« TV ■ a JU 4'. V < Oliver Wendell Hulu,«.- ImprsMlona ei England'. Most Notable Structure. [f? Ib............. ..>....»....... ■"**........... WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 12 <9 X 4 ----- ---------------- -------------------- j—■---------------------- ea D rito »re« MARKET. t' "■ ’A Accordlog to the mot careful es\imates Charlotte Cusbinaa was the daughter of the popvlaUon of the United Sfatto has jxior peiplfl. increased about* 1 J,500.00J during the laai Dererlptloa of the lroa-<'lad and Ito Fow- seyen veara, and ot this increase 7,7 0,000 Young or uilddle-aged men suffering erfnl babmarlne Ou. have been of American, ana 3,810,000 of from nervous debility and kindred weak Outwardly the Destroyer Is simply ah foreign birth. neasea should send Oceola in stamps for targe Illustrated treatise supgeatiug sure un.irmored iron-clad vessel with nie us of cure. World's Dispensary Med­ THE BHGINFIMG OF TH! KB Ik wedge-shaped bow and stern. It is • The beginning of disease is a slight debility ical A,ar elation, Buffalo. N. Y. bril-fly described bv- the inventor ns or disorder of some of the vital organs, the follows: The Destroyer is sn iron is. li...ti.. iw,,..I. iij, T|,ere Adelaide Neilson began life as a child s uuri>e- « _ vessel 130 feet ioug, T7 feet wide, 11 are djrspsptk- »mptouis, the Uver U trouble ? uun»e. ERIOS8ON*8 DE8TROYER. tefe K di A QUESTION QUÈSTIÓN A4 OUI I Browns B>on Bitters GO I think no pail of the Abbey is visited with so ruueb interest as Poet’s’ Corner. | roll....... ........ W 0 We .are all finniliarty acquainted With Ipickled...-------- it beforehand. We are all ready for "C RED. 16 « full cream ........... ti rare Ben Johnsoul” as we stand ovei U «! , do ............ s CUBEB AX1. HUMOME » the place where he was planted stand­ from a common BlotcW* or BrarttBa the skin t row. uwny and nnbrelihy\ The Ad ----- .-.Jvnnee Thresher is the neat. fresh....... ing upright, as if he had been dropped feet deep, protected by * wrought iron some, to the worst Bcrofala. 1-reo.l.lre.,. there «liaren. are . „re pains rerelre. in tre the » U re rigk^jld^/or „1J _ ! *9 '!'• XIT-I—U. looking, Z T. Wright, Portland, for particulars. fBVrra— , “ Fever - «orca,” Mealy or atea* intq a post-hole. We remember too breast work of great strength applied through the Aght shoulder blade|| The climax frs, ska and bxs .. . Skiu, in short, all dteeaaca cauto« by Si near the bpw. Tho submarine ¿Uli. a well the foolish and flippant mockery blojd uro eonqueiYxl by this i>owerfuL put Is often an uttar prostrution of the physical en lalifornla....... . formidable piece ofjtrdiniuico of 16-ineh fyiiur, and invigorating mcalelmx itB? BinERSfó^: stem. 'Die projectile expclleci -by the Ä 7 ,, In bga and l-xs. often entailed by entirely cured diseases. Far ' ' life ts a gest, an- achievement—or al­ UMdMta. or DnxhM. onoMI p Mi m i .«II Mb«, irw soitre, or Thick Neck, an t Balam fi 8 « tea,French........... better is it. also, to employ this safe remedial submarine gun is 25 feet long, its Glauda. Send ten e*nt3 k stamp« (dr ■»«Blared». HBOWVS IKON BITTEUB ways ought to be. Westminster Abbey 10 (é* agent in fever and ague, ~and other malarial largo treatise, with colored UftUB, on tt Irune*..y‘r-• -urre Ion, Bill» urea, Weak »re. ng 1,600 pound», Including complaints, titan quinine' and other potent L>iS’'iw:«. or 4110 aame amount for 4 treat! is too crowded with monuments to tho weight Chill. a.d Fevre., a [.Pat. Roller, Y bbl $ on Scrofulous Affections. Tired FeeUas,Ueaernl nebUlty,Fala