OL. VII. , . . —————— ■ ■ ■ * . ¿LAFAYETTE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1887. no . ia FROM WHEATLAND. THAT CIRCULAR. CLUBBING RATES. I - - * ,—a— ■ Oct. 24, 1£87. Is the county seat document, issued in We have made arrangement* with the PU8LI8JED EVERY FÿlD iY / D ayton , Oct. 23, 1887. I 1858, by the Lafayette election committee Last Saturday was a refllcttetdaj' fqr New York World publishers, whereby we —Át E ditor R eoibter :—I notice that the - a forgery?' We expect R egister to bowl OREGON kTKTTB, Reporter and Telephone are making quite the people of tills vicinity, and especially that wav. Please cull and see the origi'- can furnish tlie R eoibter , the Wip kly - by - an effort to secure the vote of Dayton for so for the Wheatland board of trade. The nul paper itself, and ask Hon. L. Fer- Horld arid any one of tnree valuablo you. •want an37*tiiing- in W.e line of books for 42.50. The hooks are the “His­ FRANK S. HARDING. McMinnville, and to that end exh’bit usual rush was mado to secqre the only guso 1 if it is not genuine j Th ly had a bridge at Lafayette in 1858, considerable apparent solicitude fot our cop^Of tho Telephone that comes to this and D lyton then had none. This was tory of the fhiiteil States,” “History of welfare; and are quite industrious in office. The one who gets there is gener­ Lafayette’s joyful cry in 1858. This was England,” and “Everybody’s Guide.” «PB8CRIPTION RATES? topy. per year. In advance................... $2 00 showing us wherein Lafaye te has wrohged ally under bonds to read the important the third weighty (?) icason offered by Price of eachbbook alons is $?.00. The six mouthri in xdvHre............. 1 00 us. They started cut to show that that items to the waiting crowd. There was 'Lafayette in the county seat fight. Then R eoibter will keep abre rtt of the times AND I WILL M ake y . ou money , fob why should Dayton be beaten.— Reporter. the coming year. It is oiir intention to town was instrumental in depriving us of grpat expectations that there would be a The object in publishing the '58 circu­ enlarge and otherwise improve our . wi­ a railroad; but in this they were not flood of light shed on our darkened path­ J. Burt. Moore. lar is plain; that is, to create a bad feel- *v v u January auuai j __ , re idy popular paper »»«• on v» or before bourne, out by" the facta. - Besides it way, but We were doomed to dissappoint- • ing between the towns to ftiflnence the 1, 1888. Our subscription list is incirca»- Buford plow«, and a full line of farming imple. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ja^»t upoirlfoir minds that the hon-, ment. .The first thing that caught the ing constant!«, and Am fot^^ fe t,lu cjebratecl Steel reader’s'eye was called ’‘SfialTtlie Coiintv r4soaiia* ,4WioH‘ wh? did 8110 (M cM i nn- *(<•<•) Skein skein LaBelle LaBelle Wagon, Wagon, th» ih» < Ijgal gei.tloman of 5 cMinhville, .. . . .. ___ ... • I v lie) __ a _ i — not feel as kindly tow aid'Dayton in Seat neat, be isj Moved? moved f ” Underneath unoerneatli was writ ­ R egister is bright. Pretent subscribers Oregon. Newbgrg 8 gj)io is' doing more than any single man nS-AJSTlC O ’ COZLTZISrOiK, 1858, when she could have helped them. can take advantage of the above v try li­ against Lafayette, waf the very man that ten “From a Circula,' of 1858.” There •» Lafayette, Oregon. She gave Lafayette eighteen majority, beral oiler By paying all arrears an$ $2.60 was a silence for awhile dliat was oppres ­ aided more than any one else in induqjng thereby allowing them that she endorsed for the R eoibter , Wot Id and choice of sive, which was only broken by a groan LAFAYETTE, OREGON- the railroad company to cross at Lafay­ this circular.