vX- ’>8 ; i ■ ' . •• d- ‘Cflr* . ■' v" s: #4". ' ■ • & •/ » • - \r^ * » ' I < ' a foe'* l * iv -P .^*-**" »■ ri K , «*' "•» 'w * « -•» •> . ♦ ♦ ■ r I r —Sa y AV ■" ■ . ■ j • ; . LAFÁYETTE.'YAMHIIkL COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST IE, 1X87? VOL. VII. .. A Jt Lx ................... ■- . 4 A *■ 4 % 4» B-z H » A-* : . un ®»<4 . . i... ... ' -'imji ijk! '. V The Oregon HeRister PUBLISHED LArAiKTra, . EVERY FRIDAY -AT- * . . . . * ohkuon , ■ -BY-’ » FRANK S. HARDING. _______ _x i ‘ ■ . HtiBBCRIPTION BATES. * On* Copy, per year, lasdreoeo................... (2 00 «se Copy, eix moothe In adrar»........... 1 00 VOLUME h Í k If ► h I ► t i VII.—No. I. The improve meet« on Mr. Burbank’« house Op the hill are progressing nicely. It la Reported that Gen. E. LwApple­ gate will stump the state “agin” prohibi­ tion. .. ., - Mr. WJ J. Stater of Tualitan Mills, Washington couuty, was in this city last Monday, .UlJ'lclj'» H -, .¿- A 'ì- ,-t. y . UMITY. -■< The Wasco County Teacher’s Institute, NOTICE FOÄ PUBLICATION. 8UMM0N8. under charge of Prof. Crazier, will begin L and Orriez at Osanov Crr haa fl'ed nolle, of hia Intention la th» email Caaxa-aff u»« «taw ar egon for Yamhill county : resident of this county, and one of the field, and. thiB rtorniug J hear of two io make Anal proof in .apport of hia olalm, ••r»«»», for Taaoaui Ceaaty, J ohb F. WamHT, ?tateti Two ladies and one gentleman signi ­ Ha oatnae the following.jrl.tnaana to prove Ifeen'at the-'rdllMeiice of Rev. J. Hoberg, fied their intentions to become members hie continuous re,Mance npon, and ooltivation OaL m Mnrphy, Grant A Co., th»». Wrl are hereby required to appear and i in thq¿ town. Some of the branches of of the Christian church here last night. or aaid la"d„vi«: P. Wilaon, L. <1. Freeman, 4olnx nualneaaas Chao. WnahtACri, J. _ weFtbe complaint filed against Jot F. P. Il«» J. W. Latimer and P. Brant, all of Tillamook Hhelton, J. A. Fort, I. W. This speaks well of Rev. Dr. Doty as a uo.toffice, Tillathook eountv. Oregon- (ft the viq^taA'Iully twenty feet tail. bra«. H. B. Rteranaon, M. J. P««khr---------- the above entitled suit on or before •K1 H: r—.-.» W.T. BUhNEY. Win. BiSrns'' wife, of Luckiamute, put preacher. Caln A Harloy; H, W. Prine, EJanr Popplate«, 5261 • Register. Geo. E. Getchell of the Pioneer grocery Hauk«" lUackbnrn, Mr«. Matlhtw Blackbnra, .teourt next after due away some squashes last year, and they hi. wife; Llbnl. ■, ■" ”■ ingwork Bend them tg’Ajih'ty we.need (lereby required to gMMar,aud anewarihe com Jbove lintltlsd cam on er before grptembdr costs and disbursements of thiq su 261b, 18*7, that being the Aral doe of the next Dr. W. F. Hutchinson -yifill continue hands. , 1 This summons is published «ix plaint ilea.agamet jm ia Hie rbove entitled regular term ot ««id eoartatxt Mier due tew * ’ ’ * - .’ •* * • *'» his lively sketches ot Venezuela« seonery the O rkoon R egister bv order < ’And still the wor); keeps crowalipg on eult. on or before the first day of the nozl reg­ vke of thia Snnimena anon von by pnbllcatioa in R. P. Boise, judge of said court, 1 ular term of'toh ’ court, to witr «bo 26th day nf. »• by law provided, and if yoa hit to to ea- and travel in the coming npoibér'of-the ous-painter, Mr. Cary, aud his trip to the («pteoiber, IH»7; and if yoa fall to appear and wer. the plalntifr. will apply to the Ceara for chambers at Salem Oregon July 281 American Magazine. Curadao^nd Mafa- mountains is spoiled. / <■ . , anearer aa above required, for want thereof, the rellef'prayo > far la the Complaint heroin . FENTON A FENTt . cnibo were visited^ anate and for a< cli other an I further relief m to scribed In Isintlff Complalot, and than fora- make it do good