fhe rate sued — an I $8 per month, all surviving officers of their destructiveness to sewers and narrow gorge. _ order for the U.i. steamship j ¡of r.'.'' " ‘ ’ their obstruction to the electric light*, A party of gentlemen from Crow b» Humboldt—Bay, Cal., for the pur­ i »na enlisted men who actually served For “ worn-out,” ‘‘ run-down,” deWM I sixty days in the northwe«t in the 1 school and authorizing the Superintendent camp recently had a boat constructed teachers, rafillhers, Heainafrt'Äiiwho own the - Stemwinder 1 shall not be so construed as to grant a of such cos*^ at the Invalids’ Hotel nod?« leal Institute has afforded a large experts in adapting remedies for ffieff cure, and introduced in the House, provide for low Pelican Island, about twenty-five mine at Wardner, Idaho, have been i pensiou to'JtSfferson-Daiis. an appropriation of »5,000 for renewal miles front Burns, where they diacov- offered »300,000 for the same by a; gy Reagan—ToVntend the bill in- Dr. Pierca’s Favorite Prescript of-- Montana capitalists.. It , troduced him to regulate ....... immigra . . B.„ is the result of this vast experience. J of the eignal service cable at the : ereiTanoHiSr island about three miles“ syndicate long. They named it Guano Island, is very probable that the sale -will be j tion, so that the right of immigrants Internal congestion, in flam math , mouth of the Columbia' river. No | This place seems to be the home and cxinsumjuaUHl.^JI The ulceration, it is a Specifk. ’he mine was pur- pur- ’ to to remain in/tais in/lais country may be and is a powerful general, as well äs uti'rine.tal part of this money shall be used in breeding ground of all the various chased for »35,000. • challenged at any time within twelve ; and nervine, and imparts vigor and ttr>h * to the whole s.vstmn. It cures weakMii laying new cable until the Secretary j water-fowls, and would be a paradise Fourteen heavily lowle.1 coal ca„ • months after their landing. * stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak M prostration, exhaustion, dehilkya of War shall be satisfied that the old for sportsmen in the spring and sum­ became detached from a train on tbe 1 By Bowen—To establish a mint at nervous sleeplessness, in cither sex. Favo rite Pnid mer. There are deer pn the island. tion is sold by. druggists under our pa N. P. R. R. near Spring Hill, Mon- i Denver. , one cannot be repaired. Five bun guarantee. See wrapper around bottle. As soon as tbe break up in the spring dred dollars of the above sum is for occurs the Crow campers propose o tana, and started down grade with j The Committee on Territories in- lightning speed. Near Dillon the run- | structed its chairman to report favor PRICE $1.00, repairs. ----- thoroughly explore both Malheur and away care collided with a freight train, ably for the division of Dakota, and Send 10 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce’« h| Harney lakes for fur-bearing animals. causing a wrnoie wrecK, ana lnsiantiy . a Treatise on Diseases of Women (lflO pw terrible wreck,'and instantly admission of South Dakota as a State. paper-covered). Address, W orld *» Dmi A policeman in a Mexican town has M edical A ssociation , 663 Main B n killing fireman P. McShane. Engi-f* Senator ZTTLLLw« Mitchell intends to aaa«... insist, i ; 8ARY been arrested for passing Mexioaif Buffalo, N. Y. A Cheyenne special says : The most neer John Sweeney waa su badly in- either by aeparate bill or amendment dollars made of lead. Such a crime serious accident ever experienced on jured that he died a few hours later. » j-jyer an d harbor bill, that fu ' to the river and is rare in Mexico. The penalty is! , the Union Pacific road occurred at ^Ixevcos _ The Coroner’* jury tn the ease of’j ture work at the Cascades be done by very severe, being the amputation ofJ. Edson, a small station near Rawlins, Newton Janie*, the eighteen-year old contract. LFxoasa’ht LI * ‘ Senators Vest and Cockrell ’ SHUTS Sf vwfejayVvo _ the right hand for the first offense, by which two Deraons were killed and boy who was run ovtff and killed o*n aud other« heartily join in this. »O twelve seriously injured. The east the Virginia and Truckee railroad wwt e\\ets pi the