Jf , v-'i- • * ■ ■■ , ;xjr. . « 1.« --V I A • ■ 4 b 2^* le «Í 0». tiff. « hint. mt: ». ì ♦.. < r '■h- 12 • * <• ■ ' ' *h .1 t » r-- 4* X» * ««on ytn »lid HUI, it you ú lefore tbo icing th. “> « said Lia snm- mbjr law lHwer fw r to the marri aa Plainrif that Do premise, n and fÿ, and M- suit. ix week, r of Hot, nade t < 8th 188' 1 roN aintiff. I •«>on,R Pqnfty r ree. yon ar r the cyn ’ entitle next rei ►lb day «. ►pear an there«». Jj ie«rt£ o t, and fo . diefaa ti r of R. J- le, Janu LEY. : or Plff. ■'B4>n fi Î 4 l.Al'AV«'4vrE.V\M«llLL N, SEPT. IO, 188T. VOL. VII. LIST OF BILLS. HEBO, TILLAMOOK COUNTY. PERSONAL. Public school Opened on Monday under tlje most favorable auspices. There aza " F; W. Martin was in town on Wednes­ ’ The following bills were allowed and [Received to late for last week.] PUBLISHED EVEBY FR1D 123 62 pleted on the Big Nestucea bay is doing Jones A Co.......................... SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Newspapers give more for nothing than Chas. R. Fenton visited Eugene City W. T. Booth....................... 23 M a splendid business. 1» Copy, per year, in advance................... 00 any other establishment in a community. 16 00 The Craps Bros, have a splendid saw last Week on business. ’ ‘ J . C. Cooper. ............. s Of «11 Grades and the Latest Eastern Styles. I» Copy, elx mobths iu advar».,„..V... 1 00 Their columns being their stock in'trade 21 00 mill just completed and doing a rattling Arthur 8n ith.. ............ .. P. P. Gates and party returned yester­ W. 42 00 business at Wood city. At their lumber II. Hunnels................... Samples lÆalledL on -A-pplicatloxx. they perpetually give away their space on day from a.hunting expedition. 434 28 yards may be found as fine lumber as Royal A Rudder.................. J. Burt Moore, matters which when sifted to the core *12 50 M. C, Rudder ........... 1 can he mude on the eoast, of different Have y A i One of Geo. H. Westerfield dropped in on ¡prove to be nothing but' advertisements. J. 8. Hibbs.................................... v 13 00 EMricties, sawed from fir, spruce, alder PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON^ Besides, they receive continued applica­ friends and relatives Monday evening. Geo. W. Briedwell. 262 70 and cedar, which will supply a long felt 106 00 want of the people in the surrouudiug J. A. C. Freund-. tions for copies, and always send them, He contemplates locating here. 6 00 country. FEED AND SALE STABLE, Oregon. Dr. Davis and Wife returned on Wed­ J. S. White........... Newberg jiostage. What merchant i paying the 6 00 W. F. Williamson The steamer A. B. Fields pjqkesregu- nesday from Monmouth, where they had would sli'p a yard of calico to every ap­ ,........ 20 00 lar trips in to our b>y€'ery Reek. M. Rymal............. T, B J/ELSOJ/. Proprie or. DR. J. C. MIQHAUX, plicant.— - / been to attend the funeral of Mrs. Davis’ T J. Harris-... - .......... 122 80 Crops and gardens are better,than the Harris A Haney... ..... .2 50 oldest setrter • lias ; .LAFAYETTE, OBEGON- ’ brother. , zlim prepared to furnish has ever seen them them; we are CARRIAGE». . L 2 50 J. E. Holman....... A mong — th; earliest of the monthlies, Mr. J. M. Belcher and his daughter, W. T. Ila?h. . .................. SAOOLB HURSEN, 14 00 arwwliqujet with peaee and plenty, but comes Peterebn for October ; and a capital politics art beginning to boom witli four After an active experience of nine year. Miss Belle Belcher, of this place, left W. J. McDaniel.................. 