FRIDAY. JL \F lb. 19:15» l i l i C \Si ADF l i H K M HKONU I 1 Plans L a id to r Frances L. Manchester, Inc. F ormerly The Dalles Freight Line agents for Columbia Gorge Motor Line Daily Truck Service to Portland I ascade Locks Portland Phone 131 Phone EA 275)7 Dealers in Fuel Oil - Briquets - Coal - Pres-to-Loss with her grandmother. Mrs. Martha fam es. Mr. and Mrs. t barley Nelson and Mrs. George Haggblom were Portland visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jene l.ovell and Miss Theodora Gustaffson and Miss Jeanne Or\ is were business her mother. Mrs. Mary Gustaffson, spent several days at the home of visitors at Hood River Saturdav. 'lr and Mrs. Frank Prohaska Mr. and Mrs. Char ley Haggblom and their house-guest, Mrs. Loretta the first of the week. Bauch, attended the Rose Festival Warren Davidson made a busi­ Friday. ness trip to Hood River Monday. Mrs. Helen Murray of Portland Mrs. Michael Barnes of Dixie. is spending the week with her son Wn., arrived Sunday for a visit and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. with her son-in-law and daughter, Marshall Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Iwrng. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kelsay and Mrs. Silver Perras and Mrs. Walt | children spent Saturday afternoon Mohr made a business trip to Port­ and evening in Portland. Mrs. Elmer Erickson made a land Saturday. busines trip to Portland Monday. Mrs. Ivan Embree and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Cronk and Mr. Myrna, visited Mrs. Thompson in ; and Mrs. Gib Harrison drove to Portland over the week-end and Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. took Gyda Ann to the Junior Rose Harrison returned Saturday with Show Saturday. Gyda Ann had | Mr. and Mrs. Nick Harrison of been spending the previous week j Multnomah. Sunday the members of the family enjoyed a family I dinner at the T. IL Harrison home. r Mrs. Bud Kyle and Mrs. L. N. Vallen made a business trip to j Portland Monday. Ott Becker is driving a new ______ T H E A T R E DeSoto which he purchased from the Warren Davidson Motor Sales. NOW PLAYING Mr. Becker drove back from Port­ land with it Saturday. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN’S Cascade Locks population is on the decline with the advent of ’ THE MIKADO" cherry picking at Mosier. Approx­ All in glorious technicolor- sung imately 20 persons are spending and acted by a stellar cast of oper­ the week there. Mr. and Mrs. Don Craw and etta faorites with Kenny Baker daughter drove into Portland Sat­ singing the lead. Here is truly glo­ rious entertainment. A treat that urday for the Junior Rose Festival. Guests at the George Webber you will neer forget. No raise in prices for this tremendous road­ home were Mr. and Mrs. Burbin of Ocean Lake, here Monday, and the show ettraction. | Harry Ingrams, who spent the I week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray and Opens Monday June 19th children returned last week from ('ary Grant and Jean Arthur in i a trip to the Fair at San Francisco, reporting a grand time. ONLY ANGELS HAVE Mrs Agnes Brennan and Tommy Brennan made a business trip to WINGS Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Pearl Estel returned the Supported bv Richard Barthlemess. Thomas Mitchell. Rita Hayworth first of the week from a visit with 11 lat i\ es at I »alias. and thousands more. Cascade Locks c A S C A DI A N I A LT O R _____ T H E A T R E Fri. and Sat. Brian S w im m in g S c h o o l ♦ Preparation* for the fifth an­ nual H< od River County Swim- m.:.g School were made at the an­ nual meeting of the officers, m- structors, representatives and bus drivers, held at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday evening. Officers for the coming year were re-elected. R F Steele being again chosen president; t'harles T Howe, vice-president; Prince Koberg. Secretary, and J. 1 Brock > in ulge. Treasurer. I'he budget for the coming year will remain practically the same as iast. $1111 being adopted as the sum required for maintaining the s hook It announced by County S i . Superintendent 1 B. Gibson that .c county unit had increased all.'tment tins year to $17*0 and the matter of establishing classes : iscade l.oeks was given study, toward which the increased sum might be applied. \ swimming place for a school in that com­ munity was the problem faced by the officers. Weeman Bay was sug­ gested as one possibility. Most of the budget will be used for transportation, school bus dri­ vers having again agreed to tran­ sport the children from the Valley t > Koberg Beach on swim days. A sum of seven dollars per day is allowed the busses, while