M$tl LAFAYETTE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1887. VOL. VII. t T The Oregon Register PUBLISHED EVEBY FB1DAY -AT- LAFAYETTE, - ..... OBBQON —BY— FRAKIC S. HARDING. büBBCRIPTION BATES. One Copy, por year .‘no advance.. ;.............$2 00 One Copy, olx month. In advace.............. 1 00 J. Burt Moore, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, " J >k - Newberg Oregod., --------------------—--------------- " ..... —— " DR. J. C. MICHAUX, LAFAYETTE, OREGON- . -- X After «" setive experience of nine years offer» bia service! to tbe people ol Lafayette and surrounding country. , " Jan, 21,’87._____________________ First 1ST optional Ifaiik. - • S -OF M’MINNVILLE, OR.,-------- x A-' JACOB WORTMAN, .t: President, W. D. FENTON.....'. . ■ Vice-President, Jwo. WORTMAN..................... < Cashier. Transacts a general Banking Borine«. ®e- noeite received subject to Check, belis sight exchange and telegraphic transfers on New York, Ban Francisco and Portland. June24, ly- LOCAL AND GENERAL. These are frosty mornings. Dr. Davis, resident dentist. ' “ The beautiful ”—Oh hush I The trees ore almost leafless. Turkeys went down yesterday. A. B. Westerfield went to Portland on business this week. Peter Bryan lias besn appointed post­ master at Garibaldi, Oregon. % Judge H. Hurley started for Pendleton- J on business on Tuesday's train. F. W. Fenton and family visited the metropolis last Fridaj~and Saturday. John Briedwell find wife visited their brother George here, during the week. It is expected that the state tax will bo over five mills? How is that for high? Dr. Reese find R. L. Churchman of Willamina, were in town on Wednesday. Mrs. Harding and Mrs. Talmage, of McMinnville, wenyn Lafayette Wednes­ day. Highest price paid for all kinds of wrought and cast iron. Apply to Carl Young. Geo. G. Bingham, city attorney of Sa­ lem, and wife, visited friends and relatives here this week, In passing through town yesterday Rev. 0. B. Whitmore, of Astoria, stopped long enoungh to shake hands. Last Friday Byron Milloy fell from a hack, and the wheel struck his leg in- flicting a severe wound. F. Eastabrooks, of Portland, i made a trip to this place Monday, cn i a short visit to relatives and friends. W._A. Gardiner, the popular station agent of tiA- narrow gauge, has moved in­ to the houso vacated by Mr. Milloy. The annual < lection for officers of the incorporated town of Lafayette will take place on Monday, December 5, 1887. "Barnum’s winter quarter’s were burnt last Sunday night. Loss, $200,000 gain, (free advertising) estimated, $50,000. John Milloy find family removed to Portland on Mftndav, where we under­ stand Mr. M. has a position in a store. Money to loan on improved farming lands, from one to five years time in sums to suit. F enton * F enton , Lafayette, Or. Astoria is to have a street railway. The railroad subsidy so long talked of is gradually growing, audit wjj) get there by-and-bye. For cash in hand I will make ten per cent, discount from Sept. 20th, 1887 to January 1st, 1888 on all dental Work. Re­ spectfully, D b . E. D avis , Lafayette, Or. The advertisement of Rogers & Todd, druggists, McMinnville, may be seen in another column. Their ad. appeared last week, but in our hurry wo omitted to mention it. The many friehds of Miss Olive L. Townsend in this vicinity will be pleased to know of her marriage. The happy event occured at f-akeview recently, and Mr. W. N. Sutton is tho lucky groom. Only five of the pioneers of 1842 are living now. They are F. X. Mathieu of Butteville; M. Crawford, of Yamhill; 8. Moss, of Oregon Cjty; T. J. Shadden, of McMinnville, ohd H. W. Robb, of East Portland.. x Mr. 8. A. Clarke and family will move to Portland soon. Mr. C arke will take charge of the agricultural department of the Oregonian. That he Will make a prominent feature of his department, Roes without saying. ♦ J- I* • Johnson, of North Yamhill pre- tlio JLaaiaxKB ~otBce.fi pleas-, J ant call J.i-t Saturday, and left an order lor that excellent paper the New York IForH. Remember the clubbing arrange- "W en,'‘< l>n l^e I*4 Januarv> 1888. - Y. I. Westerfield, the furniture man, purchased the stock of undertaking of the eabite of D. I. Corker, de- .tea»eect to the handsome colored look jiart in tliu afternoon’s entertain­ ment and acquitted themselves well. Tho of this tardiness the state cannot fix its I engraving of Mt. Hood issued last year. friends and patrons of this school have a levy', neither pan any county in the Btate This 1 beautiful marine picture and the Nc. most excellent tutor in the person of Mrs. make a levy. The assessment roll in vember and Decorni sir numbers W 1887, Evangeline