10 00 and everything in the L’vt-ry biro in good shapt in the field; we mean for the Bfere bin aerviceB to the people ol Lafayette number it is, b°th from an artistic and . 201 07 candidates Monday for Gainsyille, Texas. They are Yamhill Lumbering Co... and on short notice. presidency, of course. W ild B ill . ud surrounding couutry. — fr 00 literary point-of view and where fasliioh tb,l>e gone abSut two months. W. D.-Fenton........... r.. Transient stock left with me will receive O n Jan,21,’b7. , . * If not; get one and see wliat 48 72 Royal A Son.............. '..... and household-need are concerned. Miss ■: Ilf ■ ’ best of caie and attention. WILLAMINA. Cyrus Vaughn. .,.............. 2 (Ml Goid and Careful dr*vers employed, NOTICE. Bowman’s serial, “Along the Ba«wu,” Pleasant HDreazxis 4 00 E. A. Trueblood.................. You will find my cubic on Jefferson Street Farmers are not very joyous over the ends this month, and is decidedly the ’. ' 4 00 present prospects of the price of wheat. . between SeOoud and Third. The bi siness of the Ann of Nichols A 'E. L. Judd................ ........ You will have. best she has ever written., and '‘The Jones has been placed in the hands of S. H. 8. Maloney....... . 4 C0 ReF*.ll,>S5. ------ or m ' minnvillb , or .,—— The Green Mountain school opened . 16 00 Sept. 5th, with quite a Amall attendance Beaumonts of Beacon Street;“ by Frank It. Baxter for settlement. Parties know­ J. D. Fenton........................ b ACOB WORTMAN ........ President, 4 00 owing to the patrons not having their W. T. Hash ......................... Lee Benedict, begins, and promises well. ing themselves indebted to the firm either John Baxter......................... 4 00 tnresliing done. [W. D- FENTON................ Vice-President, There is a very amusing, story by Ella 4 00 L. J. Fletcher, t-.................. I will take anything the farmer may btto. WORTMAN. .....................Cashier. Rodman Church ; a capital sketch, “His by note or book account, must call on him J. W. Thomas. Abram Wright moves to Newberg this have to trade, at market prices. . . 2 00 and settle imihediatelv. week for the purpose of educating his two M. Churchman......... 2 00 Tranasets a general Banking Biisine—. De- Priiha-Donpa,’’ by Mrs. Sheffey Peters; »< N ichols a J ones . poeita receivea >UliJect to cheek. Helis eight L. Laughary....................... . Í33 34 diiugliters for school maims. May suc­ luchanve anil t («graphic tran.fere on New a very comprehensive letter on Paris . Dayton, Or., Aug. 31, 1887. J. L. Steward..................... . 7 50 cess follow them. LuFayette - - Ogir. [York, Ban Franoiaco and Portland. fashion from Mrs. Lucy HoopeY; and a Mr. Bryan’s family are going to move J. C. Landingham.............. . 117 19 I June 24, ly. _____________________ NOTICE. 78 95 to southern .Oregon to locate, sometime E. Poppleton....................... ........... Dealer in......... gomlly list of other interesting tales and And if it don’t give good satisfaction, 82 50 during this month. Yamhill losos a good Vincent A Spaulding......... graceful poetry. Petenon occupies a place DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. Notice is hereby given that we have 1 will refund your money. 7 00 family while southern Oregon gains one. Yamhill Co. Rank pecql&rly its own, in perodical literature. made arrangements /with our successor, -I. Edwards A C'o .............. W. F. Coulter...................... 7 00 May they meet with success is the wish PERFUMERY, The authors it employs give it standing Frank S. Hardipg, publisher of this pa­ T. M. WartertC""... . ......... ■ of m ’ minnvjlle , or .