The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, December 09, 1887, Image 6

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and I’d 1*11 you. I was at a masked
given at the Itenaiianre theatre. I walkeu
A New P roefififi by Which W m U Coal *•
into the greenroom in my dress suit. 1 *u<
yard—Kecent Experiment».
spare of Umbras you can sea. Buddenh
Improv«4 method, for obtaining srtiflcl»l
beat are always a aubject of interest, and ex-
About half way up the Kuedu Jour, near
uenmenU in thie direction are being made all
the BL Bustache church, fij Turk, u au old bawled out: ‘Halloo, there goes the Fat Ox
the time to get beat at ae low a cart a. poeri- •ne ef the Barlleet Indleatlone of
bouse, rendered conspicuous by a wide porch Hake way, • please, for the Fat Oaf Every­
and an extemive stock in trade of china. body roared at this sally. I was downright' Ths Stock of a Chinese Store—Celestial ble. The manufacture of wa^r gaa ba. Iwen
Exhaustion—Step, Toward the V
very successful, and as it can be produoed at
This, two centuries ago, wa» the Hotel du vexed, as you may suppose, bo 1 made up
Seales and Calculating Machines—Chi­
of Insanity— Burdeos Heaped Upo a
Royaumont, built by Pbillippe Hurault, to him and said; ‘My merry fr.end, at noon
cago’» Only Chinese Baby—Supersti­
Mind, of the Young.
bi»bop of Charte» and abbe of Royauuiout to-morrow you shall be a dead man !’ "
asbes and smoke, it is growing in favor and
tious Wearing of a Bracelet.
“He was in the wrong, certaiuly,” I pleaded,
J Later on it wa» occupied by Frirpcois de
efforts are being made to run it into bouses to
There is such a mind
Montmorency, Comte de Boule ville, who “to insinuate so invidious a comparison be­
The San Franciscan and the genial police­
work. In truth it is, as ever]
made it a generous rendezvous for the deui- tween a thin num like you ami a fat ox; man starteti off together, Imt soon btopj>ed in punx>ae<.
ists iu Paris. AU the gentleiueu of the court, but”-----
Another method of heating which is rap­ knows, only by work, minds, or, mote
We had reached our destination. Enter­
eager to challenge auy of their peers over
ing that the combi util lauiklry business and idly making it* way, if the promoters of it rectly speaking, brains can be
some lova intrigue, or who for some personal ing the shop, we came upon M. Ballu, the up­ restaurant was carried on within. T be door are to be believed, is the pulvtjniwi coal pro­ in their growth and naturally dev
motive looked dagger» at'each other pn the holsterer, who, all budding and blooming, was locked, however, and loud knocks of the cess. A company has been fortne*! in Phila­ The exercise of tboee eenters o| the nerv
Place Royale or the Cour la Reine, met at was busy working at a parcel of goods. -
delphia within a short time, and within the
“Oh, that’s your little' game, isitf’ began policeman's club failed to develop any signs next sixty days the process will be ready for system, Vbose functions what we call
the mansion in the Rue du Jour. Here t|/ey
of life. “They aren’t up yet,” «aid the club­
were hospitably received and eutertained; Cboquart. as soon as he set his eyes on bit in- man. “None of those fellows go to beti be­ general use. The claims made for the method sciousnew and intellect are associated
they were offered a cold oollatiou with whies tejSed victim. “You’re alive, then! I fore 2 o’clock in the morning, and they don’t are many, and if oue-half of them are well as essential to their nutrition as activ
and liquors before entering the lists, and thought as much. But you don’t play the get up till late. Come across the street.”
founded there can be no doubt of its success. ú to the healthy growth of any other
those who had forgotten to bring weapons monkey with me any longer, Mister Turk;
Across the street they went, and entered One of the company said ‘to day: “In thia of the organism, whether nervous or
were provided with a goodly »election of «you’ve caught the wrong sow by the ear this the door of a Chinese merchant The an­ country there am about 20,u00,000 tons of coal cular. Every jau t of the living body is
polished steel. Throughout the moruing there time, let me tell you!”