work if any one does. closing said mortgagsu reformed aad order- igipal take-dwalleiH, triose structures Ike court may aeom equitable and Joet Thia anmmon« ia pnblialied by order of R. P. big a sale of nld promt«« djaonbed in Plaintiff and mode of living connect the present Pr. Wise, dentist, starts to Albina next Boive, jmlge of Mid court, bearing date, Janu­ Complaint aa follow« to-wit: In thn Ciwnit Ooort oMho BteU ot Oroffoft, MoCAtN A HURLEY. lab All tbo following part of Ute Donation with prehistoric a/es. This magazine Saturday, he will jje away till the first of ary 28, IBM. for 1 Coantjr: 4 - -•' . Laud Claim of A. R. Eldar and wife Claim No. September. 51 til Attorneva for Plff. ranks as one of the best. 6* In Townahlp Thran Month Range Foqr West u m . ....».......... ..................... Platetlft J. Mills, the new groceryman,, has of the Willaasett» Meridian and In the oennty of SUMMON*. Governor Pennoyer will leave shortly some fine fresh candy. ....... ................ Yamhill Spite of Oragoh. owlt: teg a to Ocular ef oonnty road bration of the one hundreth anniversary owners smile at the low prices and neat The State of Oreaon upon the re­ hence South 1 degrao 90 mlnulei I««l hereby rraulred.to appenf end answer the < lation <>t Gro. W. B elt , ar Dia- jobs. ------ Ruvus. plaint filed-again.t you in the above call of the adoption and promulgation of the 28 «5 100 chants Thsuce West 56 50-1'« ehelna trict Attorney for the 3d Judicial to Wert boundary ef olalm Theneo ttootb ■pit on or before Beptember Seth 1887, b constitution of the United States, to be District of aaid State, PlaintiK the Ant dey ot-lhe next regular tent of 13 53 10u »bales Ytenes East 98 TMOfrYhala« NEWBERQ ITEMS. ▼a Court, enddr you fall oo to aaeww^ier'J held September 15th, 16th and •> 17th. to stake la enter ef conntr road Tbnce itoatb J. C. N elaon , as administrator of tberaol, Plaintiff will apply to the court 1 degree »8 minutes East 56 »180 oh"las’ ate Hon. John A. Kasson, of Iowa, is chair­ tho estate of lsruel n uber, de­ Mr, Haines, of Portland, with his decree dleaolving the marriage ooatrsoi center ef ojanty road io South bonndanr el ceased, and the tfhkmiwn heirs of eitoung between Plaintiff end Drib'daM, man of the committee of arrangements^ glatfghtor Alis» Mary Haines, formerly olalm Thence E mi II 8.11« chains to the place decedent, if any, Defendants. fer inch other relief«» prayed for tn Plal ol beginning containing 206 acre« save aud ex and Justice Miller, of the UnitejUriates one of the E< P- A., are the guests of Mr. In the name of the Siate of Oregon, upon the complaint. and Mrs. ¿finthorn. Miss IlqineR will at­ renting 63.y order of Non. B. Several hundred'thousand dollars will be term. , ed ti» the plaintiff, that deeeMjMied Intestate »67 of Book Q of the racorda of deads for Mid Botoe, Judge of seMoourt made e) Chaa Oonnty. and saving also sad excepting there ­ in said county, Jbunary 80, lbOWeaving an expended in making the arrangements Mrs. Hunt and children, of East Port­ from that portion thereof berotofiiro sold to si Salem, Oreg therein, which h»s been fallradminiater- for the celebration and it will be a grand land, are enjoying the fresh air and in­ estate the Defendant Llbbio Gieger herein after do - • Attorney Ibr PlaialW. ed by said J. C. Nelson, as adminiRtnuor, that V ,■ Also the following doacribod traot to. affair. The last legislature passed a joint viting surroundings of Hon. E. H. Wood­ said estate wae settled March 8,1887, leavins scribed. Jhlytt. wit: said atim on Ifond now in the poo-ieadon of said ward ’ s country residence. resolution ordering the reasonable expen­ All 'hat it penton ponton of ef tbo tb« Donation Load Land Claim NOTICE OF lidmiuUtrator, sai that decedent died intestate APPOINTMEN Elder, Ciato Claim Na Na. ttla «9 la T. 9. 