------- . 36 00 of tiieir many friends rTConitia'asd IIru«h•• u. TrnMMJSnppo»- .------ ff-25- among first-class literary magazines. In per, "Whereby all subscription accounts B. W. punn A Son........ There was a quilting at Thomas AV right’s tera, Shoulder Barat* Fancy and Toilet ArtiolM -•ö: 9 80 on Tuesday Sept, 6th. After the quilting H oka anil Stationary. Clock and Walhea the way of illustrations, novelties in will commence with him on July 1. 1887, Geo. Dorsey......................... I tt Yamhill County. Morse A Mauts.................... 6 GS there was to have been agrand juhilbe in t’lafad and Gold Jewelry . Preaidei lady’s-dress, children’s-toilette, and nee­ instead of August 1, 1887. ►j. o. BRAl.Y, 14 00 8. A. Manning... ;.T.. • . the way of a.pjav party, which turned, out Patent Medicinee, eto.. Family Medicinal - Csshi lÿr>di dlework of all sorts, it heads the- list of • Call at E. B. Fellows ’ Furniture store, GLARE BRAl.Y. 4 "Geo. H. tttmes ................... 00 "lobe uiorq.of a hospital party than play W esterfield B ros . - ' GOODS WARI.ENTE'J A8 REPRESENTED. W. D. M c D onald , Jr. - • Secretary. W. W. Nelson.......... ........ . 102 00 purty. Mr. Wright’s nephew who is sub­ in McMinnville, and see the Springs. 2-5 >ry. Nil ----- . -r - r -______ - —• fashion-monthlies, while the reliability of 2 15 ject to fainting spells, came up from Wil­ Tim N arrow G auge .—Work on the M. Redding.. . ............ . . . Transact» a general Banking Buxines, makes, its table and sick-room recipes and its 1 00 lamina, he commenced fainting early in T. M. Grubbs....................... reflection» on favorable terms varied information on domestic matters extension of Portland & Willamette Val­ ltolit. Morse......................... Exchange on Ladd At Tihon. Portland. 21 55 the evening and then took to erainping, THERE 18 NO .generally render it invaluable to house­ ley railroad frotn Elk Rock to this city is G. W. McCoy.;..'............ '. Exchange on The Bank of California. 12 50 thus frightening the young folks almost Interest allowed on time d< posits. 8 00 out of their wits, things grew from bad to keepers and mothers. Terms:, Tw'o dol­ progressing, and it is expected that it will Samuel Boel....".................. ■JOB OK KICK. 7 50 worse until there w»s hardly enough well January, 1, 18*6, ,tf. lars per year, with great deductions to’ be completed to the .city levee in six F. S. Collie........................ se .Churchman & Wooden.... V 92 ones to take care of the sick. We make a specialty of printing Bill Heado. clubs. Sample copies sent free to those weeks. Hoffman A Bates’s forces are Letter Hernia HutemenU, Reoeipto, of all The Willamina school opened last Mon­ ' LOCAL AND GENERAL. desiringKl’t up clnbij^. Address Peter- now busy preparing the foundation for kinds, Bal Invitations, Frogrammoa, fttuain’M DEATH OF A PIONEER. day by Prof. Linden, he seemsjo be well Lanlii Calling ( arda, Invelopei, Poatera and -thé trestle artiund Elk Rock. The river wn ’ s Mayariae, 306 Chestnut Street Phil ­ liked as lie has taught there for two years.' Dr. Davis, resident dentist. But you will find an easy one to It al) kildrtof work done in a that* laaa office. Then—Sept. 3, 1887, at the residence has reached such a low stage that the adelphia, Pa. . M ountain G ossip . ———ifyou will------- •' tar TRI AL O k D akb BUbiClTXD»'^^ Don’t forget the ice cream festival to­ of his brother, H. Johnson ’ s, in Forest ------------ ------------------- ledge on which the trestle is to stand is Grevé, Or., T. M. Johnson, aged 49 years. night. AMITY. PRACTICE - ECONOMY C hurch D edication .