Martin, and judging from the each county must reach the secretary of will be sent free to all who subsicrilie now interest they manifest in the school, we believe they appreciate her. state before the total amount of taxable for 1888. A most liberal dubbing list The closing literary exercises of the F. property tan be ascertained, from which with leading publications is now made P. A. Thursday evening, were well at­ the state levy is made. And the counties up, and will be sent to any one who de­ tended and quite interesting. must wait until the state levy is made be­ sires to take The West Shore in connection Tire Sabbath school Sunday was com­ fore they can mr.ke their lovies. We are with other publications. Thp subscrip­ paratively small in numbers owing to the informed that it will be a week or ten tion price is only $2.50. Address L. Sam­ fact that so many of the students hail home for vacation. days before tho assessment roll will be uel, publisher of The West Shore, Port- gone 1 completed. land, Oregon. The resilience of Mr. Albert Hoskins caught fire Thursilay from soma clothing N eed S panking .—An immigrant got that was sus]>endo.| over the kitchen CLUBBING RATES. stove'to dry;, the string having broken, off at a southern Oregon city the other day allowing the clothing to fall upon the We have made arrangements with the fit-10 o'clock a. m. Instead of hanging stove and tako fire. The daughter, Miss himself up to a lamp post he rustled New York IForld publishers, wheteby we Minnie, went into the house in a few' can furnish the R egister ,' the Weekly around got a cheap job of anything he minutes and had presence of mind suf­ could find to do, and at 2 o’clock was at World and any one of three valuable ficient to extinguish the flames just in time to prevent tho house from being con­ work, and has been doing something con­ books for $2.50. The kooks are the “His­ sumed by the fire. There were several tinually since. The young man deserv­ tory of the JJniteil States,” “History of pieces of clothing burned, Leslie a large ing success will do anything rather than England,” and “Everybody’s Guide.” hole in the floor. . remain idle. Sawing wood is as honor- Price of each book ttlone is $2.00. The We were privileged to attend the LT- B. orable as clerking in a store. Ho who R egister will keep abreast of the times conference at Pleasant Hill hist Saturday the coming year. It is our intention to and Sunday, and heard the Rev. Mr. Pal­ waits for something to turn up, ought to ling preach. bo turned up himself, spanked and at­ enlarge and otherwise improve our a! ready popular paper on or before January Tl.e Chautauquans meet this Friday tached to an electric battery.— Ex. 1, 1888. Our subscription list is increas­ evening at the residence of Mr. Geo. Mitchell. W ants to B uy .—John Penninger, ar­ ing constantly, and flip future for the In one of the oldest wine-growing dis­ rived hero from Nebraska, recently. Mr. R egister is bright. Present subscribers Penninger wants to buy a farm; he can take advantage of the above very li­ tricts of California there is a little town of idyllic loveliness, with a sadly suggestive doesn't want a large farm, but will pay beral oiler by paying all arrears and $2.50 history. This town had formerly excel­ $4,000 or $5,000 cash down for the place for the R egister , World and choice of lent schools, both public and private; a that suits him. Parties having land to books for the year to come. You can get well-sustained seminary for young ladies, sell would do well to look after this op­ a sample copy of the World by ^Aiding belonging to a leading religious denomin­ ation, was one of the ornaments of the portunity. We are told that people are your addess to the publishers, and you place; two Protestant churches supported coming to this state in large numbers in can see the books by calling at this office. comfortably resident pastors, and filled the next two years. These people will The» rates apply only to cash mail sub­ their churches on Sundays. As the cul­ want to buy homes. Don’t^ask two scribers, to those who pay a full year in ture of the wine grape came into promin­ ence, the religious and educational inter­ prices for your land, and then grumble advance, and will close promptly on Jan­ ests declined and languished. By the because the newcomers won’t buy. time two wineries were competing for the uary 1, 1888. business of tbe valley, (he town had be­ F ob W ashington .