8 H. 4 W Hobson’s warehouse is ready to receive laaeiug nerheira. It is therefore ordered that of A. H. Kldet, ses of the governor to be paid, if he would GUARDIAN, of uoe the Wil amette merinien Mertaiaa te County, v, wii sinetie in Yamhill t amo ili county, the grain crop which is already begin ­ Mid defendant and all persene intervated in said attend the celebration as Oregon’s repre­ mon particalarlv partioalarlr described «s as lel- fol­ esiat« aoj ear and show canoe on the 26th day Oregon, and more ning to come in. Notice ia hereby given that B. 0. Dante —: Beginning al at a ateke siako te In orator el of oonnty oennty sentan ve. >f September, 1887, being the fi rat day of tlie ' lows: ------ --------------------------- ------- --- — ^n dull appointed by the county oeur . ‘J. A. Cook, our gonial and good look­ next reeiiiar term of this court, why tjtie to ------ running from Ite eovered bridge across uh IO county, Oregon, Gusrtlan of the' ei On Monday afternoon the will of Ben ing telegraph operator and agent now oc­ said $31D 71 khouid not vest in thj state of Oro« the North Tsmklll river te totefttet to« county ot H. G. Burna, on tn.ano person. TbM road a< ar Jaom Johnsoa'a Mid eteko being * Holladay, who died in Portland, July 8th, cupies the new depot, which is said to l e ®on all peraona having ola me eg iln.t said eel This summons and order published in th*i On* bolt. 1) degree« E m I In «enter of road IS 43. the nicest on the line. are hereby notified to present the nteM'' 100 obtins from Intentatine of Mid read with 1887, was filed for probate in Portland: KOON R egibtkb , a weekly newepHser, pubHhbéd the Booth Ime of the Mid JamM Jokneoe'a proper venxbera to the nnder>ignod at B Tlie click of hammers is heard from at I . a fay e tie. Oregon, fur six coDaecotiT« Donaitoe He bequeaths to his wife Esther bis Port­ vie, Or . within aix months from this I toad Claim Theneo Booth (Vi de ­ weeks, bv ordei of i-aia court, thia 30th day of grees West 9d pi-llll) chaina Iheeeo North 54 Dated this lllh day of July 18«. land residenc« and all its appurtenances early mom till night; Newberg is grow­ July. 1887, B. P. Boise, ' Ircuit Judge. ing.' H. 0. BURNS, 75 DIO chain Thenar heat 1» 17 100 chatos GEO. W. BELT, Districi Attorney, and the sum of (60,QÓ0 f to his son Ben Guardian aipraaid. Th.nee Beiith 115-100 chains Thon«« 1a»t22 W. I. BHAD8H AW. Aad FENTON A EENTON, Mr. anil Mrs. Cottle and Mrs. D. Mar- tut aald salats, Attorney 16 lut chalas Ttenos Fonth Vergavo Beat »Uh Holladay, Jr., all bis interest in the Plaintiffs* Attorneys. 52 6t tain made an overland tour to Poitland July n. center of conntv roedle plena of'beg tewing steamships Pelican and California; and yesterday. containing 116 scree Mving «en eireptlng treni Mid pn ml-e« above do»erib d the ' following SUMMONS. the remainder of his estate to his gi anil­ NOTICE OF , APPOINTMENT OF The young people met at at the resi­ portion thereof heretofore cnvOyed to aud now daughter Maria, daughtez of his daughter dence of Mr. N. C. Moris Monday even­ ADMINISTRATOR. In the rtrruit court vf tb* i-tat« of Or«(oa for owned by Dt-fendai.l Lllibto Gi.ger. dwcrlbrd as fol owe to wttt Beginning at the North East Jennie, now deceased, formerly the wife ing to have a moonlight social, all report Yamhill county. WrOTICE IS HE-IEBY GIVEN THAT TU currier of the Dona'ion Land Claim nf Alfred IT nndoraigaed has boon by au order ot th* of Count Arthur de Portales. His brother a fine time. Th« state of Ore; oñ, apon the re IL Elder alow-anld 1 brace Wrbt.l1 80-1W < O'inly C.mrt. of Yamhill County. Oregon, .duly lull