ft 01 Dll * )e I, J “ A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE." D â il . vn. • LAFAYETTE, YAMHILL COUNTY OREG-ON, FRIDAY,. DECEMBER 16,1887. NO. 19. T r, 11 At t inni (bee ,11 AH ouq ITI tin for r A' dd Read and Remember! We will sell you Drugs, Medicines, School Books, Stationery, Scrap and Photograph Albums, Blank Books and everything in our line cheaper than any store in. Yamhill County. When You are in McMinnville Dome and See Us. Rogers & Todd, he ! 8 tO Th Tm d ] eU0 ce ei 'X id| 7. VI of ' 9 ! o.t I, 1.» ¡ bo of le i» . COME AND SEE ME, Farming implements [ ~l Am Underselling Them All.^^ PETERSON’S MAGAZINE w Game System, I» * H WASHINGTON LETTER. fiqit birthday this week, but he does not look a day over sixty >DBLI8MiD EVEBY FRIDAY ’ W ashington , Dec. 3, 1887. years. One year ago the venerable —AT— The democratic congressional cau­ jurist was eligible to retirement, ........................... .... cus, which will assemble at the cap­ and he could then have resigned —BT—\ o itol-the last of this week, will settle his commission and demanded a BA nk s . R arding . . the fate of a npmber of aspiring salary of $10,000 per annum the re­ gentlemen who are ambitious to mainder of his life. The same may 8ÜB8CRIPTION BATES. 'servo their country as subordinates bo said of Associate Justices Field, per year. In advanoa..........$2 00 of the house of representatives/ It Miller and Bradley. Perhaps in no ly.aix mouth. In advac.............. .- 1 00 is the opinion of many that thé other oountry in the world can be ired at the postoffice in Lafayette. Hon. “Sunset” Çox is to be both witnessed four septuagenarians vig­ , OH HtM-otid clase matter. temporary and permanent chair­ orously working every day, when man of the democratic caucus. they could receive precisely the OFFICIAL^DIRECTORY. Sincèl.lqat wrote you, the situation same compensation for doing noth­ rNITBD 8TÂTE8. has changed somewhat—all the can­ ing whatever. .Grover Clevelaitì .. .Tbos. F. Bayard r of Bute... • didates for doorkeeper have with­ According to the annual report of . of Treaaury..............._ Chas. H. Fairchild ' of the luterior............ L. Q. C. Lainar drawn except two, Donaldson and the first assistant postmaster gen-- r“tWar... w “ " ‘ ■-* 1 -'** ,.. Wm 0. Endicot* Hunt; a contestant for the clerkship eral, the number of postoffices in ... W.C. Whitney r of Navy ............ W. F. Vilas L ■ - * trOeocral having appeared in the person of the United States on June 30, 1887,. . .. .A. H. Garland Gratral.. We have the most complete stock of HOLIDAY W. G. Raines, Morrison R. Waite lice............ of Rochester, N. Y., wsb 55,157; it further shows the CJKOBCSaiONAL. GOODS coming that has ever been in McMinnville, and it is said that he "is supported still more gratifying fact that over VJ H Mitchel] and at the LOWEST PRICES. ....................................... N. Dolpb by powerful influences. On the 25,000 democrats have, been ap­ itative.............................. Binger Hermann Call and see them and we know that we can suit you in goods and other hâïÎd, the friends of tho pre- ■ pointed postmasters during the past BTAW. , . j.................... Sylvester Pennoyer prices. sent clerk, Gen. Jno. B. Clark, of two years. .. .Geo* W. McBride Missouri, confidently claim his re­ ............... G. W. Webb It is surprising to think of the- ibiic Instruction. ......E* B. McElroy election. vast amount of money lost in trans- ... Frank Baker inter.................... ( W. W. Thayer. Greater interest ia felt iq Political ; niission through the rnaila The Dr ugg ists. McMinnville, Oregon, ... Wm. 1*. Lord, .Judges--------- 15 —-—NextddoPjto the First National Bank-. circles in Washington as to what report of Vie dead letter office show»: DI8TRICT. ------ may transpire at the other end of that the sum of $29,687 was found- ......................... R. P. Boise .............. ......... Geo. W. Belt the capitel next Monday, as the in letters, uf which amount $2-2,639 ..................... .W - L. Bradshaw seats of at least two of the twenty- was returned te the senders. There COUNTY. six senators who will present them­ was deposited in tile treasury $6,672, ............................... L. Longhairv ............. Geo. W. Dried well selves to be Bworn in on that day, taken from dead letters that could ’.............................. T. J. Harris If" you •yzeizit ehnytixlng' in tlie line of . rrrx_,.;Wjjfrrtialeaa arc to be Contested—one each Trom not be restored to the owners, and ............................. Wyatt Harris 1 *...................... * .J. D. Fenton California and West Virginia, to also $2,921, the proceeds of auction % ( George Dorsey say hothing of a “protest” from In­ sales of packages of merchandise, ......................... ( J. S. Hibbe diana —-the situation being compli­ which could not be restored. AND I WILL MAKE YOU MONEY, FOR John Thompson cated by the fact that of the fifty TlwmaB Huston DECIMAL UNITS. , M J Ramsey Traitées senators holding over, twenty-five j Henry Hopkins ¡ZE Perkins . are democrats and twenty-five are ’ As the metric system of weights' ......... E. Carpenter Buggies, Carta, Hacks, Wagons, Buford plows, and a full line of fanning imple lb ............ B VV Dunn ments. Am Agent for the Celebrated Steel Skein LaBelle Wagon, the republicans-rRiddleberger included. and measures grows in universal fa­ .. .W. W. Nelson Best in the World. ’ . Thus the sentor (rom Virginia holds vor, the need of a uniform decimal na Uw or n « wbv * p » bs . the balance of** power. I am in­ currency and of a decimal system Lafayette, Oregon. llracri ere who do not give exprere no­ lle contrary are coeeldertd ae wishing , formed that it is the policy of the of time measurement is becoming noe their aubaeriptlona. Sclxofleld. ZLÆoxg'axx, democrats to forestall the conteste generally felt. Most countries al­ nhwribera order the dlacontinuance of irMicala the pnbliahere may continue to by urging the seating of alljjie now ready possess some form of decimal Portland, Oregon. ” rm until »11 arre.re are paid. 87 Washington St., wbreribere neglect to or refuae-to take senators %t Once in a body, and in money, and even England is wak­ Lriodic.l* from tl e office to which they Bn girocled, they are held reaponaible case the republicans refuse assent ing up to the advantages of decimal t have nettled their bill and ordered to the proposition, to produce a. leg­ units. -A recent scheme for deci* Mtdiiaanliual. . Mteribera move to other plaeee with- islative .dead-lock.' The 'admission malizing the pound sterling was Lain« th. pnblieher. and the paper, are | the former direction, they are he d of (he senators from California and well supported, the plan being'to iblf [• courts have decMed that refining to West Virginia involves the right of adopt the mill as the unit and di­ Of all Grades and the Latest Eastern Styles. [rlodiCHh fiora the office or removing the state legislature to choose a vide the sovereign into 1000 mills, ting them uncallad for is prima facie ¡e of intentional fraud. Samples bailed on. Application. United States senator at an extra thus making the half-sovereign e poet truster who neglects to give the btice of the neglect of a person to take session; thus the decision ’in these equal 500 mills, tho crown 250, the e office the paper addressed to him, is 1888—EVERY LADY SHOULD TAKE IT—1888 ho to the publhber for the subscription oases will be useful as a precedent double florin 200, the half-crown to settle future contests of this char­ 125, the florin 100, the shilling 50, CHURCH NOTICE, acter. —_------- . . and the sixpence 25. In Wiesbaden Lee will be held at th. following t me. There is every- indication tliat the a step in decimal time-keeping has I cm by the M. E. paetor I d charge of the senate will wage a vigorous war been taken. A new clock divides ke circuit: OF pdaj—11 a. m. West Chehalem; 3 p,. against the president this winter— the day into ten hours, the hour in­ Bee; 7 30 p. m. Newberg. P'iav—11 a. m. North YamMW<3>p»J». LITERATURE, ART, AND FASHION the provocation being Mr. Cleve­ to ten decades, the decade into ten [7.30 p. m. Lafayette. land’s appointment of the American minutes, the minute into ten • inday-^11 a. mt Pike school house; 7,30 Sketches of Noted Pieces and People, Splendidly-tSlustratod Articles, [Wright's school house. Saturday eve Tales ond Novelets by Fetnocs Authors, fisheries commissioners, who rank seconds, and the second into ten k, at Anderson’s school house. Illustrated Hints on tho Fashions, Numerous Work-Teble PcMems. pnday—11 "a.'in. Carlton; 3 p. m.--------- diplomatically as special envoys, rays. Similar unite take the place in. Lafayelte. Preacher in charge. THE BEST AND riTOCAPTOT of tho lsdy’s-books. It gives more for tho money and combine« greator merits than aay other. Its stories, novelets, vto., ore admitted to bo the beet published. Its con­ without the “advice And consent of of the usual degrees, minutes and tributors are among tho most popular authors of America. A FULL-SIZE DRESS-PATTERN with each number, which alono Is worth the price of the the senate.” The question of pre­ seconds in the division of the circle. J. Hurt Moore, number. Every month, also, there appears a MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION-PLATE, superbly colored, and giving tho latest Parisian styles of dre^s. Also, household, cookery, and other receipts, articles rogative thus raised is quite an old on art-embroidery, flower-cultnre, homeMocoration—In short, everything interesting to ladies. n»er First & I’ ixj jjte., Portland Ogn, (From oir regular correspondent.)