ta U» an explo '¿nds of drugs, which, even when thereto provo effect­ illustrious dead and those who have ual fora time, ruin the btomaqh aad impair the “THE BEOOB» IS TIIE LOT Hide, .r Umhe,II ( .adaclMudNearal. do ere< .la-lor dT Ihre, .Uuunu Irun U praartbed u Bennett is to «tart a new READ THIS CAREFULLY. ata dla( ita, and vital strength,will beeatabUabi - & »■r„; InzParix. pression. When w# visit the tomb of Evwry man and woman young or old, on this Coast, attaeko! that is afflicted with any disease, ud matter what, that Ñapoleon at tho Invalides, no side ­ 1 .11 <8 1 M fcalloy, * 100 tbs. . their family phystclau doea not aaderataftd, or cannot OOlX THIS WcBIa) EO of gllU-l which id Scrofula of tho Ltmgs. ¿i wire, should write a full description of their trouble to RYaba Walla........... 1 20« 1 23 lights interfere with tho uiow before usi rordeu, dr get on the train and visit him. He is pro­ . 1 10 In tho field of mental visión. Wo see qf a ahi man .* asks the essayiat who Dr. rested and cured by this remedy, if taken I Ewhole, ti etl............ vided with every instrument of surgery, and the best foro the last stages cf the disease are reach any something new on thia 20 01 $ 25 00 grou d. If ton. .... pletely medioinea to be had' for money. (Jonsultations free. From Its marvelous j*»wOr ovcrlhis tcrril rhject. Of courae, the hu- Hone it opinions given; reasonable charges. All ooma- ¡¿loe milling Y bush . 60 fe 12 tho Efhpcror; Marengo, Austerlitz, -ing wa.t fatal dlsaaae, when first off« rmg tills n poudence strictly confidential. Enoloao stamp. Adfines * 50 of the world would not exist W/ B. Ft »KDO. M. D ; offlora, N, V and 11, First Jto Waterloo, Saint Helena, come before us iduzood tooholce.old ¿eicbratod remedy to tho publld, Dr; Pm juriou*. an, so the question isgra- tional Bank, Portland. Oregon. thought seriouidy of calling it his. “Co 100 lbs....................... 1 00 « 1.10 with him as their central figure. So at of no' «• ou Id have been far more sumplioti Cure.” but nflnndoncd The Genuine hM Trad« Mark aad errwed red Dw olearer Rupture Permanently Cured. , name as too limíti^a .for a medicine wMi : What would the world 21 OJ @.23 00 Stratford—the Cloptons and the John a ports, t cm wrappar. TAKR NO OTHER. hii & ton....... fnyn its wonderful oomblnath u of 24 <0 Combes, with all their memorials, can salvation of woman, with- V ton....... ........ .. 8NELL, HEITSHU & W dDAKD, Ur*mat honing, alterativo, or bhxkl-clcattrt rushin First National Bank. Portland. Oregon. or her physical ills and cure 00 not make us lift otireyes from the stone w- [ton, baled.............. 18 (IO anti-billons, pectoral, and nutritivo prop _______Whnltoale Agento, Portland, Or. ties, is unequakd, iar diseases. In a word, . 25 <0 @3) 00 by an not only aasi remedy i V ton.......... which cover; the dust that once consumición, but for all Chronic he world do without Dr,. 80 00 @32 5C » meal ton......... elosod . THE LATEST AND BE8T! caaes of the ritePreei rlptloii," th»great breathed and walked the streets of h Furore - '/ ’ ‘•’ÍR1 torped ale weaknesses I It la In- •a, Oregon, drntr. ....... 1 00 Stratford us Shnkspcare. cigar, the ills of womankind. H, California, F bx , «1» @ 5 GO Ah. hut. boro is ono marble counte­ . 1 60 ¿100..................... made o If yen fiufi. dtwrwr, M 7 50 nance that I know full well, and knew .allow oohrr of skin, or yvllowlsb-brown q> de orange», V box-, »on began life as a school with wl 3 00 a 3 60 on lane or l new, do........... thhn that- Too many that wore placed No. D — Top Snap, Dniuagoua Steel, com- ■ Bend too cents in stamps for Dr. Fierce*! 