nouncement that one of his visitors was from annually wasted, being too fine for us*. Of veloped, and enjoys vitality, by the
“M. Cboquart!” exclaimed tlie merchant
was an incessant clash of blades, each thrust
the total coal mined it is estimated that X l**r
“Yes, sir, my name is Cboquart—Cbo­ California, and was acquainted with an en­ sent of vitLsle is made by blasting and han­ which makes the appropriation of food
and parry being watched with intense in­
terprising and .well known Celestial there by
pendent upon and commensurate with
terest by veterans, who, After old score* had quart, do you hear, sir!—who’ll bave noue of the utatne of Tin Loy, gained for them the dling, ami that «X per cent, is wasted in the amount of work it does It feeds in pro
been wiped off, and the resident surgeon had this tomfoolery. Your wife—where is she, (reedon*of tba'place and tlie most hospitable breaker. Many attempts have been made to rion as its work», as truly as it work» in
bandaged th* dombatauts’ wounds, were in- your wifH She’s young and pretty, but treatment. Ogars were produced by the utilize this immense amount of wastage, and
portion a* it feeds This canon ot
▼ited, with tlie dueliste and their «ecouds, to wants to run a rig upon me. Your wife, I host, and accepted with a promise to smoke until now nothing has been successful.
life is the foundation ot those
say, averred that you were on your last legs
luacbeou with the Comte d* BouteviUe.
which physiologists form when they com
* -.Ti-
and would be as dead as a herring in less
store was found to consist entirely of goods this fine dust has been used. The requisites
It would doubtlee» be a vain quest to seek, than six months, and here you are, alive and imported from China. It comprises, among for success Are, first, simple and efficient ma­ the value of food in weight lifting power,
nowadays, for a single representative of this kicking. Now, is that the way you keep other things, queer nuts and dried fruits, chinery to reduce the coal to dust at a very is, however, necessary to recognise
although these proposition» are true in
defunct race of duelists, a race to which Cho­ your engagements f*
jap and bottles of rice vinegar, great •maUcost; Second, reduction to an impalpa-
quart evidently belonged. He must have had « “Ah! M. Cboquart,” rejoined the merchant, packages of herbs of supposed medicinal bls^flMrder; third, an automatic supply dt abstract,.they need the introduction ot a
ancestors among the exquisites of the reign who had somewhat recovered from his first value, cocoanut made into long strips and coal dust and air, each qapnble of being reg­ integer or combining power before any
of Louis XIM, the swash bucklers of the. fright, “I .. bay® been ilL -very ¡B, indeed. (lipped in sugar, dried sea tv-h, flat and ulated at will; fourth, the reduction of the ot results can be worked out
We know that- food is practically
Hotel de Royauinont, or thesplehdid corps of You’ll never see me don thé Turkish garb
. transparent, China melons from coal and the simultaneous feeding of it with truly outside the body after it has been ee
muÀeteer» of Louis XV. Choqûart’s mania again. ’Tis over now. So let me ask you to almost
for dueling, his ever recun iug provocations forgive and forget any improper thing I may claims that the only reason Americans do not fifth, the intimate mixture of the fine parti­ digested, and even taken in the blood cu
ss it is when it lies on the table. Nutri
to decide & difference at t. e sword’s point have said on that eventful night.”
“One moment,” said Cboquart, “not quite buy these articles is tfiat they do not know cles of coal dust with air, so that each parti­ u tissue function, and its performance
made of him a publip character; and his repu­
how to use thetDu If you ask. the qse of al­ cle shall be surrounded by air as it enters the
tation was perhaps heightened rather than so fast, please. Do you tender your excuses' most any of the green or dried stuff'found in fire box, thus insuring complete combustion. pends on the ap¡>etite and feeding
which is something different from the o
diminished by the fact that his most terrible hi the regular form !”
