• *?! , A ' - i t’‘ ‘ -F' ' " . >• '' 7- > 1 11 « WW« DUtvllm- T..O O»'«— y . «•-* rtf the i»riS*9/ ab°vo Q11® Thon- i. tovv, Hiit nth st,' <-bMak'iU(HZ*''i J. B. B "»y j S n Diego, Cal................ •............. . Snvi'or, Wj!’s A Co., Cates, Tenn.. John liylo, Diiflai», N. Y........ .............. J. Curry, Ti vol Cardens, Tiain Street, M-m,4iia,T nn....................... ............. . ........... Now O.lpaua National Bank, New Orleans, MouMtlo Apartment, of a Motlrrn Col- l.ltw Ztud.ul—Apparel of a Devotee. * vi th. Oœp““’’ A.M00 ’ 1 ».fiuti ¡‘¿â.ÎjMol vhl. Expr«., Chiewo, , 2MOO Bonk ot Richmond, Richmood, Va.............. Albert Schroder, Burington, Iowa. _____ .<1 W. 8. Ltxke, McMillan, Mmh., throngta first National Bank, MaiqueUo, ) i !» ................ First*Rational Bank, Terre xlauce, Ind........... London and Han Fraud «co Bank, (Limited), Ban Francisco, Gal................. WeTla, Fargo A Co., Han Frandgim, Cal........... John L. Bett, Portland, ........... John Ca?h, •• ‘ .......................... Anglo i alifornlan Bank, San Framitoco.......... Robert Jowe.ih |nigh, 6J Will«ll8t» N. Y... City National Rank, Cairo, III«.......... Isaac Vaiighu, New York < Ity........ .. D. C. Jackson A M. Q. Cook, Caire, Iliii^L’7'. DRAWING CM AUGUST 9, 1»£ / 1 U.OOO ISA*" u.ooo BI I1 K"죒/, ¿o * 'lto‘1 **"■ * 1 11 4,OJO ÏO» 2.0W loar ■¿,iM 1I «ANO pfa« .................... a I DRAWING OF JULY 12, 1887. DBAWINO of JANUARY 11. UM 0. W. Muonnan, Ooverjwrt, By., thruegh Kentucky National Bank, Louisville.......... SO.ooo Kentucky National Bank. Louteriite. hy...ir .ocd J. B. FoutaAne, Caliente,Chi............. ............ 154) 0 WdsM l argo k Cu, 8m Fiaucisco, Cal ....T. 1«AJOO 15,000 jnaKTha 'B“*-' ^“‘¿¿1, Bau Alexander Co. National Bnnk,Cairo, Ills........ l\O00 Geo. 11. Zap.», Houston, Tex.............................. 15,000 W. II. Antùôn.v. Houston, Tex.......... ............... 15,000 Wluirf. horfoik, Va.. Natknal I ark Bank, New Yerk C-ity.............. 15,000 F““’! Us?»rujo Rank <.t Norfolk, Va.. frSÜrK* Au»»l«.OalM thronRl* Roger. CUnbell & Ray Dayz.e Deining, New Mexico.......... .*......................................;............ E2‘ hu Î o 3U Ban-, oí Loj Ang«.eu, 15 000 \II.T Woods, Portland. Mu.......... .................... T. J. Baker,Chicago,111«...<.............. .. r*v .» of iüaä' Bro.. üoúaton, Tox. 15,009 Samuel Barrett, Toronto, Ontario, Canada p7.ne. too, Erinklia coa ty, Th~*r D. Crutup, Jonesburg. Mo........ ............ EÄÄ ><• *• ““T’ Wells, Fargo A Co., Ba« Frei cisco. Cal.„.. ■ÜEof O.lnwo, Ottawa, bou..,.. . 15,000 W. A. Barnhill, Jack sou, Tana., co levied K£l(X KeiÁ> Bun J obo , Costa liten, 10.000 through Fiist National Bank, Jackson.... 6trt(X) 'watcíimñá MÍ« h .' ¡ú¡á Tena. 8. P U..I, NewOrtaa «, La............................ 5,000 t'ìf‘3;p>i”>roa:.|i Bank of Com- J. P. Hbulae, 21J W. Markham BL, Utile 5,000 Rock, Ark................................................. .. 5,000 KL wm . Mnnphis, ........................................... 5,000 Wni Higgins Adame, Boston. Mam........ ......... 5,000 Kf ii.li K mw Orieun», Ja-.-- ............ ... W. IL Scoth, Cornn 1 oint, Ills................... «... 