FRIDAY. MARCH 10. 1939 THF CASI ADF LOCKS CH KON K l F SPECIAL PROSECUTOR TO BE APPOINTED ♦ Jury Hood River Coun- Session ty’s history-mak- CASCADE LOCKS Postponed mg grand jury session was post­ HIGH SCHOOL poned this week, after District A t­ lBy Virginia McMullen) torney John Baker sent a request Tuesday the high school had as to Governor Sprague to ask the Attorney General to appoint u visitors from Stevenson high school C eleste C oe, Nadine Woods, Norma special prosecutor for the term. Baker explained that since he Greer, and Francis McKee. They was legal counsel for the county were guests of Shirley and Gene­ offices and since these offices vieve Woodward. Eileen Sprague was absent the were on trial in the investigation o f the rock crusher purchased by past few days with a sprained the commissioners last summer, knee, but returned Tuesday and that he felt he was not in a posi­ is now walking on crutches. The high school had the pleasure tion to act in the case. of having Mrs. North and Mrs. The session is expected to be history-making in that it is the Morton as sneakers Tuesday after­ first time that a three-day session , noon. They explained the origin o f the grand jury has been antici- [ of the poppy and how it came to pated. Also it will be the first be the American Legion and Auxil­ time a woman has served on the iary emblem. Thev came as rep­ grand jury in this county. Hildred resentatives of t h e Bonneville Rhoades of Mount Hood was drawn Auxiliary and urged students to as one of the jurors Monday. enter the Poppy Poster Contest Others on the list are Chairman which is sponsored by them. The Allison Fletcher, Alva L. Day, students enjoyed having these two J. B. Edington, H. R. Mclsaac, ladies speak and hope they will come back again. John Plog and A. L. Paddock. Friday night. March 10. the The jurors met Monday and Junior class is giving a puppet adjourned in the afternoon. A show to help finance the Junior short session will be called Thurs­ Front. A gentleman from Port­ day morning, then the jurors are land is bringing out the puppets expected to convene March 20. and the features will be Hansel and Gretel, Three Wishes, and other short selections. We want to see RECIPE everyone out there. Sour Milk Waffles The Student Body has been mak­ 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking ing plans for future activities. Some of them are: a carnival. 3-act powder, 1 ts*> salt, 1 tsp. soda, 2 play, and an annual. tsp. sugar, 2 cups sour milk, 4 All of the classes have been tbsp. melted butter, 1 egg. Mix been having class meetings to a dry ingredients. Sift well. Add large extent, lately. The Seniors have been practicing their play and milk gradually, egg well beaten, discussing plans for graduation, and butter lastly. Pour about a | while the Juniors are getting ready tablespoon of batter in each sec­ for the Prom anil getting the an­ tion of w affle iron. Bake until nuals ready. The Sophomores are getting the school paper ready and brown. the Freshmen are planning a class party. Bill Murray of Grant High School visited the high school Tuesday morning. He is a former student of the Cascade Locks High School. Thursday, March 2, the Sopho­ more class had a pot-luck supper. The amusements were ping pong, badminton, and a game of floor hockey with the boys against the girls. Refreshments were macar­ oni and cheese, Jello salad, pickles, ice cream and cake. Those attend­ ISASIMIMWTWT AS ing were: June Hardy. Francis Potts, Genevieve Woodward, Mar­ K ATI Mi Tilt: IlUìllT HKIII! gie Smith. Sallie McMullen, Jim­ ì nu Moiil.ln'l l« l » o l i r rliild ri«k Ili» mie Merrill, Wayne Morrow, Hob li «‘alili oh impropri- lootl- .. Imi Ito » Morgan, and Miss Wetzel. All abolii Iti» tin te»? Ho \on reulize those attending had an enjoyable loilav abolii ,i olii «>/' t »rhool time. , efclldrea bave «reali feci, due The names of the two boys who lare, I' lo im propi'r «ho«-* .. came from Jefferson, Oregon, are unii munì o f llieni » i l i »ufler Bob and Dick Haloubek. lbecoii»eijiieiii'en in laler life. ♦ C i i e v o u r r lii l i l Ibe prolee- tio n o f tlie»e fammi» -Ime« »peeiallv ileiiuneil lo guani groMing feri . . . CASCADE LOCKS POLI,-PA IMI OT d H chm akcY d front th eir t/trriaJ fr a tu re i . ( «A I I« (I $ 2.98 FIVE FOR SALE— Auto Liability and Property Damage Insurance for $12 90 per year. Why do without it* R F Scott, phone 2804. I, :in> if you wish. 11-30-tf Wi l l rRADE f or pi g of $10 cash, one oil 500-capacity "Prem ­ ier" Brooder, like new. Frank Clark, a » miles east Cascade WE GIVE Guitar or Violin witK Locks. Phone 372. 