2.W feet the course of the torpedo was so badly hurt that I had to sit up In a OL— pltilo gun . .................. . 38 00 re- book on Consumption. Address, 14 @1 18 thor^as luminaries have become coii- ’through the water was in a perfectly chairfor four day. and-nlghta. The fourth Oregon, Spring clip World’s Dispensary Medical A ms . Every Cun Warranted. spiciouS-bj^their obscurity in the midst, 20 @1 24 r Oregon, do elation, Main htreot. Burr alo ,Ji. Y. straight line. The tide currenta httii day mv mother placed, tWo Al)co<*k5i Po­ S»»t-ti. O. 1>. ou Kccclpt of Price. rous Piaster, over my broken ribs. The -.t of that illustrious company. On the no effect on the course of tho torpedo, jxxt day my tufferings diminished and I H THE TOMB OF JULIET.“" •3 PlRST STKKKT whole, the Abbey produces a distinct ~í HUDSON, i P ortland . Oa. * nor could its course be detected q» f£ was ab'o to He down! I cotitinae noltltudr of tow test, Staat wsfeM Tbej m«ke a specialty Klramatist, contributed ns much to dead! I had something of this fceling.but tion Of the vessel is an intermediate, for Brouehitls, Hoarseness, Cloughs and etas er pereytaA, powetan. Sold oc'.y ta cm « 01 attending to ônaa, Bum ¿anas Oo. WÎ W«£. stmt. R. T. Sold only in boxes. Klize the sweetest and tenderest oi at another hour I might perhaps lie over1 eurred deck, extending from stem to Throat trouble«. MAIL ORDERS stern, and composed of "plate Iron Z. T. Wright, Portland, has the'West- if you potd anj thing Hinn passions. On my way to the come by emotion, and weep, as my fel­ In their Hue send the >1 ■b, however, all my fervor evapo- low-countryman did at tiiegrave of the strongly ribbed and perfectly water­ Ingbouse.Threhher and Engines. ri« with postage, and will le returned by í tight This iutenpediate deck sustains ■d after half an hour's conversation earliest of his ancestors. 1 should love first maU. a heavy, solid armor plate, placed » montliW treatment for 50c. 1’lso's Bi scv< ral ancient antiquarians, with myself better in that respect than I do Ì: Remedy for Catarrh. Sold by dcugirtHia. trhnsversely to the line of the keel ■ of whom 1 bappeped to be on intl- in this cold-blooded criticism; but it Day ISELF-HEATING. thirty-two feet from the bow, inclined Sarah Bernhardt was a dressmaker's ap ­ ■e terms dmiug my residence in suggested itself, and as no flattery erne to an angle of forty-five degrees, and prentice: str.was Matilda Heron. ■au, having been informed by ■sKithe. so no censurox-an wound, -’the -------------- Your Hat Invoice of •TontBI’« Ptmoh* to Ct- supported on tho nftcr side by a wood Kam came in yesterday. I was out of them for •) Bm that the toiub’Xin question dull, cold ear ofideath.” NIGHTMARE, half a day, ana had to call on the Governor for backing four and a half feet deep at K a rank imposture; that ii Sickheadache, depression of spirits and Of course wo siiw all tho sights of the a companji of militia to prevent a riot. Have tlic base. The steering-wheel is behind. wanloLa mbition are symptoms of a dis- ■ r there existed such a person as Abbey in a hurried way, yet yi ill» such this wood backing. A deck cabin easWnvfr. The lungs, stomach and Biet, there is not the slightest a guiddl and expositor .as Archdeacon seventy feet long-above thWinterme­ bowfcjg are all in sympathy. Life Is only a Bdow of t proof J "'ai-rar “You mean Dan Podsworth?” UOTRfNG IS KNOWN TO FCIKNCE AT entomologist to whom the inaecta were KnglUh, French, Sootch an& ■ubmitted for stndv and description.