2,000 K^cutor, through People s i.ame, Geo. Over, Ladonia, Tex...................................... 5,000 2,000 E* l»btch"ìU*É» •“ Po^í- • l¡000 AngltyColiforuia Bank, San Fr&ndwoo............. — James Stevenson, 88 Hanover BL, S^JÎEÔk of Commerce, Mam pill.. deuco.R. L............................................................. 2,000 H. M. Eddins, Glepcue, Minn.............. .............. 2,000 Oscar GroHLell. witii Richardson Drag Co., dbiwino OF FEBBDAEY 8. 18W. CmalmNcb ........................ ;......................... TJX» W Dow lint', S»** Frond ace, tem-Uuuee BL, New fff.í.(,or,D.h’.C1ark,andMM.A. _ Orleans, La............. j,................... .. ....................... 2,'XX’ snTuCÓmmorclui streeL 15. 00 15.ÜÛÜ thti pel owM i8t«m ttH : M9 •mi j skit DlUWIXa liT SEIT 1», 1837. Paul Doler, l.r<5 Hudson Av., Chicago, Ill.... F. Erstell!, RoedbOMe, Bis................................. Frtu.lt IL Qi tett, NurMk, Neb......................... Paid, l“aul Klnler, Runner, Union National New Orleans, tor a depositor.............. E. Btelner, T o » i »4 q , lex................ .................... Chris. F. Neu, 127 West North Ava, Chicago, Me......................................................................... Win, Duncan, HAoux Falls, Dale..................... Paid Puoi lo'» Bank, New York UHy................ J. IL Mining Taws-. < itv. Mieta.. ......... Albert lb ans, tlirough First National Bank, Pilotalo, Col.............................. ................«........... Mrs. Franc Is W. 8id * ¿¿’a iiáok. Han Frau- 15,000 k, ta J ot! riendi lattfltj bant bul i h resta on« ig ; hasta 1 wbet nal od I shim i is not i a nihq vhoibari inakiqi ir? TÍ >rit" I doing & with a: why DM as ja«( he comp r-per-M •inging I no Tran » > er?l itation, I healtl I hout » I hen th« e Bow- | id coa­ id 1» undi- ] ig th« eadadw of laa»- cywand ate how i is da­ is Liver | een th« | ic mon th ng th«B than any m earth. extra«“ 1 I efficacy.1 .rotMTta IvIorDrtfl >n, eta. IR .nd MW J etrwtf»* rfect ccf* ■ nd Bo*^. ffÍSeri JÓ lhrou ù Joliaíi w*u’ kilade'phia, P^-............ .............. L m b Abe deen, M im .. ..... ........................ kiwinBan Fnmcwoo. Cal ..................... Lrlwtmoio-,CT volnnd, »»hio......... taLVieuera, 5¿1 Maiu Bu, Buffalo, i-scoo 15,000 15.000 KuOuo 15^.0 Lbh Mrang. Bmi'h Falla, Ont., EELh tAtyard'aÚühlü Auburn. N. Y.» 15,000 te. ABrnupr» VVaKhinsioo, D. O........ « 10,OOff» pío. BtokeH, Letroit, Mivb................ tmnlAwk,<»fMemphis lonii........ &.»igh Firat National EakMomphi«. Te *n.................. Eof C-aliforun. Ban,Francisco, Cal. KxClareio, Loa Ahelea. Cal................ li. Porrvw, inorrletown, Tenn............... DRAWING OF OCTOBER 11, 1887. aurai Manon « whk . N. b . Y. « ; City vuy. .... I'aid, Fourth Nation i Bank, ........ L. Guubuiw, ibuiw. i.7 Baldin H&loin St., BL, ■BO W m ’iLxi. U m . Mass...* M om . ... as. A. Scott, 8 -ringlleld, Jiliin. Minn. ' . ¿. 7.. Mrs. Chas. ScfHt, S/ringlleld, .... . Johnson, > a------ 375 mt Chas. A. W. Ohio rav St. Chicago, nix................. ............................ ;..................’ Pldd 1*. Kuiler, Banner, Union National Boult, New Orleans, for a de[«sitor.......... .. L. Faget, 181 Common St., New Orleans. ... Henry Ecker. New Y<5rk City............................. Jn x W. Richards, Hopkinsville, Kv............ . John D. Meeks, Fayetteville, Tenn ........ t"T.’X5uuter, Augusta, Lift ................... Herbert R. C<4e, Portland. Me..,*............ Thus. Neal, New Iberia, La.................................. Mrs. T. Runkel, Fredonia, N. Y........ ................ Devil Israel, Donaldsville, La............................ V. Tajuguc, 213 Decatur ML, New Orleans... F. A. Butt rick, 05 Milk St., Boe ton, Maw.... Frank Kulxiiz. 185 Dearborn 8L, Chicago.... W. O. Van Dyke, care of Marshall Field & Ca, Chicago, lfle.«.*.................................... • •. John F. Sullivan, M Fleet St, Boston............ DUW1NG OF MAUCH 15, 1887. -n n~.fs»An Usweso. N.Ï . .WiACT.Htratfonl, Gotario,Can ... l Fixw. Wrishtsvi'.lo, Pa............ ■ M. Vonaua», UU7 H ilei ex BL. Chi- «0,111.......................... ................................. talor, N-w York........................................ M.0C • WMooòntielU. lloostoo.-Tox.............. 15. eOQ iúm Moe. r. Topeko^JCan... —........... 15,000 K» h. Ludwig. 430 William street, SL o .N.Y.............................. ...................... O>rgvaco.'a>!aok, r n Fran co., idèa. 1 aria and Arne icon Bank. Lim- ■¿8u I'neioioco, Cal.............. ............... r.uiw «, Deco all,Iowa...................... [.Dunlop. Pembroke. • otario----- ,... iMaryO'ß ion,t’entrai City, Dak.... .Wr.ror, Tranne, Fla.............................. K Bruck, 118 Petti r St., East Hi gi- C l Mirb....................................................... se kiti'oii 1 Bnnk, Kansoa Cit . Alo., t Barrntnd, Hartington, IVja- ;;........... iHonigu, IM W. Canton bL, Boston, 2,000 Lxiwb.ll, rirtlMd, Me.Í1 2,000 IlOl iraJDank, <>t la tto, Tex................... 2,000 brtSrl-p, Btokers, llallas, Tex............ 2,000 USitoasl Bsnk, LI Paso, TSx.............. 2,060 I »UWIN0 or At'Itrl lì, 1887. S, hayo A Co., San Francisco; Cai........... Isjw.arsinhl lBt , Portland,Ore.... bùSiiwnUu Bank, l.iniitud, San Frau- kt«L......................................................... iMMMNaUonal Bank, tir account ot ■w^wulaot in ni San rmnclaco.............. le, Ptruti.d American Bank, Limitod, IrnM 1,0,041........................................ ■l IL Burberry, Cheboygan, Mieli........ IwCiliilwil. slow,'aqua. Ili............ ■ - lf, Stacklioute. S324Cnrl»tian SL, Piòta, ■Mt, Ps.................. . ....................... ». Bxtr,Caston, O........................................ I Txfcdr, Au u tu, Cit............................... ■ Hmm.ic'i,X;rilBn, Oa.............................. latina, De . Ark ..................................... lMA.AieMton.KM.................................. »MpACo., Su , Franclaci, Cai...... iMrMSviekboiiner, lUco, Col................... D14W1NO OF MAY 10,18S7. »FeritCo,San Francisco. Cai........... ■Lyträl t Co., cor. 1 Ith and Lomt Sta., Ivkl.iMa, Ps.......................... Soy,DscrLick, W. Va., through Met- »«tsnKt'i'inal Bank, Ciucinosi!............. »«He 1 Buik <1 Cairo, Ills...................... ■al Cummer, w Bank rt Mobile, Ala... [oiCmnicrcc, L niitvl le, Ky..... .... ■tròll Sul Bink ot Nashville, Tena,. ■ tonati, Now York Citv.......................... ■ISUwian Bank (L’t'U), San Fran- 15,000 15,000 15,000 Ltcntt. Kan btmbard, San Franc-jeo, Cal., «J? i Bank of California, Ban Francisco, ^^hthrougii Cory National Bank, 4,000 I 15",000 15,000 10,000 lnjxv 6,000 5,000 2.0C0 2,000 2,000 2,000 9* JUNE 14, 1887. Ftsaman, Omaha, Neb......................... îM.