The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, December 09, 1887, Image 7

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m#afthe Peculiar Dishes Relished by
Kpiburwaa Mussulman.
Tli. Turkish families that are able
,r. several oonki. one for meats,
„ for pastries, and others for djffar-
it braucliiM of onliiiary art, and they
ire acquired much profloienoy in it,
l far as making savory and appetia-
g dishes are concerned.
The only meats they use are beef,
utton, a little veal, when not too
tung, all kinds of poultry and game
rd,. They eat all kinds of fish,
hich are found in profusion in the
ospborus. The red mullet is aband-
itand very fine, and all the fish, are
x>d and have a peouliar flavor,
here are mauy varieties of shell fish
bich they eat; cockles, razor fish,
ussels and oysters, and also orabs
id lobsters With all fish and most
meats they eat a salad which is call-
l soosliali, made of garlic, oil, bread-
umbs aud vinegar, all bruised in a
ortar, and with cucumber or caviar
It Mussels are stuffed with rioe,
itter, ohopped onions and pepper
id replaced in the shell and baked.
They make aud like some soups, but
ji, is an acquired tasto with them,
id always eat bits of small sardines,
> salted olives, or pistaohe mute he­
re meals as appetizers. Vegetables
,ter largely into thoir diet, and
hong all tomatoes are the favorite,
id scarcely any dish is considered
impkte without them, though thoy
|ver eat them raw.
To preserve tomatoes for winter use
Ly mash them through colanders
id then throw salt in, which causes
L pulp to settle, and thoy are put in
[gs and the water left to drain away.
L pulp is then dried in the shade,
bead on a flat surface, and whon dry
is cut in small cakes and laid care-
lly in jars, which are covered.
Up retains the taste and qualities of
L tomato hotter than canning doA
Lra is another. favorite vegetable,
»-with veal
Lch as gumbo is mado.
they call
»serve okra,
dmia. by stringing it and hanging it
> to dry, as we do apples. When this
boiled it tastes fresh and sweet and
k>w, green in the water again as
/gh it were freshly pi eked.
In stewing meat it is usually botled
til the meat falls from the bones,
d it is always fried a little before
llling to give it richness.
btton with prunes or apples , or
linces Is a fan
" dish.
' is salt-
and sweet itMfcd both, and is not
easant to strangers. Stewed prunes
kl stewed ralsi ns usually wind'up a
Bread and pancakes are
rved with dinners, and sherbet or
lit juices flavored with flower es-
pces and cold water are the usual
Inks at m«a|^, coffee after, and *iki
mastic before. Potato. < are oooked
many ways the nicest being keftai, •
lich are cakes ^nade-of mashed pota-
land egg and,flour beaten light and
Id in boiling fit
Beans and lima
■ms ars boild* with potatoes and
ktsrrand sometimes odious, “and are
m .
Squash, whioh are small and
ken, are stuffed with minced meat,
ions and boiled rioe, and then baked,
■cumber squash are also stuffed and
kpd. as well as oaten raw. One kind of
|w is made of mutton and green
|u; another has meat and all kinds
vegetables. Egg plant is cooked in
Iny ways, each and all being very
pd, and it would be well for our
psekeopers to try them at least |
It tyill be remembered that Eugene
Speck, Halliard Bird, Henry Lewin
and William Duncan together drew
the second capital prise in the Louis­
iana State Lottery on ticket 01,603,
in the drawing on the lSthr ult. An
Arpus-Leader reporter to-day called on
Mr. Speck, who is a barber here, to see
if he had secured hi, money and to
find out bow he was going to use U.
Mr. Speck said: “Yes, we got a noti­
fication the other day to> the effect that
the money was at the Sioux Falls Na­
tional Bank. We went there and re.
ceived 95,000 in cash for the money
we put in. That gave us 91,250 apieee.
Yesterday I bought me a houie in
Western Sioux Falls for 9350. That
is something I have alwaya wanted
and now that I have got one I will
keep iL I am going to start for my
old home in Switzerland next week,
taking along my family. Two others
of the boys are going ovgr to Scotland,
besides putting their money into some
excellent Sioux Falls real estate. We
are willing to testify that the manage­
ment of The Louisiana State Lottery
is done entirely on the square and will
heartily recommend it to any who
want to risk, a little for the sake of a
chance of a big gain."
Mr. Speck has lived here for a num­
ber bf years and has many friends who
are aa pleased as he is at his good for­
tune; The other three gentlemen «ri
paving cutters and are not known so
well. The boys had first formed a
scheme to invest their 95,000 in a
bunch in real estate, but decided at
last to divide and invest as each one
saw fit.