a cl Gxo. W, Bti.r, as Dia Joseph Holladay, Henry Hampton, anil chain« to lbs track of the t»Kgon A California appointed Admhiialnitor of the estate of Asap Prof. B. C. Miles, of Salem, was in tewn trii-t Altnniey for the 91 ludiclul liarlread Tirase. Sen.h 21) Jegreaa krari to a 0 Goeeer. deeoaevd. with will annexed. . ■> L. M. Barlow, executors of the will^jith- Sunday. Dis'rie's «aid biato, PI.loilff. Ciint whe o rhe m I.I trans erne» a the west Therefore ell persons having claims agelual vi out security. Joseph Holladay filed the tninlary of Mid Donation Land Uleim of «airi said o»ta'o »re heieby noUBed to present tbatt Mrs. Townsend and family from Port­ 'V. N P*BKlail, «ao'lminlolratnr ol Alfred It. Mdrr th'are Koath on acid West , w ith pmpor voucher« to >he undersigned at Ihn will, and a petition asking that he be a[>- land, arrived Last evening. tie lu'Ote of Tltuoihy < omp, de- bounder- llne,«f Mid claim to a p'inl 29 M-lrSI law oflee of Fenton A Fenton, at Lafiuretto eeuacd. and the onunown 1-eiro ot pointed executor and Geo. W/ Weidler cbeiire -onth ef the North bvaud.iry Itos of tltia I liegen within six months from this 15«h dqy Heater A Crater contractors and build- decedout, if any, lief adante. tact and 1J 78-100 «Iranio South ot-ihr polut of July 1887. . administrator of the estate. The estate ■rs, are at wprk on Benjr-Mile’s fine two- In the esina of Ul« Stalo of Orexon: Upon w bere .«Id track rrereen Mid Went bonndari Htory residence. Ui« sworn rcinpls-nt of plain.iff ebuVe named, line Tbei ee Heat M 22 III# ekal-.e to Sent is valued at (500,000. J. T. Smith’s new residence on the, it appeario« that an eotat of 471 96 haa eecba I bounder' Una of Mid claim TIB n»» North fill F sktok A F xwt O x , io-ina plaintiff. Ibal aaid dor .a-d decree. We have received the Fifth Annual hy -eld W. N. Parrieh, as administrator, fill. That all that portion of th« D natto-r NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF The Glee Club will meet at the resi­ *d raid estât» «i> settled Hentemliar ?, 16-6, l-atid Claim »I William D, Clark anti Fb.li» Catalogue of the Oregon State Normal dence of B. 8. Cook Wednesday evening. -hat EXECUTOR. ravine *a'd mm on hand now In the poeaemlon Clark, hia a US. Claim N". M bring par's of of raid administrator, a d that deeedenl died School at Monmouth. It shows the school IV OTICB IS HCUBBY GIVEN THAT Dr. Minthorn haa rented his residence eectior«9,10, and 11 of T. 3, B EL fi W, «f Wil- U. H. Bo «man ban been ou'y appointed to he in a very prosperous condition, (rout ng the long bridge to Mr. Mr a ton, i 'tesiate, leaving uehoira. It Is therefor« or 'emette Meridian 'n Yamhill Cranly, State of 1 dsre that «-.id dele liants and ell pnmon» In by the County t ourt of Yambill (.only, Ore­ Oregon, and borm'ted a* fe low«; Beginnt g at there being 261 students in attendance l.itely from Iowa. Mr. Minthorn will oc ■ereeud in Mill rotate, appear ami show canee a point irfiS ItIO chriHl Booth end 8 T 100 gon, l aooutor of the last will and trafoteaat of on tbs 1- th dav ol Beotepiber, 16 1, being the chain. West of ibe North tost turner o( sold A oilne Fmlqnarta, deceased. , during the past year. The graduating eupy the boarding hull of the F. P. A. timi day of the ilext rnmiltr torn ol this ooort, Th. reforeell nereona having olaatengaiail The lumber is being hauled on the whv th otiti- to said (71.98 shoo Id not vent In •eoti-n 9 Thanas North»» daarree :« m'niiles arid class in tlvNormal course this year nun - relate ere hereby sotlfia i to pieeonl theaa Frat SO 35-I0« cbehra Thence North 8 'degre. e ' »iih proper eooritMU to th« underelgned, at bere"SM realliof from Mid tree« Orvgeia, iwr Yamhill Cemoatyl methods it is an exoeUent place for any rive in Portland, says the Oregonian of Ir I to be «old. sad th»»xroM «>«.