Cascade Locks chronicle and the Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1939-1939, March 03, 1939, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    F ilili A Y MAIM'H 8, ltJ.'tl»
W ith Regrets to Follow
When one passes an evening
wisely he gets his satisfaction out
of it by thinking about it next
morning; but when he spends his
evening in folly he thinks he is re­
warded right there and then
It Is Your Debt
E very time you know a compli­
ment is deserved, pay it. Why
be stingy with good will?
When the men wore knee trou­
sers not a one of them tried to
show just a little more knee.
Simply Follow These Easy Directions
to Ease the Pain and Discomfort and
Sore Throat Accompanying Colds
HWwmawM11 ■ 'H1 ■. ■.
1. To • •a so pain and
discomfort and raduco
favor taka 2 Bayar
T a Wats— drink a g*ass
of water. Repeat In
2 hours.
— .................
á ' v
2 .
If throat la raw
from cold, crush and
H dissolve 3 Bayar
Tablets In i j glass
of water .. . gargle.
above often brings amazingly fast
relief from discomfort and sore
throat accompanying colds.
Try it. Then — see your doctor.
He probably will tell you to con­
tinue with the Bayer Aspirin be­
cause it acts so fast to relieve dis­
comforts of a cold. And to reduce
This simple way, backed by
scientific authority, has largely sup­
planted the use of strong medicines
in easing cold symptoms. Perhaps
the easiest, most effective way yet
discovered. But make sure you get
genuine B AYER
• R h e u m atism at t ack*
greatly relieved by injec­
tion of patient's blood.
----By Dr lames W Barton----
e c z e m a complex
seems to pass down
from parent to chil­
dren. That the re­
sults obtained by a
new method cf treat­
ing rheumatism are
due to this sensitive-
ne s s or a l l e r g y
seems logical.
Dr. J. LeCalve. In
Medical Press, Par­
is. states that inject­
D r. B a rton
ing the rheumatic
patient’ s blood back into him causes
a mild shock which the patient with­
stands well, and which increase*
his resistance to further attacks of
rheumatism, stimulates the circula­
tion and desensitizes the body
against the substance causing the
The Injection of his own blood
has a calming effect upon the pains,
especially if Uie injection of his
blood is made directly into the pain­
ful part
Sulphurated Oil Injected.
phjriicisn and nationally
woman— 25 w-men I »f
a total of 2So lb* in 40 dav»
Y O U , too,
can follow this SA M E . S E N S IB L E plan
right at home and here it 1 a:
Firat o f all *0 light on fatty meaty and
Vwerta Eat plentifully o f lean mrata, (i*h.
fowl, frrah fruity and »egetahlea And for
iroper functioning by removal o f accumu
ated waatea take a half tea»t«*>nful of
Kruachcn in hot water every mo-ning. —
IH »N "T M IS S A M O R N IN G . — Kruachen
ia made right here in U. S. A. from
famoua Enghah formula.
And thia la I mp o r t a n t !
K r a a e h e n la
N O T h a r mf u l
It la nal Jn.t ana aalt aa
aome peapl e l a n a r a n t l y h e l l e r a
It . a bl end o f • a e t l r * ml ne r al a. whi c h
w h e n dl a a o l r e d In w a t e r m a k e a health-
f a l mi n e r a l dr i nk al mt l ar ta hi g h l y ef f ee-
l i v e Spa w a t e r « w h e r e w e a l t h y w e m e a
h a r e gana f ar y e a r s
A Jar af K r a a r h e a
e a « t « anl y a f e w r e n t e and laate d we e h e
So. f » t ladiee-get a me gumption! M A K E
up your
m in t »
Y o t " f i S t i c k to the
ahner Plan for 2S dara—and )uat are if
tou don't loer fat and feel healthier and
younger. You can get Kruachen at drug-
giata everywhere.
• Tbs beet place
to start your shop-
ping tour is is
your Uvonte e«*y-
chtlx with an open
ike • bsbit of reading the *d**rn#e-
icts la Ibis paper every week They
n save you time, energy and money.
t Il lU'X li'l K
l ’ A U K S K I KM
Advice to Homemakers on How to Feed Families During
Coldest Days of Winter; Essential Nutritive
Values Described in Terms of Everyday Foods
^OW ARD the end of winter we som etim es experience
som e of the coldest weather of the entire season T e m ­
peratures rem ain below freezing for days at a time. The air
is often raw and penetrating, and blustery winds m ake it
seem as if man is being persecuted by nature.
