w * S V -'■ r"' V; q^'i-f “.Ul hundred )ear* OREGOH. NEWS. • COAST CULLINGS K ------- .---- t Uli H country have been -, -------- Devoted Principally to W«i Areas in 1 ABOUT FALSE HAIR. in • >* brought iiml Territory and California. ‘ » * Where It Oenie* Srem, eed F ' ' . • .FüBLiïiaaiL ETKRT F riday A Dealer Tell* grimiest eiRt and labor ¡ Devoted to ths Interets of -Farm eri vest is ir.w the rayons Condené Form How lr I* t»lar.r. And what trei------- . . , and Stockmen. ■•Ncarlywdl the false Umr uraj i* sold it lias 10-t to bring Jirgm prairies > . .—■ ----H— . . An uiikiïfiwn man wag. - ----- - for lhe plow, t. fence, to P“^bYn.r' W * month*-M-tt,. ,. hall-fed 9Q1M.. Thimjl.i» ti«8T»*ary to .. after it.fs token from the pod before it with her.’Asa rule the poasant* know I- ’ SaS “ - ' n The commission appointed by the feed the cow* liberally, have- plenty of Wages id'deep water puilurs atg..K » — is wound up on t spool aud ready for so Bttle of tho world, and are sq utterly ' ti $, < • f Atftinft .gain* the Crook^finty u going to ve ™- 1 English Parliaifii-iit re|s»rte-d favorably ,V Franciseb"l«vè; beun advanced • 4 t "• ,the housewife's needlo. The wfiolo ignorant of the value of tilings, that on Pasteur'* treatment.of hydrophobiZ g<>i«i water aud good usage- . Cows, The Lebanon road across the La* shollil never be. run and worried by SN ' story is told,, however, in a small space they generally "sell their liair at the ’ i > lugchlnl. pul uy dw-ir i, <>!>■". 'he «no. nil being g"ne- $20 to $30 j>er month. Jacob Sharp, convicted of bribery, dogs. Tni«e injure* nnlk for' *'het re­ in olio of th« eases in the hall llT the most ridientortdy low price*. 'It is i» ;r--‘ A young man named George -Ni« wed tlie soil »nd ( g| Mg factory for making bottle«, making. One bad mesa of" hlllk may ws* santencea to fotir years imprik in. Rational Museum given up to an oxhf- nothing uncommon to see a French fences wml ftirroi........... - wus drowned while bathing jn r , |M ¡.♦ m H' “ United j^j-s and plain ward is in prospect at ' bltiou of textile fabrics. - This Is one |>easaut girl dispose of the m<>*t mag- niept Slid to pay a fine of $5,009, iu »poll a whole vat of cheese. Care uud a-bieved a result tli-it puts the ■ umu creek, near .Spokane Fid!«. cleanliness, if the cow« are health)'and, ■ fBates far ip advance of every other Albina. M the many object lessoAs In the^mu- nificciit suit of hair, a snit that would ¡New York. -» <>■»' Flood A Mackay contributed' Joiilt Cosily, who eloped frirtfrStona ■‘ld.'1c . Pn,per r io-«L »’Bl insura g*i»‘ colintry in the world in regard to the It is estimated that Umatilla county **eum, Which,'combinod, are intentled ret I Mr aeventy-iive dollars, for- a the relief fund jpf the Virgin;, milk always. It is unreasonable to amount it produces from the sofl. _ will harv^t 0,000.000 Bishels of grain to “ to tell the story of a man as he exists worthless ear-ring or a string of brignt- county,- Ark., with Elizalieth Lump uer*. This swells the fund to$25qtfH expect a good cheese-maker to turn a *1 rTJn the earth. First is sbo a spoci- looking bond*. If these merchants kins, ws* followed by the girl’s father tliisvear. , Potato ’Mltur.‘. ■■oíalo < «'attar.-. • '■ v------ . . A. J> Knott apd Millard 0. Lo*t»H — prime article of ciiee.se- out from poor After careful study of the cures oT Roseburg school thrector. havej^ ' men of, cotton in the pod meet a girl on the road whose hair at­ aud brother* a nit shot milk. If a patron carries «our or dale have purchased the Arlington theonnl^Tora new school house to picked, without having tli The St. Lawrence sugar refinery/at tracts them, they never give the poor ¡Hr tainted milk to the factory, lie must potato rot and means of prerention, ver mine, in the Cmur d’Alerie re»K. ■ ?. .