left hand for the second offense. ( bound express had a -broken engine ANTI-BII.IOIS and CATHAI and for the third offense the prisoner and . was running slow. WJjen abont of Gold Hill, Nev., returned two >n sugar, and to provide for payment laid before Congress. The average and turned over. One coach «mashed upon its ride, and the tender turned of a bounty of »2,000,000 a year for number of inmates present during the into the water tank house and an ther U|x»n it. engineer Hugh Monroe and two years for cultivation of sugar in through the sleeper. Six passengers fireman Eric Guxthousen being killed. last fiscal year was 9.718, an increase tbe United States. were killed and fifty-two wounded. No one else w.te injured. in five years of 2.980, or 44 per cent By Tool» —To dispose of the Fort A' Columbus, Ohio, the Fourteen'h At Victoria. B. C., th® Chief Justic Ellis military reservation. Existing branches are now filler! to Regiment's armory was burned.." All Delegate Caine, of Utah, presented their utmost capacity, and in the opin- of the uniforms and equipments . . i were rendered a decision adverse to the Canadian Pacifi •• Railway in the suit ion of the board only one or at most destroyed and I.tXM) rounds of cart­ of the Attorney-G^n» tai ot British tin- constitution of the proposed State of Utah, with a memorial asking fdf two of them should be further on ridges exploded, belonging to the regi Columbia vs. the Canadian Pacific admission into the Union. Also a bill ruent. The Ohio Poultry, Pigeon, larged. The report says if it be the Kennel and Stock Ass> ■ciat'on were Railway to recover a bond of $200,000 for that purpose, all of which were re= intention of Congress to care for all h tiding their annual exhibition at the for not bringing the railway to English ferted. The chief points in the con- De- stitution are these: Forbiddinga union disabled soldiers entitled to admission time in the armory.? The value of the Bay within th* stipulated time. “ fendants churned that iujniictions liad of church and state, domination of the to the home Under the existing laws, exhibit is estimated at. »50,000, all of which was consumed, except two or prevented them, issued by the Su- state by any church, religious test for legislation will be required either to ____ ; ex­ three dogs. Among the dogs burned preme Court, but the Chief Justice voter«, office-holders or witnesses establish additional branches, materi­ were Patta M., a prize pointer valued decided this bad law and no excuse. cessive bail laws, abridging freedom of At National Cal., imprisonment' for debt, dis- ally enlarge existing branches, encour- at »1,000; Sir Charles, said to be the i.. ............ City. v _,., Alex. Stuart, — — - - age States to establish State homes, finest specimen of the St. Bernard in steward ........................... of the ship T. F. Dikes, left cnrtiination against foreigners as to rights of property, etc. or to make appropriations of outdoor America, valued at $2,500, and the the vessel with B- atswam Fletcher. whole of the Alta Kennel of Toledo, After reaching the wharf SruaTt walked By Phelan—A joint resolution pro­ relief for those soldiers who cannot be composed of St. Bernards. In al! over stout fifteen steps, when he stumbled posing an amendment to the consti­ admitted to existing branches. Should 300 dogs of different breeds were lost, over A waterpipe into the bar- FleV tution authorizing Congress to grant Congress consider that the piesent composing the finest display ever eher threw two railroad lies into tbe ' aid to the’public schools of the several accommodations are sufficient, the made in Ohio. There wer^ between water to keep his companion fn>m Stales to an amount not to exceed 6*10 and SOO entries in poultry; carrier drowning. When the body was found : »10,000,009 annually. maximum number of soldiers who pigeons, etc., for many states. All a large gash w»s discovered on his i By Tillman—Prohibiting tbe use of shall receive the benefits of the home burned. The total loss will be about head, indicating that he was struck stoves or oil lamps on railway passen- should be fixed by law. »90,000. | ger trains. I and killed by one of the ties. . ....