F ♦ ■'i- H V r 4 ■ vfi - • : A I of 4 Of of J"? % È X . —■ VOL. VII ». . i J w q 1 eel I) I > a Ito ta FBlQ.tY Oregon. Newberg ’m. 34 DR. J. C. MICHAut/. LAFAYETTE, OREGON- ) X •' .83 kfter an active experience of nine years era bis services to the people ol Lafayette 1 surrounding country. Ian, 21,’87. t - .79 12.. 7» First Nationfil Hank. □ 8, ----- or u ’ minnville , or .,----- { 4 it: he ?7 on ) a U) L c OB WORTMAN...................President, ID. FENTON................ Vice-President, o. WORTMAN .. ................... Cashier, transact« a grnwral Hanking Busim'M. De­ bit« weind «inject U> check. Heli» eight nliange »»* t'kgre^hic tranefere on New [rk, S«n ffi-ancieco and Portland. lune 21,‘ly. LOCAL AND GENERAL. "‘i of Dr. Davis, resident dentist. Yesterday was a stormy day. E. X. Harding and family, of Gaston, B in town. The holiday ad of Geo. W. Burt should road by all. 1161. Chris Taylor, cl llayton, was in ivn on Wednesday. “J I. Matley went to Portland on business t fore part of the week. Rev. F. Dillard Holman was oh our bets one day this week. M st r- i« lion. Lee Laughlin was among the |lers at this office on Monday. ludge H. Hurley returned from his kincss trip east of the mountains Tues- 0« t, !0 1» (• n a o d I- □ 11 1 I 1 B k i 1 REAL ESTATE. CARLTON. the OaklancT’Enic^riic is de d.—The m>qua Herald, now hails from tjiat n. km. Grace has'opened a neat little hr store next to Westerfield’s furniture all things useful, all things lieautiful, things that brighten home at Geo. W. it’s. Highest price paid for all ginds of pught and cast iron. Apply to Carl hrng. the public examination of teachers at I court house this week was not largely ended. It * . : f ______ _ ke are informed that John Benninger, ply from Nebraska, has purchased a j-acro farm. , During the month of November the fol: Nov. 28, 1887. lowing transfers have Iieen made: Married—At Castle Rock, W. T,, Ida School land commissioners to Nels ! Shutt to John A. McCullough. May hap- Hausen, east'half of n w >4, section 5, t 3 > piness be their lot through life is our wish. 6, r 5 w, containing 80 acres; »160. . - J. W. Rogers and wife to Jas. O. Rog­ Came pretty noar'being a squaw win­ ers, lot 90, in the Masonic cemetery at ter, but to-day Oregon is herself again. McMinnville; »20. <. ' Some talk of a store coming to town, T. H. Gilbert to J. II. Brown, east halt but there is more talk than store so far ; ol n e % of n e % of section 10, the n w now is the time for some man to branch of n w of section 11, and part of the out; a good house can be had for reason­ w ,1^ of s w Ji of section 2, t 5 », r 7 w; able rent. Will somo one take pity on »450. poor little Carlton and come to tu? J. H. Brown and wife to Cyrus Jones, Wood seems to be in greater demand the east Ji of n e li of n e Ji of section 10, jiart of w> of s w J< of qectibn 2. t 5 s, r in Portland than wheat at the present. 7 w; »400. Carlton is in need of a good shoemaker. G. _C. Litchfield and. wife to B. F. One would do well hero as we understand Died—Nov. 24, 1887, 8. A. Caldwell,, the one that worked here last winter of 11 w. J4, the n w Ji and after a sickness of about four months of Jones, the s wants to sell his tools; good chance for that dreadful disease consumption. If he the s w Ji of n e Ji of sectiou.34, t 5 s, r some good wprkman, so come along. 7 w, containing 100 acres; »850. had lived until next April lie would have G. F. Tucker and wife to T. J. Force, G. It. Bodie moves to-day to the future been 20 years old. Seth Was »good boy 200 square feet of land and undivided Ji county seat. We aro sorry to lose any of «nd loved by all; and a very Targe audience interest to the west brick wall of the our citizens. was present at"his funeral The sermon building of G. F. Tucker in McMinnville; A fellow said to-day that Charlie would, »230. waH preached vUy J. A. Campbell, of occupy thff empty house; that is right, J. W. Force and wife to T. J. Force, keep all the