The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, December 16, 1887, Image 6

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•Impla K,u>e<lm M Han't In Kenry Wall*
Kaculatnd Family.
“More than two-thirds nt the death«
from poison could be avoided if men
and women would only acquaint them­
selves with the simple remedies always
at hand in every well-regulated house­
The speaker was a bouse surgeon at
a city hospital. “I see the names of
six parsons on this record of mine
whom I.knowWnight have been saved
had their friends or the police known
vhat U>
continued. “All six
died because too muéb time was lost in
notifying: the police, calling an ambu­
lance, and in getting the sufferers to
|he hospital. Paris green, roughon
rats and laudanum seem the fa­
vorite poisons for suicide? ‘ For1 each
of these poiaons an antidote can be
found in almost every household. The
chief points in cases of poisoning are
to encourage vomiting, and thus get
rid of the substance; to counteract the
poisons by antidotes, and to check
death by' the use of stimulants and artU
heial respiration.
••Rough on rats is simply arsenic.
Hardly a day passes but some one sui-
« ides by its use. If on discovering that
this poison bar been taken the sufferer I
is given one or two rawr eggs, and the i
eggs are followed* up with large
draughts of tepid water into-which a
tablespoonful of salt or mustard has
lieen thrown, the stomach will usually
throw the poison off These, suppie­
men ted by a dose of castor oil. sweet !
oil or milk to offset the action of the •
poison, will usually save the life of the •
patient The same treatment is s the '
one to be followed when Paris green,
opium, niorphiue. paregoric or laud­
anum is the poison used. When opium,
morphine, paregoric or laudanum iflk
swallowed, it is well to give a cup of*
strong black coffee after the emetic, to
water to the head and neck,
and to prevent sleep. These poisons
represent the majority of those taken
by accident, or by persons intent ou j
suicide. When tartar emetic is taken, I
after encouraging vomiting, it is well
to give milk and strong tea to
drink. . When poisons like uineral
acids are used—such as a<ju.v fort is and
oil of vitrol—after an emetic solutions
oNoda magnesia, and even of plaster ,
scraped from the wall can be used with i
good effect. Oxalic and carbolic acid j
calls for the same treatment after }
using . a little flour and water, the |
white of an egg. ór castor oil in order ’
to protect the gullet and walls of the
stomach. When poison like caustic
potash soda or lime is used, administer
vinegar,^ lemon or orange juice in j
water. efnetic< and oiL If phosphor- !
ous is taken, like the ends of matches,
for instance, keep up the vomiting and •
administer big doses of magnesia in
waler. Oils in such cases must not be
used. For corrosive sublimate admin­
ister the while of an egg. dour and
water, or milk, and theu the emetic.
In poisoning from chloroform or
luminating gas, let the patient have
fresh air. loosen the clothing and dash
cold water »front the fact* and neck.
"lilt Of these antidotes -arr. as a ,ru!*,
always at hand, and if us«-d will al­
most every time save the life of J he pa- i
tient and greatly facilitate the w »rk of
the physician when the case comes
under his rare.” —A'. K A' cs - mn »/
W àshwgtoit .—MilebUI, of Oregon,
I will intrudin'« • bill at tbe first-oppor-
,1 funky «iter Congres» .«Semblés to
repeal all laws, whether tre»tien or acta
1 of Congre«, which permit Chinese
. I immigration. This ia the ytuie bill
which he intreduod at the laat awaion
! it Congress. Ke said this afternoon
' that the general impression that hia
1bill would prohibit or prevent com­
merce between China «ud the United
' State» ia ertoneoua.—11 will only indi­
rectly have a bearing on the trade
relations of the two countries, in ao far
as it absolutely prohibit» the coming
of Chinese to thia country, except
those who oome in government capate
Also a bill to protect purchasers of
land from tbe Northern Pacific rail­
road, in case their » lorfeilur» of the
land granted to that corporation be­
tween Wallula and Portland. He will.
also intioduce a bill to reimburse set-,
tiers on even numbered sections of
publicJand within the limita of the
land grants in case of forfeiture of odd
numbered reci ions. Thia’ bill is in­
tended to reimburse those settlers who
i were compelled to pay $2 50 per acre
i for public land within tbe limits of
land grant« which subsequently be
panie forfeited;, settlers receiving no
; benefit by the building of a railroad
because none was built, while other
. public land has been sold at ? 1.25 per ,
1 acre.
Also a bill making an appropriation j
j for the establishment of ¿a life-saving i
• crew at Y»quitta Bay, Oregon*
Also a bill to provide fot the erec
tion of a public building for a custom
house at Yaquina Bay.
Also a bill to proviile for the appro-|
! priâtit sa of t 1,3tXX>.<XM) for continuing |
j the improvement of the mouth of tbe ■
Columbia river.