All of the lucky fellows are working
at their usual business and though
well Bet up at their good luck are stick­
ing right to their lasts as if nothing
had happened. — Sioux FaUe (Dak.)
^.rgut-Leader, Oot. 6.
Wlwloude and Retail Dealer, la
Toys. Cames and Movettiea
ely ’ s
forrq çf
SRin and Blood ■
PiHPLES to S crofula
Riverside Av, Spokt. no Fallow T. &4 Sfatte at.. Salem.0t
la suecMsful operation since 1866, patronised from
all sections of the Northwest, endorsed by
business men and leading educators.
of Its class on the Coast, it offers private or class
instruction, day and evening throughout the year, in
Arithmetic. Writing, Correspondence, Book-keeping,
Banking, Shorthand.Type-writing’ Business and Legal
Forms and all Common School Branches. Students
of a^ll ages and both sexes admitted •« any time.
Ca^logue free. Armstrong and Wescp, Proprietor*.
Scaly or Housn
Slciu, in short, all diseases caused by bad
blood are conquored by this powerful, puri­
fying* and invigorating medicine. Great
Eating Ulcer® rapidly heal under its be­
nign influence. Especially has it manifested
its potency in curing Tetter, Bose Kamli»
Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eye®, Ser of-
ulou. Sore, and Swelling., Mip-
jolut DlMaae, White Swelling.,
Goitre, or ThleTx Neck, ab C —
Gland., Bond tun oents In,
large treatise, with colon <1 pl
Diseases, or the same amount
on Scrofulous Affections.
Thoroughly cleanse It bv using Or. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery, and good
digestion, a fair skin, buoyant splr.
Its, and vltal strength, will be established.
C atarr H
ioh is Scrofula of the Lungs, is
ted and cured by this remedy, if taken
fore tho last stages of tne disease are reach
From its marvelous i>ower over this terribly
fatal disease; when first offering this now
celebrated remedy to the public. Dr. P ibiich
thought seriously of calliug it hist M Con­
sumption Cure,” but abandoned that
name as too limited for a medicine whieh,
from its wonderful combi nation of ton io, or
strengthening, alterative, or blood-cieansiug,
anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proper­
ties, is unequaJed, not only as a remedy for
consumption, but for all Chronic Dis­
eases of the
Ona Ages, ’Merchant only' wanted tn evwv town tor
OFFER NO. 170.
FREE! — To M erchants O nly :
plaint We know of only one remedy that Ja sure to
give relief. It 1« the old-established and.well-known
f^u. DK noo^ SiAirr WNicim.yw-.r
V^CbOvv xxUUl v JCM* <* v v V V, ÌV
Co., 55 State Street, Chicago.
popular East and West Others have Imitated the
name and attempted to imitate the remedy, but
have never produced anything! merit. If you ap"
•tantly ralleved by a warm bath with CUTl-
ply to your druggist for a Heart Remedy, be sure he
CUBA BOAT, a real Skin Beautlfler, and a single
application of C uticura , the great Skin Cu^e.
gives you Dr. Rogers*, and no other. The uniform
Thia repeated daily, with two or three doaea of
price is $1 per bottle all over the oountry. The trade
CunouRA R khoi . vxnt . the Now Blood Purifier,
he following odds and ei 9 ds i
to keep the blood oooL the perspiration pire
supplied by wholesale druggists or the undersigned,
and unirritating, the bowel, open, the liver and
stock. Order quiok and get a bargain:
kidneys active, will speedily oure.
dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Patent Medicines
Kceema. tetter, ringworm, psoriasis, lichen, 8 No. 5| Montana Ballard Rifles 45400
and Family Supplies of all kinds. Send for full list
pruritus,scall head,dandruff, and every speciee
cal., double trigger, octagon barrel, 12
of torturing, disfiguring, itching scaly and pim-
to 16 lbs ....
$18 “ 00 (tree) to SMITH'S CASH STORE, 115 and
>ly dlaMaea of the akin and scain, with loee of 8 No. U Sporting Ballard, round barrel,
lair, when physicians and all knows remedies
40-63 cal., »inch, 9lbs
............ lì 00 117 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Sold every where. Prloe, C uticura , 50e,; S oap , 8 Sharp's Rifle "Old Reliable," 45400 oal.,
Octagon, double trigger, 14 to 18 lbs ... .. 22 50
M«.; RasoLVKNT. *1. Prepared by the POTTBR
~ n
Springfield Army
*------ Rifles, 45-70 cal............. 800
D ruo and C hemical C o ., B obtoic M ass
U~8end for ‘'How to Cure Skin Dtoeaae.,*
Write for further particular«.