hquse^-full. Hillsboro, the audience showed the res- 80Ji acres, t 3 s, r 4 and 5 w;»1375. pect in which 1m was held, there being A new well at the hotel. O. A C. railroad to John Eberall, the s verj- few dry eyes in the large audience. w Ji of s w Ji of section 25, t 4.8, r 6 w, Mr. A. P. Wilson is digging a well on Good-bye Seth, may your rest be sweet. containing40acres; »120. . _ his lot in town, George Dorsey and wife to Joel P. Dor­ A F riend . Tho Becond quarter of our school com­ sey, 120 59-100 acres in t.5 s, r 3 w P41200. mences to-morrow. J/R. Caldwell died November 2Gth af­ ■J7~A. Odell and wife to G. W. Odell, Asa Kelsey went to Hillsboro last Satur­ ter an illness of some three months of a the n Ji of the donation land claim of R. day and returned pn the evening train. complication of diseases. Mr. Caldwell B. Odell in t 5 s, r 3 w; »500. You see Ace isa bach and Hillsboro is ‘0. A C. railroad to R. L. Booth, tho n noted for its oliMtaids so you can draw would have been Cl years old on May 4, Ji of n e Ji of section 1, t 5 s, r 7 w, and 1888. Coming to Oregon in 1875 .and s e I4 of 11 e Ji of section 35, t 4 s, x 7 w, your own conclusions. settled in Carlton; worked at the fflioe- containing 122 40-100 acres; »160. ______ __ Wilson Reed, is going around with his T. "H. Gilbert to fe. L. Booth, the s w nose and one eye in a sling, all owing to mAker’sTrade" and acteil as railroad agent a litnb coming in contact with his face. for ten years until some four years ago he Ji of s e Ji and a e Ji of s w Ji of section , H awk -E ye . . quit H|e shoo business, started a little 2, t 5 s, r 7 w, 80 acres; »225. W. M. Brown"and wife to R, I.. Booth, grocery} store, attending to- business un­ NEWBERG. • the east Ji of s e Ji of section 35, t 4 s, r til compelled to give all up and took his 7 w, containing»«) acres; »200. i . Nov. 28, 1887. bed, fijpin whieh-he never left. Mr. C. J. C. Braly and wife to R. A. Stewart, Mary Edwards has gone to Riverside Was aj|ncmber of the Christian church lot 5, block 19, Rowland’»-McMinnville ; schoolhouse, near Sheridan, to bold a series of meetings. B Masonic order, llojripa’ves a »190. R. A. Stewart and wife to Mrs. Jane Í'.' one daughter to momm his loss, John Goodrich and family, of Dayto i Curtis, lot 5, block' 19, ll-Avland’B Mc­ Prairie, were down on a visit yesterday. ere forty-five teams tn the pro­ Minnville; »400. _____ - » ' ■» cession to the grave. He has gone to Miss Emma Deskin is home on avisit. A. B. Faulconer and wife to Victor A. hiB last sleep; may he rest in peace. Gross, lot 3, block 13, in Sheridan ; »50. C. W. Tolson and several of his child­ . , A F riend . R. L. Stow and wife to B. D. Perry, lot ren are down with the typhoid fever. in McMinnville ; »750. A «cries of meetings have been goinJ T he N arrow G auge .—Commencing to­ Estate of W. T. Newby, deceased, to on-the past week ut Middleton, of which day passenger trains of the Portland & Win. Lambert, lot 2, block 5, Newby’s 3d several from this place have been taking an active part. Willamette Valley road, carrying ynails, addition to McMinnville ; »40. J. W. Cowles and wife to Wm. Lam­ will run regularly from the foot of* Lin­ IL St. Helon is putting up an addition bert, lots 5 and 6, block 5, and lots 8, 4 coln street to IJjindee"Junction, and con­ and 5, block 6, Newby’s 3d addition to to liis house. nect there with trains of the Oregonian McMinnviHo ; »400; O. F. Moore and wife were at Dayton Railwa y Com p a n y; In d ited, d u r Q obllf g7 Hi S. Leatherman and wif" to Fred A. Sabbath on ti visit. Sheridan ami Airlie. Until Thursi^iy the Ramsey, thè n Ji of s e % of Section 28, t School opened ^at tho academy this morning with full attendance. sojith-bound train will leave at 7.30 a. m., its, r 5 w, containing 80 acres ; »300. John Harris and wife to John Gilliert- after that day at 8 a. 111. The train from Several new buildings aro .going up kon, the west % òf ìot 3, sectiofi 1, t 3 s, r