—The Presbyter­ above watefa except in a few places/ T. M. Johnson was bom in.Lamars Co., Circuit court will, convene on Monday ian church whity has - been built at this Places are beiyg leveled off on this slop­ The I. O. O. F. after their meeting last ----------- AND Texas, in 1838, crossed the plains in 1847 September 26th. place this year is a very neat edifice. The ing ledge and a foundation of concrete Saturday night had a supper at the Amity with his^iarents James and Louisa John­ hotel. The Reporter of the 12th was a very building is -fourtv-two feet long and laid for the bents of the trestle, and Oregonian Railway, L’d, Line. son ; settled in Lafayette, Yamhill Co. Or., Dr. A. G. Smith and Dr. Taylor started soat two- wherever, the rock is under water con­ neat double edition. £• twenty-six feet wide, and where he grew up to manhood ; went to east last Monday. — t The town of Weston is agitating the hundred rtYid twenty-five persons. The crete will be built alxive the surface. California w here he remained for a num­ B- rn —Sunday Sept. 11th, Ao tho wile spire is forty-six’feet high and shows the Bays A Jeffery’s men are building the building of a flouring mill. ber of years; from there to Idaho, where of Parker Allison, a tcnljsiund boy. ■' -- Until further notice trains will 1 and of a master' mechanic. “Tlio win­ road through the“White house grtunds, Dr. Taylor, of McMinnville, was in town A fire on the1 hill east of town last Sun­ he was elected flie first,sheriff of Alturas dows are of an original style with ground and the work on the Water Works arrive and depart from Lafayette — day destroyed considerable fénee. ccunty, which has been his home ever Monday. glass in the lower and -colored glass in grounds is about completed. The pile­ ■FROM* as follows, to aud fr^m Portland. ■ Considerable sickness among children Beekeejiers will meet at Newberg dur­ the upper part. Tee walls and ceiling driver is set at the mouth of the creek since. For a number of- vpawr'fie has now-, mostly summer complaint. ..... ■ LIÂT» —..« . - r ’ , tXAVS been a sufferer from a wcùnd by a pistol Portland.. 10.50 A. M.ÀIrll»......... .«.IS A. M. ing the fair next Friday and Saturday. are clothed and papered with beautiful beyond the Red house and the trestle Mr. Gus Itichy went to Portland to­ Lafayette. . .S.14 P. M.Monmouth. 7.1« A.“M. ’ ----- Mr. J« Haney is building a neat- porch,' paper. Taking it all in all it is said to be there will soon bè completed. There, ball in the lungs, which at last proved day. ShrrHen... 4 34 P. M,D»ll»e ... 8.05 A. M. fatal. Desiring to lie with friends and be Hall»........... 6 50 P. M. h»riden....l0 21 P. M, Sam Likens, blacksmith, made a very .nd ijtherwisc improving his residence. . the nicest church for its Bize in the now remain only a few 1/reuks to lie Monmouth.7.87 P.M. »fay«He.. U 38P. M. M c M innville , or . buried by his mother his wife undertook fine can opener for J. Mills Tuesday. Th î postoUîcëaï ïiTi'îirTTdîfigâ, ClaëW+eutmty. $1500 is what the church cost closed and the road will jai completed to Airlle (*rve)H.35 P. M.Portland («re)4.l5P. M. the jourpey to old Yamhill, only getting The jpb shows that Sam is a very fine For fui ther lnlorn»tlon apply ta the Cota mas county, Or., has been discontinued. and our Presbyterian friends are to be the main leading'frbrn the old water to Forest Gryve where the fatal ball did workman. The stock Is always fresh, and the nany'a Avuntwi Lafayette, or addreee Gei>»rai congratulated. The dedication will take works. 