œo [ B-y^n I & Co., Austin, Tex........ «... 8 ’.000 Far;aft<*o., San Frond co, Cal.......... 15,000 . LfmjTKc*rand Wiliam Wend«!, N. w. wroujh Southern Ex res»Co........ 15,000 Ur^ Blaus VrnUn. St. Naw , 15.000 6,000 I®.’* ardsxi, ckfamo. Tex............... 5,000 L'“'’*' ». I eavenwnrth, Kas . 5,0C0 E» 7>_-. Afton, Iowa......................... 5,000 LuXe M<>-................. 5,000 LL»l>“ WliPea h St, Erie, Iftt.... '5,000 fawu«U..b«.» Frandeoofcal........... iJXK 16,000 16,900 6,000 6,000 « -——---- tfASHtD HERSELF. How a Young Callfornlau li«t GirL 16,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 4,009 San Francis?o, Cal................... Pf tciiomia, Virginia (ity, Nev.. .\... L SUM 16,000 90.000 16,000 15,000 1ILÖ00 ” 15,000 DRAWING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1887. Gay A Grofft1, Orleuns, Nebraska *................... W. II. Lfindon, Newport News, Va., through I BurruiM. Son A Co., Norfolk, Va ................ E gar Burnett, agent Adams Express Co., Jackeon, Mloh.............................................. Jeu Morrison, Newport, Ark,, through E. L. Watson, Newport, Ark ........................... Micliael B!utzki and Boiomon PinkofaM, Boston, Mass......................................................... Mrs. Margaret Clarke, 12 St Andsew 8L New Orleans, IA............................... ..................... . Cha*. M. Walker, Edinburgh, Bl., through Go»- P. Harrington, Banker, Edinburgh... Tb'js. R. Miller, 1213 Lawrence SL, Denver, Col..... — ................ ............................................. Wm. Leslie, Suu Francisco, Cat......................... Mount Vernon Banking Co., Mount Vernon Ind. ................................... .............................. First National Bank, Nashville.Tenn........ , C. B Miils and J. F. Mrady, through Untoo National Bank, Renatas rnr akd mechanical toys , ■CE AID BQXJLnR RKATEH ACSORTED CASE8 OF TOYS ! O1‘ nroMure in head, you havo Catarrh. Thou­ sands of cases tCYininato in consumption. Dr. Sage’s C atarrh R« mkd y cures f tee wore} •5 ,v cases of OaUHpftu'♦•Cold In tfcd Hoad?» X3rf the leading Medt f the o;ldom. A. L. SMITH. . Bradf rd. Pa. SoMhy SELBY SMELTIEG AMD LEAD 00H Ban Francisco. » "V., '’h a * ■ ■'fi' fl 11 r i CURE FITS! J 1 When I wy cure I do not mean merely to stop them or a time ana th ah have them return a nr Dnuaomra, at »1.00, or SU» - BOTTI.ES tor es.00. ____ We examined that bear carefully; he was a small one, not weighing more than two hundred pounds, and was shot all to pieces. Each of the five bullets I had ilred hod struck him; one hip and one forearm were broken, the lower jaw shot away; there was one shot in the neck, and one, through and through, behind the shoulder. It is never safe to fool with a grizzly; he may run away as fast as an elk. or 1m nmy not. lie may drop to the first well planted bullet, or he may stand up till blowD almost to pieces.