the south will arrive at 5.30 p. m. Freight 4 w, containing 19 84-100 acres; »1200. * about tho boarding hall, trains will commence mnning late this JOIln Alph Moore, of Dayton, is down on a John Sopér cl et al ul w to rrefl Fred L. Soper, 360 visit. ■'X, P rohibitionist . week. Terminal facilities at the foot or acres in t 4 a, r 5 w; »4500. Lincoln street, though crude, aro ample T. J. Shadden and wife to W. D. and a mighty sight more convenient than •Wright, lota 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 2, Row­ the great transcontinehtal lines furnish. land’s McMinnville »1. Wm. Douthy to Wm. Blum, a part of “ÌOR GOJJ ASi> ROMK a .\D XATJtE The boat to connect with Salem will be ¿AW’ donation laud claim of Wm. Douthy; »600. put on as Boon as the upper Willamette M. E. and C. T. Moore to Joel Beau, M rs . F A. .M orris , Press Superintendent rises.— Oregoifian, Monday. lot in Newberg; »140. • Newberg, Oregon. ‘he scalpa of wild animals, Isst 1«M rnTOtma mentina W the county countv “** bounties were paid on the the following animals: ^Vars and six cougars. A »4, and a cougar r r • Following is the programme for the open temperance meeting to be held next Wed­ nesday evening, Deeeifiber 7th: Recitation........................... Bertie Sampson Reading..-^ —........Lulu Hopkins Recitation...........................Clifford Hurley Recitation....... ............ Mary .Parker Music............ Charlie Hoberg, Cail Kelly Recitation.... f..... f...................Guy Bird Reading....................... z.... Mrs. O'Conner Recitation................................ Clyde Hurley Music....................................................... Choir Recitation................................. Ralph Dunn Reading....................................... Mrs. Matty Recitation . ..... • .Clara Davis Music......... ....................... .-.................... Choir Recitation......... . ................... Bertie Haney Reading..............;........ Mrs. Jessie Johnson Recitation........ x.......... Anna Hutelieus Recitation...........................Eddie Littlefield Music......... ........................ Trio Short Speech.__ —„.'. Mr. Burlingame Music...................................................... Choir Jesse Edwards and wife to.Joel Benn, 1J4 acres at NewbeygiflSO^ J. F. Cook and safe to Goucher A Gal­ loway, blocks 21, 22 and 23 and east J¿ of block 24 of Newby's addition to Row­ land’s McMinnville; »2887.5Q. C, S. Day and wife to Ola Okerson, 3.3J4' acres; part of donation land claim of E. G. Edson; »1000. Z. S. Bryant and wife to Geo. E. Seed, part of donation laud claim of E. G. Ed­ son, containing 22*4 acres; »800. J. 8. Martin and wife to G. L. Baker, undivided J¿ interest in land bought of B. F. Hartman; »1250. John H. Catw to Alice Carse, part of donation land claim of A. R. Elder, con­ taining 17 82-100 acreg¿»l. J. G. Turner and wife to J. E. Magers 1 16-100 acres near McMinnvi lo: »850. *W. II. Saylor et al to N. J. Thisaell, block in C. Saylor's addition to McMinn­ ville ; »300. Mary Jensen to Christian Jenson, part of donation land claim of Ilonry Noble, containing 100 acres; »400. E. E. Goucher and wife to C. A. "Wal­ lace, west J{ of lot 2, block 16; »1500. . L. Bettman and prib to board of school laud commissioners, lota 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, "on 36, t 5 s, r fl w, containing MM »136.24. . ; • LMcBride and wife to Lafayette lodge No. * A-..AL, ÜHubuiymg ground on the HenlyTarm; »1. ~K~ Hiram Rummell and wife to Wm. Poole, lot in McMinnville; »800. Araminta Higgins to John Dempsey, 8675 20-100 square feet; »100. Margaret w. Burton et al to F. Hous- wirtli 12U acreb in t 3 », r 4 w; »1800. _ W. ________________ A. Gardiner and ____ wife ____________ to schbol dis- feict No. 48, 91-100 acres in t 5 s, r 6 w; »150. A ________ WIVES! MOTHERS! We will sell you Drugs, M<______ School Books, Stationery, Scrap fend Photograph Albums, Blank Books and everything