- In fact, covetuouBness and books for the year to < oine. You can get X" ;_____ ette. All their efforts having failed In that awoke not the ei hoe-1, but a dog who greed in McMinnville is the cause' of all a sample copy of the World by sending 87 Washinjtos St., • Portlaad, Orejoo. thought that the last day had come. The this direction, they rollod up tl\eir sleeves fiar an active experience of nine year, this trouble about tlie county seat. When y our addess to the publishers, and you .re hi. attrice, to the people ol i-ifayelle and made a dive amongst the old musty pa;>er dropped from the nervebss fingers she could not get it in 1858 she was de- can seo the books by culling at this.office. eorrounding couu.ry. records of the county Beat contest in of the reader, bilenliy the crowd dis­ an,«l,*aï. - teifiiined Davton should not. ' Then, as These rates apply only to cash mail sub­ 1858, and securing 'an address issued at persed. Later you might have seen gien now, Lafayette was not behind in public 'irst National Bank. that timq by the people of Lafayette, they stand ng in little groups on he corner enterprise; she built tho first bridge across scribers, to those who pay a full year in dis -ussing with serious faees the calamity advance, and will clone nriinnt.v on Jan- proceed to flaunt it as a red rug rag in our —■—OF u’MtNNVILLB, OB.,----- —. the Yamliill river at a cost of $10,000 and faces, thinking thereby to arouse our hat­ that hud befallen ub . Some thought that gave it to the county. The second brigde uar.y 1, 1838. COB WORTMAN.......... '... President, red, malice and envy against our neigh­ the'editor had been reading the report of Grades and and the the Latest Latest Eastern Eastern Stvlns. Styles. I’*"' Of Of all all Grades ' ' CARD OF THANKS. . D. FENTON............... Vice-President, bors in this contest. But tl is, like ull tlie grand jury; other' thought that he was built by Lafayette and the county, Samples ^Mailed on _A_ppllcatiori_ each paying ore-half. We built a school ­ Oct. 20, 1837. IO. 1V0RTMAN ...................... Cashier, their other efforts will prove ai failure,! might have sqjtening of the brain; and I E ditor :—Allow mo space iu your valu­ there wero several other re.isons dis- house lit a cost of a fifty mill tax that has rmnaicta a cnnei-al IlMBking B’lfiir hb . D i - and will act a veritable boomerang •its receivt id-object to check. Sell-» eight | always been ail honor to the town and able paper to thank the people of - Lafay ­ ,U)iHSed. Now it so happened there was a THERE 18 NO change no >1 t leg arthic tr nipfere on New against them. For this address hag -anger sojourning in our midst who had coutiiy, on a full block and fenced it in. ette circuit, especially those cf Lafavettu, brought to mind the fact, as shown by >rk, Öen Frauctaou and Pot tland. The town helped Mr., Stanley build his fdr their kituluets to me and ianuly, and lune 2«. I v. the McMinnville poll books, of 1858, that •traveled extensively, hehisked if tl e pa- steam flouring mill in 1307. The present that I pronounce ti.e birthday donation in that contest McMinville gave Lafay­ ftfer Cali id the Telephone was not pub-, flouring milt of Suiter & Daniel was built Telcraphy Taught. For terms fished ut McMinnville. He was informed LOCAL ANb GENERAL. ot List evening a complete success; and ette fiiftyoue votes for the county seat; J. GiRPTNl’R.or W. b-. a joint stock company of Lyfayetto. that it has been proven to my entire sat- ippivti, Mr- that it-was. “ Then I can explain to you and gave Dayton only thir'y-'h ree. Now It used to be the erv of McMinnville i-faction that wernon can keep a sei'ret. A. GARDINER, Lafayette, Oregon. 