M oreover, this trying w eather com es after months of short
and often sunless days . . . days which m any people have
spent in overheated h o u s e s ,* — —---------------- -------------- — —
and without sufficient exer- reals always, and some form of
cise. So it is no wonder that breadstuff, pancakes or waffles,
the body is on trial . . . fight- ' Cereals are prim arily energy
ing to maintain health . . . to *°\'d8, but, ,hov Inav ” ,so oarr>'
avoid the colds and other re- mmernI snlts and v.tam»n B
or sensitive to certain substances,
diseases that are so Whole grain varieties are also a
just as the tendency to the hay
This is. pt'rhaps. one good source of bulk or cellulose
fever, asthma and
LTHOUGH it is generally
1 agreed that the majority
of cases of rheumatism are
due to infection— teeth, ton­
sils, sinuses, gall bladder—
and that many are due to
dampness, to clim ate, to er­
rors in diet, there is also the
belief that there is a “ tenden­
c y ” to rheum atism in some
families. It m ay be that this
tendency is due to the fact
that the individual is allergic
In a number of cases Dr. La-
Calve injected sulphurated oil, and
also the blood, and in others the
sulphurated oil alone was injected.
In 12 cases he found that the com­
bination of Uie blood and the sul­
phurated oil produced better results
than did the InjecUon of the oil
alone, but he also obtained sev­
eral cures by the injection of the
blood alone.
One or two Injec­
I * F O R U T A B L E T S
tions of 30 to 45 drops of the pa­
tient's blood are made.
“ It appears that the action of the
injected blood, particularly it* pain-
Dangerous Friend
relieving action, is due to the fact
Nothing is so dangerous as an that it promotes the presence of his­
gnorant friend.—La Fontaine.
tamine *r similar substance in the
blood. As the injected blood gets
mixed very slowly with the patient's
blood, the relief of symptoms lasts
for a long tim e."
As you know, the idea of curing
or preventing disease by injecting
small quantities of the substances
causing the disease is used in a
great many ailments — smallpox,
N E W Y O R K , N. Y — In » )«■«* hr •
hay fever, asthma and others.
fom inrnt N. S .
r _nown
I t
M H 'K S
C o p y rig h t.— W N U S e rv ic e .
Paris Flashes
Pretty femininity is keynote to
new fashions.
Designers see the bustle silhou­
ette bidding for favor.
The Spanish influence reflects
in many lace evening gowns.
Fawn color and rust shades
are approved colors for spring.
Newest handkerchiefs have
printed reproductions of famous
Lace trimmings a b o u n d
throughout early costume collec­
Bags come ln colorful leathers
such as lipstick red. violet and
heather pink.
French women 4ke the new
biack and white prints with col­
orful accessories
In the new flower vogue a big
play is being made on the rose
aa favorite theme
Of course, the fruit need not he
served plain unless you wish.
Fruit pies are splendid for cold
weather meals, fruit and gelatin
combine nicely, and fruit may be
incorporated in cakes, as in apple
sauce cake.
Rounding O ut Day'* Nutrition
Whether the third rneal of the
day is lunch or supper in your
household, it should round out the
day's nutrition.
If you need to
get more milk into the diet, let
your lunch or supper include a
cream soup. If you haven't served
eggs previously during the day,
choose a souffle or a dish contain­
ing creamed eggs.
A starchy
food, a salad, a dessert and a bev­
erage will complete a meal that
both satisfies the appetite and
meets nutritional requirements.
It is not difficult to obtain the
day’ s quota of minerals, vitamins,
.«vi.<on when food hns n mightier ' •
50 necessary for regular cellulose, protein, carbohydrates
health habits . . . so often over- and fats. These substances are
corner than at any other time to lookod ln dlcts thnt arc carelessly
to be found in delicious, whole­
influence physical iccll-bcinp.
some foods. All you need to re­
Eggs belong on the breakfast member is not to serve too much
menu. ti>o, because they are a top- of one food and too little of an­
Food Your First Defense
In general, women seem to be no,cb Pro,,°Cti™ food
And there other.
more aware of the power of food must tie fresh or stewed fruit—
Lot the balanced diet be your
than men. This is for vitamins, minerals and rough­ ideal and cold weather will prove
fortunate, because
a tonic instead of u possible men­
they are charged
ace to health!
Balancing the Big Meal
with the solemn re­
Whether the main meal of the
sponsibility of de
Q u estio n s A n s w e re d
w h a t day is served at noon or at night,
foods their families d should be well-balanced, to help
shall eat Since the safeguard health, and appetizing,
Mrs. <1. M. I..— At the present
right food some- I to make it so enjoyable that it will
nutritionists have not yet de­
times makes the be digested efficiently,
termined the exact amounts of vi­
difference between
It should be built first of all
tamins G and K thnt should be
sickness and health «round a protein food: meut;
supplied daily. It ia known, how­
their husbands and
canned, or quick frozen ever, that a diet which furnishes
children are the nsh: cheese, chicken, an egg dish,
plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole
unhappy losers if they fail to ree- or * casserole of hearty baked grains and milk will protect the
ognize the need for even one es- beans. 1 here should be an energy
body against a shortage of either
ssntisl food substance.
f,n.d auch ,.s swaal or white 1»' vitamin G or E.
