ZReyieter S. H abddig , P ublishi *. TRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1887. —--------- YTOJtSJS THAN N0N8ENSE. The people of McMinnville are continually harping about building a court house and jail on a two mill tax per annum. This is the sheer­ est nonsense imaginable. Say what they will those buildings will never cost this county less than $80,000. McMinnville will never be satisfied with a ¿heap building; and she will .see to it, that it is an imposing and grand structure. Now two mills on the dollar ie alxtut $8,000; which is barely enough to pay the interest on $80,000 the cost of the court house. Taxpayers how long would you remain under this enormous extra and unnecessary debt on a tax of two mills on the dollar? There is not a man now in middle age that will evfr see this county out of debt at that rate. Marion •county started to build a court house costing $60,000 and. ended with a building costing $118,000, over ten years ago and is still in debt.r.Claekama8 undertook to build a court house for $40,000 and ended with a ’building costing, Including grounds and furniture, $64,000 and are now in debt $60,000. They raised this year $19,000 for county purposes; one-third of which will go to pay the interest on the debt for the court house. The state of Ore­ gon undertook to build a state capi­ tal on an appropriation of $100,000 and have already expended over $200,000, and the building is not mo e than half finished at the pre­ sent time. Taxpayers of Yamhill oounty are you willing to execute to McMinnville a mortgage on this county for $80,000? If not vote for Lafayette. The Telephone claims great credit for the present county court in pay­ ing off the county indebtnees creat- ed by the former administration. As the county was practically out of debt when Judge Townsend took his seat in 1878 this indebted­ ness must have been contracted during the administration of Judge Townsend, 8. R. Baxter, M. U. Gort- ner, B. F. Lewis and Henry Lam- son. Now does the Telephone man insinuate . that those men who are amongst our very best citixens and the most capable, upright and hon­ orable commissioners that Yamhill county has ever had were direlect in their duty, and contracted an unnecessary debt during their terms of office. If it does, the insinuation does these honorable gentleman great injustice. Every dollar of tax was honestly and properly expended during their terms of office, and every cent of this debt was honestly, properly and necessarily incurred in building' bridges, culvert^, opening up and improving roads ‘and in pay­ ing current expenses of the county. W, C. T. U. COLUMI. • •FOB GOD AND BOMJC AND NAT1VB LAND." «* Maa. F. A. M ommi », Frees Superintendent, Newberg, Oregon. Oct. 25, 1887. ¥.r’ 8t,allon’e olde8t 8011 hae j“81 arrived f[om Iowa. Mr. Henry Aualin’s new front to the hotel is almoet completed. The quarterly communion service Was held at the Evangelical church of this place, on Sabbath last. J. W. Webb will meet the en­ gagements announced in last week’s pnper. It wi>s impossible for him LAFAYETTE - the half-way house; but here the parallel ends. It is the half-way house to hell, not to paradise. Be­ gin on beer and end on rot gut and snake juice; not begin on strong drink and end on beer. Everylxtdy knows that to a healthy person alcohol is disgusting. No­ body can begin taking the drink which an old toper quaffs down his calloused throat. All drinkers be­ gin on mild liquor. Everybody knows also that alcohol creates a demand for a greater and greater supply'to produce - the same effect. Once begin on beer and the ineyi- I-Notice of. uiiulstrator. FlR5lHItE of Ad- ' - Notice ia hereby gfeea that Alber) C. Weea- * fell baa been duly appofefeJ by the county . court of Yhmhill County. Orekon. »dini..l»ir»ior of the ratal« of Rathan WeetYall, deoeaaerl. Thiretorn all p raona having otaima again at aaid estate are hereby notified to preeent Urea with proper vouch«« to the undersigned at tiMi office of Dr. J. B. Mooie, Newbetg, Oregon, witlrlu aix month» from thie 7th dey ot Ootobea, »7. ALBERT C. WESTEALL, 51 ' Adminiitrator of said estate. STORE! Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ia hereby given that tbe nnderaigDed, W. I. WÇSTEKFIELD, Prop. RoMnuab Gramet, cxeentriz of tbe ratate of John Gramefl, deceased, has filed her final ao> count of her administration of aaid estate >n th* Keeps constantly on hand a fine aiwort- com My com t ef Yamhill county. Oregon and ment of Furniture of every dencnption. aaid oonrt has fixed Wednesday. November 9th, 1>87, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon of aaid day, Antique Bedroom sets, at the county court room, at Lafayette, Oregon, Walnut Center tables, as the time and place of bearing the same. Folding Bed lounges, Therefore *11 p< rs ns interested in sa. McMinnville a tax will be levied of,* ah id ja*)d. via: by Mr. Poling, of Oregdn, formerly, many glasses will be necessary to T W. Tbempson, 8 B. Oilpin, W. H. H. this fall to build a court house. of Pennsylvania. The‘church was stupefy lnm? He can get the alco­ Meyer aud L Porter, all of Gaston~P* O., Wash« The assessor .has not yet completed wdl filled. ' ington County, Oregon. hol, at that rate, as effectually as in W. T. BURNEY, ihe assessment, and the board of The Newbe g Temperance troupe 10 Gt o 5 Register. wb'sky. In some respects the alco­ eqvilization will not meet till ihe will give an entertainment at West hol thus abso. bed is more irijir : ous. Monday before election. The tax Ohehn.lem next Sabbath evening. LOST! SHERIFF’S SALE. S his t oupe promises a rare literary The system becomes saturated; the levy for this year cannot be made t cat, free of charge, o all who muscles interlarded ,sweh*?iit*, the On the* road between Lafavette and North V VIRTUE op ’ a DECKER AND AN OK- a red Moroco pocket book, with m$m derni the court and an execution duly till after election, consequently if wish to hear them. Do not forget membranous tissues thickened, and Yamhill, or&ndum book coil Lined, $HC,OG in gold, be­ issued out of the circuit court o( the of sides valuable papers and memoranda. McMinnville gains the county sent ihe time, Sabbath October 30th at Oregon for Yamhill county, on tbe 8th day of -ihe nerves dulledf*tha man is a The finder will be suitably rewarded by October, A . D. 138?,-upon a judgment duly en­ bringing the Bame to. thia office, of to the under« a levy will be made for a court 7 o’clock t>ha‘p. rolled and docketed in the clerk’d oilice oi said mere b'oat. . Inrthc case of whisky signed. E. H. MORSE. ---------- -r v court in said county, on the 4th dai <-f October house and jail. It looks as if the Daytoni Oregon. A.l). PH7, in favor or (Hark Hraly and agaiust the violent intoxication, terrible THE NEWS AND LAGER. assessment was deferred for this Margaret W. Burton, for the sum of’-four hund­ [For Fall »nd Winter Wear, ' Much to the sorrow of all true while it lasts, is usually followed by red and foi tv-eight Hl-100 dollars (1448.8 ) and vety pin-pose. Taxpayers are you iòle rest thereon from October 4th 188? at the rato temperance people the Portland a period of abstinence, in which the often pei cent per annuii), and the eutu of thirty icrdy to commence paying taxes 1 dollars (|30.00) speci») attorney a le,e and the system recuperates. New» is coming around against the 4 fm IfTer sum ol‘ 822.90 damages and ou»to. and to for McMinnville this very yen.;-? But if is unnecessary to treat tliil me duly directed and delivered, I did, on tbe amendment. It sings sweetly and After you have examined elsewhere, 10th day of October A. D. 1*87,duly evy upon i' you are not vote for Lafayette. pcrstuTJ^’cly in a pious tone, yet sqvib wiih loo much seriousness' Call and see us. We will sell you Bet­ the following described real estate, t>-w it: ter Boots and Shoes than you can buy Beginning at tbe south east cornet* of the do­ Lafayette’s majority in 1858 four­ half siren, of redemption through It'is nothing but'a brewer’s ci-cu- in Yamhill County for less money. If nation lantLplaim ol Alfred Job, claim No. 78, STOEE! 