PJliTL&fl, blackheads, chapped and oily aCn
When I say cure I do not mean merely to atop them
t hudson
for a time and then have thorn return again. I menn a
■iH prevented by C uticura Medicated Soap.
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPIL­
; ^Pnrtlaad, O-vgyn.
93 First street.
EPSY or C alling sickness * life-long atady. I
A. Job Lot.
Imam ballde is the name of one
Re, and means that the Imam or
hat fainted from excess of pleasure
Pis delioious meaL To make it,
1» an egg plant and out places in
sides and Insert slices of onions,
honed with pepper and salt, and
In tie it up and plunge it into boil­
toil and let it get done. They are
uainly good oooked in this manner,
knottier very ‘excellent way of cook-
[ e8g plant is to cut meat in pieces
knt two inches square and put them
book with sliced onions and toma-
k equal quantities, with a very lit-
Iwater and reason!itg. and let them
k until within three-quarters of an
|r of being done; then cut a fair-
id egg plant into pieces without
P>ng it, about two inches square,
I add them, covering all tightly and
lug them boil three-quarters of an
|r. 8erve all together.
lou-sakn is another form, and it is
b- M*
re liked by foreigners than either of
[two oilier ways of cooking. To
® ' LT- i>___ -
ke it, take one pound and a half of
Iced beef, and fry it in butter until
r- or about five minutes. Slice an BUELL LAMBERSON, Cen'l Agent.
hplant and fry the slices until done,
7 Stark St- Partlaad. Or.
I before this about a quart of strain-
komatoos should have been well
kd and seasoned. When the moat
I egg-pl*nt have been fried separ-
ff- they should be plaood in layers uro cHiLDBra. Mii0 g. stevens & Co
I deep pan and the tomato *uce be
Washington, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago.
ted over them, and the pan should
Ft back to boil gently about five
Rtes. This is a mostdelloious dish,
hions, sliced and laid in alternate
[rswith crackers and tomatoes, and
r’ned with salt, butterand pepper,
Iboilsd or baked slowly for four
*rs also v»ry nisk— Olive Har-
Send-for Catalogue No, A
185 A 187 t$ce®n<«
Fortla«d. Or,
P ositive C urî
Put up tor country trade.
Them Is 'fcreat Intensity of the phyrfcaA
condition sum etimes, and there are facte
which we cannot go behind. In illustra­
tion further of facts whieh settle the pointe
of a prompt knd permanent cure, the fol­
lowin’' cases are cited: **In 1884 Mrs. Mary
K. Sliced suffered terribly with chronic
neuralgia. She writes from 1110 Maryland
Avenue, Washington, D. C. In the first in­
stance she states: “I suffered terribly with
neuralgia in the face; very severe attack
extending to back and. shoulders; suffered
intensely. Tried St. Jacobs Oil; hail parts
well rubbed at night; in the morning all
pain gone, magically/’ Juna 10, 1887, she
writes «from 224 Eleventh Street, 8-as
follows: •‘Four years ago I sent you>avol­
untary certificate setting, forth the tact that
I had been a great sufferer with neuralgia in
my face, neck and shoulders. I obtained a
bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. tfnd after three ap­
plications I was entirely relieved from all
pain, and from that time to the present I
have never had a return. The effect was
miraculous.” Again. Feb. 8, 1887, Mr. R.
G. Troll, 8t. Louis, Mo., writes: “In March.
1881,1 suffered terribly with neuralgia; had
suffered nearly three years. Applied St.
Jacobs Oil at 8.15 A. AL ; at 8.40 took the
rag off; at 9 A. M. wentVo work. In less
than five minutes after (Rat the pain was
gone. The one application cured me. Have
not had return or it since.” Mr. E. W.
Spangler, York, Pa., June 17, 1887, writes:
“Yean* ago had neuralgia; am not subject to
It now. The cure by the use of St. Jacoba
Oil was permanent. There has been no re­
currence of the painfhl affliction.” Chas.
W. Lpw, Jr., Pottstown, Pa., April 19, 1887.
writes: “Was troubled for years with neu­
ralgia in neck and head. Tried St. Jacobs
Oil: had tried^different kinds of remedies
a witty clown, oy name Durow, nas without effect. One bottle of the former did the
business, r No return of pain and aches." In
just^beun compelled to leave St. Peters­ almost every instance the reports are the sama.
burg forcarrying jokes too far. He was
Wakelee’s Squipr I and Gopher Extermi­
giving a performance with a pig
nator. • Try ir. and prove the best is the
trained to various feats. At the man’s cheapest. Wakelee & Co., San Francisco.
command the animal took up from
the ground a number of Russian coins,
including imperials an3 small silver
and copper coins. When, however,
some ruble notes were thrown down,
the pig refused to’ pick them up, even
though whipped. Great amusement
was caused by this discriminating act, helped and cured
and it was intensified as a .voice cried me For a week at
from the gallery to the clown: “You a time / cov'd not
blockhead, if the Finance Minister •ee. I eifferedi
from oruis in­
could not raise the paper ruble in four flammation in my
months, how can you expect a pig to note and head —
do it?” Though a favorite with St Mre. Georffie S.