9 Mrs. G, W. Perkins is quite sicK. the reason of the pres >nt whatness of af- But you will And nn easy one to it the Trtrphone claims that Dayton was I« you will - ■■ any tl unks for their kindness and es­ R egister , World and a $2 book foh only beaten by fourteen votes, and Mc­ f lirs. There are six healthy saloons and that Lafayette had no rail ami telegraph coiimiunicatiqn. We he. r no n.ore oi teem—for I assure you that it is mutual— one brewery at McMinnville. Ssty that LfiO. Minnville gave Lafayette hohteen ma­ PRACTICE ECONOMY that as we double them now*. It ¡ b true and I shall endeavor to so act and Vive in Ohas. Grissei, the McMinnville baxer, jority. Therefore ^IcMiunvHh}. by her an ordinary man should start out at half­ we have not built any fruit dryers or in­ the future that our lives may be blest to •AN] past seven to see another ’ man ondmpor- tiled yesterday. a vote decided the contest against Davton. duced any innocent parties to build a AMulaaithe.rs gmaL M. B urunoamk . Hon. Wra. Galloway cpUod for a brief i And vet notwithstanding nil this, these ant business and should not be able to foundry, a Central hote 1 to rent for $7 a find him until'abiuit-three in the incrn- îat on Wednesday. J gentlemen now have the cheek to ask us ’< CAB 1.TON. month, nor did we ever undertake to Prof. W. D. Lyman is in town looking' to vote for them in this contest,, heoiufle ing, don’t you think he would lie apt to build a water ditch from near Willamina Oct. 23, 187. roll buck the tide ot_tinie, or words to Lafayette beat ais in 1858. If it had net ip history matter. to Lafayette anil thereby cause m.my < f Married—.kt tho residence of A. .1. Ed­ that effect, 'wenty-nine or thirtv years? lieen for tho vote cf McMinnville against our citizenstol'jsetheir hnrdoarnedcash. son. .lames Edson to Nettio M. F ryer, by We want a little more wood on sub- ns at that time we would have gained I tell you gentlemen you have nothing to They were fol 1 at the fiuie that they Rev, J. A. CatnphulL . After the vere- ■FR(Pr« cription or job work. feqr in this cáse, taking all things into oionv they took the 4 o'clock .train for the county seat. No, gentlemen, i e W5TA1I wo»k WHriiutvd te give Satisfa''ion Rev. S. Monroe Hubbard has been in don’t priposo to vote fcr you in this elec­ consideration. The patient I think will would novar get water enough through Portland. "May their life Le a happy one. rhirt*bn.ytAi-a vritclice «I hor»eahneirg be all right in a short time with proper the ditch to Water a Brindle cow. In mv own sevorul days this weeK. Our “ick folks are still under tho doe- tion. You ask us to vote against Lgfay- 10 G. II. Westerfield. “ What trêatni^ïïrVmir.ni ’ ’ treatmqnt. ” .............................. Geo. Marion Perkins is confined to his ette because 'she heut us before; but we mouth for such a small body. She is al­ •you suggest? ” was asked. “ I say that M c M innville , or . room with a sevoro attack of rheuma­ know you licat us, and we propose now to The county scat war wages warm. patient be removed from the immediate ways biting off piore than she can chow. Some-of the parties out caib’iising for tism. '• ' give you a dose of your own medicine If she is such a business center, why fo their respective toUifs had better be The stock la always fresh, and tbs vicinity of his prese 1' home; give him P ioneer . Highest price paid for nil kinds of and vote for Lafayette. prices nre cut down to a ime light work, such as distributing tlu many failures of bar business - men ? called off us this is no mat tar of co ____ ,__ « , V______ « men will vote as they please. 