of this kind the almost invariable an­
“These conditions have been completely ful­ need, of the tissue with which (he tin
“Faith, I don’t quite understand what form
challenges were unable to withstand the offer
is brought into contact Again,
of apeaceful solution over a bowl of punch. that is. But this I know, for I have inquired queer looking jars or battles in such an es­ tie (fust is as follows: The coal, no matter
His guileless talk and southern accent, his about you and learped that you were a rigf.t tablishment occasionally contain whisky what size it is, is fed into a pulverizer, by particular part of the organism may
peculiar way of lisping and other physical good fellow. Come, I have a roasted leg of made from rice. At least the Chinamen which it is ground to an impalpable powder. exhausted by work that it has not po
oddities, gave to bis daily Odyssey a smack mutton with kidney beans. Will you do me the seem to be familiar with such an article. This is done by means of the friction of the enough left to feed. It |s a matter of
highest practical moment that this t
honor to dine withnie, you and your friend!
of the most genuine comic buffoonery.
“Heap stlong. Makee dlunk, allee same Mel- particles, one against the other. After the should be recognised.. There is undou
When the mania for fighting was strong , My wife wdl be overjoyed. Aglae, why (ton’t
coal is ground it passes through the
point hi which work oeases to be
within him it wasxliffiçult to evude hisiuood.
The only weighing apparatus to be found izer, and on coming out it is met by a
ing and becomes exhausting, seif exiia
One day be would ep ter a coffee house, take an invitation to dine witiTua.”
in a Chinese grocery is very primitive. The of air from a blower, which sends it through and self destructive so far as« tlie
Of course I nodded assent, while it was not
a seat and say to a near neighbor:
over difficult“ to read on Choquart’s relaxing article to be weighed is put in the basket a nozzle into a combustion chamber undem issue iu activity is coneemed.
“After you, The Figaro, please.”
One of the strings is taken in one hand, and neath the boiler. This combustion chamber
“Sir,” the other woàld politely respond, “it countenance that the roasted leg of mutton the susjiended weight is dipped along with
has to be specially constructed, and* , will last
is not The Figaro but The Constitutionnel had found the way to his heart.
Worlu.may be carried too far, it
“Then, again,” added M. Ballu, who now
that l am reading.”
liasket Little marks along the arm indicate is used. The arch will last a year and. the such f [iolnt that not only the last reserve
“Ohl you would give me the lie, would you! felt that he bad the game in his own bands, different weights, and the ring from which
side walls two years. The supply of coaVdust power for action, but the ultimate unit,
Take care, sir,vbr, by Go<4 1’11 teach you bet­ “I bave A certain Madeira about which I
the iron lialance is suspended marks the num­
ter manners.”
ber to be read off. This contrivance, of
Ou another occasion he would introduce a qua it,'
course, gives the exact weight, and hence in ca{>es from the chimney, and there is no loss general activity, may
“You have no Madeira, sir,” retorted Cho­
like scene after this fashion:
this respect is a great improvement on some' of heat in. that way. We feel confident that and the organism left so utterly powe
“Now, don't keep staring at me in that of­ quart, with a deep frowfi over his eyelids.
of the more modern devices in use by many at least thirty five per cent of fuel will be that its exhausted tissues can no longer
fensive manner, please!”
propriate the food supplied or placed wit
saved by qsing the machines. ——.
“1 say you have go Madeira, sir,” ex­ American grocers. ...... —:--------------- -
“I,” expostulated the customer. “Lord bless
“John,” said the' Californian, “there is one
“In Philadelphia the past month, experi­ their normal reach. We have said that*
me, sir, I jlkin’t even see you. I was lopkiug claimed the duelist, raising his voice and thing I wish you would explain to me, and
necessary this should be understood. It
gesticulating like, a madman. “And please .chat is your system of counting. I have ments Lave been made with this procera in sjiecral bearing on the question of brain
the other way.”