Petersburg audiences, the clown re­ Judeon,
ceived orders to leave the following
A particle b applied In
day.— N. K /W.
Music Boies
•Tea Sets,
Mosic* Boies,
H. .
otLr run instrument .
PlayB Clasalcal, 8ac->'<L Danceiunxl all ponular musk)
Price il5 to S275. W1U KonURg/i
CHASE. San Francisco, for catalogue.
(hr To 88 a Day. Sample« worth $1.50, FREE.
IB al hbies not under the horses feet Write B rew .
w V itu ' i 8AF»rr R in H olprb Co.,Holly ,Mici>.
Invigorator. Gaauiav made by J. P. Alias, SL Paal. Mian.
warrant my remedy to our® the worat oases. Because
others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a
cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle
of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Poet Office.
B. Cl. ROOT, M. C-, 183 Pearl Mt. New Yerk.
QTPINWAY khamich a sacs .
D I Ll N O A I 9 Gabler, Roenieh Pianos: Bur
det Organa, band Instruments. Largest stock
of Sheet Music and Books. Bands supplied at
Kastern price«.
VW Post street Ran Frannisco.
Fl 0RI?‘4ANnQ
!■ Map 6< Flj!RIDA SOUTH-
■ ERN R. H. LANDS. Four million acres,
suitable for Oranges, Lemons, Olives, Pineapple®,
Bananas, Strawberries and early Vegetables. Fos
sale on long
ig credit $1.25 to $8.00 per aer®.
Address r*------------------ “
- —
Shorthand, Type-writing. Penmanship, Book-keeping
and Telegiaphy all for $75.
Pieo’s Remedy ter Catarrh is the
Beat, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
723 Market 8t., San Francisco, Cal
aflTSend for circular.
brown spoul
on face or body, frequent headache or aizzi-
nea«, bad taste in mouth/interna I heat or
chills, alternating with hot flushes, low spirits
and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite*
and coated tongue, you are suffering from
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid
Liver, or “Biliousness.” In manr^
cases only part of these symptoms are expe­
rienced. As a remedy lor all such cases.
Dr. Pier ce d -Bolden Modi cat 4Dts».
co very Is unsurpassed.
For Weak Lunas, Spitting of
Blood, Shortness of Breath, Brpu-
chltis, Asthma, Severe-Coughs, and
kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy.
S old by D ruggists , at $1.00, or SIX
BOTTLES for $5.00.
Bend ten oents in stamps for Dr. Piece's
book on Consumption. Address,
World’s Dispensary Medical Asso*
elation, 668 Main Street, B uffalo , N. Y.
$500 REWARD .
I, Offered by the proprietor,
of Dr- Bago'» Catarrh Remedy
f for a case of catarrh which
H they cannot cure. If you
havo • discharge from UM ‘
nose, offensive or otherwise, partial lore of
•mell. taste, or boaring, weak eyefc dull Mln
or nrereure in head, you have Catarrh. Tbou-
rends of cases terminate In consumption.
Dr. Sage’, C atarrh R oodv cure, (he wore*
CMC of Catarrh,‘'Cold In the Head,—
and Catarrhal Headache. 80 oenta.
English Specialist & Physician,
26H Kearny 8L, Ban Frandsoo
V7 what doctors have seen you. Writ® to or
see him before giving np hope. State your
case, and write for circular and list of ques­
tions. Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses, Night
Emmissions. Scrofula, Erysipelas. Pimples,
Blotches, Uicers^Rheumatiem, Catarrh, Syphi­
lis, Pains in the Head and Bones, Gonorrhoea,
Kidney Troubles, Weak Back, Want of Desire
in Male or Female—all «afely, permanently and
privately oared.
■ catarrh
S. P. N. U. No. *ng«. F. N. U. No. M4.
The Van Monciscar
Young, middle-aged «nd
okLilnghOT mânLd man
ory. Weak
Energy al
Skin biae!
Bone Pains, 8 welling»
Bore Throat, Uloer«, ti
feota of Mercury, Kidneyi
and Bladder Trouble
4 Gonorrhea, Gia* BMM
■«uXlM (Areilt OsaMea t lai lx
Of All Styles.
Clocks, Silverware, Spectacles,
Gantry Orders «elicited.
Meeds seat Hebjeet te lesyeetlea