'Cuuitux? wrought and cast iron. Apply to Carl lbw time*. FEED AND SALE STABLE, copies of 'iii-iipuper to tho dozen subscrib­ Newby made himself poor trying to build REPORT OF T1IK GRAND JURY. (Young. ■■ -. ... —a_ Trv ua and ba convinced Those parties that are kicking about- up the town ; Edson, his partner, shared ers, and kept from getting excited; and Miss O. Townsend who has been visit­ in T ub circuit court of the state or by_allaneans doiil let him see a copy of th« snnie fate, as di I Berry, Bean?Burns, thoir mail matter being held had tsitter T..JB NELSON. Proprie or. OREGON FOR YAMHILL COUNTY. rein! section 479 of no“t,il laws. Our post­ ing friends here, returned to her home in Fisher, Hartman ami others. Why diii master will be guided by hat section in 1 nm prapared tn furntHli • To the Hon. R. P. Boiee, Judge of mid tho R eoibter . LtikeviowList week. dhobe and Hraly quit business? ¡Simply - MAC» delivering mail in tlie futpre, tor ouviLUs CanniAUK.H. The president of the lioard of trade Court;— We, the grand jury, for said coun­ HA OHLS UOHSKH, Rev. M. Burlingame will preach af ty, drawn for the regular September, 1887, arose andTft a neat little spool’ll of al>o”i because the-business was not there and reasons. Oregonian Railway, L’d, Line. Rob McMaskey is clerking in Mr. J. R. and evcrylblng In the Irrer, hlre in good afopi North Yamhill next Sunday Oct. 30th, term of said court, having completed our two hours and a half thanked the stranger O’Recount rf their healtlf. These are labors, beg leave to r ubinit our filial re'- . amt on .hort notice, “ • fa ts, n.otw t iit inding the loudmouthed Cal-1 well's store. morning and evening. for his -advice. Thereupon some of th port: We have carefully pxihnined into Tr.na'nnt .tis-k leit - IWi m. will reeelva Un There i-* n petition numerously -signed lest ofearn and atl-ntlnn. A gentlainan writing from oustern Ore­ all complaints. for tjie commission of ■members said that they believed the prattlingH of her socailo I newspapers ami asking the O. AC. R. R to change the Un court we a ■ .morning ami 10 minutes earlier evenings; rather 'wired but said it was settled dif officials. IW follows, to III.-' ini from Portland. lff’,1l,*ll Our maiehiint* are receiving their fall have visits I and examined into theion- My only upologyfor writing the above good iiiea. ferent than pur boa.d, and the matter titfon and management oi tlie county Laavn LKAVH goods, an.l if you want to buy goo l.goo-ls Portland 10 30 X. M AI II« I... .d id A. M. is that I know it Io be truffi, and v. ■ coli­ •mil lings and variouscoiv tv offices. We was dropped. W heatland . Onr school is full anil our teacher Liifrfxetie.. .2.14 P. M Munmontb. 7.Id A. M. cheap you should give them a call. find the court lmn-e an 1 j lil i i goed coa­ e l for by tho stinking insinuation li rat 1 weins to be doing fine. .'♦hr rr I mim .. 4 34 P. M i .ll.a ...>.i« A. M. aliHR......... fl M» I’. M ________ _________ Bliss Kate Wall is very sick with typhoid lition mid repair mi l have no rcoin- hxionn... 