« a-naanl, yesterday, but none is changing hamls. -ins upon the mortgage« held hn^arenco M. one to obtain a good education in a short Aamttel C. Hem, Emma A. H om , Joel A, Bry ’ttarkl'urn upon -eld m-eoira reset br ln- time. There are 76 tree scholarships dis­ There has been no price named on new m, Julia A. Bryan and Martha E, Rax, rnffirietit to pa* Plstollff then >bo tract owped uc, PtolntilTo, b; Dofeii'ieot. I.lbble Ol'-ger, hr sebi e der tributed to the di Terent counties of the wheat yet and wijl not be till the San •tld decree. That thrre be paid Plein'Id eat of Francisco call board meets next Monday. vg. State, of which this county has three. A SUMMONS. WW w »«- -i. Tornii S* porter? We have not seen a co^pfibf it on our exchange table yet. /. W. E. Prudhomme, formealy of the Dallas Itemizer, is working joti'the Ash­ land, 'Wisconsin, Pjess. To-day the O rkgon R zgibtkr is six - years old. During these six years it has Walk right in and subscribe for the pursued the even tenor of its way; grow­ ing in popularity and usefulness. To-day O regon R eci - teb , the only live wide­ the O rkgon R kgistsb stands on a sound awake paper published in the county. A Memphis, Tenn., woman gave birth, financial basis—in fact we believe it has always been a paying institution. ,,WTth last Monday to four well developed the experience of the present manage­ children. Both mother and habits are ment, in the business, it is nothing more doing well.- than reasonable to look for a continua­ Rev. J. Q. A- Henry, pastor of the tion of prosperity. In the six years of First Baptist church of Portland, is Boon the R egistkr ’ s existence many import­ to take a trip to the Holy Land for rest ant changes have taken place in jhq. i and research. county and state. The West Sidy, f Jas. McCain and family returned from road haa been extended from the coast the early part of the week. Mr. Corvallis; the narrow gaugtf iinps'navo McCain reports a good time,* and he been builj and eottaatde 1; real property of - surely looks hearty. ■11 kinds has incroased in value and our The prospects now are that Benton people are more prosperous. In the next ■ix Years we expect to Bee far greater ad­ county will have a now court house and vancement in all branches of trade; our jail. The county court have ordered population will increase; our facilities for plans and specifications to be drawn. Mr. M. C. Rudder, who is building the travel and tsaflie in the state and with other states will undoubtedly increase Dayton bridge, was obliged to stop work more than in the past. As we have said the fore part of the week on account of we shall keep tho R egibtsr abreast of neuralgia. He says the bridge will be the times, and give the people the best completed this week. local paper in the county. The great ball game between the Port­ > Since we have taken charge of the pa­ lands and Willamettes resulted in a vic­ per quite a number of our patrons and tory for the latter. The score stood twelve others have wondered what position we to three. W. A. Howe, of North Yam­ would take on tho all important county hill, was the umpire. Seat question. In this we shall take the A delegation of Umatilla Indians, •ide of the taxpayer; we shall defend La­ headed by Pee, is in Washington urging fayette, and the present location of the the payment of their claim for horses aaunty 'Beat, against the thrusts and per­ stolen and houses burned by the Nez versions of truth of those who dtfijire, for Perces eighWyears ago.