■ "" "x------- :--------------------------- - TESTING A GREAT LENS. * DEATH OF A WILDCAT. DRIVING A FINE Al SWINDLERS ABROAD. ______ !__ AN EXPERT DISCOURSES ON NICETIES ÒF RIBBON HANI 0 8 m 4, lUd aa*4 ladlfferaat Drl B»Mom Terror Com to« Ito to Ditearout Stylos of a Four-ia-Haod. L/. I c .V The plane:* Lad all tot, and I had to ba sat­ isfied with a view "of a fixed star, which ia an excellent objert for tearing tt»e optical proper­ ties of a lent, but very «niniereauntf other­ wise. as Ux iar< st telescope can mats little ixuptcwaioa on a fixed star; do dskcinie seen, merely a »peck ef light The star ee- lected was a small one. and letre’y visible as * a pals, minute object. On looking at it with this magnificent instrument its wonderful light gathering powers ware at once evident. .uv *tar sh«.nv with tbs ____ f«jr thv luster and w.«. Lnll- lancy of aueiectr.c light. It was an object -- * •- - ■■ -* - which brought out all the lin perfect joes of ifr Clark awl the gto. and to the eyas < of 22_. ___ I_____ Lis sous many ware evident, and, >t *as scud, two months' work was necvsaary to correct them. During the trial the ¡ens were lowered end five men revolved the glass iu its fitting Ou lie being pieced in jmmi U ou again ene of the «out was about to make auvtbectert when the oM man shouted: “Wait, boys, ki her cool • " I waa curious to know wi:at th» orrf,rable for general ure even for the bi cst purport*. He spede wiih pride of » a an instrument be bad made, with whiet : e bad seen all that could La aessi, ev«.u w.th »cssal toleaoorea Only nue dw- cove-y tom made aita the Wasi.ingt;«; telescope«’* t wenty-aix ixjcu*s '.iroeter cuimi: ite many ' **’ « <4 use The Russian Pulkova inatraiuei . dawivered by the •Clarks w 1862. Las never -vn heard from, and th Han. about lb. CriMriou. Wh« «brta * • fa»ortw Tb“* ’^«b« e-ploy«l •• *«* *“r Au-rn. b«r. AfKr H oek«A ull 1 or !-> «■>««’ •» Now«-a»d lb«r oceup^on 1» iXrk >n tbe nnr.inj lb- n-crtcaUma ‘■"‘««1 uppu by iMeir companion. In penal one of tbe stzhts of tbe city and tbe traveler • servitude as a gooi one, for it is easy, and « - H» d.or-r tb— i. k * alw enable, tbnu .o pick up bit. of totmeeu S^rUMin anrotber nnuMr n-ppany. «“• mid ««ta, inelwbng EL- be -«.Id 1- lesuUni by u- mkiniit-t -trena They am there bv -ou • bank memeugvr at Manelllea, u mnd tbo- who nxn. to be ■«*/•«“»• “S’* £ “ prer^ nnen. gddrd ronth lol boar, ^e, «He -> >>> Xew Caledonia a, . colonist ch.ffli<. Ezhinr. »wearing nd tilling m On. o< tbe iimat eomforlabW aai t ft nr in g ot OM ran «urnali. 1» tbe mid. at Uw tM. the convict, u Fenayrou, u. cbemiU of tbe beaded ciriu»be Tbe "bobbw.- mort- Boulerard Mairturrlwa, wbo led tbe low o( among them to keep’ er er, body .1« moring -« wife into an auibuUi at Cha on. and tbe., and watching for b.n.oatbrmka of wbicb hlg> ia * '»u strange figures of wdmen will flit aerase his of criminal His life sentence has been pathway, mriou» inquiring faces will be un­ commuted to one of twenty years. Tbe doc­ expectedly thru seut poisoned game to a colleague is giving terve him as In- strays through toe other« ise teUsfaction; and hopes to be able to attain deserted street a Beware of tbe owe who ad- the privileges accorded to Fenaym«. On twe whole, tbe educated criminals, even I drrwto you. Do not reply if you can avoid it. but under no cirvmtotancea »top and par­ those who are undergoing sentences for seri­ ous crimes, are highly sjxjken of by tiie gov­ ley with her, for vou invite one of tbe moat common dangers that London offers tbe ernor of Noumea, and tbe most unmitigated i t rascals are the Paris gamins, and tbe brutish «ranger within its gate-'. Let me take anjJ*usrmtion furnished from peasants or laborers, most of whom are mur ♦ t^e private experkshore of a gentjeman from ‘ dereny Every year a certain number oFthese not amount to uiucb Iwyood wooden r Pitteburg who lodged jn RusteH square, and has to be* shot down. Tbe official who uses tree«, stack« of aavh Umber, watermelom. who strolled home from the