10VI P.M,.. it «I thus’’ associated with me were not Wonder where West Chohalem is with inondations to-in.ike. find the records Monnimitli 7 »7 V M it*.. 12 38P.M. fever. Dr. Michaux is in attennance, ind tiles of the several county offices ' ho' ent enough to p tv our an ' rii «ion to his items? Come W. C., come out that An lie ( ai v )J .’»5 P. M.PortUnd (»re)4 UP. M, and wo hope she w ill speedily recover. Fortni h<*r In ortnalKm Ai pi» lo tbfo Com the court house fund, which was paid, fellow up the road isn’t dangerous; Ip-, neatly and orderly kent‘ and the county tiHniV Ag«i t Mt *.HtM\t’ttH, or »Oslir»1* General , and they have no right to make any such has a severe spell of growl; no harm u- Mr. J. II. Olds and wife were tipjed officials prompt an 1 efficient in the *i<- ffictf. comer Fir-t <1 l iue Ko.,' Portland Ugn, he is toothless and with all good n. tured. h irge of the duties appertaining to their in inuation. Now what do jou t .mk of out of lheir buggy Sunday afternoon, respective offices. There is a long eared red and yellow such actions old pioneers, you who locat- shaking them up considerable. No bones Dated at laifayetto this 28th day of done running around town sucking eggs mrr Trill RKHVITA qnlrklv earn e I the county seat in the forties by your Better chain l.im up or there might tie Jeptember 1887. broKen, however. Errors, I rr.tt IIUL. I li.lflLr" IIIHL rrT '»••« iig Von tU ) li , «I IllV0 |*J. I county comitHk-ionrrs, Jacob Comegfs, L ewis H oskins , Foreman. another coroner's inquest orr a dog ’ r IVe were shown a mammoth potytoe H BRUTsCitsa, head instead of a sheep's head. fare I.,* lle-<'‘n*> k»i>h 'mi. |t a i tur; • of Broadmead, lewis Rogers, ol West from the farm of Mr. Jas. Green. It is lorli. Timi i k PA' pua g , I ran at ottica. II Hol'KlMS, Mrs.' lffimmier, of Dallas, is visiting Clieh.ilem, and Elij.t Dodson, ot . orth Ad,or a io I coo a tail n on op Prhat. and J ohn F A llison , fourteen inches long and weighs three her son,’ lc C. Plummer, for a few days. Lìmo le I'lrexi 1rs" LOW. A. O. CLIN . Yamhill; and by toe election of 1858? F L K inney , and a half pounds. 3 UN ». Van tfara-H St, < ar. rHu-k. Look out Dutchy, those envelopes give I saac L amhiuout , Will you let yosr work stand ; or wdl yon you away. IK1CAUO. Hen. W. D. Hare, of Hillsboro, will [ O J L eiu i . suffer one egotistical, self-praised place, Mr. McCiiskey has rentod tho A. P. address the grangers and farmers at Mc­ for the sake of making one big town, sap­ Wilscti house and will move thia week. REPORT OP GRAND JURY. Minnville in Grange Hull at 1.30 p. m., H awk -E ye . ping the life' Jood out of every other town on Saturday O.t. 29,1887. C ommittee . IN THE CIRCUIT COJOT OF THE STATE OF \s ,’UHT KRl’flVEn A LARGE AND ^nd trading point in the county aald cre­ OREGON FOR YAMHILL COUNTY. NEWBERG. - *i ilari’ft-il mori "I S ore* aid 'Jln- For cosh in hand I w’U make ten per ating a debt or tax if tlmy shou.il make warr. anil t’r»P’»ra li rei] olua|H-r Ilian aoi To the H f morablj Circnit Court of Yarn­ Oct. 2Ï, 1887. aeut. discount from Sept. 20th, 1887 to honneui ilia I’ll .ntr. I-rerjll-ll’g -rpl 1>|I llano the levy, which they will do. and thereby ar V a »<1 i ’-pnirl dima aalifla- torl/. and a illusi January 1st, 1888 on all denial work. Re­ bill County for the March term of 1887. pBn*»r <1 ivotM O adaeei, n* keep our noses to the grindsi’Hu* tor un- Frosty nights. 