—Hon. Binger Her­ dtime unable to support its churches, its REPORT OF SCHOOL, private schools were dosed, anil its pub­ mann, M. C., accompanied by his family, District No. 44, Yamhill county, Ore­ lic schools far below the efficiency which left Roseburg on Thursday night’s train our California school system demands. for Washington, where he goes to repre­ gon, for the month ending Nov. 11, 1887: Now the wine business flourishes, no Number of pupils enrolled 21; average sent this state in the halls of congress. Christian minister resides in the place; Mr. and Mrs. Hermann were tendered a daily attendadee 18; grand total number an inherent preacher renders occasional services in a church, where the sacrifice farewell banquet by the Eastern Star of days attendance 378; number cases of of praise and prayer used to be offered chapter of the Masonic lodge, which was tardiness 9; time lost by tardiness 90 regularly every Sabbath. And the build­ minutes ; average standing of school 78Ji a most pleasant token of respect and es­ ing of the once flourishing denomination­ teem. Mr. Hermann and family intend per cent.; average deportment 97 pet al school, from whose walls have gradu­ ated bright and beautiful girls, whose to make the national capital their home cent. Names enrolled Upon the children are now ready to fill such institu­ BOLL OF HONOB. for twrr rears, and the best wishes of all tions, is now used as a store house for * Lena Miller, Ethel Miller, wine company. The imputation of the go with them. Fred Robertson, Jessie Gibson, place has not changed materially, so un­ N ew E mployees .—Rev. Geo. H. Ge- Clyde Robertson, der our school system thev are bound to Seymour Withee, have public schools. Their teachers are row e, PhrB.,of New York, has arrived Freddie Withee, Karl Thornton, liberally paid from the public funds, but at the Indian Training school at Chema- Effie Pence. X it is said that teachers do not desire to wa, and assumed a position as teacher. M aggie L acnkb . Teacher. teach a second year there. The contrast H. Brisco, of Indiana, has been ap­ between the old order of things and tho preaent, can be seen liest on Kunday, pointed, bookkeeper vice II. II. Booth, re­ WIVES! «OTHERS! DAUGHTERS! when the streets are full of idle, dissolute signed; and is now at his poet. A new Be your own physician I A ladv who young men, with no respect for the Hab- physician to take the place of Dr. Hutch­ for years suffered from distressing female bath or anything else that is holy. The inson, who resigned last spring, is ex-, complaints, weaknesses, etc., so common point of this story hr this—this story has to her sex, and had despaired of a cure, pected Bhortly. Dr. Byrd, of Salem, has finally found remedies which completely been told on several occasions in con­ been the,pro tem. physician.— Statesman. cured her. Any sufferer d>n use them versation with differ« t parties without giving ttyi name of the town, and invar­ and thus cure herself, without the some one says: “I know that L ost .—Saturday November Sth, on the aid of a physician. From feelings of iably place,” and gives the name of some other gratitmle she will send two prescriptions rood leading from Newberg to West Che- town where the same conditions exist. which cured her—and an illustrated The frequency of these imrallels brings ■hafom. $35 , to >40 in coin. The finder — p am ph l e t q u it ted “Thq 8t a pi >i n w 8tnn a to oat the feasfol qnastioa..±yh>i is th. ~ will be suitably rewarded by leaving fl* Health,” and full instrrfttions, sealed. ¡ G ahîT lation of wine-growing to M bs . W. C. ~ education ? same with the loser, Hans Christenson, Address (with 2-cent stamp), ~~ H oijies , »58 Broadway, N. Y. (Name West Clichalem, or C. H. Christenson, The drink bill al the nation is fiver 13-ly , . .. .. tine paper.) Lafayette.__ ____________ , | —' $900.060,0000 a year, and the tobacco bill, — „ - ____ Yesterday was Thanksgiving day' We $600.000,000. - W ho S ays Yas?—What’say yoif about __ ____ t it has been suggested are very thankful for the rnarnfol l boon ­ a Christmas tree J 1 be- mention the "matter, you know, ties and the prosperity that has been hr*. that we ; — — stowed upon us the year post. All our York for using bad (anarchistic) and as such a project takes considerable talk, if yon waA anything of the kind needs have been supplied, and again we “ are thankfol. you’d better commence in time. NEWBERG. Nov. 22, 1887. ,_A great many complaining of bad colds. Mary Edwards held divine services at Middleton last Sabbath. Misses Addie ami Rosa Gard have gone to California on a yisit. David Everest is making some new im­ provements in the wity ef fencing. Quite a number about here are putting out a lot of young fruit trees. Mrs. G. F. Moore’s mother, of Silver- ton, is dowh on a visit. Thaddeps Townsend, of Portland, was up on business