* . ..it__ 1 College cola inured. Next I* shown a specimen of girl time to think, or opportunity to go Montreal, was destroyed by fire. Due expect b.ul, sour, cheese. Het the Ontario Agricultural sots forth forth cost $13,000. . for $40,000. ' ,the same ootton after it ha* been home and consult her parents, but the man was killed and two injnreal by night’s milk in the vats or esns and the following rules: A man named Brown, living near Dayton, W. T.. will build another! g^t. « ginnod and the blqek seed* hnve been moment she »ays 'yea,' outcome their jumping from windows. M 1 As soon as discovered, dig the po­ Corvallis, was drowned jn the Wil­ woolen mill. cool to 60 degrees, then mix with thF Enough money hail removed. • 7 •"* shear* and ofi' goes her magnllieeut The IsiileratUie Hhawnedcoai mine, morning’s'milk in the morning, hut tatoes. Delay will allow il to spread lamette at that place. been subscribed. Tlieold.mill buna*!» ____ Thehee Island” ttotton Is used hnir, till'd the poor tttld‘li only near Cheyenne, exploded, fatally in­ don’t use the little skimmer. I^eave to the stems and thence to ^he tubers. A stsyesFold boy named Hatton w for thread on account of the return is a worthless trinket it juring James Kirby, nijjlit .engineer, the cream all in. After th« milk is all lf .it reaches lhe«e and damp weather- was drowned in Couch lake, Portland, down three years ago. Mrs. H. G. Brainard committed sui- ■ length of the liber. A sample of the seems .«aosed to have been\d«l aud shipped into Paris and Berlin, it Is then put The Governors M New York, Massa­ room. If we set lhe milk below 82 the rounding them with conditions intfa- to tho thread factory. Hero tho tint through n cleaning process ami assort­ chusetts^ Connecticut and Pj^tnsyl- rennet works too «low ; if set above 82 vorablo for th« gpuvth of the fungu*, lake will soon be populated with them. " A PreB» Association is to be organ. | James McTnroe, an old pioneer of ized in Idaho, and a meeting for that ■ thing that la doue witli the ootton is to ed and arranged. On all hnir ns it vania have called a conference of it works too last, while- the tempera- if anv happens te agitated fit may be upon them. rfMkound on a machine In sheets or la]M> You would think this would cut'the of territory. Thousand* of persons in the tlie brewery at L.imeiie used for seed have been tt*i--n from- ’Tile little child of Samuel Mills, i sort. submerged, its inhabitant* "Tutring •re eombedwr rttn out into long paral ­ <|tl, it is assoiteinq, pro]>ercolors, qual ­ <1” Whitman cotujty, W. T., hat the ■ waVe. In a cool room, when the sur- cellars where affected ones were kept, living in Fox. Valley, Linn county, lel -fibers. Tho cottcn Is next seen ities and lengths. Then the black hair Is taken to boats,- face^gools quickly aud there is a fall­ they are likely to have the microscopic was scalded to death by falling into a ' anialle«t woman living. Hne residei ■ drawn through a trumpet-shaped open­ again run over and three more piles A special from Green win *1, Miss, . three miles from Pine City, i* 27 yean I the temperature of tho milk, spores on them aud escape notice. It tub of boiling Water. ing, which condenses it into a single are made of it—the long black hair*, say*:. Three negro children were ing I old. 29 ifii-he* high, and weighs 33 I strand or “sliver." Then eight such the medium atul-the short, The light ’jhurii 'lUrned to death near'Tchula. • Their there wilPbe a thin cream on the sur­ would be best to got seed-drum unaf- - There is a fore? of C,000 or 7,000 pound*. fl 3 men at Work on the Oregon and Cali­ slivers arc run together Into one, six of hnir 1* similarly assorted, Thon the. Sparei nrt* went to church, leaving four face; this will form a. Hoft curd, which feclid districts. A man named Harvey Langdon,a I fl. It ¡3 scarcely necessary to remark fornia grade, which is nearly-Oom- ' the strands th us prixluyed aro drawn In­ dealers mix tho black and light hairs children in the house. The eldest, will stick to the vat and lie very annoy­ to one, and agaiu six of the strands from together and make from them differ­ aged 10, set a lighted lamp i>f.,r tlie ing. .If . you want a quick curing that it would be injudicious taplant pleted. Staging has been T.