'Irl'iv. Wo. the grand jurors, have examined spectfully, D r . E. D avis , Lafayette, Or. How is your house plants? t Id years when there is no necessity for N»nt.'0. t.f •plAr.r.td •nrr-svi* a. Thia |»vb»lAation, lurmabaa the countv Coil lings and find the jail in • wa/tvaluable p »•Insedia viki'wmatlfaii > bw B Oil EGON. Mrs. W.- A. Gardiner< and daughter Buy boys, don’t ycu think that Arthur L apayettb - the same? Asi t lickamas county, who no prvaon ahorJU « itbwut. 1 be nopuJarjty •• good order. The treasurer’s office is in ■ *“r the Bcuurririo Avnucm la rmh that Ri «ite had more than his share .lunday? Miss Annie, have lieen visiting in Port­ i i groaning under a debt of $50 000 or ealation n»*r'r enua'e th^t ft a .I «*'■'•* •< „•noil shape and the books neat I v kept „ Mr. Griffith, of Indiana, prSiiched a. Ha cUMcu ’ nh L PHr*. land the last few davs. Miss Annie Gar­ $10 005. Fhe built a lumrt bouse when tor'oM. B”’'l bi «*1 r ewwrtsak *’• AuVNN A CO«« The clerk’s office is in goo 1con ii’ion and ' «• - good sermon Sunday at 1 riends ’ church Publishers, la t*/uad»aj, N. V7 • diner will visit Kalama, W. T., Issfore she Reeded it. not having one for twenty- AMVMNOkiaRr* YTrtnn A Ce. bave Miss \lattio Wooii was up hon e on a the records well kept. The sherifl's of- 1 her return. five years, and‘tlierel>y causing her ;>eo- visit Saturday and Sunday. flee is in gopd order. The court house is *_ « ple to groan under a heavy tax of nine- Rev. J. IV. Webb delivered a fine open- large enough for piesent need but not in I t’le pi’r«* OPlcv, and brt»jr»pwd . , Mr. H rger and fajnily, of West Chc- I n>-»r«thav Cne t?an mill • this year and it only pays the h.ilem, attended church ut thfa’placo biin- sir lecture on the prohibition amendment. good repair. - • ; state tax, current expo ises arid inter- st day. Prof. W. D. Lyman, of Forest Greve, ------- D8ALER IN Having competed our duties wa a.=k to on her debt, L aving her where she was made a few remarks on the same subject, be discharged. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Moore is having some new improve­ i Bi'.cl t ppHr*ii J ohn H utchcioft , Foreman^. t dMiCntLentv. and a«l Hner papera fot by an honors i’e gentleman of that coun­ 0. A. HUSTON; Henry Austiu’s new hotel is going to Invent« ni their 11; hta in the Marshal Ohls rays he will commence Unilad Etatea. Canada, ty who know- whut he is talking about. W esley J ones , right up. w Gcrtnanr other I jeirn countrira, pre» on Monday to collect the special tax — West Clrehalein, Oregon.— | pared atrh*»rt and M ilks R obertson , j **• • r *■ to*? r*e*>nable tenne. We hazard nothing in saying .we are T^ior nat.on • ’ «>' o>? Mrs. Nancy Wiley is making some im­ levied hy the town oouncil. All inter­ ’ D. P. Tst LUNGER, fn'lM'vrn without charme. Hand nycnn f —x>:— nearer the c liter, higher, dryt r, health­ provements on her residcui-e. — iSiiSi.uon ►’■» estol shoul 1 take notice of this and be A. B a V aoe , Wishes to inform trie jieonle of I thron-h Kvnn A C o. am »••»'«» •“ »? ier, liettor water, better shipping facilities, a SS k tr -*• Tbe adrant-F« rf n-h E. E. .Sau«, Clerk. Bitching horseshoes is quite upaimi with reaily with their two dollars. i 5 I having two railroads and water commun­ tlie is ys of Newberg. West Clibhuleni, mid vicinity, we! I t ><* r< d V/ •!* ywaous who W— to d.spOM ■ We notice that o-,r-nurseryman E. R. •'’¡¡W?‘» '^ a <». g23 ication, and t*o_ telegraph lines. No tfmt lie keeps on blind, a com­ A mk » ica >, at bri/Uwar. Nnw iosa* Jpsso Hobson, Fred Tlair and Enos D onation .—The members of the M. E. Popppleton has commenced to t.