“Ohl then luma liar, am IP_ And Cho­ take notice that I am not to be contra­ beard it explained, but could never under­
gineer made the statement that where 1,400 in childhood and indolence.
quart would rise from his seat iu -a threaten­ dicted* on this point. I have drunk but one
Just as extreme weakness and fain
pound« of coal per day were used under a
glass of genuine Madeira during the whole stand
ing attitude.
the body as a whole produce restlessness
The first lesson was cheerfully given, and
Even the most peaceful person could course of my lite. ’Twas at the Tuileries. in so skillful and intelligent a manner that it small boiler, at a cost of $3 per ton, 900 pounds loss of control, so extreme exhaustion of
scarcely put up with such insolence. They Yes, sir, I had just recovered from sick­ was understood. The American, who has a of dust were used at a cost of about $1 '■per bram produces mental agitatiou and leaf
felt like tucking up their sleeves and knock­ ness, and was on duty at the king’s dinner. decent reputation for expertnras in figures, ton. The machine for that boiler 'only 'costs healthy self consciousness. This M how
ing Choquart down. Nor ’ did he fail, at A glass of Madeira having been poured out was given a column of dollars and cents to . about $16o. and he thinks there is a saving of why the “overworked” become d
times, to meet with his deserts. He more for Louis XVIII, his majesty, turning to­ add. There would be a little raiding and a - at least fifty per cent The cost of repairs to One of the earliest indications, or sym
than once stumbled on a Tartar. His best ward the cup bearer, said: ‘Hand that to flying of fingers, and before be could even - the machine will not exceed $10 per annum. of brain exhaustiou is commonly ip-ital
known scrape that way is worth relating. Choquart, and give *him my compliments.* get the figures down be would be given the One result of using the refuse coal will bethat then com s sleeplessness of the soil w
of ordinary ceal will have to come
Choquart one day entered a courtyard to Do you hear me nowf
seems to cohsist in inability to cease thi
«.‘orrect sum by the Chinaman.
-New York Post
“But, Monsieur Choquart, I assure you”—
challenge a master builder, who was pump­
either of a particular subject or things in
In the back room breakfast was in progress.
“I say that you have no Madeira, 6ir,” In addition to the ri-e there were severali
ing water at a fountain. The master builder
eral; next, the mental unrestful or u
t • Tlie Plebe at “the Point“
looked up surprised, caught hold of Choquart screeched Choquart, who had grown furious, mysterious looking dishes discussed with
trollable thought gets the better of the
inf* -------------------------
the command was,
by the scruff of his neck, doubled him up, and brought bis band down with terrific --pooni. made of chinaware. The merchant
even during the ordinary hours of w
put hint under the pump and soused him like force on the wooden counter. “If you once informed his visitors that everything on the shook! have seen thoee green boys trying to ness and activity, which ifra step further
more dare to say that ‘you have Madeira table except the bowls came from ChinA.
get in ranks. There were now about 100 ward the verge of insanity than the mere
a dead rat.
The story of Choquart’s adventures would wine I’ll tear your head clean off from your
“How many China women are there in “beasts.” and they looked like a herd of Texas -isience of thought at the hour of
fill a volume, but I will relate only one, shoulders!—And what else did you say you tojrn, John!“ asked the San Franciscan, re­ steers ■. though more subdued. After a while this way lies madness; and, finally, the
wherein I acted as his second.
membering his own city and her unspeakable the ‘ beasts.” including my trembling self, ing faculty, or, as we say, the imagine
One night, at a masked boll. Choquart
“Well,” said the merchant, who wàs some­ plague spot. He was informed that there were strung out into a long, wavering line, gets the better of the wifi and asserts su
quarreled with a Turk. Cards were ex­ what staggered at this sudden fit of passion, are only three or four, and a very ingenious and a Thdet corporal com menced to call the ucy for its phantoms, those of sight or
changed. The following day Cboquart, with “I’ve a leg of mbttori with kidney behns.”
