FRIDAY. JULY 11.1939 THF C\SC\DF l (H KS l HKONK’ I K ►MV F FOR SAI 1' Old gtvwth fir, any FOE SALE Flying s«inlrrel, re- ! LIVESTOCK standard len«th. lVlivered to »luires small space, little f*H»d. 1 cable pets Ernest M. Cooper, — — .. . . . - your door. Get our prices before Bonneville, Or«\ 7-3-10-17* K Newberry, K 8, .. 1 1 OR SA1 E Six year old Jersey FOR KENT Hous* partly furnish- j . . .. FOR RENT . . . , | Milk C * W ike two wheel Ro\ 153- A. llovki River. 1 -30-1f — ---------------------- ----- --------------- -—. e»L stove, table, bed. linoleum, l »>k SALE Amo Liability and trailer as part payment Leaving Property Damage Insurance for ,,, K i p . . «, 1 M * RENT 51 $1 5 90 per yeai Why do without . , ,, I 7 -i | 1 OR SAIT' P in Slab Wood, call Sulet- ' ' - u* L. eat. . n D«w 11 it ? R. E. Scott, phone 2S04. | Chr.s Strauser. 3061. •• -■ MO* I S Terms if you wish tl 3»>Af — ---------------------------- und south « f Dt4 Grad« 1 OR S\. ! Good stock French Svh.iol or writ». H»*»>»l River, c * i l - »• <•* » i Silvei Rabbits, In ,, one Blue , KibUin . FO............ R oute.. 6-19-tf I OR SAI.F No. 1 old «rowth fir rOL s.\l t Piano, }>-0 cash W i ' c . i , I t * " i n c h o r • » : : \ o l . a c i e n « 1 h. phor.e 5914. <»*■»» » W, . Peli venni anywhere; also sawdust ti .’-unit loads; all kinds , ; mill FOR S \1 E OR TRADE l oose 1»*R SALE Now Hampshire and tUR RENT 2-ro< m a aitimi.: FOR RENT«* upstairs apt. wood. Prici very reasonable. with bath. Clean, well-ventilated, in «ood condition. New electric Coll me up. v). C. koizur, Phone lia\, i rab apples, strawberries. Rhode Island Rod Pulleta; also ris plat Will ti ade Ioi centrally located. $12.50 includ stove, heat and water furnished. 55i*0. 2-20*th weaner p gs or cows *>r pigs, or fryers, from 3 to 6 pounds. Frank ing lights, water, phone ami May 425 Prospect. Phone 0571 or in Hutson, Pnrkdalc. 6-26-7-3 a ilrag saw Phone Parkdaic tag. Also s lee pin« rooms. 7 li» quire Ray's Transfer. 5-15-tf Rumbaughs 7 10-17-21-31 Columbia Street. Fhohe 1714. FOE SALE 16-in. «reon fir slab, FOR SALE Cows at all times. 7-10' extra lar«e double loads, $5.50, Mrs. Clara B. Marlor, May Str»*et cash; single loads, $3.50; 12-inch FOR SALE Swoet cider, dehver- Roa*l, H*>»**1 Kiser, phone 5458. FOR RENT—Indianola Apartment. Phone Walter Wells, 4643. 3-20-tf FOR RENT—3-room modern fur 2 rooms, strictly modern, nicely green slab, 25c per load higher. *»l 10-24 31-7-14*-tf nished apartment; private bath, furnished, electric run«e, refrig Pry mill wood delivers»! or ut BULLS FOR SERVICE Guern water and heat furnished. Hos erator, hot and cold water, com yard. Al’s Wood Yard. 5823. 6-29-tf FOR SALE kins A p a r t m *■ n t s, Serpentine plete laundry, close in on 3rd C«*»iar fence p >sts, sey, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn. W»' bring bulls to your place. Road. Phone 6594. $80 a thousand. UK* cords 16' street between Cascade and Oak. Also O. 1. C. Boar. Phone 6633. second growth fir, $3.60 a cord. Inquire Indianola Cafe. 5-8-tf Maurice S. \N alton, Phone 186, II. A. Bendlcr, Rt. 3, Hood River, LOST AND FOUND ROOMS hOR RENT—Also board l’arkdale. Ore.______________1-30-tf one-half mile northweet of Bar by week or month. 812 May St. rett Store. 