3-0-12 short lesson course. Private lee- sons. Ask about all other instru­ ments. Beatty School of Music. FOR S A I. E Started Leghorn 2-1 tf Cockerels. 3c each (any number). : Phone 8823. Frank Clark. miles east ('as- j cade Locks. Phone 372. 3-8-tf j CLASSIFIED ADS Miss Jeffries was in town during the week-end and brought out some interesting library books. Bervoly Morrow was absent from school Monday. Nell Kae Brolliar was absent from school Monday wtth a cold. The boys' and girls' basketball te.iins are going to play Stevenson grade school Friday, at Stephenson. Virginia Randolph's sister was D AVENPO RTS and Chairs reup­ Mary Fillion was absent Monday, holstered and repaired, first claa* visiting school Wednesday. workmanship. We carry uphol­ Spring certainly must be here stering supplies. Egler A Moe, for all the young lads have been 1114 7th St., just o ff of Pine. flying their kites along the canal. 1-24 tf The brilliant colored kites and the Phona S443 fliers with ther respective dogs make quite a picturesque scene. ♦ DODGE * PLYM OUTH S i l KS »ml SKKVICK 1 F VOLSTORFF on the H eights Hood Hiver BO NN E) II.I K SCHOOL (By Loraine Webber) Jesse Rita Marie MacDonald came to Bonneville School and en­ tered the 5th grade. She comes from Portsmouth school and is 11 years old. An exciting and thrilling pro­ gram will be given March 10, at the school auditorium. “ Toby Helps Out” will be presented by the eighth grade. “ Cinderella,” by the 1st and 2nd grades. There will be no charge. The program will start at 7:30 o'clock. Jesse Moss and Wallace Laxton had a boxing match and charged three dollars Power City money. Jesse Moss was the winner. There will be another boxing match Mon­ day between Jesse Mosso and W al­ lace l.axton. The charge will be $1.50 Power City money. The fourth grade is enjoying stories and pictures of spiders this week. Large Assortm ent Wash Dresses Rayons and Cottons All Sizes (12 to SO) $ 1.98 - $ 2.98 The SMART SHOP W atch the sociable soul. He bas it figured that you aren’t busy «•it ber! Hood R iver, Ora. P O N T I A C 6 and 8 Prices Start at $1)20 SALES AND SERVICE USED < A US Peterson Motor Co. The Dalles, Ore. Facts That Concern You 000 BEER TAXES HELP SUPPORT THEM! ft -THE UNEMPLOYED CM IDE SCHOOL (By Esther McMullen) Earl Simpson moved to Mosier and will be greatly missed in the 3rd grade. Dale and Darrell Behyme came from Bend. Dale is in the 3rd grad« and Darrell is in the 4th. Billy McCormick was absent Mondav. The 4th grade has been studying Holland and made an attractive scene of windmills, dikes and canals. Miss Darby was visiting in T il­ lamook over the week-end. THE STATE OF OREGON A Bargsin in s Used REFRIGERATOR Crosley Tri-Shelvadore J . C. JO H N S E N HOOD K lVKK * 65 ,m> H O W E ELECTRIC CO. COL LI C TIO m THROUCH fFPtSAL, STATf A N D LO C A L A u f N O I S . A SWAÄC 0 4 T a f N A T IO N S MUGE * 4 0 0 MILLION YFAB l Y Bff » SfVfNot C O M IS BACK TO B L N f O T $ 623 , ^ 83,67 IN BIER REVENUE FOR 1138 ( SOURCE o r OATA LIQUOR CONTROL 1 0 * * H S I O * ) THIS COMMUNITY AUTO INSURANCE Just as an argument that automobile owners should carry Liability and Property Damage Coverage, here are the losses paid through this office in 1938. For Bodily Injury ...........................................$5621.50 Property Damage ............................................ 1135.20 F i r e ................................................................... 38.25 Theft ................................................................ 2185 Com prehens ne i mostly glass) ....................... 259.26 Collision (mostly $25 deductible)............... ... 2668.11 We have Policies for BI and PD that coat at little as 812.90 R. E. S C O T T AGE NCY Phone 2804 PUBLIC IN S TIT U TIO N S bility to enforce the law. But they are coof * r- ating with all enforcement ofTlriala . . . to »«■« to it that the laws you have made are rigidly R e n ta nation wide taxes o f a million dollars a day make it poaaible for the government to provide many things that would otherwise in­ crease everybody a tax«*. observed. In preserving this revenue fo r the nation, the brewers rerogniz«- that the retailing of beer must give no ofTenae to anyone. It ia not of rours*, the brewers' responsi- May we trn«l you a booklet diaruastng tills forward-looking program of the brewing in­ dustry? Address: United Brewers Industrial Fourxlatmn, 19 East 40th St., New York, N Y. O •*!», BEER...a beverage o f m oderation