reason was given, but he was unab.e co tell toil of candidates. Each one was instructed ing being the most turbulent and dom
his two seconds, went to his adversary's
“A leg of mutton,” said Choquart, in a whether it was founded on truth or on the to answer “Here!" Some who answered which happen tb be most commonly used:
house. The Turk of the previous evening soft tone of voice, “that’s good, when well pride of the wily Celestial It wAs, in sub­ “Present” were r.ipped in the bud and taught intellectual work, and therefore most
turned out to lie a well to do upholsterer, who roasted. But I’m confident ’twill be over- stance, this: The reputation of the China­ a lesson in cadet discipline. One poor fel- oped by thq. iiwiiywinaL
carried on business iu the Saint Martin j dune. Have you got.such a thing as a spit!” women who come to thn coun tr y is, as eTery tow, whe-warTather-taTdjrhr replying tdhlT madness.
quarter. On entering the premises Cboquart l “Aspic! I should ray I bad,” burst out M. one knows, iu one sense of the term, unques­ name, was commanded to “step out and an­
inquired after M. Ballu.
• Ballu, with kindling eyes. “Only just pass tionable. The men who come to New York swer to his name.” “Step out” is the West
Such is the story of overwork of the
“What can Ido for you!” asked a young I this way, gentlemen, and see for yourselves.” and Chicago are a more moral class, and Point slang to “make haste,” and when the or mind; and it is easy to see that at any
I “beast” actually did step out of rank he was
and pretty wu;uan, who came forward from
The merchant led us into a comfortable they will not allow the women here.
of the progress from bad to woj-se tlie
[ back shop, which answered the purpose of a
the back of the shop.
Speaking of wo nen reminded the officer surprised at tbe celerity with which he was may be overpowered and the judgment
“Stuff and nonsense ! I don't like joking in • dining room. There on the hearth, in front •bat be knew the abode of a celebrated Bene- * made to step back. The formation was for verted in such manner as to impel the t
matters of serious importance. My name is of a bright blazing fire, a fine leg of mu ton lick, and be proposed a visit thither. In the dinner, and we were retained until the bat­
of this-mind trouble to seek refuge in
Choquart, 1 come for an affair of honor. A majestically turned on a spit, like the planet basement of a botne on Van Buren street the talion of cadets had started. They marched
or to so disorder his consciousness that be
gentleman shouldn't be made to wait iu tins ■ round the sun.
family man was found asleep ujx>n a peculiar
poses himself to be acting in obedieuuj
manner. Your iiûabaiid is an ill bred dog.”
’‘That looks nice,” remarked Choquart, •ouch made of four short posts, covered with accuracy and beauty of a vast machine. some just and worthy behest, when ho
“Oh, excuse me, now I know what brings ; after a moment of silent contemplation. bamboo matting irnjorted from China. In Finally our time came. The plebes at the
an act of self destruction or does
you. This is what I have to say. My hus­ “You are not altogether an idiot. A man ais arrps was a bundle that looked like a bead of the column interpreted the meaning
band weut out yvsterduy to spend the carni­ who knqws the worth of a spit deserves to qiall !>ag filled with something, and that’s of the command, “Forward, march,” and the king in the dbfiig of which he accid
val, and it has made him id. He is in bed, live. But why don’ baste your leg of ¿bout what it was. When the man started ‘ procession started for the large granite dies. Such, in the main, is the story of
cido from overwork.
and spits blood.”
mutton f” So saying Choquart took up the up, fonlewhat suddenly, tbe bundle prove i to structure known as the mess hall.
What, then, can be the excusepleadabty
, “Dear me,” remarked Choquart, turning ladle and began pouring over the meat the ’•ratain, among other things, as cute and ri-
It was like running the gauntlet One those who heap on theiirains of the youuj
toward his seconds, “wuat a mischance! He rich steaming juice. At that moment the iicukras little piece of humanity as ever cadet iu the rear of the line hollered at me in
such burdens of mind labor
merchant's wife came in.