—“Camping and Hunting In the Shoshone,” in Scrib­ ner’s Magazine. > ' ■ kindred affections. It la an efficient remedy, The Bear’» Tenacity of Life. «. A •< i cases only part ot these symptoms ore expo- rleuoed. As a remedy for nil such coms , WILLIAM BECK A 8O m , ternity of learning, taken from tho tennis court and the boat house aud the race course, and show that all education is one. an muthetlc democracy, a fellowship between the eonstruer of Greek and tlie flying rider of the thoroughbred. It Is a note of the higher education of the period. There was a good deal said some time ago about what was called tho luxurious life of some of the students at one of our uni­ versities. And an Impression was spread abroad that this nuist necessarily inter­ fere with th? pursuit of learning, and con- sequeutly with success in life. •‘I don’t see bow you can study in such a bower,” said au old fashioned person who saw for the first time one of these silken scholastic d^ns. The reply whs only a pitying smile. Study» Why, did this ignorant questioner kuow that in this very university an undergraduate received the offer ot a higher salary as pitcher tn a baseball nine than wns ever made to any of its graduates for filling any professor’s chair in this icountryf—Charles Dudley Warner in Harper’s Magazine. that” “Why not?” ••It would mortify me to death.” ‘•Well, but you’re just like that" “That’s a slifferent thing." ‘‘•Well, I’ll make a bargain. If you will wash off yours I will wash off I - T” ¿¿I. > f~- J 1 fa g? ' ' > ■w - J - . -■ , a I Liver, Blood,* and Lunas. Buch on ed-u-ea-tiou has luv Mury Ana. Gypsy’fe Lack of Religious Feeling. WO CONSUMPTION, Naturally this aseetic life manifests it­ self more or less in the undress apparel of the detotees of learning. But tlie striped caps »nd striped jackets that mark the student armflpt imposed by the state and not odoptAt^q/hehuuiillty of penance for sins, but nr#> noble signs of, the fra­ In the gypsy mind n complete vacuum exista where with us is iustiuctive relig­ ious reverence, as we comprehend it. Therefore, lore, legend, superstition take 15,000 jts pine/ Possessing no conception of leity the gypsy is never disturbed by the 15,000 consciousness of a dread antithesis. His life is blameless towards and among his 15,000 own and his kind, first, pecause of the 15,000 natural protective instinct, and second, be­ 15,000 cause of immediate material rewards. With such people, absolutely passive as to 15,000 spiritual reward or punishment and utter­ 6,000 ly, stolidly indifferent to, and repellaut of, your isms or mine, it can easily be seen 5,000 how it is natural aud inevitable that their 6,000 everyday life and belongings are replete 6,000 with trifles of fancy, thought, fact and 6,000 necessity magnified by time and associa­ tion into loved and cherished significance 2,000 and importance.—Edgar L. Wakeman’s Letter. Maasged You dou't run the risk of dying an old maid. It ¡«“better to be a youn“ *fool than an old one. The unmarried girl feels she is grow­ ing old tuo quick. If you make a bad match you van " cuke » auu Htnon», blame it to inexperience. • from a common Blotcl,, or Is the worst Scrotiila- BaU-rneuui, Wlien you arc getting old no one “Fe verVsores," Scaly «r RouaU skin, in «borL all dioeosio «uwd by bad will take you but a widower. .iood are oonquered by tllto J“,w* ‘ tuL ; It prevents your married friend, tvinir, and Inviaoralliur medsine. Croa» Eatlua Cleer» niphlly heal inekv Its bo- 'Í* “>uen^. paxW? from sympathising witlt you. If you wait till you are thirty it is harls~ past year: From one school, 16; from eases of the another, 20; from another, 82; from another, 27; from another, 87; and from If JAI feel dun, drowsy, debilitated» have yet another, 44— making a total aL. tallow color of skin, or yellowiahHwown apote on face or body, frequent headache or dtatzK 176 souls brought to accept Christ in ?