Gayety theater Ihis revolver against tbe convicts is tried as a tornutliry by a court ...r-rtml *ud.cqulM«i. baManas and swart potaioe*. ctone pouted by < * - - ~ suaw bate, and a geewai suggvsu o of big- He ha>i just tarred into Redford square when The number of convicts is 10,000 or more, ness. freedven. undrs» airi doc t-caradmert m encountered a woman standing hesitnt- lt seemed to me an well that there was a iugL< 00 corner, peering in each direction i and there are in addition 240 female convicts, hketieto* between the A omv scan type d tbe A bu . a^t. Ttotoame iwr. air twrton. sir; caa You tell me tbe to Ihto ! their own acqprd iron» tbe Maison Centrals <4 L«M>e>ty. and $»xne of the >ame epenair Midland station! I fear I am lost," she said, I of Paris for tbe purpose of marrying first seif assert ivenetn sirurs me; toe sam^curiota Tbe pod to American stopped. Yes, although pdwte ■iii»4»wneniw Tfisas Women tow'ste» oHiJ^uuxM. <4 u:Li? send for ongmaluy and maiv^uto wav of j«iung* right tcere and the Midland station would be :b£ir w*»*«. The state furnishes them with Liiiigs: morn abo c4 Marsh atorax>Mi in «¿£t>L He «as walking part of the way igricu«>--al implements, food, and even a and wntaxton <4 ever^kiag Bm ani «¿«Id explain further As they croased few hea.1 * eattle, when they are ¡«rmitted enme iriitivaieii A pwrx&aut-i<- « fc ;«< m I men- Bedfoni square they chattel easily until they ¡ to begin farming, and they genensliy con-, iiontd this fancy oaed of skillei tiaie»- I itoux that tecy tookmi npoa * Yon can't mte your way now.” Ausiralsa as u; a szate of i«artarfe'>n; ‘‘No.’’ «be replied. Thank yoo. much •nen and" mechAi:Tw,“m u- iclans. and even ae* mgurtsi u>e teal Amen- obliged; but you can't go in unlere you give tors. These have a savings bank of their can mnixAixwi wa$ tne eoocentrated n»ui: me £3.'^* And she gefl bi’Tween lum and the Iown. a kind of club, and'are almost too pros pen us for convicts. Tbe id. had e-matai an expert- ftef* tu nih civdsaaXMai. t«ui Aroerki. meai^sg “F5re pound«. Yon have beguiled me to t>efor* the governor’s mansion twice a w<*k. the Ututed States, tari t*k«n btre ready walk wr.b you. asssulted me and tried to in- .•esidee giving occasional concerts. Prom ma ie. aud baa ntprc-Ttd ujkm . h .-—Teaipie dace me tv r aae to your rooma Five pounds, ‘ this ix will be seen that the life of, mafiy con­ Rsr ... —„/JL^ er I scream for be?p." An invalid wife with- victs is far better than that which is Jed by L.xxuands in the slums of Paxu.jiAJ«i k up wpMhir that, suca beiiig tiie case, numerous . transgressors against Lue law of the laud, ui- -■nding those who commit the most temi-k.. 'runes, should view with iougiug and delight . l^ir dispatch to New Caledonia^ by the ctom- 1 n t man<4^xe of tbe jTesioeut of the republic. " — LoQiton Teiegrapu. SPKAKJ5O OF BAD DRIVERS. “It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that go at top rpeed all tfes_toeî 1 aiar can't do it. and I don’t æe why should be expected to do an impoa But you can’t |>erbU?ide some la«lie» < bey keep on flicking tbe animal i whin and nasging at him with tbe r d) tbe woi id aa if be were a coutn ■»aDd.” ‘You «peak of bad drivers. JIow < je rew lavir “It can only be dorie with the dr Mibflc coiireynneeK and licensed driv •rally. You don’t trust a steam boi «comet ivc tea man unW he knows handle it. do you! Of courue not. Ti_ «hould you trust him with a horse thatfs just as dangerous as any high pressure I ^hat ever was built? . Why should a ma «ants to earn his living by driving bor m called upon to prove that he can do: “Look at those cab drivers we> Why, pome of them don’t know and •are wbero or how they go. They on hind vehicles and pop out uppri people, .’rightening them to death or (¡ririD| •hem. Then there are tboee fellowi In va two and three horse wagons, bow some of them turn corners. Asa however, men who drive heavy _veh» «dre careful, because of the weight •hem ami tbe room they need to i •urve. but these light cart chaps are is bad to îtipy-maki’ thewi.Mwl cai>< when fttefTe ct.re »ess. are worse tfci Hansoms aie comingAnto fashion nowh riry. and if they're n«tIlooked«after tfi be a regular tfl^hrto p^de^trian.