3-25-tf LOST Two retread tires, si/.e Phone 3302. 6-19, 26, 3, 10* HOOL) RIVER HOTEL 5:00-10, mounted **n two r«*d wire SALESMEN WANTED wheels, between Cascade Locks invites you and 11 »>«>*! River or 2 miles *'ut on ___ FARM PRODUCE FOR RENT —My home at 916 Co to call personally ana inspect i East Sul»* Grade. Notify R. J lumbia. Vacant after July 15. our newly decorated ’ ooms. Ambitious Hustler. \\ liner. Cascade Locks, *>r Floyd WANTED Mrs. Laura Webber, Phone 3024. Rates as low as $3.00 per wk. Needed FOR SALE Flying squirr*>l, re Mason, H o » h ! River, Ore. 7-10* Sell Raw h igh Products 7-10* single, $4.50 double. Regular ' T --------------------------------------- every home. Easily sold. Pleas qinn-s small space, little forni. Hotel service an 1 accommoda- ant work Should make good earn Lovable pets. Ernest M Cooper, 10 17-21* tions. Free parking, elevator ings at start and increase rapidly. Bonneville, tire. SPECIAL SERVICES FOR RENT—Furnished room with service. Our motto, Sales way up this .war. We teach or without board. Phone 3141. you how Rawleigh's Dept. OKG- 6-19-tf 1 LAWN MOWER REPAIR SHOP “ Live Better for Less.” 91-50, Oakland. Calif. 7-12* FOR SAI K W< are now a»'cepting orders ittr youngberrles. Bring New, up-to-date grinding machine FOR RENT—Two room, light and clean, tis»,*l crates if you have enables me to give better service airy apt. with private hath and them Phone Odell 29X after 6 oil band and power mowers. Past kitchenette. Hot and cold water MISCELLANEO! S W ANTED p. m. Rufus Peterson, near Sun business appreciated. F u t u r e day Ranch. 6-19-26-3* furnished. Telephone 3111. 6-19-tf I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE business solicited. Will call for and deliver mowers within city W ANTED Drag saw in exchange Blackberries. Call FOR SALE Five acres, close in, limits. Prices, $1 and up. Sharp for piano. Call 6954. 7-8-tf FOR SAI E A. A. Mohr, 4668. 7-10-17-24* desirable for suburban homes, ening and repairing of mowers. beautiful view. Mrs. Jennie Bent C. A. Swarts, basement, Duckw.ill ley, May Street Road. 7-3-tf , 151.1«. 7-70 tf TO IK\DE PIE CHERRIES rcadv now, come FINE TONED VIOLIN for elec and pick th»'in. 2 miles south of FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 Acres, WE GIVE Guitar or Violin with tric radio. Parkdale Auto Ser Oak (ir»>ve Store, Fre«l Temple- 7-10 7-10 mire. one acre cleared, on Loop High ! short lesson course. Private les vice. way. Buildings include 2-pump sons. Ask about all other instru filling station, 4-room house and ments. Beatty School of Music. FOR SALE Now. modern 6 r«*«>ni other buildings. Well, with gaso Phone 6823. Hootl house in Cascade lxicks, double 8-1-tf W ANTRI» TO T R A D E line pump and water tower for Kiv»*r City residence for small garage, 60x100 ft. lot. Inquire domestic water supply. Sale AUTOMOBILE LOANS We can place dose t»> city. Box 24, Hood F. A. Tubandt, Lakeview Addn., price, $600.00, easy terms, or will take care of refinancing or u loan River. 6 -1 2 tf Cascade Locks. 7-16-23 trade. What have you? Call 6594. 6-29-tf on your car. Tom Scott. Phono i 2804. 