in our line cheaper than any store in Yamhill County. When jou are in McMinnville " 5 OnthR and See S pp Us Ik / Come DAUGHTERS! Be your own physician! A ladv who • for j’ears suffered from distressing female complaints, "weaknesses, etc., so common We have the complete stock HOLIDAY to her sex, and hail ijgspaired of a cure, been in McMinnville, finally found reinedien which completely GOODS coming that has cured her. Any sufferer can use them and at LOWEST and thus cure herself, without . the aid of a physician. From feelings of ( all and see them and we know that we can suit you in goods and gratitude she will Hend two prescriptions prices. —which cured her—and an illustrated famphlpt entited “The Stepping-Stone to lealth,” and full instructiiau, Sea led Address (with 2-cent stamp), Has. WNC. H olmes , 658 Broadway, N. ~Y. (Name Druggists, Oregon, tliis paper.) .13-ly most M arriage licenses .'’ McMinnville, 15 ELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS, »mm It may be a matter of information or re­ minder to many readers to know that at the June election next year the two county commissioners to be elected will hold their offices two and four years respective­ ly. This will accord with the provisions of an amended law that was enacted at the regular session of 1887, which reads as follows: “There shall be elected at a general eleption by the qualified electors of each county in this state, a county treasurer, county assessor and county surveyor, who shall hold their offices tor the term of two year», and untif their successor» are elected and qualified; and be it forth er provided, that there be elected, at the first general election occurring after the passage of this act, two county commis­ sioner» ; one of such county commission­ er» shall hold his office for two years and the other for four years, and said two commissioners elected at such first re­ curring general election shall draw lots fearrr of hé» »txxl ‘ fortune. ----- . y for the short and long term ; and there­ ----------- — r ’------- — Hon. John' McBride has deeded the. after at each general election one county cemetery on the Henry |4ace to Infayette 1 commissioner shall be elected who shall lodge No. 3, A. F. A A. M. The lodge hold his office for the term of four years propose« to fence and otherwise fix it !and until his successor is elected and qualified.” up, and will keep it in order. Farming Implements AID I WILL 87 Washington St., * *• "V ? ■ Portland, Oregon. Wall & Ceiling Papers •.'v PETERSON’S MAGAZINE F LITERATURE, ART, AND FASHION ■hatches of Noted H mm Mid People, ■pl siiffiffi y -lll u ilra U d ArlMee, TM m S Noxeleta b, Fomoue a A mto , Illustrated Hints w gwKlone, Nemereoe «ftrfa-toMo PMM tom . THS BBST ANDCMterMT of tlx> MyWn^Rjd»««fljh^Migsysyn»« •dmltted to be the lmt jrabUatetl. Ito BTORter merit« than any other, its «toriea, novoleU, etc., Erlbutors are among the moei popalar RRthoni of America. .. - zj »- - THIS SPACE I b reserved for Bird & Gates, who are busy opening new goods. Watch this space. • Copies 8 •• < Coplea • H > B Copies FOR 14— W>u mi. OffilfER DfDüCEBr.nS! Addo» P.-MKL CHARLB« J. PITERBON . üteO-.io«t l'a '4 -ì ♦ r.t ire ikb rtih. LafayeíJtíTLauní Narrow 2?i Oregonian Railway,I/d.TJu Uutil further itojjei*^ ■ will arrive and depurt from Lafuyette mut. as follows, to.uiid from Portland. lut * I Then she opened her soul as* garden, •That the fragrance and beauty and bloom. Might reach to the hearts of her loved ones, His presence pervadMnd perfume. Then the roses, sweet, of childhood, And the lilies pure of love. Bloomed in her earthly Eden, With a fragrance born above. His angel 1 with golden trumpet, . Seemed 1 treading ti the bouyant air, As she wl ■hispered, _ "This home is God’s home, This a hallowed hour of prayer.” Wasliia* »*1 Ironlog Men* hi » First ' !»»• Portland & Wilamettt W R’y ■ AND HOMB. it stiH »t utyràtUIrl» T. Xa. —With a Frodi Arrival oí— Choice Groceries is*'* _ Alili«;.