— Lien from the block by enthusiastic “ Hi- won ’ t be down. ” . A.XMPLiiii, WITH-INSTRUCTION’S FOR SKLF-MEA»U*KMiNT SENT FBEK. H. Y. Ledger. purifying and beantifying cho skin and in that Mr. J.. C. Curry, of the Tivoli Jurists. Around the mausoleum stand curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly and "II >w do you know?” —Thp prohibition aiuondmeat which diseases of the skin, scalp and blood, “Well, I know In reason that he pimply roken pillars and roughly hewn pedes- Garden, 181 Main street, had “struck” - - $20.00 vhh loss of hair. , passed the Writ Virginia Legislature Fins All-Wool Snitrto B B The Louisiana State Lottery in the C otioura , the great 8kjn Cure, and Cuil- Hs, while on the wall tga the left, as ron't, fur he whs buried day before will be submitted to the voters of the Fine ouka S oap , an exquisite bkln Beautifler, pre­ Order íí’'- ' i‘r r>u enter, hangs a very old painting of drawing of the 1-lUi inst„ dropped into resterday.”— Arban into Traveler. pared from it, externally, and C vtioura R e ­ State at the next geiiertD election, In solvent , the ns* Blood Purifier, internally, riar Lawrence. The stones here jnd his place of business yesterday after Only White Labor and Hnt-CIsM Cutter* Employed. are a positive cure for every form of skin arid 1888.- It only requires a majority of If Won't Hurt Him. >ere antasovered all over with auto- noon and found him quietly aervihg blood disease, from pimples to scrofula. C uti - the votes east to make it operative and cVBAfREMKDir.Rare absolutelypure and the only rnphs of Europeans, Americans and his customers, as though the “pick-up" a part of the constitution. “Say! Say!” called a Montcalm infallible sk|n beau tillers and blood purifiers. Ugllsh, prominent among the latter was no new thing to him. Thè re­ it rev t woman to n tramp who boil juat Sold everywhere. Price: C uticl ’ ra . .'Oc.; R e —The stingray Is the natural enemy solvent , <1: S oap , 25 c . Prepared by the P ot ­ ring that of a certain Edward Shakes- porter stared in amazement, wonder left her door with a piece of bread in ter DnUO AMD CnXMIGAL CO~ BOSTON, M a BR. of San Friipetico oyster». Th» fish ha» feen held in the ? loined Charles Cornelius, • wealthy B: “WelL fit those marry who ceive new congrrtulstiona and to set Harvard Street Chnrrb. The projectors Ci ’ up the drink», white the reporter farmer, aged aeventy-twih to Mis. Bi; but, for My part. I never Vet saw of this rather novel religions service twenty-sight. Agtnetto Horton, .«4 aged twenty-eight, Ban I contd ear« enough for to Is- his slowly returned to hia wigwam, con­ w-lleve that through music tlw>y will bs templating the wonderful nerve re ­ dnd at Huntington, Gemasi Bennett, a Bi” -That is to say, aunt,” re- ible to lift workmen np to the concep- quired to stand up under such a stroke widower of fifty-four, wm salted to j B-ked Kata, very demurely, "you Lillie JarkVm. who baa Just turned | IV ASISTE BROWN'S I RON 8B0WN S IRON BITTERS.»^ CONSUMPTION, M Liver, Blood, and Lung LOADtNG SHOT GUNS H H. T. ’ tí POWDER Absolutely Pure. Bath Tub. Prine ||umôrJ' G>pr CrofuUk Ciati cq, “WORLD TYPE-WRITER. PENNYROYAL MILS wc___ "^1 T- The Van Monciscar H VINECAR. ORANO OPENING i NICOLLTHETAILOR The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the Cltv, All-Wool Pants to Order from .........................6.00 NICOLLTHE TAILOR, 126 First Street. Portland. Or.'” \ •Vj HALL’8 SARSAPARILLA CASTORIA * •■«• » « « H • I^&^9Fe \ 4 T-*. i * j ■ 1 .■¿J