“ A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE.” LAFAYETTE, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY,'J ANU ARY 6,1888. VQL. VII. WASHINGTON LETTER. Vhe Oregon Register PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY (From oor Regular Correspondent.) ths way described except to give the sender’s* address, are subject to letter rates. The new vault for silver in the north court yard of the treasury de­ partment is finished, and will soon give place to many millions of the people’s money; it has ft capacity forest oring one hundred million standawKsilver dollars. In the senate the Blair education­ al bill has again been taken up, and there is a strong probability that it will pass both houses, and be vetoed by President Cleveland; the dependent pension bill will also be ]»ushod forward to passage, and will likely meet a similar' fate. A general bankrupt bill will also be introduced in the house, and appar­ ently it has a good chance of be­ coming a law; it gives five hundred dollars as the mininum and pro­ vides that bankruptcy cases shall hive precedence of all except state cases. In the senate..the adjournment resolution was made the occasion of a political discussion, provoked by the republicans, in which Messrs. Plumb and Sherman severely as­ sailed the president’« message, but Mr. Beck and Butler very effectual­ ly exposod the hypocrisy of these two excited statesmen. W ashington , Deb. 23, 1887. Enough bills were offered in the ‘senate the first few dhys of the ses­ 4 sion, to engage the attention of that FRANK S. HARDING. i >body for the next seven years, but a vast majority of these measures SUBSCRIPTION BATES. will never again see the light of day | ‘ J oo i Copy-per y««- In »deance.......... 1 00 .Copy, a'1 month. In advaca.... after being taken to the committee rooms. Entered at the postoflice in Lafayette, During the session of the forty­ regon, uh second clans matter. __ . -___ ninth congress, fully 12,000 bills I OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. were introduced, of which number I UNITED STATES. - about 9,000 failed to pass, but it is Ire ident ............................... Grover Cleveland among the probabilities that at Kcietarv of ¿tale................... Thus. F. Bayard Eireury ofTreiunry.............,C>«« H. Fairchild least 90 per cent, of these same old EereUry of the Interior........... L. Q. C. Lamar Ecretarr of War........ ..............Wm O. Kndic bills will again be brought, forward E?»uryofNavy ....................... W.C Whitney CiXr.1....................... :..W.F. Vilas before two months have passed. In lAttnrney General.............................A. H», Gatland the fiftieth congress, one-fourth of rhiefJ '-tice............................. Morrison It. Wuile COKOMoaiONAL. the senate is new and one-third of IJ II Mitchell the house is new, and in conse­ 8en»ton>................ ................... .. 1 J. N. Dolph Representative....... ....................Binger Hermann quence, there will be much new HT4T«. legislation projiosed, for it is a his­ .Sylvester Penn oyer I«?. iArv 7 rrr ■ -rf-wnwU?’0, W■ M eBride torical fact that newly elected mem­ KS2: ............ TT7 <■- w w* » bers- of congjeis arc. Siubitioufi. tp‘ Saul Public luatruction............... E-K. McElroy distinguish themselves in the first ää ****'"*“..................... (i.8.Äu. term of service, in order to impress their constituents with the convict­ D18THICT. . .R, P. Boise □edge...?......... ..................... . ion that'a second election of the TO BE . 7... .Geo. W. Belt Attorney................................. . W. L. Bradshaw budding statesmen is necessary to COO'TY. the salvation of the country. Judge..................................... .. .......... L. Longharv The oft-recurring question of Clark...................................... Geo. W. Briedweil ............ T. J. Harris ____ W, W. Neis m whether it would not be best to .Wyatt Harris Awe«sor7:.r.... abolish the congressional record, ............ J. I>. Fenton Of Yamhill County. j George Dorsey again presents itself; the record-was Commissioner»....................... (J. 8. Hibbs originally designed to be mcrely-ix TOWN. HOME AMJ NAÏ1VP f John Thompson condeiiscd'oTlícTáT t'cpórt of the pro­ "FOR GOJ) AM) bAM>* - ■ " ■■■------- j Thomas Huston Board of Trastees.................. .. 1 M J Kainsey ceedings of congress; this is shown Mus. F A. ¿M orris , Press Superintendent | Henry Hopkins Newberg, Oregon. s 4« K Perkins by reference to theflles of. the old «» ** ».«* Beco rïT?r».............................. Globe^the predecessor of the present ......... B W Dunn Marshal............................ . We are having fide weather now. Treasurer.............................. ......... W. W. Nelson publication^ Fyom being simply an THE LAW uF NEWSl’AFFRS. THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE IS intelligible synopsis of’ the doings of The academy Bell tolled the old » 1— Snbscci era who do net gue-express no­ congress, encroachment was gradu­ year out and the young new year tice to the cont’ ary are connideT6d as wis.hifiY| te continue their subscriptions. ally made upon the space of the Re­ in. 2— If subs'’ri hers order the discontinuance of their periodicals the publishers may continue to Mr. Martin Cook delivered a cord until it has become the med­ A send them until all arrears are paid. ium through tyhich long-winded good sermon at' Friends’ church 3— If etibacribera neglect to or refuse to take Payable During the Year. their periodica la from , tl* office. to which the y congressmen inflict upon the. publj^ Sabbath. have been directed. they^src lieTd“responsuT)Te- tilt they have settled their hili an*1 or<|cred and tlieir own constituenfáspeeches Mr. and Mrs.-Tow n se nd^u a f ro rt-~ their paper discontinued. 4— If subscribers move to other plaees with- many of which were never de­ land, spent Sabbath with their -out informing the publisher, and the papers are L. livered; for it is often the case when many friends at Newberg. eent te the former direction, they are he d -0- /«sponsible, the house or senate wishes to avoid 5— Th“ courts have decided that refusing to There arc four new students at take periodical* from the office or removing being bored by a tiresome speaker, the academy this week. and leaving them uncalled for is prime facie I < ‘ ■ evidence of intentional fraud. that ’the orator is both ^ilenced and F. A. Morris went to Portland 6— The postmaster who negTeCtsto give the legal notice of the neglect of a person to take □tiring the Present Session of Con­ satisfied by ‘‘leave to print his Ye-* Thursday to buy goods. from the office the paper addressed to him, is gress marks.” It is all the same to the »iable also to the publisher lor the subscription Mr. John Reese removes to his price, i statesman so he is successful in his new residence this, week. The purpose to reach the voters. So it CHURCH NOTICK. . property that Mr. Reese vacates is safe to say that the congressional Services will be held at the following t mes will be occqpied by his brother Mr. and places by the M. E. pastor in charge of the record will not be abolished, but lafayette circuit: Alf. Reese, of Chehalem mountain. Will Have a Regular Correspondent l»t Bunday—11 a. m. West Chehalem; 3p that it will continue to be the med­ In Washington, whose Letters m. Dundee; 7 30 p; m. Newberg. Misses .May and Ella Hadley ium of congressional flatulence and 2d Sunday—It a. m- North Yamhill ; 3 p, m. are Reliable and In­ leave this morning for Portland to -------; 7.30 p. m. Lafayette. eloquence. teresting. 3d Sunday—II a. m. Pike school house; 7,30 p. m. Wright’s school bouse. Saturday eve For the past year the prosperity be absent a few weeks. previous, at Anderson’s school house. The following are the resolutions- 4th Sunday—11 a. m. Carlton; 3,p. m.-------- of the postofficff department has 7.30 p.m. Lafayelte. Preacher in charge. been little short of marvelous, the adopted by the State temfferance •o- result of progressive business meth­ alliance held ¡it Portland Novem­ J. Burt Moore, ods and economical management; ber ’22d: Resolved: That this, alliance PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, the records of the office show that REMEMBER THE considers the grand total of about there haB been an Increase in one 'Oregon. Newberg year of four million dollars in the 20,000 votes cast in favor of consti­ amount of postage stamps sold. tutional _ prohibition in the face-of DR. J. C. MICHAUX. The postmaster general gives it as the . bittef opposition of the whisky LAFAYETTE, OREGON. his opinion that there will be no de- I ' po^er, and of its many adherents After an active experience of nine years IS THE ONLY ficiency as formerly, and that the as the most marked recognition of offers his services to the people ot Lafayette and surrounding country. mail service is now on a self-sus­ both the duty and the purpose of Jan,‘¿I, ’87. Oregon to abate the pretentions and taining basis. This department has lately made curtail the powef of the saloon in a new regulation jtbat is of special politics. Paper in the County. Resolved: That we favor what­ interest to^ie-.’gen*ral /public, par­ Oregonian Railway, Line. ever political action Wilt se c u re u n~ ticularly during this' fho holiday Portland & Wilamette Valley R’y season, when so many presents are I doubted restriction and prohibitory being sent through the mails Here­ legislation of the liquor traffic; such Until further notice trains will arrive and depart from Lafayette tofore persons trasporting second, as statutory prohibition; local op­ as follows, to and from Portland. third or fourth class parcels in this tion by counties; allowing women TO ADVERTISERS! LEAVE . LBAVK manner, were requested to specify ' ¡ to vote 'also on that question as in Portland.... 