^XrSn^w1S^^fl!«wbM six Sunday-school« And yet there and gloomy forebodings. Irregular appetite, are those who' still nsk, "Do Sunday- and oootod tongue, you are sufftning from «toliooU n»v?"— Chrixtianal Work. Education i> not at all tho bare bcboltw- tlc struggle that it formerly wus. The early grudunte who remember# the Spar­ tan experience« ot Ids college life, the un­ timely iqorufog bell that called him from hi« hard couch to the barn like chapel, the bare walls of his cell like study, the un- 'NauXortable chairs and the rude table— everytbtug, Indeed, subordinated to th, one idea of discipline—must have bitter thoughts ot what he might have become If be bod enjoyed all the aids to develop­ ment which the modern student has. And the bevy of girls who are permitted on rare holidays to inspect the monastic apartments where ths young gentlemen study modern life must feel a sinking of the heart when they realize bow impossi­ ble it will be for them to make a home at all worthy of the modern highly educated young man. What a place it Is, this Sybaritic bower, tor the cultivation ot^thelntqllecll Neither Webster uor Calhoun had any such Influ­ ence* about him. What a stimulus to the mind it is, The rug covered and curtained chamber! its tinted walls hung with ex­ quisite etching»,and bits of color in oil, and the winning pictures of the most beau­ tiful actresses and singers of our time; silken portieres; deep chairs that invite to the profouudest reflection upon the great problems of exlstecce; carved tables strewn with all the literature Ot the bou­ doir; rows of book shelves where the graud classics jostle the latest dialect aud realistic outcome of our civilization; an eleg,nt chandelier ou whoso branching arms bang a hundred soavenirs of the german; bats, balls, rackets—all the tools of the higher education; a deep window seat of blue plash, where the young an­ chorite lies and ponders perhaps an epic, perhaps an oration in the senate, perhaps u grout argument at ibq bar, more proba­ bly tho solution of the chronic struggle between capital and labor. Do we forget' tlie piano, the rack of carved pipeafTfiese are for relaxation, ^gr relief in the hard­ ships of the stern Colieglute life, rfiff the hours of sentiment that come alike to pitcher and stroke oar, when he sings, 1,000 1,000 Trr Advantages 'of EArly Marriage. " ■ v W c H b , Farro * Co., Ban Francisco, Cal.......... 80.000 John Mufphy, Glenmary, Tenn, through F*rst Nai l Bank of Chattanooga, Tenn, .-c- 'n,ooo Henry Downs, Swiftwater Ptantatkmr-rrosr Gtccnvl ’e, Miss ............................. l%000 Barilla ll. Burr. 179 Forsyth St.. New Turk.. 15,000 Chris. Sintes, 408 Dryades St., New Orleans. 16.C00 Arch! j L. Alien. Buffalo. N. Ÿ.......................... 15,000 J. P. Colemani Petersburg, Vs., through City nntWINO Oí DECEMBER 1A MM. 1 — WHERE THE CLASSIC3 JOSTLE. on fils at th. 1 1 ' I ouihiara NaM tnal Bank, New wieans. Ge ». Millor, 1321 Howard 8#-., jbon lYanciaeo, hoi.mrs, omitting tianlt. Now Ortouta. — xi, HECORD. tí 1 ■ t - 7 •3 I I