11-9-tf Classified Advertising 1 An op p ortu n e tim e for that vacation or business trip. Econ omy fares apply prac tically everywhere. Example: TO CHICAGO IN COACH Round Trip 6 5 39 EXCEPTIONAL BUY. Own your DAVENPORTS and Chairs reup holstered and repaired, first class own home and pay as rent. Easy workmanship. We carry uphol terms. 5, 10, or more acres. All stering supplies. Egler & Moe, irrigated land in center of valley 1114 7th St., just off of Pine. on Loop Highway. Owner, Mrs. Phone 3443. 1-24-tf Louise Nex, P h o n e Parkdale 86X1. 10-1-39* IF THE COST of your Automobile Insurance is going up, see us for better rates. R. E. Scott, phone ARE YOU BUYING PROPERTY? 8804. 11-30-tl Are you sure the title is clear? Don’t take a chance. An abstract is the only way of determining FOR S \I.E— REAL EST VI E title to real estate. Se<* Hood TWO ROOM MODERN HOUSE River Abstract & Investment Co., Full lot. Inquire Tuhandts, Lake- 3rd and Cascade. Phone Hood view Addn., Cascade Locks. River 1331. 7-16-23-30 ; TRADE The Hood River County Sun will trade for a limited time FUEL a year's subscription for $1.60 $ 5<> worth of strawberics, raspberries or youngberries. 16-INCH GREEN FIR SLAB, ex tra lurge double load, $5.50 cash. fam ous Single load, $3.60. Delivered to U from Portland Alt Air Condition» Odell or Hood River. Pine Grove MISC. FOR SALE or Parkdule, $1 higher. Dry wood Port«x S e t r i c e and Fra« Pillow* la C oa ch e- or green mill wood, delivered or The Streamliner— at yard. Al’s Wood Yard, Phone FOR SALE- Exceptional ton»'d C IT Y OF PO R TLAN D 68*23. Hood River. 5-8-tf violin. Inquire Purkdule Auto 5 Sailings monthly on 1 ,7 ,1 3 ,1 9 ,2 5 Service. 7-10 SAWDUST OR CHIP FUEL—2- P O R TLA N D ROSE Daily j unit load, $2.50 per unit. Al’s Wood FOR SALE Cut flowers: Glads, PACIFIC LIMITED Dally Yard, Phone 5823, llood River. 25c per dozen. At Carnes’ on Bel 6-8-tf mont Road. Come, or call 6411. 7-3-tf 2 W O R L D 9S F A I R S This is This is «» .1 house burylur mi a Sec us for TRAINS EAST NEW YORK • SAN F R A N C IS C O Ons low cost round trip ticfcst tafcos you to BOTH World s Fairs -as low as O t h « r Attract- I t « iaraa lor S I « « p i & g C at T raw«i. $90 IS COACH Stopover* and aid* trips for viaiting Sun Valley, Idaho, Boulder Dam and graat National Parka. J. F. B L A K E Ph M m Union Pacific Depot Destruction caused by the earth quake in January has resulted in APPLE CIDER, pure and sweet a shortage of building material in •very day in the year at Par Chile. melee's Fruit and Cider Stand Only one German film was re- four miles from Hood River on leased in Argentina in January, as L o o p Highway. If not open at | compar»*d with four in the corres gate, drive right In to house, tf ponding period of last y»-ar. Hunting and Fishing License* ¡»sued Here Protection H O O D RIVER A B S T R A C T 6 IN V E S T M E N T CO. tCstabllahed since MWK V w X C A S DANCE K O BER G ’S BEACH SATURDAY Jl I.Y 15. 1939 S A V E Mi GETTING Ol K Featuring TIRES - B ATTERIES - FISHING T A C K LE for the Salmon Fishing MISS V E L M A SHERRELL in Sony and Dance Numbers New Stock of T O N K IN POLES. Lines. Hooks, Spinners Hatch for our TENTS — COTS L. R. Freygang Authorized Dealer WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Third and Cascade Watch our windows W orld’s Fair Girl Contest Phoae 1711 M O R E Y G R A F F and His Sivingsters