4H B°on a» the road above this prices are cut dowu to Y office, corner Firet A Pine 8la., Portland' Ugn, Very near every one attended the cir­ Savage A Son will sell stock and farm its work. Welcome Travoier to the home the times. I cus at 'McMinnville, and still times are so place on Sunday September 25, 1887, i «4 Jk tlnifpieit'the rwhole force v. ilk* ffrobably implements at auction Oct. 1st. Look of ypur boyhood days as your last resting hard. —AT THS-------- Trv us and be oonvlncad I 11 a. m. Several prominent divines wi ili be triMinferred to this end and the trestle •ut for posters. place. The deceased leaves a wife, three The school nfr-this place opened last be in attendance, and the dedicatory-ser- from the water niaCT to the city*levee brothers and two Bisters to mourn his Monday wit» forty-five in attendance. «Kane's Illustrated IFcHt for August-js. mon will be preached by Rev. Clyde, pf will be crmplcted in short order. Tt was’ demise, William, John and Huston John­ Mr. L. Booth and Miss Mattie Putnam, before us, replete with good jading mat­ Chehalis, W.,T. L afayette , oaegon , promised that the road would be done lit son, Lucinda McCullay , and Barbara of this place, were married last Tu .-sday. ter and illustrations. time to move this season’s wheat, crop, Johnson. You can find the cbolont and beet brand, tt At the Christian parsonare by Rev. D. The Corvallis Gazette has again sus­ -^J-jiïXY WoRK.-*-Speukingof thé govern­ and as there seems to be no signs of any M. Doty, Mr. Alderman and Miss Thur­ WINES, pended. Editor tarry having lost the ment wiXk at Yaquinji, the Post Bay»: '. „ LIQUORS, man. movement at present the promise will MARRIED. Work on the jetty is progressing in good doubtless be filled.— Oregonian. Hon. J. 0. Nelson, of ft'est Chehalern, •* use of hid eyes is tho cause. CIGAR4, tTC, .September 11, 1887, at the residence of passed through town one day this week farming "shape, nearly 250 feet having been added And everything n*naHy kept h a first daas Money to loan on improved i , < * A rms C ost M oney .—T o arm the state the bride’s parents, in IVest Cliebalem, and stopped to talk awhile with a few of bar-room at the Ek Horn Saloon, Beeer ft etg lands, from one to five years time in sums t« its length since werk commenced, and his old friends. R ufub . Always keep a quiet and ordMHyffSuic" Oregon, by the Rev. W. E. McCutelaaat |li> work will be pushed along as rapidly militia property, 1,260 breech loading to fuit. F enton a F enton , Lafayette, Or. T eeth .—From date until Jan. 1, 1888, as the weather will; permit. Bixty feet guns and two Guttling guns are needed. Mr. P. M. Christenson and—Miss Annie I will make tefith for $12.50 aud upward ■I1 “Uncle”. Geo. Perkins went to McMinn­ piling is now being used, and the piles According to the estimate furnished by" Conleo, al) of Yamhill county. per set, and when the teeth are already ville on Tuesday, anil on returning found At.Lafayette, September 14, 1887, by extracted $10 and upward. his pockets lmd been relieved of $30 by are hydraulicked into the gravel ten feet. the win department to Adjutant-General W. A. W ise , Dentist, Amity] Or. The work has progressed to a point atxiut Shofner, these will bostJ(24,000. Twelve­ A. M. Hurley, J. P., Mr. Charles Bryan «orne light fingered gent. midway of the south channel, where the hundred of the gqns will be of