FRANK PIXLEY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. yxie Oresro»- At Littlefield's hall last Friday even­ Or LATAYITTK - OREGON. ing there was a fair audiouoe to witness DECEMBER - • 8°. 1887- * local and general . \ Happyt,e< Y®Br’ Dr E. Davie, resident dentist. Htdem is to have a toboggan slide. Mr. Hicxs Fenton, of Monmouth, was In town this week. Robert Henry left for Portland Thun» ana visit to relatives. p W. Fenton and family spent Christ­ mas with relatives in Polk county. The ball given on Monday evening was well attended. Tlie Wut Share for December is an ex- cefienl number. i . P. W. Sears, derx of Polx county, i visited friends here this week. A Portland architect was in to*n WeiL eaday loosing after county business. Hon. E. C. Bradshaw, of The Dalles, is spending the holidays in Lafayette. | Mrs. Chas. Powell returned to her Ibome In Astoria the^flrst of the weex. I Judge R. P. Boise, of this district, is lagain very sick at his residence in Salem. I Horace Littlefield, Henrv Aiderman |snd John Dixon are Bpending tlie hol­ idays at home. I Senator J. N. Dolph will please accept |tbe thanks of this office for valuable pub­ lic doouments. I JO. and Mrs. Dicas, of Monmouth, ■spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Davis. I The Masonic installation on Tuesday ■evening was a very nice affair, so say ■'E m « who were there. I G. L. Roland, of North Yamhill, made Xhi. office a call on Saturday, and left his Lune for the R egister . ■ Miss Nettie Henderson, of this city, ■has gone to Oasland for the purpose of Kuching music at that place. ■ Miss Mattie Henderson, who has been ■caching a successful school iu Alsea Bralley, returned home a few ' Her. Burlingame is holding a series of mtings at the Anderson schoolhouse, itli good success. Thirteen were taken Ito the church last Sunday. For cash in hand I will make ten-per nt. discount from Sept. 20th, 1887 to uniary 1st, 1888 on all dental work. Re- Isctfully, Ba. E. D avis , Lafayette, Or. Kx-Sheriff E. B. Collard returned last ktnrdav from an extended trip to Puget pad. He reports business lively and Inas he will invest in some property at fr. and Mrs. W. F. Gilkey, who have n east on an extended visit, have re­ lied to their home near Webfoot. They ort having hod an enjoyable time, but glad to get home jjl the same. i- 8. Nelson called at this office on dnesday and made arrangements to i» the R egister visit him in the are. Mr. Nelson is fireman iir the rmill of Stater & Savage at Tualitan lira on the narrow gauge. ' ™- Grant, who has been working on i new school building for the Indians Grand Ronde, returned to this city on Way, the government appropriation ting run out. When the buildings finally completed they will be ample Wommodate all the Indian children a Grand Ronde will ever see.— Item- few days ago Almond Fletcher Killed large swan and wounded another, wounded bird was captured alive, has been on exhibitionat Wester­ ’s hardware store during the weex. I one is a whopper, measuring seven and nine inches from tip to tip of r.Butler,of Monmouth .called last eve- I »nd said that two Chinamen were dly murdered in that town Wednes- night. Their throats were cut from o ear and they were horriby bruised * their heads. The Chinamen were 1» lucrative business and probably considerable Ihoney in their posses- I The bodies were thrown into a P**r by. Our informant left before Proner’s jury returned a verdict. the entertainment given by the school. The programme consisted of vocal music, recitations, etc. The ringing by the school was good and proves that the training given by Prof. Young is having its desired effect. We have not the ' space to notice each performance, but cannot pass without mentioning two or three. “Mr. Mulcghey, Esq.," song, by Paul Kelty was rendered in good style, UrtAl Item VI lloKAA 1 41 -.^ A ■UUltniCv — — — WiUl ..'iL 1.. mau wuvutrjvu Un) lUllgil-* ter. “Against American War,” recita­ tion, by Frank Billington, deserves more than a mere mention. This young man was perfectly at ease upon the platform, and, if we mistake not t will some soiue day hallt/ con- make an oratot to grace the (_____ L. of _ ____ grass. “Foes Unite in Death,” recita­ tion, by Miaa Bertie Parker, was spoken with that degree of feeling, which plainly showed thAt she understood the subject. “What Can the Matter Be,—Why don’t Parente Visit the School T” song, by three little girls and tfifeqp little boys, was-very amusing sb well as instructive. Parente should think of this matter and visit the school more, especially the primary department to which these six little people belong. Miss Graham, of Butteville, who is visiting in town, was recitation, “Green Mountain Justice,” which was loudly encored. One object of this entertainment was to raise funds to purchase charts, etc., for the school, and about $2« wctb the reffutt.---------------------- CLUBBING RATES. the AaaoNAUT T ills W hat or ins R ecent Tare. hi S aw The rood from R; ading to Roseburg is one of the most picturesque in America, we may say the world, for we have seen no other railway so tong through a country so whplly--beantiful. The scen­ ery of the Denver and Rio Grande, and here and there a bit upon the Sierra is more startling and sensational, higher elevat'ons of rocks, scenery more abrupt, but for sustained and varying beauty, mountains, valleys, farms, fields, forests and streams, great mountains, grand rivers, we recall nothing comparable with the trip we .have recently taken. Our own Mount Shasta, with the snow covered Buttes of the Lassen, Mounts "Hood, Rainier, St. Helene, Baker, Jef- feraon, and Adams together form a group not exceeded for beauty and grandeur elsewhere in the world. There are a hundred miles of forest lying along the upper Bacrainento, and thence to the summit ol tlie Siskiyou mountain, that by some «»-operation between congress and the railroad company, should be preserved as a national park. The saw­ mill is already doing its devilish work in demolishing the beauty of the forests. D on ' t .