-duced to civil engineer, lately in the employ of I cheese, more rennet should be added the Seattle & West Coast Railway, I ' the lae Canadian Pacific Rai lroa.ICom , Two T1 children 0„. of Thomas. Way mock, I windiug.thc strand and bobbin. Two you n color exactly om bellion took place at Chang Chow, lifc^at which the ntilk is "set and the gertns of disetise. 7. Avoid planting upon lieayjr. _ ¡■.■V strands are twisted and again wound shade lighter, and this is tb< 11^' »nd w#s sentenced to tbreyears b tjv^ 3 Falls, .Montan*, aged I near Shanghai. Tlie uprising was curd worked. After tlie milk Regius soil, but prifer a light and dryZLp dry soib respectively 3 yearB and 20 month», I ou a bobbin. After a number of other rule all through the di fie re nt-com bi na­ aujipressed by the allthorities*..Ninety i u> thicken, a cloth should be spread mditions[ 1n the P«n , ‘ « “ , » r y W J were burned This presents the fewest conditions were burned t to d«Hth while the houM I twistings and Windin'*», during which I tions of hair colors. A color mixed of the conspirator* were executed. A | over the vat to keep the surface warm, fungu*. Gus Larsen,a fisherman,was i wa8 deatroyed suitable for the growth of the fungu\ - t ---- ■ ,nll drowned , was deatroyed. j --------- the strand Is gradually reduced in size, with another color that is two shades number of secret goctettes had «1*0 re,-1 There should be no raising of.tlie tem- S. Plant the varieties least affected. at Meglcr’s caftjiery at Brookfield ' • One thousand tin boxes, çontainin|_| until It begins to assume a tlnead-liks lighter than itself will produco a color bclled in the province of Kiangsi. A I perat-ure after the rennet is added and The boom of a boat struck him and , llle of dead. Chinamen, all ready I •ppeamnoo, two strands of this fine one shade lighter, and a shade that ap­ military^ifliccr and eleven soldier« im-1 tilt) milk comes to a standstill uu'il the Russia-imports annually raw cotton i knocked him into Uie water, rhp I for shipment to the Floiyery Kingdom, I • A I body was recovered. ar0 run together and twisted, pears to be perfectly natural. M the plicaleiRfo,the rebellion wt rey-aptured ; cur8 young are *af id .................... to be liable to.arise fromeo .k8Ollvi|l(. .SenMerf cUims timi The war ert iser Caroline has sailed One who has followed the proeoss result of this skillful mnnlputifiiom while theytslept. At least 100 persons 1 and tender. This is the object of cut- .doing.. Cord the milk More canning, lher^-haN $¿00,000 worth of. from Victoria, lie; see* the cotton gradually transformed The French aro thc..ip expert hair-' perished, including M. CoHins, the ting the curd to eet opt I In-whey; the ’ .>»>< Irz»., 1, at hinc county at $223,000. -. cord thread is at last taken from bolZ of two different heads, and all the re­ alive in a floating cradle. in a n bob« On Joseph Hathaway’s ranch, near I EdiTTc (Iraham, a slieffrAierder on Beckwith, Cal., an artesian well il » I Mis i Maggie Bostwick, aged 1'.’ years, and not as flue a cunt Cut tlte curd age to »0 many farms. If the pigs are bln and reeled into a skein, In which sult of the higeniau-Freneh hair-mixer*. creek, near Prineville, Trineville, was wan rob- roll depth of 360 feet struck water which 1 form it is bleached or'dyed. Then it \VJ>«t docs adieail of hnir costP Well, and Miss tfenca! Watkins, o^4uug very fine, the finer tho batter, as it pn on the farm in many ways. Z'. ___ k.jzl lllCrtì bed r\t of In*.. fcis n'lifnh watch nnJ and pocket nibibgj/ is wound back Into the skein nponTi on course, there is in’liair, as in every­ 1 lady of Dallas, Texa*, retired/to tiieir l»els the whey, easier and more thor- Wilt tie one mow fat hog for the family . ___ a i flows ,180 gallons per minute, hot I big spool, from which it is supplied-to thing else, an immense variety, of ’ rrWmr in a ono story cottage, at Ganes- o,|ghly and cooks more evenly, and supply or.