-.^e up other town of I Ids jiize in tlie state can Haiisoii expect to put up a now saw mill plete stock of and ship fruit trees. This 1* the be-t •hureh de ¿ring to show thtir apprecia­ >eat it.‘McMinnville to tlie contrary. It near town snort ly. time of the year to plant trees anil all tion of their pa* or, Rev. M. Burlingum", it not a race lietweeu Lafayette anil Mc­ Mooro Bros, have put up a new wood­ who are in 'nócd of anything in this line concluded to give him a donation. In Minnville, but q ra • i»rwtween McMinn­ shed. sKoul I remember to patronize home in­ some manner they had found out th t ville anil the taxpayers. Eo believing, I II. II. Livengood lost his olJest child Tuesday la t Would be his birthday, and UROVF.RIha. RATS. CAPS. dustry. sign yours in can Jor, - »TW on Uiu lOtii lust. so on that evening quite a large numlier J. t. FXSOLHI.N. Just received direct from Baller, 1-ewin Ed. Robinson »nd Geo. ’ vans each re- of the members and frier.ils of tho church A Co., l’hil.idclphia, the finest line of Socairr A fter .—The narrow gauge c ivetl u hu. kot of carp la.4 Week from mid TIN WARE. In fact every­ repaired to that editiee with basKets well ledios’ shoes ever brought to Yam. ill Washington. THIS is the top of the geffe tilled with the necessaries and luxuries, system is such an important one that thing UAiially found inn country county; also chiLlrens’ shoes, and we of­ The Misses Gard have some nice canary of life. At a little past seven the pastor w'hen the litigation now going on ¡sever uine “Pearl Top" Lamp •tore; which he pr<>|iosesto sell fer them at p kvs that yon have been t iere will lie strong bidding between the birds for sale. others simitar hs cheap us cuti be bought in Chimney, all paying for cheap KHp-ls. Wo can recom­ was invited over to the church, being in­ A great many of qgr eftisens have ni­ Oregon Pacific and Southern Pacifie to mend them to wear and keep their shupe; formed that there was a meeting there, Yamhill County. WPUHigliest IA^.1'‘ Ræ imitations. Yamliill te n tod the Moeh.itdM-’ fair And fal stock anil that he might lie called on dor a few This is the secure possession of it, as to either road show at I’ortl.ind tliy pawtS»«tik. they will fit tire foot. 'Try a pair if you market |>rice jadd for ¡.roduee. . it will be almost a neieesity, and which exact label on •re tn need of them, at th« Lafayette remarss. He came into the church with­ Quite a number of McMinnville’s citi­ He hn< »!•*» two ft rum f r site, on ronton- out knowing w I mt was- in store far-Fum, ever, one gets it ■will have the "dead. zen a h ive been dear» the ast week lec- wolf term -, «I»1', »took of < ol* at.4 bilitjlnjr*. ' to 4 and shoe store, Harris A Haney. each one of thfa ~ wooj’rou the'other. - Tffierwy w yin d ne lrt 'tl n i ii i ring a» LUa-EOludy scat qiuistion al-o j acre offrotiml. For f t’lhcr parti ulart but his mind was soon disabused by Hon. Pearl Top • _■ .a. ------------- ¡- ‘ .1 » 11-f*. I. w. » at I have beard iKef ftrve *»1i — rt. ■uu>,r»i«' *'i al A. R. Burbanx, who in a few well chosen V ert G ood .—T^pe lecture of Rev. Dil­ but wbat both companies would im- but from w t' 1 ’r-success. J. b. UH««.- GY«- . ■ mediately extend it to Yaquina. When had vory poor-eui-cesn. worth, of Portland, at tlie Presbyterian remarxs, stated that it was a surprise- Ysatilll County. liegos. The deaW Mrs. C. F. Moore is at Silverton on » rhomh laatMaLday evening was good. bfrthrfayMonat.on party for tire minister. | c„,al„ _