Also $750,000 for 1
improvement of the locks of the Cate I
i cades, and also an appropriation fqr j
I Yaquina and Coos bayf
■ He will introduce the bill which was
j favorably reported hv a Senate cum-1
mirtee during the last sessi'-n of Con- !
gress sppropria'ing $500,000 for the!
■ c o n st r ui ré -n «-f a boat railroad at the j
dalles of the Columbia.
r Also a bill to amend section 3019 of
j the revised statutes relating to draw-!
' Iwks on dutiable imported.materiala.
when manufactured and exported.^
' This bill is designed to be of benefit ;
' to canner» of salmen who me tin, I
»upon which a du:y bA been paid.
Ho will also introduce a bill appro-!
printing sufficient money for the final ; Charles H. J. Tyfer, United States Min­
i survey and estimates for the improve-. iate. to Liberia, has resigned.
i ment of the Umpqua river for light- j
» draught steamers, the surveys and !
j estimates to be separate, one being ■
I between the mouth of tbe river and .
j Scottsburg, and the other between
’ Scottsburg and Hart's rapids, near
j Elktòh. *
-------- ----- :
He will also introduce a joint reso­
JJ. V-, 1A1 IWl SL. new XOTK I
lution for the appointment of a com-
A fthurihurn bull and a valuable 1
' mission by the Secretary of the Navy
for the purpose of selecting a site for stallion got into aj^yarrel at Wellsville,
a naval station on the Pacific coast. ‘ O. The staliAi which was a Clydes-
He will also introduce a bill autho date and a beautiful animal, displayed
rixirg the construction of a railroad considerable pluek and for a few niin-
ih rough the Cgq^.- d’Alene Indian utes the struggle was simply terrible,
'■ reservation.
the earth being torn up for yards by
' A bill for relief of settlers on school the huge animals. All efforts to sepa-
' lands in Washington Territory.
rate the brutes were futile and the bate
Aho a bill appropriating sufficient tie continued Unsbuted fur ten minute«,
money for the re-survev and re-loca- jchen thé bud gored hi« adversary in a
ui on , ahorte aih g a nd iffigrovement <4, Trtai «pM, hdlh»'« bini instautlv. ’
i TT ï ~ ït ï i ■ » i » j . ...
. i
o ’.tarv w»gon
* 1»
_ T-i between
River vallev ina rvrt Ktamath, ’ is hum matte » by « t-uiubiiKng
l -
* A
i parts
°f gnml txlue’artd five parti» of snzar.
At*o a bill appropriatine money for n
• i -, .
the j-nrehase <>f a'site .ml the con- [be glue is bo.led unt.l it ts entirely
Ftructivn of a wharf for tbe use of the ?"
L“. 'u":u H t*lvl1 Pul lnto
light-bouae drpartnunt at Avaria.
.5.nn,,ithe In:<M evajwrated un-
Q _ a
n » .
til it is found to become hard on u<><»l-
Sebat^r Dolph made an exhau-tive •
« .
stmfv of plana for thecuast defense of ‘ ' ■■■ ■ ,
1 ‘
r rae,t*
the country. He has prepared a bill to ( adHv’.',n<i tbe artlcl<' proves excellent
provide for carrving out the plans of ”r
*" c;lu'ln2 pnper to adhere firm­
ine cc-mmission"tliat m*de * report on
T1*""’1-'’,and Wlth',ut producing the
the subject some time ago. The cost of ^'-‘‘t-st disagreeable odor. — Boston
the work will be $136^000,000' The har-
bore on tne Pacific coast that would be Wakelre’. Squirrel and Gepher Extermi-
impreived under the bill are San Fran-. r?<or ^*7 ’!•
[rove the best is rhe
cisco, the mouth c-f the Columbia. San cheaPes ■
akelee & Co.. S.n Francisco.
tDd 2‘e • n-jrÜi5n .
of Ph» « Itemreiy toe C.Iar^Ts arable
w ashington terre.ory. Tbe bill appro- to use. It is not a liauid or a snuff - iûr
*prBte>t$37,tiOOB06forthe^defense of-—— —......
San Franriert) harbor. The defense T rt G ermka for breakfast,
would eoustet of turrets, barbet te batter-
¡es. submarine mines, torpedo boats. / “N
jri 7X !
thirty fioating batteries and mortar
batteries. Tbe bill approproates $2.519,’
, \ ) SKIN & SCALP
OlO for the defense of the mouth of the r-fU/O— Vç
1 e- a m c r re
Columbia, to consist of barbette batter . '?r5 e .
ies, submarine mines and 15 torpedo
boats. Tbe bill gives San piego hareur
\ XX,
o BE ANTI Fl m
$594.000 for the same purpose.
Ot AU I If I £□.
For Pastor, Parent, Teacher.(Mi
FriemdflKMh elegance and iwefuiMaawil
combined in a copy of Webster's Os