•pits blood, did you say!”
ried in the middle of the night. When you a voice of special envy: “Drag in your chin
“AlAs! yes, sir,”' answered the young
“Ah. good day, madame, good day to you!” -aid it was pretty its father immediately about a yard, mister! I want to see less worry as exhaust their ve^y,faculties af
woman, wuo seemed much affected, “and the said Cboquart, as be leancover anti deluged -eased to be John Chinaman, and liecame a slouching among you beasts; stand up, sir!” help and leave them a prey to the vaga
doctor say? that be has not six months to live.” I the savory roast. “Well, you see what has nan. He made it siiow off in a manner that I trie«! to obey. Each plebe had his coat but­ a starved brain! We pity the suffei
“Dear me!'* went on refieatmg Cboquart. happened. Your husband isn’t dead after •could have caused al white father of an toned full up, the palms of his bands to the those shipwrecked sailors who, after *x
in an oj«en boat, perhaps without’f
“spits bluod. llow shall we settle iuatters, all. Dear m-, how shall we get to arrange
„bteen months’* old baby to turn green front, and all the while his toes digging up hours or days, “go mad,” anti, raving of
then! Hasn't six mouths to live. Well, the matter! Tis very provoking, very.”
..¡th envy. It said things in Chinese the gravel of the area.—Philadelphia Times. and pleasures, the antitheses of their
madame, I'm not a bad fellow, whatever
“Alas, sir, 'twas a severe trial God, in his md English, threw kisses, made gurgling
experience, fall on each other or
others may think. Now listen to what 1 have goodness, has sj-ared his life. I trust the ->unds with ite hand to its mouth, and per-
I think my jokes build themselves. They themselves overboard. Have we no pitj
to say. We are iu January, aren't we! Just leason will be of sen ice to him.”
»naed other baby feats of a high order. get even into my business correspondence, brains dying of lack of focxl because we
so. Well, 1'11 give your husband six months
“God, iu his goodness/” went on muttering While tbe father was thus engaged,* its
resist their encroachment compelled'them to expend their very
to be buried in. 1 shall call around and pay Choquart. “That's all very well. But we notber, who j* generally invisible, and who however bravely I ____________________
Why. I assure you that they have even crept unit of force in work, and now they
my respects six months hence. If, in July haven't settled our little difficulty as yet.”
which circumstance* traught in the act of dying!
next, your husband isu’t dead and buried, 1’11
“Come now, Cboquart,” said I, interrupt- view by her maternal pride and bv tbe fear^
It may be a sublime ideal, that of a
treat him as a knave and deceiver, and pta- ipg him prsttv sharply,, “we're had enough ^u. the baby waa not being shown off to tbe bare recently obliged me to write to the be­
reaved family of awhilom newspaper asso­ educated-people; but if it shiMikLha
card his nume iu all the barracks of Pails.”
on that score. M Baliu has tendered you Lis
Tbe mother is a China- ciate.
the realization of this beautiful drehiu of
This threat, which constantly fell from i last excuses in my presence, and cordially «■'fnan, a statement that is not so unneces-
I can say, though, that of the different philosophic reformers can only l»e ac
Choquart’s li|«, was a reminiscence of his invites you to dinner; what more do you >ary as might at first thought appear It is a
by the slaughter of the weak, it will
soldier life. The thought never suggested i want!”
pretty baby—< girl Its name is Kum Lien,
itself ttiut an upholsterer might not care the
“Dear me,” said Cboquart, still fascinated i which, when properly pronounced by its graph is the hardest. A column of j>ara- console the national conscience to
jingle of u brass farthing waether bis name ! by the leg of mutton, “I do think it is be­ i a »other, sounds musicaL Its ey« and long grapbs daily would puf any man under the that, after all, “the survival of the fi
s-xl in twelve months, whereas humorous the law of nature.—Lancet.
were placarded or not in all the barracks of ginning to burn at the joint.”
I nair are black/ and its unformed childish
the country.