-. .uiu ,>.:io » m i>»rttaBd...z7i am Nawterg. ..'#!»«« r»nd»4><.U »t < » 1 t G''.!U« . 1112 a nv Hli rVíM»', ->M- * ' Samples ^Called, on. -A-pplicaztiozi. Then the blaeding-heart and the lily H She wreathed in the cha plet, and thought Of the hearts of our fallen patriots, »- Of the costly peace they bought. - X!* She thought of the hands so valiant, * Close folded upon each breast, Of the camp’s long Sabbath stiilni And the tent’s long day of rest. 'I MAKE YOD MONEY, FOB Scixófield. ¿c ^Æorg’axx, — Money to loan on improved farming lands, from one to five years time in sums to suit. F enton a F enton , Lafayette, Or. She had culled new, white carnations, Her pansies and roses bright, All gleaming with dewy tear-drops, And trembling in the light. a y-j ~l Am Underselling Them All." FOR GOD. Bbe proved as the people marshalled ' At the stirring beat of the drums, For their Native Land heloved, With ita thousand thousand homes. • If you. want any-tiiing- in tiie lino of Remaining unclaijned in the postoffice at Lafayette, Or., Doc. 1st, 1887: Buggies, Carts, Hack«, Wagons, Buford plows, and a full line of farming imple­ Burton, Mrs B T Hutchings, Ira Gardiner, J A Pitman. Miss Annie ments. Am Agent for the Celebrated Steel Skein LaBelle Wagon, the - Best in the World. Grazier, Sylvester Wells, A 8 o’coisrasTOia, Parties calling for the above letters wil) Lafayette, Oregon. please say advertised. G. E, J ohnson , Postmaster. N ative L and .” AMD «ATWI LAMD. - CONE AND SEE ME, LIST OF LETTERS Mr. Ben Cook is at home again. Thanksgiving services wore held at Friends' church Thursday 24th. The Chautauqua circle will meet at the residence of Mr. Jesse Hobson Friday evening, December 3d. Then the freshly clustering garlands, And the flattering flag on the breeze, And the measured march of veterans, Brought other thoughts than these. ’ ' «- Next door to the First National Bank. .4 ■ ■ During the month of November mar­ riage licenses were issued to the following parties by County Clerk Briedwell: Logan Beltz ......................Lil ¡an Osborn Rob’t Alexander.............. MintaPo^pleton F.. O. Olson........................Mary A. Daniel J. W. Briedwell, Jr. Sarah E. Henderson- G. L.Baker..................... Mary E. Martin .CoraeiliuH Westerfield. . Annie I’.Hibbard A. J. Wfierry...................... Eveline Dexter Mr. Benj. Haines, of Portland, spent Sabbath with his daughter and friends at Newberg. The cryrtid Intsaoi the n^omiug Awoke wide o’er a wCg’ld of bloc And she stood in a mome^kC . Of her rapturous heavenly botefr. *■ . --k-l- Rogers & Todd, ' School opened at the academy this week with a total enrollment of ninety pupils, an advance of thirty over the be­ ginning of last term. and of ever PRICES the » 4 Nov. 28. 1887. Quite a number of our citizens wore in Portland last week. “F or G od and H ome 4ft Read and Remeni W. Ci T.JJ. COLUMN. N otice .—All parties knowing them­ selves indebted to the estate of D. I. Corker, deceased, by note or account, are hereby notified that unless tliey come forward and settle immediately, said notes and accounts will be placed in the Keil Westerfield and wife went to keep­ hands of an attorney for collection. house at the family residence, near J. L. F erguson , I Essex hotel. Administrator. hie holidays are close at hand, and the D ismissed .'—The case of the Btate of Iky business man is he who advertises Oregon vs. Willie Runyon, a boy thirteen the R egister . Little Nannie Ungerman has gone to years old, who was charged with forging an order for twenty cents, was dismissed rtland to spend the holidays with her by Justice Hurley last Friday. The ju­ ndma, Mrs. Jacobs. venile admitted his guilt, but owing to Attorney F. W. Fenton and family the smallness of the amount and the age Int Thanksgiving and ate turkey with of defendant, the justice, after giving the Stives in Polk county. boy some good advice, discharged him. the mail matter-coming over the Oro- ««■ E lection of O fficers .