the latest and MiSH Maggie Rudder, all of Yamhill CARETON. G. E. Johnson, our efficient post­ Vater is twenty-one feet deep, and the improved SpringSeld pattern, sixty will county, Oregon. R. UNGERMAN, ~ Sept. 12, 1887. master, is soon to move his office into current being extremely sw ift ..the work be of smaller pattern' to atm the high ___________________ Wlrile down Ihr stream of Ufa they glide, Va« mo’t VSZ poppar V'eekiy r.ew quarters, next door to Harris A is somewhat tedious, hs well as hazard­ school cadets witty while the Gattliqg Ixits of colds amongst the denizens of If in-t by adretae winds and tide T'W’F dflVOtM V» aCIMfltrt». IWK.BKU4C«. «My A8 JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND fin- ” m». diHCovorloe, Ltr#n»i©n* and jutoni« Carlton. And the bars of life is relit and riven Ilitney’s boot and shoe store <5n. 11 selected Block of Hiov*a and Tin­ ous. But so far no "accident of moment guns will tie of the cheaper pattern with r r ibluh«:L F.rar/ n > r |ib*rtea'«4 wiU Asa Kelsey is home from Portland, *,»14IYZ. 1 tnffr-irln'-a, lilla rut'lMt«*». furat*b»a , ware, and proponea to tell chtaprr than any While a'ong the gale in auger.drfven; It will be impossible to print a paper has oecured, and the work is being done wood carriages. At thiB rate it costs * u«.lVBiuaUleriirvelnT-oriia eflnfomiatloa '»hicb 1 houBOtn the county. Everything kept on hano also G. R. Bodie of the same place. «■> pcranit ahnuld bn wilhout. Tte |>opuhrllf •( Truth and love, a beacon bright as day. this winter without wood. Our .patrons in th» most substantial manner. and repairing done satiafavtorly. and without Uqple Samuel something to arm the mi­ tb# Fr.wrtrta A mfiucan h «’»«h «bai ita «Ir- Our sick are about the «ame./^ Through every alarm ita ligltta display. cn'.ttio« n*ar'r •qaaH CU.» T he R ural S pirit .—This well known General Shofner js confident that the that commodity are reminded of the fact. two to one coming to this office. Good L afayette , O regon . Pati ubera, Ko. fcl Broadwaj, È. Y. NEWBERG. for you. “ A spark from thé chimney of the resi­ journal came to us this week with its war department will furnish Oregon the Sept. 13, 1887. The Warehouses are still very busy. dence of John Kennedy set fire to the new titlg, the name “Willamette Farmer” above mentioned arms after the regula­ A3 l’.-, »9>r» Remember that Newberg fair commen­ JjSfs of wheat and oats on store this year. ia thè- P.lral O«!rv. a«4 « ew»ar*4. roof on Sunday last, but wap discovered being added to the old one. It is a fine tion routine of red tape has been gone H Cn» Hpndr, a Tlipiu« Tally one for Carlton. ces, one week from next Thursday. • and •w'il«::"» far fiwnfvf» healthy looking twenty page folio and through with.— Newt. •nd extinguished before much damage Unii«! kn.lv».«"4 S. Carr, Esq , is TnTproving his house —■--------- -- ---------------- , Cavvatv. Trado-Jlar««, ropvriabJA B orn —To the wife of John Winter a under the new management will doubt­ Was done. in town by putting rustic in and laying Av«l,nmeilt«. >1.4 v'I olhrv »«l»«1 BtUaa, IU»«I». I «Wtoi 4. Ì«a», G. E. Johnsen met with an accident o.rm.nr rn4 «HivV «■ fri»« Irj»’. v^r- the Farmer as well as of the Spirit. W. of flume shooting up from tha crests of carpentoffftg. na-„.lrLrb'»rtn'>l“'«V'l«e'>>»a*«‘iaWvlara»C this week. While digging around an ap­ 'Martin Cook has returned home. Intormalloa >ring after the grass is OKOCKRTtS. HAW. CAPS. • Mina Anise Brown will teach near Hills­ November. > started ? It is jpggeste.1 that they think Fampson A Perkins lost a good horse boro this winter. this mat ter over. — C hicago A narchists .