The difficulty was now over, and the duelist I face, as is generally tbe case, has not taken sketches. espe.ial)y if they are in a series, are
A valuable kind of dr/ pocket glneTi
One fine afternoon ia July of that same completely disarmed. We all Lad dinner. I m yet tbe distinguishing features of tbe race. the easiest work a professional humorist has
to do. I can write a couple of columns of made by combining twelve parts of
ear, Ch»quart took hold of my arm at the Choquart recounted his duels to the uphol­
Tbe father wore on Lis wrist a ring or sketches without any great mental wear, but glue ahd five parts of sugar. The gl<*
'arietes coffee house, and said :
sterer, an ! drank with great gusto Lis ! bracelet of some Kind of CLinese stone, which
a half column of paragraphs makes me long boiled until it is entirely dissolved, the
“Come along with me, old boy; I have a “spurious” Mad -ira.
!>e Las worn for over twenty years.
to be a popular preacher going to Europe for is then put into the glue, and the iual
•mad matter which I really must clear up
Cboquart died in pouerty. Far over
“You m * veliy many thing," said he in ex- three months' ret at the expense of an ad­ evaporated until it is found to l>ecome b
without further loss of time.”
twenty y ears he had lived on a small pension plaiiattori. “in the day time. Slam loud all
on cooling. Lukewarm water melts it
We took a road which led toward the Saint granted him by the Comte de Chambc-t night. Y og sabee slam! Siam alle same miring congregation.
Working up ideas' for cartoons is almost as readily, and the article proves excolleM
Martin quarter, and, as we walked along, i When, however, be received 500 francs, Lis i dixLam. Wear this ling, no slam."
use in causing paper to adhere firmly,
Choquart entered circumstantially into the wont was to give bw frirnds a supper which
This wa.* HouM thnig new. “Do you mean
particulars of the case. The upholsterer's cost the same sum, so that on certain days of > tosay." be wa* asked, that so long as you ceive the general idea, but to make the de­ and without producing the slightest d
able odor.—Boston Budget
day ot reckoning bad arrived, and Cboquart the year lie wei.t supt^r less to be»t Bull, be wear this ring you won't dream C
' quently happens that before you have the
was bent on iiqdmg out whether his former be was extreme! y punctilious in money mat­
-Weil,’' he rep lie»! cautiously, intent upon picture complete in your mind, public inter­
Bar Harbor’s Kick Waiherwcl
Turk had |Kiid the funeral draft indorsed six ter*.— Boston Courier Translation from the defending bis superstition, -¡dam some, no
est in its subject has died out and your labor
mouths previously by his wife,
Bar Harbor boastsof a $75,000 wash
French of Auguste VdlemoC
slam veliy much. No wear Ung, slam more.” has gone for nought—Al xander É. Sweet in
“If,” sotiluquiaed Choquart, “tb* rogue is
Her house and lot are now estimated at
—Chicago HerakL
New York Commercial Advertiser.
*tih alive. Pit cut off both his ear«, you know.
price, but she cannot be induced to «A l
'Oconomowoc,*' yelled the brakeman.
— '
I’ui justified in so doing, am I not!”
to scrub and polish as she did
“O'Connor may walk, may heT exclaimed
A California paper stat« that a petrified fore the rise to her fortunes, the only
“Of course you are, uiy dear fellow, But, tn Irishman at the other end of tb*- <-ar. An’
tooth of a shark was picked oat of a solid being she has more to do now than tbenj
let me ask, the thing occurred long ago, faith, if yez inane me. you'll hav$, a fotne
rock at a depth of thirteen feet while digging not recorded that her collars are more
didn't it, and in the carnival »ea0»n ! A im ! rime mikin' <)'Co:.nor walk wbui b*'« {«id
a well at Nipomo a short time ago. The tooth or her handkerchiefs whiter than they
again, what did th* fellow do to warrant suab |5 for thW bit o’ pasteboard. -Bt. l aoJ
has retained its enamel and is highly pok fore she was a capitalist, nor that the
' “What did be do. the villain! Just listen
is less satisfactorily done. —Kennebec J
let» I
Atm™.' —««.
A,torW» tor Estate