-for-.-markit. There wilUie few ifiPt's ago, while he was going to enough to cook an egg in eight min- 1 . , . littlu white Hreh spools from which it kinds, and consequently an itn- -rilte/mas. At 2 o’clock Mrs. Bost- «•»« ftn ewior action of tJMTehn£k_... .peace, where with his pri .«encejtffffe hi« camp. .The man met him on the utes. Al Seattle J. Schreiliring refused the I* wound in regular ■courses, nml Is rtionsa variety of pric ‘s. jleadt wiok Jioard a struggle in tlieyonng ht- f After the’crrttliig is qorjk mh ! the are often wry tempers. The stock on road, drew a pistol and tohthimto "de­ flies' room and reached tho room just | cl| rd commences to settle, the heat liver up," and he did so. .. comniantlpf two highwaymen to throw ] then ready for the gtjiukeL The ma­ of hair ’ inn be lamght as low "as in time to sec a man leap throit^U, the ?!H-V be stiir-kxlat once, but not rapidly, the farm ¡ b quieter and mure oasily chine that regulate« tho last winding fifteen dollars, phd there are many that A' settler named Bill, while clearing up his hinds and was shot in the neck. If the action of the rennet-^ doikrit controlled. S&^slhute a pig ior'tho window. Buth young Iqdira-were wel ­ measures tho nntnber of yards wound bring »eventy-tivo dollars. For this H hotter to wait a few minutes {or the pup, and plaoe yourself on a sure basis land on his claim near Carrioo valley, The robbers then fled. The sheriff b»« on each spool. The spools are made lutlea-prioe 1 should say th:*t tlie «'cry tering in blisxl and unconscious, their curd to harden a little. • .AJWjlie. heat fur profit. *** on tlie Nehalem road near St. Helens, offered a rewardwit $500 for their skullB having been Ixwten in with a ture. \ of various sizes to hold from two hun- best suit of hnir that can lie foil d in iadurned on, gently stir1'tlie mjss to hatchet. Both dlbd. No clue to the Home little intcreSfrlia« been excited felled a tree upon himself. In prder Thei remains 01 Rev. Starr • King dred to twelve .thousand yard* of Boston can lie purchased. JtthmA not [K-rpetrater of the crime liar, been dis­ TceOp tlre-c,iird from packing together by tlie announcement of the discovery to ixfWcate him it was' necessary to hate*tieen removed from the church­ thread. Th* labels that decorat« tUp­ gcost a woman, or, 1 should probably covered. Over 250 inen have been and to k«*.-p a more even temperature saw the tree in two. Ball's injuries yard on Geary street, San Francisco, ends of tho spool* whon they aro »«Id ! 1 say . in ortler'to koep in the fashion/ a depiitisrd »« deputy sheriffs to scour through tlie vat; a* tlie heat rises tlie of a qew and teinarkable varietyx>f as arc pronounced fatal. paragus onTlie steeps oCAkhai-Tekiz to the Maeonic' cemetery, where it is nro lust put on. They aro cut and • Mi’s. Lady, a* much, to purchase her thccountty." A reward or $2,500 ha* lrarder flic crust gets and tho lets lia: Suit was begun in the U. S Circuit proposed to erqct a $50,000 monument posted on by niachiuery with griflit I hair iiojv as it did three or four years licen offered for the capture of -tho file to injure the curd ; but keep up It has not been botauically identified, but it is represented as growing per­ Court by Mrs. Thomasina Lowry to his memory.i /f 4 I ago.' The Mr*r..Lii hard, sour cheese. This kind amount*.invested tberein.it doesnot center the water bubbles up like water recently taken to San FrancistJo from roiling. All the water is thick with f-.