—Last Friday k Short line is said to have increased evening Lafayette lodge No. 3, A. F. A A. refold in the past year. M., elected the following officers: W. R. rime is money, qome quickly- and see Derby, W. M.; E. B- Collinl, 8. W.; H. I fine line of holiday goods at Geo. W. T. Morris, J. W-.; R. P. Bird, Tress.; J. p’s and learn his low prices. Hoberg, Sec.’; L< G. Suiter, Tyler. They John Haney and family went to Salem will be installed on the 27th of Decem­ Saturday. Mrs. H. will visit friends in ber in the evening. Masons and their k city for two or three weeks. immediate families to be present. Ill those desiring,, millinery goods will “W oman ’ s W obk .”—This is _the title (well to call at Mrs. Ungorinan’s as I w going to close out her stock very of a 16-page paper, published monthly at Athens, Georgia. As ita name signifies pp- it is devoted to subjects of interest to the thanksgiving services were held at the ladies, and in our judgment will fill a K. church here by Rev. Burlingame, long felt want. At the price, fifty cento a ■ at the West Chehalem schoolhouse year, it should have a wide circulation. * Bev. Hoberg. M arried —In Dayton, on Sunday, Nov. lie time keeper at the new railroad Ige at Portland was instantly killed on 27, 1887, by A. M. Hurley J. P., Miss Bnesday, by the falling of a bucket of Anna Hibbard, pLDayton, to Mr. C. Wes- terfield, of Ioifajfeite.-The R egister con­ lent from a derrick. gratulates Neii and his bride and wislies ■inter term of school begins next Mon- I A report of the fall term’s work them a long and prosperous life. I be given next week. Spelling so- T hanks .—Some people took advan­ Bes postponed for the present. tage of the cool weather last week and Ke Rev. Wm. Clyde will preach in butchered. Our thanks are due to Mrs. ■‘reshyterian ohurch next Sabbath at Wes. Cary and Mrs. J. Hoberg for choice ■clock a. m., and again in the even- tid-bito. 8 Everybody invited to attend. T. M. Grubbs returned from southern «cash in hand I will make ten per ■discount Jrom Sept. 20lh, 1887 to Oregon on Tuesday. He travele^over a ■*7 1st, 11 1888 on all dental work. Re- large portion of Douglas, Curry and Coos ^BUy, Da. E. D avis , Lafayette, Or. counties, some parts of which he says •^8 meeting of the directors of the are being settled rapidly by Californ­ ^Vlron and Steel company, hel l on ians. The advance guard of the boom is • F. Smith submitted a report already there. |i®** machinery he had purchased The appointment of Mrs. Hattie E. ^■«ompany while east, He also re- Bristow, wido* of E. L. Bristow, as ^■'*'*1 he had engaged a foreman, teacher at the United States Indian train­ ratified his proceedings. ing school at Chemawa has been confirmed. B**. county, W. T., there is a Her many friends wiU be pleased to - A TEMPERANCE MEETING. Died—At her home at Pleasant Hill, jfo- vemberltt, 1887, Mrs. D. W. McCall. Mrs. ORSQ.ON taFAYKTTlS, - - McCall in Washington county, - BY- Tennessee, February 1ft, 1825. She pro­ fessed religion and was received into the —FRANK S. HARDING. M. E. chuagjiby Rev. R. W. Patty at the ago of fourteen years, fjhe was HÜB8CRIPT1ON BATES. married to D. W. McCall December 1ft, I» Cop/, P«r year. iuadv»nCB................... »2 00 :e Copy, »lx month» In advaro................. 1 00 1847. Tliey moved to Hancock county, Illinois, in the fall of 1851, resided there until tho spring of 18(12, when they emi­ J. Burt fttyore, grated to Oregon, Yamliill county, where they resided until her death. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, • C has . W. M c C all . IHJBLIB11KD EVEBT . -AT» Í8 on ÓBITU4.RY. Rhe Oregon? 'Register 14 ni.t cm L* k», in»; ik*" LAFAYETTE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1887. calcano. "’-Î >T’. . - -"^«4 AWrr •* THIS is the top of the f uine “Pearl Top" Li Chimney, all' others sin are imitations, ¡9 ¡L h «s» ■•»«** °f r’wro: rs £? -•** fl nr 82.60 PAPER FOR 8L7Í X . Tfctr w® M I