—The supreme ibis week. In fording the upper North Jesse Hobson is having a well dug at and TINWARE. In fact every- 1 Yamhill river, the horses became stalled l ourt of Illinois delivered an opinion on T he T emperance M kettkgr —That lie­ his warehouse. Land thé driver -u em to tlie extent Wednesday in the anarchist case, thinx unnally found in »country Geo. Hunicutt is quite poorly. pan last Saturday evening have been J. J. HEMBREE, Proprietor. ret a blood affirming the judgment of the court be­ cilusing thi •tore; which he propose» to sell largely attend«-d—in fact, too largely for Jonathan Maris fell and hurt himself 4. 'i -» low. The execution will take place Nov­ the capacity of Liberty Hall. Hughes pretty bad last week, but is now able to I *ra prepursd lo «ire food u-rnn odstlo» m an cheap as can be bought in ■Sort nolle», to per«,»» wiab.D* The first quarterly meeting f TjJay- ember 11th, between TO and 4 o’clock. is the funny man; but while he holds an be around again. Ulan or ' eonveyanra. . • Yamhill County. , »^_llighost V&Jligheat The opinion by Judge Magruder in thia ____ ChergM Raaoot.nblr. circuit M. E. church wijj lie held at ___ ‘ ‘ produce? _ ueff? audience with his many jests, his remarks Town was full of people Saturday, a market price paid for tT^Mr bank« oWnri t» arllb th» 4»l’y train» cane is that the judgment of the court be­ lest Chehalern the first Saturday afel are nevertheless telling. Ward is not ao great ffiany were bringing tlleir children to carry n»»Mn.»rn to and iron tha dr pot. 1 He H« has h*« al~> tw> forms fan— b.r aala, mi also two fot sale, mi r*aoon- -- □ndav 6f October. Quarterly conference low is affirmed, as to all, each and every fluent a sjieaker as Ilnghea, hut he ia here to attend school., sb.« l«r<»-. «took of »ad building». »né of defendants. u-e i »»re of «r>«in4. For furtb-r parlltalan . Stator A Savage ’ s raw mill near Bridge ­ aturday Octojier 1st at 2 p. m. Dr. W ih. (Jain, polished and logical. The singing > ------------------- .j..«. ' .-------------- call — tbr uud>T,igb»'l at Ma aur« i. 1 port burnt down last week. oberts will preach. v J. 0. C*»T«a, Waril babal'M. 'TtAHMoAD M agsat W.—Senator Stan­ haw been splendid under the feaderehip •41 Ill AMITY, OREGON. 4 Yamhill County, Or ago» ■;\ C. E. Hoskins is patting up a new dry of Mr. Green, assisted by his wife ; en ­ ford, presi'ient of the Southern Pacific In common with otlier papers, the Rua- house. r ._ has received pamphlets from-the railroad. Col. C. J..C rocker, vice presi- thusiasm baa ran high and large num- F. 8. Cottle and family have returned the same, sànie, and and A. A. N. N. Towne, Towne, gnn- gen- ' lien have signed the 01ed^e and our tem­ ____ ______ _________ „«.«»■fatirin of 2 Oregon, with a re .dent ­ dent of oí the from the Spring». CARRIAGE AND HOUSE PAINT- * * ” "^Nerwm» n»Mlhy, Mvol«» otfntoo”" We”have not had eral manager St the !touLI„-,u Pfiriflt «y» perance people feel very much en­ quest for an <. tvy La—»: Realorn Manhood fit a ph»?s Everybody expects to have • big time INO, SIGN WRITING, couraged. They will remain over Mon ­ them “ “ a • favoreble favorable perusal perusal,’’ tem, have arrived in Portland on a tour of tor M. Trini pk Ifie pottage. Fr— «T o*r... Mme to give them at Newberg fair this year. - day and there will be a rousing meetiag PAPER HANGING r Adri— and ar—« talion on all Private »nn th Bee • ell 8 )n ano ite an<* ncoln, p. m. - asb in !e nod