*5 Alaska. One company at Kilh-noo is Imitate hi* public spirit Mid energy. geration when I say that tlierc.are no« the pla'ce where the blasting had been of cheese is not desirable, but is the follow that al) who venture in the But with the tnasn of his subjects he is flvo women in one hundred who do going on a large flock of vultures were kind of cheeso we got if the acid comes poultry business will get rich or make salt. It is considered a valuable find engaged solely in catching tlie fish and w the community as well as for Mr. trying out the oil. Tlie carcasses, af­ not popular. His indnstry shames not wear some false hair."— Boston «ten Upon the tree«, and the searchers on while in the whey. The acid takes money. It requires capital to con­ made a horrible discovery. The 1,000 faff With the whey the finest part of the duct great enterprises, and if large Lagan. It is located ten miles east of ter the oil is tried out, aro shipped to lheir indolsncc; their shame irritates Ikral^ amounts are expected large sums n u t north of (8ijyer .Lake. Mr. Egan is Europe a« guano. tens of powder had prematurely ex­ Instead of stimulating them, and they cljeesiS. Then I would have the curd ■ Smarter Than He*Looked. ploded, and not one man was left to cooked before the acid comes oj, and be invested. It is a mistake to lead now busy building vats to evaporate murmur against the energetic ruler John and Garlie'White, sons of Dr. persons into tho belief that there are the water into salt. G. A. White, county pbysicikn, aged who will not let thing* remain as they Tito smart young clerk who tried to tell the tale. A spark from some.t;on be sHre and .dip the curd sweet, wud if Citizens living in Tygh valley,Wa«co being hammered is sumKiaeil to have enormous profits in poultry. Bu k few 12 and 9 years respectively, went out an-. you have a curd sink to drain on, so persons have lat^8 sumB invested, and' raise a Inugh at the expense of •“coun­ county, have rent to Gov. Pennoyer Brazilian doctors aro aa eccentric in try cousin, .illustrated the truth of the ignited the powder. tiuicli the better, and if you do not a teat has never yet been made as to tlie result of the proceedings of a pub- dove shooting noar Sacramento. John was in advance, and carrying a shot- their charges aa tho people are in their ohl aphorism in regard to looks living When off Barren Island, New-York, have a card mill, wp.uld salt all at desire to' enjoy tho pleasure of being very deceptive. Ho received hl* les­ ei> route for Canarsie, the yacht Mys­ once, as this k--ci« the curd from pack­ what could really be accomplished. he meeting held there recently, in gun_over his left arm, wlion in some which action was taken upon a change Those who have succeeded know that manner the weapon was discharged, let alone. The physicians do not reg­ son. tery capsized and only tliirteeu of the ing If you have a curd mill let it lie 1'. . ■ it is the minor, woman, and not al of the northern boundary of the Warm ulate their charges by tho time^anil ‘•Seo tliat country cousin over therc forty rouls composing her passengers untibacid comer on, only stir once in ways the 1 inis, that makes the success. springs reservation, so as to include a striking his brother in the head and & killing him instantly. The entire tep labor they have expendod in the pa­ by the stove?” inquired a Harlem clerk and crew are known to have been res­ a while to let the whole expose to the Like atiy other business, one mus number of farms of nettler« in that of hie head was blown off. tient's service, buf by the estimated of another, ns a rnral-epiM-srlng eusto- cued. The party was made up chieffy- air; after the acid comes on, grind Uioroughly understand it. Keeping/« ralley. It j a claimed by them that the ■>« value of his life. As this value is de­ tner entered and glanced curiously of German families resident in Brook- and salt, and put to pres* at «Imut 80 few flocks of fowls, and venturing upon boundary is twelve miles south of ■r ,l-> stradh /lin and Long Island City. Whon the degrees, as at tlii* heat yon will get a termined by the patient's income, he, .ibout the store. the management of thousands, are ■where the government surveyors now passengers id Hie Mystery and Chris- good face, and press well together; let if he Survive«, Is treated by the doctor “Yes, I see him. What of 1;?" different operations. A small flock locate it. Gov. Pennoyer was re-! as wrecker* treat a branded ship—the “Watch me take him down. Say.