1; r. The beer interests have been lager beer. In its issue of the 21st vou are in the habit of going to Portland or noli fie at ion No. 1438, fu T 3 8, R 4 Wj4n Yam- ~- teen. McMinnville’s majority for elsewhere ’ (‘istj’ibutlng pamphlets to the news- bill county, Oregon, thence north on east Lafayette in 1858 eighteen.. People Ursnys:------ ----- With Ycur Cash, Try Us, > boundary Iftlg téli f 1G) chains, thence west ten ppjters. • “The food and drink of the per­ of Dayton do you see who boat you And nee if you cannot nave money by (10) chains thence south ten (10) chains to Tbe pub''c was somewhat startled out of the' county seat in 1858? And son have much to do with the mnk- INCORRECT. trading at home. souih boundary line, thence east ten (10) chains Harris & Haney. ing'of the person. Food and drink by the Oregon!i .1’» cpk’-bJooi'ed do­ to tbe place of beginning; containing ten (10) There is an apparent effort on the yet McMinnville wants, you to vote acres mor« or less, in Yamhill c< unty, Oregon. for her in this election. She thought wake blood. It is blood which im­ te lle of liquor on the saloon level of Krieps constantlyjon band all Kinds of . part of the Telephone to mrke a Now therefore, by virtue of said execution, pels and governs. Arderft spirit’s bv b-e’s and local interests. Yet on * ' better financial shoeing for the then tbatLnfayefte was the p’-oper inflame, malt beverages compose. we J’ke that jrsi as wcTl as we do Shelf Hardware, Oarpenters’ Tools, Saturday, the 12 day of November, 5. D. 1887, Is Still at Lafayette! So is Vwunty than is warranted by the place; now take her word for it, and At the hour of ono o’clock, p. m., at tbe Court * vote for Lafayette as she did at that That water alone will not, satisfy i>e N «os’ mock religious plr'an- Saws, Axes and Axe Hand­ Horse door, l.i Lafayette,* in said county and" figures. The reports of the county T. L. -VIOZCŒSE-Sr the appetite of mortals, the rcso> I • i’> op'c. and menifestfy insincere state, 1-will sell at public auction the above de­ time. officers, as published in thqR roister les, Grubbing Hoes, —With a Fresh Arrival”»!— scribed real property of said defendant to the to coffee, to chocolate, to tea, and to defense of intemperance in the form highest bidder for cash to Mt*isfy said judgment— L_ T of the 14th, show the true and cor­ costs and accruing costs Shovels^-- - ■ of beer drinking. - We have been informed by a other fo-ms of drinkables attes.^- Dated, October 10, 18 7. “ ** rect state of the county’s finances. gentleman residing. in North .Yam* Go in for saloons bareheaded be- Spades, Rope, Well ....“The drinks of peoples in a great T. J. HARRIS, The Telephone claims that the hill precinct that a man from Wash­ 10-5t Sheriff of Yamhill conn tv, Oregon. , measure temper them. The sp!rit ciuiBe'Tliere is money in them, and v Buckets, Grindstones, Cow county,'treasurer has on hand about ington oounty has been looking at of the alcohol courses in the veins ,you arc getting some of it—like the Bells, Bolts of all kinds, Cottage GOVERNOR’S PROCLAMATION. $10,000, And intimates that this the Blaccburn land soon to be sold,, and si its or inflames the heart; the 0 econi"n— but don’t sicken us by Barometers, amount is “already raised” for new with a view of buying the same. mPder infusion of the malt com­ advocating them on moral and tem­ S titk or OmM>, ExrccTiva rmu*TMBHT^ I oounty buildings. Now the facts But he has concluded not to take Nails, Halter Chains, All S alcx . Sept. l,i. 1 hk 7. ( perance grounds. Do not nauseate poses and docs not intoxicate. ‘ BOOTS, SHOES, Etc. By ibr nn'horlty vented in me bt the legial»- are these: There was in the hands any further steps toward purchas­ kinds of Door and Pdd Locks and the public by inviting men to “ the “The oldest Christian chui ch a.