7: am Airlie................H.30 a m am Newberg... 950 am Dallas............10 on the outside thereof in writing the Kansas municipality; early closing Tundee----- 10 35 a m Sheridan....... 11 56 a m Lafayette... 1 55 p m Lafayette . .11 12 a m class of kind of such matter; but of saloons; closing them on Sunday Sheridan.... 1 12 p ru Dundee.......... 3 pm this ia.qojonger permissable, for, I and election days; prohibiting the Dallas.......... 3 15 p m Newberg........ 3 14 p m Air)ie(arriv) 4 35 p nu Portland Portlant (ar) 5 50 p m under thedate ruling, packages of ! Bale of liquor to minors, to intoxi­ ' f to For fuither information apply __ the Coin nany's Agent at Lafayette, or address General the three classes, if written upon in cated persons; removing all obsttuc- office, corner First ¿ Pine Sts., Portland Ogn, —AT— jgUBTHt, OREGON 4 FOR 1888 The Register ........... ( During the Year 1888 The Leading Paper W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Two Dollars, The Register Oregon Register Narrow Game System. 8 PAGE 8 Large Circulation ! Special Inducement NO. 22. tions to viewing the sale of liquors; always provided that we are clearly understood to oppose all licensing of the selling of intoxicating liquors as a beverage as being a moral wrong. Resolved: That we "acknowledge, as powerful agencies creating the strong prohibition sentiment, the long continued moral suasion work of the home, the church, the various temperance societies, the distribu­ tion of literature, lectures and other educational influences, and that we will combine to work along theso lines and urge the-enforcement of this law, with the addition of suf­ ficient penalty for nonenforcement, for scientific instruction in the pub­ lic schools on alcohol and narcotics, in order to mold the sentiment of the rising generation. Resolved: That in order Yb ac­ complish one of the great objects for which- the temperance . people are working, namely, the abolish­ ing of the saloon from our Btate, that is the sense of this alliance "that such object can be soonest and most effectually accomplished by a cordial and united effort of all tem­ perance workers with an independ­ ent political party free from all en­ tangling alliances with liquor inter­ ests. Resolved: That to make a suc­ cessful fight we must financially support temperance papers that wiZZ.foirly and fully present our side of the question and give us temperance news; and this applies particularly to a good prohibition newspaper for our own state of Oregon. Resolved: That we favor a new registry law to prevent frauds at elections, “ STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. To the members of the democratic state central committee of the state of Oregon: Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the democratic state central committee for Oregon will be holden in the city of Port­ land on January 11, 1888, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m., for the pur pose of naming time and place for holding the state convention and for such other business as may properly come before the commitee. . B G oldsmith , Chairman. PATENTS granted To citizens of the’ Pacific states (luring the past week, and reported expressly for this paper by C. A. Snow & Co., patent lawyers, op­ posite patent office, Washington, D. C.: M. Anthony, San Francisco, glass preserving jar; T. P. Cl^rl, San Francisco, wood splitting ma­ chine; E. C. Emery, San' Diego, Cal., insulator; 7T. Greig, »Santa Clara, Cal., bed planers attach­ ment; J. M. Haynes, Maxwell, Cal., wrench; G. W. Hill, Stark’s point, Washington Territory, device for holding cans; M. Katzner, Marys­ ville, Cal., road cart; T. W. Mon­ wwrSan_ Fruncjsco, station indica- tor; B. F. Nelson, Santa Maria, Cal., chum; A. E. Roe, San Fran­ cisco, crushing mill; A. Soderling, Bodie, Cal., amalgamating pan; W. Tiffany, Creswell, Oregon, rail­ way pump motor; J. Tilton, San Francisco, railway car stove; D. Young, Stockton, Cal., link belting. Copy of any patent at government price, 25 cents in stamps.