- ; tl^ia gathered on the pier to efiibark this stand twelve hours iu the pres*, could be well kept where thousands quested to write to the Corfimisaioner ' fer Carr.asie so many of the men of then remove to the -curing room. greater the Value, the lai-gefTbe sal­ mister," the cute clerk continued, ad- Indian Affair*, protesting against! could not exist. Yet there are no im­ vage, A young English- engineer, dresssing the supposed greenhorn, the l-ayty showed the effects 0/ beer First-elas* chee*e may be spoiled by possibilities, and as we progress in the such action on tho purl of the govern­ thAtfyiey li.id drank that the skippers having a poor room to cure it in, too while engaged *d in some work in the •we don't keep whisky." art of poultry raising, the business be­ ment and he hai done so. - IhoughGlkst to put the women and vletnlty of Ri<> l<>, was «(locked by yellow ••Wall, sunny, all I’ve got ter say 1« children aboard the Mystery, which cold nr tuo hot. Seventy degrees to comes easier and more perfectly un­ A dreadful accident happeued at i start with is alioiil the right tempera ­ fever, A doctor of good repute ah- that it’d save you a j»lle of trav'l ef derstood. Tillamook Ly which four men toeto rates as a much safer tmat tlian het ture, theq after ten «lays* little cooler, tended l»ttn, ‘ “ I, ’ and on his recovery de- yer did," was the prompt reply.— I ' consort. The women protested, but «ay about 65 degrees. I had good rc- -1!,-»I'Pcani that a man mnmled • a tee It of nine hundred dollars, 1'oaM's Companion. Three Fashion Hems their protest wss unheeded. C*pk eulta of curing in a day cellar at 65 From I i Brwg9' Wh° rUI” “ The yAtiug 'engineer ' remonstrated and from Lincoln to Hobionville and Gari- Hendrickson, of the Mystery, said he "degrees. They cure slowly, but are K * threatened to I appeal to the courts. But Bulgarian embroideries showing ex ­ —Tlie man who thinks he never did wss going to g<;t to Carnasie first or the hitter cht-ese for lb One good quisitely combined Eastern-colors are carrvm i^ ir°m lb° ,Or,ner Plaee! friends who hail resorted I to thesu blow a stick off. Reef knots were un­ cheese is worth three poor ones. h g ¡"8’engcrs. When off tribunal* ---------------- for bedross, . _^.Iacd aw struck the feat and fastened and. the boom dropped just as bonicriiigs. Tlu-y harmonize with have nothing to do with the law. He know what folly Is.—Baste« Journal oj a »quail of considerable violence strpek SS! ‘ Md x ,nd suuk- The owner of I The mitrd Htatea Ahead. every hue and are suited to "all but the boat and a boy named Woodruff acted upon their counsel and paid the Ederalton. the sail. Itrasevond she was on her Agriculture is regarded as tlie solid % — Queen Victoria attended a ciyciv* rerv'lhln textures. doctor's hill.—1'onth'e Cbmpowfoa x got on the flats and were saved from beam ends and all the )>eopie were the other da}* for tho first time In thirty -(niggling in a choppy sea. Fully foundation ot a nation. The tillers of The ]«>lo-ikise pqmilses to be a lead­ the cannery, the other four unfortu- the soil -are industrious, healthy, years. Tct she easily recognixed-the ing favorite du ring-tie season to come, nate men were drowned. The n uno* —“If you can show me any signs of half the drowned people were children. natural ga* vm your firm Fit give yon Jokes of the clogUi as old acquufnU A negro in a rowboat put out from tlie sober-minded, reliable in time of dan­ and anjnnnv pretty style* have lately ,1,e drowned men are; W. ger, simple and honest iu their