swim­ ming instructors are paid on a basis of $17.7*0 per week for the Minor instructors and $12.50 for assistants. It was pointed out at the meet­ ing that the Columbia River water is safer for swimmers than the average pool. There has never been a case of typhoid fever in t lit* his­ tory of tin' community which was traced to swimming in the Coltim bin. it was reported. One official [expressed the idea that the river water was safer as far as contam­ ination is concerned than the aver­ age natatorium. Bathhouses are dinsinfectcd daily, John Koberg, propiotor of the beach announced. Tentative dates for the swim­ ming school were set for July 10 to August 20. The matter of allowing school credit for the swimming school was discussed. Arrangements will be made, it was decided, to give grade school children special marks on report cards for attendance at the school. For those past the Ninth grade, credit will not be KIVV given uist for learning to swim, One box making machine there can [but secciai regainment will have produce 24(H) boxes per day and an­ to be met. other has a capacity of 2000. Hand nailers can produce about ink' per duv First Cherries Received ♦ v 'h r o n t c l e $50 $50 The Maytag Shop H od Hiver \\ « I * ;■.»Ir .11 makes p n new and ...... 1 »sili- I» I o CONS’I in CT LOG BOOM Application has been made to the \rmy Engineer at Bonneville* by Fay AIcVabh d l.yle. Washington, for a pel mit to construct a log boom ir the Columbia River near Lyle. IX)ZENS (>l GREAT BUYS IN Late IVIodel Used Cars no:( Twelfth St. Free Trial Easy Terms’ Answer that call of the open highway in a reliable MAKTOL used car. These cars are thoroughly reconditioned and fully guaranteed See them t<>< lay! June Dith and 1«th Aherne. Victor M I.agh n and June Lang in ’’CAPTAIN FURY ' This is Saturday Matinee: Opening chap­ ter of the great new serial, LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN Surprise Midnight Matinee Satur­ dav evening. ,i house IT BURNS Sunday Onlv Muw ' Mh DOUBLE FEAT! RE Nelson Eddy and Virginia Bruce in j LET FREEDOM RING Jesse Mathews. Sonny Hale in -CLIMBING HIGH M on.. Tuea.. AA ed. Ronald Colman. Edward Everett H •• - im J iff*. H. B. fram er Thursday Only Junr 22 Lucille Ball and James Ellison in HI STEALS EX CHAMP * $615 $575 car had but one owner, who really knew how to care for a car. Ilia good care in your good luck and look at the price............................... $565 $525 Mb ’lerraplane Sedan — A radio equipped car. Also has electric hand, good tires and reconditioned motor ................................................. $415 $395 5115.00 17 ( he* rolet Del.uve Sport Sedan Perfect paint, upholstery and good tires. Motor thoroughly over­ hauled. A real good ear............... M7 ( h c v ro le l D e l. u s e C o u p e M2 T h ia O.K. for all sorts of To move out quirkly..................... l ord Dump Truck Originally owned by County. Motor Moist worked daily for < ounty. $125 00 L air to good rubber, Now .................. ........ ’ good, If the car you want is not listed don’t stay away we have many more fine mrn in all the populur makes. Come in and look over our entire stock at absolutely no otdigation. Buy now while we are giving the most lilx-ral trad* in allowances in town and term* on unpaid balances that can’t la- equalled anywhere. See us (or Protection HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT 6 INVESTMENT CO E stablished "NEXT TIME 1 MARRY Friday. Saturday June 23-24 Viet r Mi I-aglen. T m Br wn and Nan Grey in ni it m it i: Ml t hex rolel Pirk-up Return showing of that greatest j of film masterpieces THE LOST HORIZON POR II. AN D PRICES ranch use. » » This is i Ju n e 19-21 V d v e r d s t n g l*ayi I’he first cherries to be received in Hood River for the PJ39 season "ere unloaded ami packed at the FOR SAI E Columbia Packing *«lant Monday I «-FT. ( LINKER Ml II l BOAT I'he Bing cherries were from the orchard of the George 1 . Aggers Port Orford i ’edar. Custom estate near AA lute Salmon, t'her- Built. Excellent Condition rios from orchards in the Lower Valiev Were not expected to ho re- cc.ved in any great quantities un­ and 14 II. P. Factory til next week They were shipped Reconditioned east yesterday CAILLE RED HEAD A small crew was working at the Ot I'BO ARD MO LOK ( lumina Plant during last week at box making Pear and apple boxes have been produced at tin' rate of M S. WALTON I'.'OO p» i day and cherry lugs at ! ' on per day. This, h wa ver, is by Phone ISO Parkdulc. Ore. no means the capacity of the plant. [ alnra ’ Wlh Anderson Funeral Home AMBULANCE SERVICE 314 State Street H ood H iver O regon P hone I » ! MOOD RiVER. OREGON PHONE III)