FRIDAY. MARCH 3. 1939 C a s c a d e Locks THF CASCADE LOCKS CHRONICLE school girls clashed in an exciting basketball gam e Tuesday a fte r ­ noon. The high school girls were defeated by a score of 21-12. SACRIFICE SALE • Mrs. Stella Thom as of Seattle CASCADE LOCKS a rriv ed M onday to visit her son- GRADE SCHOOL in-law and d au g h ter. Mr. and Mrs H ank Ju liu s and fam ily. (By E sther McMullen) Mr. and Mrs. R. J. W uner a rriv ­ The Cascade Locks G r a d e ed back in th e Locks the firs t of School had a gam e with S teven­ the week a fte r v isitin g in P o rt­ son. F riday. Feb. 24. in the high land and a few other places the school gym nasium . The local sec­ p a st m onth. ond team defeated th eir opponents M essrs. C harles a n d George by a large score. The first team H aggblom en tertain ed at lunch­ also played a victorious game. The eon Tuesday in one of the P.-T. A. i lineup for the second team was: series of p a rties, followed by an a f ­ Johnny W oodward. D elm ar Moore, ternoon of cards. Mrs. C harles Bobby Kelsay. Freddie W alker, Nelson held high score. G uests Riley Jenkins, and Ted Iaington. w ere M esdam es John C. W oodward, The first s trin g lineup was Dick George M iller. C harles Nelson, E r ­ P otts, Melvin Collins, Dick H a rri­ win Brolliur, Mrs. Elliot, Mrs. Hilda son. Johnny Johnson and Freddie Olin, M rs. John W. W oodward. Nichols. The gam e was enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. .Hank Julius had by all observers. as th e ir dinner guests Monday The fifth and sixth grades have night Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brink. been saving th eir money and have John C arlson spent the week at purchased a radio w ith it. The fifth and sixth grades wish home recovering from a severe to thank all of the people who took case of poison oak. Mr. and Mrs. George H ew itt and subscriptions for the Farm Jour- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Yincenzi en­ nal. They chose sides and the side joyed a show in Hood River Mon­ th a t got $10 w orth of subscrip­ tions got a box of candy. The day evening. Mrs. John E rn e ste r made a busi. daas rets S0‘ of the money from subscriptions. Individual s e l l e r s ness trip to Hood River F riday. Mrs. Ja ck Jenkins was hostess get sm all prizes. The g ram m ar school girls played fo r a delightful p a rty for her d a u g h te r. B etty 's, 10th b irthday a basketball gam e w ith the high last S atu rd ay . The afternoon was school girls. They defeated th eir spent playing gam es and all had opponents by a score of 21-12. a good tim e. G uests were Helen This was the high school’s firs t Jen k in s of W yeth, B arbara E rn es­ defeat. The lineup w as: D orothy W alker F, Olive P o tts F, te r and Rosalie Auld. J a n i c e Nichelson F . Je a n e tte Mr. and Mrs. George H ew itt and Mrs. Jack Jenkins and dau g h ter, W alker G, Pat C a rte r G, A udrey B etty, enjoyed a show in Hood K elsay G, V irginia Randolph G. River S a tu rd a y evening. • CA SCA DE LOCKS HIGH SCHOOL (By V irginia McMullen) F rid a y evening the local P irates had th eir m ost exciting basketball gam e of the season w ith Odell on the home floor. The second team fought th rough to the score of 22-17. The lineup was C lark B rathord. Bob M organ, Jim m y M er­ rill, Bobbie Hyde, and N orm an Lovell. The P ira te s first s trin g played a tough gam e and the score ended 30-2H in the local’ favor. The lineup w as Chet W oodward. H ank Brink, C liff W oodward. Noble Hyde, Bo Jenkins and Jim Sm ith. W ith th is victory Cascade Locks has come out of th ird place in th e league and is now tied for second. The standings are P ark- dale, Odell and Locks, and Mosier. Follow ing the gam e the student body gave a going-aw ay p a rty for C larke and B arb ara B rathord, J u n ­ ior and F reshm an, respectively, who are m oving to Mosier to a t ­ tend high school. R efreshm ents served w ere h am b u rg er sandwiches. A good tim e w as enjoyed by all stu d en t body m em bers attending. In th e spelling contest of the E nglish I class, Irene W alker was aw arded two th e a tre tickets for spelling down all of her classm ates. Monday m orning two new s tu ­ dents entered high school. They a re from Je ffe rso n , Ore. Tuesday evening, the basketball team s m ade a trip to K lickitat to play a gam e. T heir success did not sta y w ith them and they dropped both gam es to th eir op­ ponents. This w as th e ir last game of the season and they are w arm ­ ing up fo r baseball which will be welcomed by all of the boys. The Senior class has selected its play and has been practicing. P lans a re also being made for g raduation. The Ju n io r class is planning to have the Prom M arch 10. E