-enthly of the ,t»te ol Oregon, 1 Silvei- My sto c is all clean arid new, and I will tive of the treasurer on September 30th, ing property in this county till after ter Peu> oyer, Governor, do hereby an bin it t. the well-known Morri­ teaches mankind that there is Pur­ garden , of eternal bliss” over the guarantee at all times the legel voter- of the .tnte, ata »pe. iai elec­ $5,294.58; to be deducted from this November 8th. The reason is plain. tron hereby called to be held on Toeadny enc- gatory—that half-way House be­ beer mug, when everybody knows son Plows. ceerlinir the liret Monday in November. Ir87, 4 amount there are warrants dAwn that this is mere chaff. Hypocrisy i _ the foBo > ing proponed »tnendmen e to the eta to tween heaven-and hell, from which The Reporter is continually “tak­ con.titu'ion. on the county treasurer and out­ Give me a trial. Respe^uljy, Also keeps a full line of there is redemption to ihe eou.l not whether out-of the saloon or in it iB rinar- rnoHiaiTton. AW kndmemt . standing and unpaid amounting to ing water” on something it has said.. utterly blasted. All examples come not taken with pleasure, and will J. L. VICKREY. S ection 1, The inennfaeture,-eale, or th. $80.85, also claims allowed and The latest is an apology for an un­ from the highest plane. There is a ■ not meet with respect from earnest giving »way. vw the offering to Bell or’give away or tl>e keeping for aele, ot any epiritnoua. warrants not drawn amounting to called-for and Ungentlemanly thrust half-way house in drinks and bever­ men.— Prohibition Star. vinoun malt, diatill.d, fermented, r r anv in- Before purchasing elsewhere, give me a $487.84; deducting these last at the teacheis of our public school. ages. The Germans' have its hold­ roxi Hting llqnr.ra »bmever. in prohibited i. PROHIBITKJN PRAYER. rhi» arete, exceptjor medicinal, acieiiUHc or call and learn my prices. We expect the next apology will lie amounts from the former we have mechanical pure. aee. ■ E ditor P rohibition S tar : — En ­ ing. It is lager beer—all the kinds S ection 2 Tl.ft fegilative a.remblju-^wlt,.. A. B. Westerfield. $4,725.89 as available funds in the given to Hon. Henry Lamson and of lager beer. It is a beverage closed I send you a little necktie, 7 provide by law jie VrlraV-manner, hi whorn, and at what place eueh I quore, or any rd them J / • hands of the treasurer. The un- Hon. B. F. Lewis and others for its mild, composing, strengthening. which our China Washerman Wing ahall be mennfectnred or eold. or Kept for nal. The citizens of Dayton and vi ­ oollectod taxes are estimated to unjust criticism on their manage­ There is to its quaffing the contem­ Ling, has done up for his old friend for me!icinal, scientific or mechanical pur- > cinity are hereby informed that porea f amount to $8,800, but it is the opin­ ment of the county’s affairs. bncTtON 3 Thht amendment .hall take ef. plative mood; to its effects the medi­ the Oregonian. He hopes “he’l likee.” the undersigned has opened a feet an ’ be In full force in nix moirtha f om th. ion of the county officers that not A storia , Aug. 29, 1887. tation which has expression in gen­ new Boot and Shpe Shop, at the date of ita rariftcalion hv the electora. v -DEALER W— If moved to McMinnville the . S ection 4 The kgl lative aver mnly ahall E ditor T ranscript : — The Ore ­ more than half of this amount will above named place, and is pre­ without de ay paaeall erous thoughts and kindly words. nrr-aury law- wt h auf- be collected, and until it is collected ocunty can after the election move From out its vast vats the temper­ gonian of the 1st inst. inveighs ticrent penaltiea neceaaary to enferce tiua pared to do all kinds o r Boot and the records and business into a amendment. against the Union prayer meeting in Shoe and Harness repairing at the it will not be on hand and available rented building.— Telephone ance reformer may bring the drink­ the tabernacle for the success of SECONO-AMENPMBNT Te »«LABirB OFT» ST most reasonable rates. for the payment of warrants. The So hoi Another scheme to rent er to his river of heavenly life and ?rohi bition. That ie no wonder. • ornaaa. Boots and Shoes of any style —AND- Telephone makes a boast of giving to the county buildings at McMinn­ teach him to take water only. But Article XIII. he Oregonian knows well that he and description, made to order at Swrrox 1. The Governor, Secretary ot ihe truth, but in this as in many ville and make the taxpayers pay to snatch • man from whisky and is not on the praying side of the State, T-e-eurer of