—— (elf aggrandizement,-its removal.' We The new material we ordered while in •ball answer argument with argument, Portland the other day will show itself without entering into any quarrel in Vrhich slang and h i rd names are the next week. In the meantime you are • principal weapons. We refer the reader respectfully invited to call and leave your to “The difference botween two-thousand, order for advertising and job work. I W. I. Westerfield went to Portland tkis find two-hundred,” in another column. ' Personally we are in favor of the p'nd- week and returned with a fine stock of [*&■ •: ihg prohibitory ams'ndmsnt, and w > in­ furniture, which he will open out in a vite parties who have a desire to discuss few days in.. Ute building formerly oc­ this subject pro ox con to do so through cupied bv F. Q’tjonnar as a drug store «Ur columns to the extent nur limited Mr. M. J. Ramsey went to Portland •p^ge -will allow. Of .the other amend­ last week and bought a fine selection of ments to the constitution we shall speak wall paper for the new' Presbyterian st some future timex church. The carpenter work is about all done, and in a few weeks it will be ready Mr. E. B. Collard, is suffering from a for u e. ” biHious attack. The reports circulating through the pa­ The Wizard oil man decorated the pers in various parts of the State rogtor*- town on Wednesday. -— ing the Kelty lynchers are simply ridicu­ Father J. 8. White and Prof. Freund lous. A stranger would think th« pet pie ♦era in town on Monday. of this county are entirely wanting in Mrs. W. W. Nelson returned home from good qualities. Yaquink bay last Monday. , The state board of education has can­ B ohn .—To the wife of Nels Nelson, vassed the sole of the coui if superintend­ August 7, 1887, a daughter. ents to select primary text books on Harvesting is-ih full blast, and ere long physiology and hygene, and found that the Smith series received twonty-six votes the crop of 1887 will all be housed. Mr. P. P. Gates and family returned out of twenty-nine. On the 2nd inst., at Pillar Rock, Wash­ borne from Slab creek on Tuesday. "Meesr-L Suiter A Daniel started their ington territory, there died Joseph Laf­ ferty, an old Hudson Bay employe, who warehouse to running last Monday. had attained the great age of ninetv-nine Telegraph offices will be opened 'at years, coming to this country in 1829, Ballston and M■ néœSâg ft»«« .owiMSBi SUMMÉOVS. , LANDS IN SETERALTY, The p >ltcy of the present ad­ ministration ia evidently to break tip the tribal rehttions of th4_In di an« of the West by requiring and indi/cing them to take lands in severalty, as the only means of civilizingpMe OfitHmed savages. That is'ouUoubtedly the otily wise measnee of <&tling with this ab­ original race. The moment their l>«w'er of combination and offen­ sive warfare is Woken thtfy cease to be, dangerous and will very eoon asaimilat« to the cusToHis and habits of the domiaaot nice. The wild ferocity that haa made them the philanthropic terror of the «yltite« for centnrhspriJl rapidly disappear. The idea too ot private property sod permanent anil pro- t«ctod ownership m calculated to chan«e th«ir roving diapomtiona and iHclin« them away from the nomadu lita of tb« immemorial rad man» Tb««, too, th« civilmng mflu«ne«« 406, in Toirrttlp t hree. Bopth BengeTTbeee West of the Wil laaoelte Meridian: bice North (Vav., fin de- grew a d Alm leu lea k) n« Leet boendary lino ol Sold Lfonellon Lend 0>alm .54 44 100 chelM io a "tonouxltxio «et for 4 ' North Eootcer tbo iH-praeda »I said first Ml*tifo «.ale rad ez- Itru-ee of Mid Mj« jlad of this nil then the farther auto «f|finti»oooa reaidance a poo. ted eehhtelm of, a* id land. rU: J Dee«. T. Poster. V. tetiM mm I Bower, ail of Oretta Peat Ofoeo» TIlteMM ' Couaty.Orofoa, Joly » IM7. < «'•1 * FfcNTON A FENTON, Joly 11. NOTICE FOR PULII