Occasionally the homemaker's !!,toeji' ,ru'° ' maca™ " 1’ or V‘>odlPS'
task is made more difficult by bough frequently this can he com-
Miss K. P. I).—Fatty foods have
men-folks who pooh-pooh the idea b' ned w,th tho Prot* bi " od' a8J n
important functions in the
that meal* should be planned sci-
niacaron. or beef stew. For
are a concentrated
entiflcally, and who point out that v a n o ty ..nnd Pa,a,.° 1? ,pa8ur**' oc*
generation after generation sur- ™ ,,onally sprvp bakod ,baPan M ' source of fuel; some of them are a
vivod without a specific knowledge Tbpy rank as an energy food and good source of vitnmin A ; they
of nutrition.
a 80 c" ntr' bu,c important m.ner- improve fiuvor nnd texture in
; a Is and vitamins.
cookery; and they help to prevent
People who hold this view fail j
hunger because they slow down
to take into consideration that
the emptying time of the stomach.
many of our ancestors consumed
However, they are highly concen­
There should he vegetables -one
a satisfactory diet without know-
trated. and should he combined
two of them. CIreen leafy vege­
ing it.
with other foods.
tables, either fresh or conned, e W N U C llm u ln n (iotirll** I SIS SI
should be served several times a
Safeguarding Health
week . .
for their iron nnd vitn-
They should realize also that one mins A, B. O, and sometimes C.
can suffer from dietary deficien­ These may be alternated with the
Common Sente
cies and live . . . though he may yellow vegetables which are p ar­
not live well!
A man can exist ticularly notuble for their vitamin
About Constipation
upon much less than the amount A
Don't overlook onions- they
of iron required
normal are inexpensive, and a fine source
A doctor would tell you that the
health . . . but he probably ran- 0f hulk. Served rnw, they provide
hext thing to do with constipation
h t cm ape secondary anemia lie
subatantial amount "f vitamin
may be able to get along on a
meager supply of vitamins . . .
but the chances are that his vital-
ity will be greatly diminished. And
he will face the constant threat of
disease that follows in the wake
of lowered resistance.
Nothing is more foolish than to
suppose that what a man eats Is
entirely his own business! It is a
matter of grave concern to his
wife and children. For It has been
suggested that fully one half of
the Illnesses of the American peo-
pie may be traceable directl>. or
indirertly, to dietary deficiencies,
Let no man. therefore, twit his
wife for trying to feed him cor-
rec tly !
vitamin for which we rape-
cially prue orunges. grapefruit
and tomatoes
Include a salad nt dinner, lunrh
or supper; it is well for most nor-
ma| individuals to cat some raw
fo <1 dally
in cold woather, dress
it generously with salad dressing
for rxtrn fuel value
Dessert rnuy be pie, pudding or
gelatin# The choice depends purt-
|y upon the other foods served nt
dinner, partly upon the dessert
to be served at the third meal of
the d aj But here ia a good gen
eral rule to follow. Serve a fruit
dessert at one meal—and a pud-
ding containing milk at the other,
I ---------------------------------------------
Time for G ood Eating
But don't imagine for a moment
that correct eating and good eat­
ing cannot be aynonymoui. It is
true that there is no time of year
when correct eating is more im ­
But it is also a fact
that there is no time of year when
good eating is more distinctly in­
These are the days when break- |
fasts must be especially hearty
. . . to satisfy keen appetites, to
provide generous amounts of fuel
or energy values That means ce-
Is get at Its cause T h a t w sy you
dun t have to endure It first and
try to cure It afterw a rd you can
avoid having it
Chances are you w on 't have to
look far fo r the cause If you eat
th e s u p e r - r e fin e d fo o d s m o s t
people do Most likely you d on 't
get enough b u lk "! A n d ' bulk'*
doesn't m ean a lot o f food It
means a kind o f food th a t Isn't
co n su m ed In t h e b o d y , bu t
leaves a soft ‘ bulky* mass In the
I f this Is w h at you lack, try
crisp crunchy K e llo g g 's A ll-Ilra n
for breakfast It contains Just the
“ bulk” you need.
Kat A ll-B ra n every day. drink
plenty o f water, and “ Join the
Regulars ” M ade by K ellogg's In
B attle Creek Bold by every grocer.
▼ a
There be a law against people who cough in public. Don't
it. Carry Smith Brother* Cough Drop# with you. Jutt
a box.
Sedtti Bret. Coefh Drop*ere the ettly drop« cent alien g VITAMIN A
This is the vitamin that raises the resistance o f tbc mucous
membrane* o f the note and throat to cold infection*
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