State Judgea ot the Bo- prices to suit the times. other things it has missed it a long the rent; and that too with a good force him into the creek, is too much question. What a figure the Ore­ preme cour , a ad all other alate offieer« of thia AH work warranted. Ute ahall receive an anneal a. I ary of arich anm • gonian would,cut on his knees in • ways. aa the legialative ueemhly ahall hereafter by court house and jail standing empty for current human nature. Give itrayer meeting of saloon keepers of C. F. KIPPAX. law for each of Bitch officer» provide; provided at Lafayette. Taxpayers do you ’ ortland led by. his friend Dick that when th. legielative aaaembtv rhall hav. him a drink of good mild, soothing In this county the amendments by law fixed the aalary of anv auch officer, Highest possible prices paid satisfying beer. It won’t hurt him Gerdes; praying for the success of enchaalary aha'I neither be increaeed nor di­ to the constitution concerning the catch the ideal whisky! In the settlement of great minished durin« the terra for whl h the incum­ for all kinds of farm produce. —or the reformer. It will do them bent of such office ahall hav. been elected or salaries of state officers and the controversies where there is room BY FOC RS,-RIGHT apt oiuted, McMinnville is very solicitious both good. It is the reclaiming of for doubt there is room for prayer, time of holding telectiona are not re­ -MARCH ! to T. C. X-lTrerjr Statole. Stephen»’ new Jewel­ TBtaD—AMENDMENT TO TIMB OF BOLLING OEM- ceiving very much attention, the for the welfare of Dayton, but never­ another subject from the old tyrant but he knows* that in the whisky BMAL ELECTION.-___ ry Store five ns wish ng the beet quality In my Un« of buei- ArD.°ll|»°7be afflxed’ thb lat daT °f September. would otherwise go to Dayton Yet rest at the cheerful half-way house. side galls him. Had he a particle tea ria ar conveyance. Msa. be defeated. On the election amend­ Chargee Reaaoi.able. Watete», Clocks A Jewelry repair­ L- •• SXLVMTIB PrNNOYBM, ment there is not so great unanim­ Dayton must vote for McMinnville It is better to reclaim a soul at last of faiih in the right of his cause he UTM y back* c-naecta with the daily train* ing a »twclalty—and all work war­ B jt tbe Governor. would, no doubt, at least be willing to carry nasaeng^ra to And >rvm the depot. gov.rnor. than everlastingly to damn it. True all the same, just to build up one ity. While the Oregonian and some ranted. G eo . W. M c B ride , reformation has its deep foundation to offer the prayer of the Dutchman, O. K. WII LI A MS, June, M. '87. T ’ C ’ «™™E N3 . other papers of the state oppose the big city in the county; certainly. *. B. HIBBV _ Secretary o. 8Ute. who, about to fight went to his 7-n t in this spirit of the holy redeemer knees and prayed: “Oh Lord, I amendment there are good reasons And remember also, that we have of mankind.” think I am right; Oh Lord help me; -^Williams and Hibbs.tS- for the ehange. One reason Is the about 110,000 in the treasury al­ THE COUNTY SEAT • It is all plain as a whistle. In but Oh Lord if you don’t help me saving of the expense of one election ready raised.—TsiepAo»w. Oot* for 100-P.g. pamphl.v MO««, MEDICINES AND CH1MICAL8. likening the beer habit to Purgatory, moving track and planking and if that habit is so desirable? Look PERFUMERY. —to:— driving new piling at Yaquina. CARRIAGE AND HOÜ8E PAINT- out for your orthodoxy, brother, or Sosas. Coraba saA Breaba». ’Tr- Ssosw- B-Ll1 j ...i . u «e The Lafayette Flourinr Mill ING, SIGN WRITING, you will be making Purgatory better , ran oq full time until further momuKL— — than Paradise! There is only one i notice. in which it is similar. It is 8UnXK A DABIMr-J ÜÄ’SJS'’ nl!!ht “>polni' SiiÄey Ü ¿«*—."1 Parlor. Office and Dining ; £ HARDWARE B The Lafayette Shoe Store! A. B. "Westerfield, Prop. THE COUNTY SEAT Choice Groceries Low Prices and Full Weights. Shot and Powder. DAYTON BOOT 4 SHOE Store J. - Mattey DRY GOODS! General Merchaadhe. Advertise IÏÂSS The Only First Class Now is tbe Time to Look at New 1869 G-OOZDS, 1887 J. M. Kelty, Notice. J. W. CAREY, ^*° <*e