% altt •hev’ve got an easy job liecan^ t^ey «fr behind tbe whole of tbe thing tiiey 4 The worst of them is. that they ik on* and drive another, unless they’ve g*i lurm tteie., “I'm afraid I can’t osmg the first two fingers of his right ’ ¿0 it today. Sir; I—I think we are out of wily upon the reins. And be mustn't t Mxne of ita lugredieuto" Man of family teiffly, I'Pt as easy as if be were boll ’ taxes tack paper and re-axis: cambric handkerchief or a lady’ç fai course Fm spanking of a man who site ' Lac • -Half i iktren saf&y ptns^_____________ Torve nutmegs; -------- his annual. There can be eniy eeete A p3 st watching. ing enough to spare to manage tbei That's a'study in itself. How very f«r A WATI5G PLAGCK. , .,-^AbvgaiF wanx^.to know what is the best can flick a fly off a leader's ear and! way io nd to room of flies. Go into tbe next same motion of the wrist make the late nxkn and try to read. Abigail: they'll follow itself round the stick in graceful rin^ you. every last buzzing, crawling, Uckling the main part of the lash is tbe only loop left bagging, as the part near fit beggar of 'em. z comes up under his right thumb, I’ve kb THE OXX TOC SHOTLD WRTTX FIRST. men to practice that trick for weeks “I>’. me tell you," said tbe contributor, the coach and when they tried it on th: “about my first foem." *T haven’t time.’’ thing get tbe whole affair into such al sasd the editor, gently^ but with a tinge of it looked like a Chinees puxxia*- wmnnesk: “but I'll sit here all night if you’ìl that V^rL- Rl.r teU me about your last one."—^rooklvn Eagla ________ _______ SHOE BUCKLES AND GARTER The cn arv ltKUMU colored iiuptist church metnlws in the »* Hither» rtates. Dr. Richard S. Storrs. of Brooklyn. t«s- ao.vpted the presidency of the American mto-Haiary board. A visitor at a tie “Church of Retired i'hrcCuuis.'’ Tlie ten rent fun« I for the Memorial •'•Lurch, collected by Dr. Edward Juitwm in iTwm rr • 4 his father, Adonirnm Judvou. the |*>»rr mtwhemrv in India, now amounts to Marty , ejx«- v The Prv*byterum synods of New York and lYnrrylvania agreed Last May to take harge of the weak churches within tbwr 1»’ qd *X ami n*lM*ve the Board «4 Home Missams e< their Mip{w«rt. There is a deficiency now in l»4h M auds in the funds evdketoi for this purpose. Nearly KX’ miwjmary toCNCy atoor, csetor asclsrscal or lay nuanoo- aix>. ni’to.bwn, au3sa*uiane*‘ wives or Sevtaa wxwbecK ■Ah. driving isn’t as easy aa it I fltoraey man’ Itegaa. Thors ars iownright idiote trusted with whips, axai it’s a wonder there are scodenta than there are. Borne of I realias the uangvr and more of t_ •are. Wolf grown boys arealway bo dreaded Bitting behind borne, i -tally in crowded itreete. for there to a power of mischief to other pec a country roads they caa rarely hurt '. Nit themselves I don’t mean fast < because it isn’t often such fools are with speedy cattle Yet a man may œid hurt or killed by a etow anin es by a fast trotter. The dri, mean ft what I call *«loppy* driving, the rrtna hang half toose over tbe dasbl ami tlie animal u never under oontrol ifter ah accident baa happened. Tli*n. »me e< tbe fools I’m speaking abou with such a tight rejn that they st« ureutatiou round the horse’s mouth, au ought as well try to pull up a cyctony tempt to check even a slow heart iu tLa when he’s frightened an«i starts to run Women don't, as a rule, drive well, all tome of tlxm do. They’re too fi.Fgety tog the reins and slashing with tbe rbeyTv worso than flies, some of the servons horse, and nearly all of the: too much continuous work out ot an with tew PM Oxidised silver takes the lead in buckles for every day wear. A disr of oxidized silver is orntefi with a spider or other insect. The^sniall buckles for low cut of Etruscan gold, or of gold ami cut dN In garter clasps, two daisies in tel overlapping each other is a faverite