one day last week. Mit Hanson has started a butelier shop ; so wp need not go hungry for méat. Chehalem Mt; school district has pur­ chased a new Webster Unabridged l)ic- tioriary, 188(5 editioq. Tally one for them ; they seem to be getting a little ahead of Aimes. A good time to butcher now. Spare­ ribs ard"plentiful. Geo. Myers has a water-wheel, up at ljiä çarp pond, nttarhad to a grind atone; nrftftv good irood nlacß pretty place to co go and urind grind an axe. The Good Templars will give a dime sociable at their hall on the evgping of Dec. 3d, and it will cost yoif tho small sum of ten cents to get your supper and take in the literary productions. J. D. Tarrant & Co. have put up some new sheds at their grist mill, for farmers to hitch their teams under while their grist is being ground, which is fine for ■the horses on a rainy day. —. D. J. Wood and family expect to move to California about the (ith of December. Oh, where is our turkey? PBoninrnoNisT. we will sell you Drugs, Medicii School Books, Stationery, Scrap t Photograph Albums, Blank Books a everything in our line cheaper t any store in Yamhill County. When You are in McMinnville Come and See Us. r-4 We have most complete stock of HO that has ever been in McMinn- T PRICES. GOO and at th^LO Call and see them and we know that_we<»an suit you’in goods Rogers & Todd, Druggists, McMinnville, O 15 Noxt dooit to the First Nati COME AND SEE ME If you. want anyttxixig- in tiie line of Farming Implements AND I WILL MAKE YOU MONEY, FOB - W. C. T. U. COLUMN. ^1 Am Underselling Them. All. ■J-' Tîtei ta- LI r Buggies, Carta, Hacks, Wagons, Buford plows, and a full line of farming incuts. Am Arent for the Celebrutetl Steel Skein LaBelle Wagon, Best in the World. uklajltk : ' » R. P. UNGERMAN, o’oozbrisrcxR, Lafayette, Oregoi ” Sch.ofi.olcl de ^Æoxgrsiïx. AS .'TUST RECE1VEP A I s ARGE and 87 WasblMtM8t,* wtllB’elected stock of Slovas and Tin­ ware, and proposes to sell cheaper tliaii anv house |n the county. Everything kept on hand, and rcpairlng.done satfafactorly, and without delay. Sept.20, t-f. PortlMd, Oreoon. H OBE^gur. L afayette , THERE IS NO Of *11 Grades and the Latest Eastern Styles. Samjftes ^Called. oxi -A.pplloa.tion. 1888-EVERY LADY SHOULD TAKE IT^ISSS But you will And an easy qpe to It —-Ifyou will------ 1, PRACTICE ECONOMY PETERSON’S MAGAZINE OF ---------- AND---------- Buy Your Drugs ------------ F HOL' G-eò. W. Burt, M c M innville , or . LITERATURE, ART, AND FASHI Sketches of NeM PI Tales Illustrated Htata M n’7,,*W“!? THE BEST AND CHEAPEST of tho rreater merit« than »ny other. It« «torien, novelet«, etc., admitted to be the beet pubUahad* Ita tributors ara among the meet ponukr anthore of America.. _ A FI LL-SIZE DRESA-PATTERN with e convinced j. D. cm; DEALER IN Nam» G e W l M erchandise —West Chehalem, Oregon,— W Systa-iLafeyet^wlttry Oregonian Railway, L’<1, Line. Portland & Wilamette Valley ?, —to:— Wishes to inform the people of Until further notice trains will West Chehalem, and vicinity, arrive and depart from Lafayette that he keeps on band. « com­ as follows, to and from Portland. plete stock of LSAVB mil DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HATS. CAPS, BOOK'S & SHOES and TIN WARE. In fact every­ thing usually found in a country store; which .he proposes to sell us cheap as can be bought in Yamhill County. ®R^»Highest market price paid for produce. Portland.... 7: • m 9 SO a m Newberg. 10 35 « m Dundee . Lafayette 11 10 * m Shtfflai hong Won* At Ung Ore WopL ' ii tßbliig . and sd ISmti. J .Hi! V> lining «l ine ■ I lanner, pH<-a« > ambili *» iti». JJ’.rt.i'.ç . FREET OREGON^ joleklr rom ntbftal Errors, TH prb THIS is thè top of thè gett­ ine "Pearl Top" Lamp ai -fnine , Chimney, all others similar are imitations. T,. . tlw> TENTS . Jhe Only First Class M’MINNVILLE, ./stytW. it- '■ It « For further Information apply to the < om ifsrstts, or address MS, ’. Agent at tetr -------------- “----- --- General ------ - office, corner Firat A * Pine Sts., I’orlland Oga. MERCHANT TAILORS. Tailoring Establishment in the County. £^TGood work and low prices. .r.. Atrlis(srriv) . Hips Portland Airuviarro/ w. e —,------ :— R. B. HIBBS. -^Williams nndHibbs.^- . Xtr. jus liapllllv. Involun­ tary Loan*»; Heitere, k.ohuod. (lap tor *6. Trial pk lUc postage, Fra* at c Advice and ocnwiltatien on all Privata Alrlia.... .......8.30 * m Chítele lUeeaaee fra*. ©JL A. G. OL UH B. Va» Bar«» •«., Car. «Ta am 3 Dalla*.... ....10 Rhendan. ....11MSB lafayetts ... 15« pm Dundee.. ... 3 »■ ft» hu also two firm. f.rnl», m rttson- able term«, al«o, «lock of good« and building«, ako I acre of «round. For further particular« call on the under«i