views anccv a hundred dolisi-« an acre," sold a shore and succeeded in Mvihj^ seven of polilfcal question* But it i* uroli- beejiu i^s.'d that it has eveiy right to tr ’ ..T’ k J-*B®ron anil J. L —Omaha Dame—And so, my daugh­ lives, snd a tug which was in tha vi- the posigon. speculator to art phlafiirmer. “Hav»n’t Hoover. Thor were from Pennsylva­ able that it is because they feed the X- Croas-stri|ied dress Abries will still nia, looking for limber land for a *yn any time to fool with It," wa* the're- ter, ydu are engaged to Mr. De Goode. cinity saving six. Wbrkl that they aro retarded a* the 1 ply. “Yon must be a very hu*ÿ m«n." I am delighted. He 1« borne* of • *}den- ' • _____ -— be made up into untrimmed skirts to aierfte of capitalists. —Mr. Ruskin baa denieet too pimm rock 11 ton which the great nations accompany polonaises, a* well as other “Yes, 4lr. Fin boring for ol) lid family. Charming _ Dattghi —- 1,er— rest.« Food in war nr in day* of peace To«, he prnpised Yo«, proposed last night and 1 1 se- that ba has “gene over to Rome." styles of uppe- dreases, which It. nolot An old mate-bv the name of O'Con-1 —Tha manuscript af Barns' poem.-, is 1 the first thing eoMltial to existence will match the plain stripe between nor, nearly 80 years of age, and living I ropted. “Do you love him?” “No, >r . and success, and the steady, industry het that horrid Miss Pert doea."-^ "The Whistle," has recently bece p»11'' ou* class that is engaged in »gricuF the brocaded bands Sometimes kilted *t the county farm, was struck by the chased for £283 by Lord Rosebery. Horfd. C ---- tore is tberefnro regarded ss the tmal skirts will bo nude of longthwlse cars while walking the track near Be- i — Mr. Abell of tha Baltimore' Sen. -—“Did you see that woman In Bca- ^ripeil goiala which will bs folded m > attle He w«s returning home from i useful and valuable in the nation. hanan’a pew thia morning with all with tweaty millions or more at hi* Tho United Blates leads the world that only the brdcade will be risible,- chLreh"’ ’ leFe h<> hSd beCn ,M*ndin« ' her mind centered on her new bon­ back. Is said to ba the richest new»- : in the amount that it produces in Dtlintaior. X , sgricultnre. net F' asked the deaooA ' No, d»av." paper man In tha world. Th« Northern Pacific Express Com­ replied bis wife, sWeotly, “I waa too —Judge McCrea, of Wilmington. N. Not only in the aggregate of all ira- ' —**>* ’»nie gvnMemau who gave Or» much taken up admiring the tnan in G, ha* a gift of a rare eloquence. dustriee 1 is the United States far in ad­ thousand bright, new six-pence* to the pany fdr the year endiftg July 1,1887, Shelab's new with his whole soul When only six years old ha wa* lfted vance, but in this single industry, that poor children of the workhouse« and »hipped 175 tons of fruit and vegeU- » Walla Walla. The only of- aa the moei most ini ithpi portant hospitals in London in 18M, and eight •taray* fixed on his new floras.” Then the -ipoa a table at Fayetteville to make a i is looked upon ssjbe alj con n- thousand In 1884 aud MM, has sent 2??. w~ch •««•** the business of , natioa, —. — it — far — outranks --------- - — *l rat. ieaoon tried to talk about the *er- •peach of welcome to La Fayatta, for I in any whom lhe town was nametl /. *- Zoilin^’cò^'phì/adoJpÀéa, * trice. In the comparatively brief them nine thousand thirvAr. 8‘ ' j ' — _ ____ r lerifter. -, ! AGRICULTURAL. ' miriTF> .... . .. $£••• 1 / I i » —- A ■ * t ** * 1 » 18 '1 111 B » lr t iet, Llov f asl ht th Lt t< ideal cate eduli p tbi fed i Bn d it by I cas ■her ■ act ft fit ftn-.t ft re ftchr Ber a ■som Bt o» fth. < ■tier ■gb ■ta.” ■iter ■ -, ■ties, Bue ■ uen ■ome ■acini ■itar) ■rn ■weis ■1 the ■>hyri Kmigl ^Kt res ■ nly ^■r ■t ■B inc ^fti wl H dm aft111”“ at the t i^Bn-r ^■r-ie o ■ i, div >^Bli:lt ;^Bgnlar ^Boh ri ^Bui'iht- .ken ^Bls. ^Biiar ^Hn-re ^^wnphs ^Bn^li-I. Hing are. r ■vrv lie ■Lb- wa I ^ft'o - " i;b» Ml »t