—When the R egister says a good thing about a neighboring town, we don’t like to see. the item credited to another paper. Will the Itemieer please remember next time. We will sell you Drugs, Medicines, School Books, Stationery, Scrap and Photograph Albums, Blank Books and evdfrything in Our line cheap3r thh any . ■ ’ store in Yamhill County. ■ ' ■ • > aper, then tally ono for Dayton in par­ ticular and for Yamhill county in general. V. E. Beno, of the firm of Alexander A Beno, is in Portland visiting friends and relatives. ,' Charlos Spaulding, of the ExcMsior Mills, was in town Tuesday qq business. The Christmas Ladders at this place were held in the M. E. church on Satur­ day evening, December 24th, and were attended by a large audience. 1 A. M. Peery, our efficient postmaster and druggist, went to McMinnville Tues­ day on business. Willie Logap, of McMinnville, has been clerking in Peery A Harris’s 'drtig store during holidays. Geo. Reisner’s new furniture store now looms up on Ferry street, one door above the millinery store. Died—December 22d, after a long ill­ Miss Ella Jones went to Independence ness, Mrs. J. Mills, aged 59 years. Monday, where she will visit friends and Born—December 25th, to the. wifo of relatives during holiday week. Russ Glandon, a fine daughter, weight M1T Goodell has the contract of moving ten pounds. Mother and child doing I. Nichols’ old boot and shoe store. well. Russ may recover, but doubtful. The moving of the old Fisher house is W. C. Brown lias been appointed re­ not progressing very fast on account of corder of the town, and B. H. Springer bad weather. town attorney. Dayton lias the contractor of contract­ Hawkeye received his pen but he failed' ors. He took the contract of siding up to send Rufus his little ax. the windmill tower for $20, paid $19 for The Masonic lodge elected the follow­ hired help, and reserved $1 for his own ing officers and installed them December benefit. How is that for contracting 7 B lack H awk . 25th: Ira Townsend, W. M.; Paul Kingston, 8. W.; Marion Townsend, J. CARLTON. , W.; Rob’t. J. Lancefleld, Trees.; C. H. Burch, Jr., Sec.; James McDonald, 8. D.; Dec. 26, 1887. Willard Wood, J. D.; G. Z. Edwards, Merry Xmas to all. Tyler. - - Shooting match on last Friday. _ Lots Mrs. Tom. Holcomb is slowly recover­ of geese, ducks arfll turkeys clianged ing. hands. All or most all the old batches and old Married—At the residence of P. C. maids received dolls on the Xpias tree; Thomason, by W. E. McCutchen, Miss and Marshall Newby received eight or Mary Thomason to C. H. Bodie, ail of ten pasteboard stars, but then he kept or­ Carlton. May their pathway through der all t'.e same. life be all sunshine is the wish of your Mrs. M. Mulkey is quite sick, at her reporter. residence, some five miles from here. C. H. Bodie made a dinner for his Mr. E. P. Emmit and Mr. Worthington friends yesterday, being his infair dinner. from Sheridan were in town last week. The young folks had a dance at Hutch­ J. W. Cary continues to slay the ducks croft hall last Thursday night. and he knocks all the other nimrods silly We knew that Charlie wasn’t looking when it comes to scoring points. .st that little white house for nothing. Flash’s oldest son, Flash, takes the We are under lasting obligations to place of his pa as the Sheridan reporter. Uncle Rufus, late treasurer of the Lime­ We are O so sorry Bro. Bannister, thut kiln club, for a spread eagle pen. If you got mad last week; but you must re­ that Is a sample of the pens he writes fer back some three issues and see how his items with no wonder they are bo you gave it to us—even Gen. Jackson flighty sometimes. Thanks, Rufus, here would strike back; but, come, smooth is our fJtF". down pour ruffled feelings for if you get We hod a fine Christmas dinner at the vour back up your raiment will not fit as residence of D. f>. Stevenson to-day. they did in days gone bye. Lota of turkey’and, Oh my, too mant M tb . Miranda Smith, of Forest Giove, things to mention. We thought of yot> is visiting lier son, Dr..Smith at this place Mr. Editor while enjoying that turkey. The grand Holiday hunt fell through, Lots of water in the river—good time' as all were taken up with the Xmas tree, for ducks. Gus Ricky, of East Portland, was up Twenty acres of goal bottom land for during the holidays. sale for $320, one-half in cultivation? John Colwell, while leading horses out Call on tho postmaster, Carlton. H awk -E ye .- of the barn on the Phillips place, occu­ pied by Mr. Wiggins, formerly of laifay- The board of directors of the Oregon ette, su'-tained a fracture of the arm be­ low the elboA. Drs. Goucher A Smith pioneer association have selected Port­ were called and set the broken bone and land, June 15, 1888, as the time and place of holding the next annual picnic. Rurcs. comfortable. N ew S teamship .—The San Francisco Examiner publishes the statement that the Oregon Developement company has purchased in the east a new first-class iron ship to take the place of the strand­ ed Yaquina City, which will as soon as possible be put on their line between San Francisco and Yaquina bay. From this it is evident that the loss of the Ya- quina City will in no wise cripple the business or. traffic of the'line. i