The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, January 06, 1888, Image 8

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    Lafayette Laundry.
Tile Oregon ZRegrister just been made that small diamond
X X eoon .
corpuscles have been obtmned from
The theory is held by Prof. Men-
deleef that petroleum is not of ani­
mal or vegetable origin, as is gener­
ally supposed, but is produced by
water which penetrates the earth’s
crust and comes in contact with
glowing carbides of metals, especi­
ally of iron. The water is decom­
posed into its constituent gases,
the oxygen uniting with the
- iron, while thé hydrogen takes up
the carbon, and ascends to a higher
region, where part of it is condensed
into mineral oil. and part remains
as natural gas, to escape wherever
and whenever it can find an outlet.
If this assumption is correct, and a
sufficient store of metallic carbides
is contained in the earth’s .interior,
petroleum may continué' to be
formed almost indefinitely, and
yield a supply of fuel long after the
coal has become exhausted. Prof.
'Mçndeleef supports his views by
producing artificial petroleum in a
manner similar to that by which he
believes the natural product is
An astonishing experiment may
be performed with nd apparatus
but a piece of string five or six feet
long. A person’s'hands being held
over his ears, this string is passed
around his head by another person,
who holds both ends in one hand,
and by drawing the fingers or nails
'of the other hand over the cord pro­
duces upon the tympanum tof the
subject impressions of almost start­
ling intensity. Sharp peals of
thunder, changing into a distant
and prolonged rumbling, are effects
that may be readily given.
In visits to nearly forty tribes iff
American Indians, Dr. J. S. New1
berry has found twenty-three kinds
of native vegetable products includ­
ed in the Indian dietary, besides a
great variety of nuts and berries.
In Germany ven- nearly twelve
pounds of sugar are now made from
a hundred pounds of beets, the cost
of the product being only two cents
per pound.
A knowledge of bow one’s powers
compare with those of Jus. fellows-
might be of advantage in several
ways, such as in showing what
weak poiqU need strengthening, in
determining the work l>est suited to
the individual, and in suggesting
the attributes which a fif-partner
should possess. Mr. Frància Gal-
ton has long been éiigagôl in per­
fecting apparatus for the accurate
measurement of all the lodile facul­
ties, and is now considering the es­
tablishment of a permanent anthro­
pometric laboratory, similar in plan
to the temporary one that recently
proved so popular in London. Çor
a small fee. this laboratory would
provide accurate measurements not
only of a person's height, weight.
* „chest capacity, muscular strength.
.XÌnd swiftness, but of the efficiency
of his various senses, and even of
certain limits of mental power. Du­
plicates of these measurements
would be preserved,—some for pri­
vate reference only, and others for
public use. A lil>rary would be
connected with the institution. in
which would be placed such docu­
menta, together with family records
and works bearing on anthropology,
and instructions for home measure-
* ment Would be given.
Carbon has now been yielded by I
meteorites in three stages of devel-1
opement. fncrystallired graphite !
has long been known as a ronstit- '
uenl of meteoric irons and stones,
and graphite crystals were recently 1
found in a meteorie iron from west-1
cm Australia, while the report has I
» meteoric stone which fell in Rus­
sia in 1886. It is suggested that
these discoveries may point out the
r ad to the artificial production-«/
the diamond.
At a French agricultural society —West Chehalem, Oregon,—
wheat is soaked in acetate of lead
solution six hours before sowing. Wishes to inform the people of
West Chehalqjn, and vicinity,
The seed is said to germinate more
quickly and grow more vigorously
that he keeps ou hand, a com­
plete stock of
than wheat ¡subjected to any other
fertilising treatment ,
An English chemist has devised
an economical process of reclaiming
soap from washing solutions. //
C l M e ^
Russian observations have shown
that teeth decay in a quite regular
order, the lower third molar being
first attacked, then the upper, then
the lower fourth molar, and so on,
the lower incisors and canine teeth
being the last affected. »Upper teeth
as a rule are more durable, than
lower, right than left, those of dark
persons than those of blonds, those
of short persons than those of the
and TINWARE. In fact every­
thing usually found in »country
store; which he proposes to sell
as cheap as can be bought in 1
Yamhill County. ia»Highest
market price paid for produce, j
Herr Most is a judge of prisons.
Austria sent hiui to prison for one
year in 1869, and in‘18“0 repeated
with five years. On his release he
went to Prussia and got sucessively
a year and a half for anarchy, and
six months for blasphemy. He
then went to England and soon got
a year and a half for anarchy.
Then be came to this, country where
he has done a year already and has
just got another.
S. P. Rounds, well known by re­
putation to all printers of the north­
west, formerly as a type foundry­
man of Chicago, afterwards as gov­
ernment printer at Washington,
and- recently as a resident editor of
Omaha, is dead.
Notice lor Publi.
^Williams and. Hibbs
merchant tailors .
If you want anytiiing in t£b.e line of
Containing Over Twenty Thou.
Kami Articles on Promin­
ent People.
Farming Implements
This stan.iahi work is th« only National
Cyclopedia oi Biography in this country,
and is worthv to rank with the great na­
tional works of its kind in the Old World,
Buggies, Carts, Hacks. Wagons. Bufori plows, and a full line of farming imp-e-
now being published in England, Ger­ meats. Am Agent for the Celebrated Steel Skein LaBelle Wagon, the
many. and Belgium.
Rol in the World.
No name eminent in literature, art.
musk-, science or invention will be omitt­
“I Am Underselling Them All.~
Notice for Pubi
Notice of Appointl
Notire i* hereby fives list i
has been duly appointed byk
of Yamhill county, ('n-goe,«
last Will and teaUment ol Muy
Therefore all p- rsone harsc
the eetate of said decedent»
to present them with proper r
undersigned at Payton, OeF
months from the date hereof. .
Dated this 18th day of S*
F cttox At FtVKIX,
A Homey* tur Esule