v ery ­ one is looking forw ard to the occa­ sion and g e ttin g out th eir form áis and tuxedos. L ast T h u rsd ay and F riday was spent in ta k in g six-w eeks’ exam s. R eport cards c a rry in g positive and negative g rades were handed out W ednesday. The high school girls and grade FUEL OIL OF USED CARS j W c Must Unload Our Used Cars to Accomodate More New Car Sales 1934 STUDEBAKER SEDAN S275 1934 PLYMOUTH SEDAN <260 1935 CKEVROLET SEDAN BUY NOW AND SAVE W HILE W E LOSE W e Must Unload Our Used Cars to Accommodate More New Car Sales you see our high-class stock of used cars which we are selling at LOW EST PRICES EVER KNOWN IN HOOD RIVER BARTOL MOTOR Company 1 Hood River, Oregon R n rn n o e •T lw C ip C S • ■ ■ B anana M uffins l cups flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, 14 ten. soda; S> tap g ra te d orange rind. S tsp. salt, S cup brown su g ar. 1 egg beaten; l cup niashed bananas, 2 tbsp. sour cream , 3 tbsps. fat m elted; mix in­ g redients and half-fill greased m uffin pans. Bake 20 min. in m oderate oven. If sour cream is not available, put tbsp. vinegar BONNEVILLE SCHOOL in 1H tbsps. sweet cream . A fter (By Loraine Webber) one m inute it will be sour. You The eig h th grade gave the synop­ can add ‘•s eup broken nuts to sis of th e ir play, “Toby Helps O ut,” m uffins. for the P.-T. A. W ednesday. T here will he a reg u la r school I program M arch 10. The eighth j grade pho-. “Toby H elps O ut." will be presented. T here will he n o ; charge. The Bonneville b o y s played 1 FOR RENT New m odern bouse— addition, Cascade Locks. W ilkes F rid a y night at the to u rn a ­ Lakeview Inquire at T ubandts, Lakeview ment a t P ow ellhurst. The score A ddition, C ascade Locks, 2-27* was W ilkes 31, Bonneville 13. S atu rd ay night the boys played j FOR REN T 2-rooni unfurnished F airview . The score was Fairview n p a rtm en t, p rivate entrance, $10 26. Bonneville 16. u m onth. 1340 Cascade. Phone The s ta rtin g lineup at th e | 1-10-tf tournam ent w as: Jam es H nsket, « 0 U . forw ard; Jesse Mosso, forw ard; LOST—L ady's G ruen w ristw atch. Steve Memovich, g u a rd ; Jim Rab- Lost about tw o weeks ago. Re­ ideau, g u ard ; Roy Lusch, center. ward. Box 118. Cascade Locks. Ted A dam s, W allace Laxton, Keith 2-27* Bixby, L ester L autm an and Keith Bixby w ere sub stitu tes. FOR S A L E —One larg e portable Tuesday afternoon the Beavers Beam sp ra y e r in good shape; one and B eaverettes played the C orbett span bloekey colts, com ing 3 and boys and girls. The scores were; 4 years old, full bro th ers, gentle, Reavers 10, C orbett 13; Beaver- (’has S tru ck , P urkdalr 2 18 20 27* elies 3, C orbett 4. Bonneville Beavers won 4th place FOR SA L E —C edar fence posts, $80 a thousand. 100 cords 16“ at the tournam ent. Jean W allace entered the sixth second grow th fir, $3.60 a cord. grade. She came from L atourell, M aurice S. W alton, Phone 18«, Ore. J e a n ’s siste r, M aries also Parkdale, Ore. 1-30-tf entered the fou rth grade. The “ H istory W heel” in the th ird TA BLE MODEL 1937 Magic Eye and fou rth room has been so Long and S hort W ave Packard- ponular th at a “G eography W heel’’ Bell Radio. O. C. G aither. 710 is being made. Cascade St. 2-13-20-27' One of our tu rtle s has been pining for some days but seems to be im proving now. Alden Johnson has been absent this week w ith a hard cold. CLASSIFIED ADS Auto Loans $ 2 0 .0 0 TO $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 ON YOUR CAR 19.10 to 1939 models. Light trucks and out-of-state rara 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO REPAY Contracts Refinanced Consum ers C redit Com pany TOM SCOTT. Agent 114 ' j Third St. Phone 2804 License M 238 ABERDEEN COAL AM BULANCE SERVICE 614 S t a l e S t r e e t H ood H iver, O re g o n Phone 1391 Hunting and Fishing Licenses Issued Here N EW S T O C K O F F IS H IN G T A C K L E POLES REELS LINES HOOKS Sale on Tires— Batteries Tools— Accessories L. R. Freygang A u th o r is e d O e a le r W r.H T K K N AI TO M I'M 'I.Y CO. T h i r d and ( aw-ade W a t o h o u r w indow » P h o n e l ia « New tweeds, wool shetlands, herringbones, and many other exciting materials. Thrilling new styles and colors. New spring styles. Fitted and semi-fitted coats. Swagger - jiggers - Reefers, Casual and Tailored Coats $ 6.50 - $ 9.98 - $ 16.50 N ew Millinery To complete that spring outfit, new advance spring fashions that will delight you. $1.48 *"d $1.98 BRIQUETS Batiste night wear for children or ladies. Clever new styles and patterns. Pajamas or night gowns. From Viento to Dodson 98c The Dalles Freight Line Cascade Locks Anderson Funeral Home N ew Spring COATS PRESTO-LOGS FEEDS FIVE Phone 131 THE PARIS Hood River FAIR