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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1939)
vV iti THE Voi. V . X unihrr 14 50 Fights Scheduled for Tournament BONNEVILLE DAM CHRONICLE HONN K\ 11. I F. BONN EVI LLK P.-T. \. TO 1101.1» CARD PAR TY ♦ A card party will he given by the Bonneville P.-T A. Saturday evening. Feb. 4. 19:19, at 7:40 p. m. in the Civic Auditorium. Bridge, pinochle. "500 * and other Kamcs will be played. Prizes will be gi\en and refreshments served. I VSl VDK 1 IK KS Auxiliary to Legion Formed At Bonneville J # The first meeting of the Ameri F ifty fights are planned in Cas can Legion Auxiliary, Bonneville cade Locks to determine the Mid- Unit 99. was held January ” 4 in Columbia District boxing cham the Auditorium. There were 22 pionship. On Friday and Satur members signed up. day of next week, in the gymnas Officers were elected, committee ium of the Cascade Locks High chairmen appointed, and their School, the best padded glove duties outlined for the ensuing artists from six CCC camps of the year. The program for social Mid-Columbia will be paired for Mr. B. F. Irvine of the Oregon evenings, and entertainment was the tournament. Journal who was scheduled to be I discussed. A delegation of mem Beginning at 2:15 Friday after the first outside speaker before the J bers will visit the Hood River noon, the preliminaries will be run Bonneville Sunday Evening Club American Legion Unit, Feb. 6. off, and at 7:15 in the evening the Sunday .night, February 5, has The next regular meeting will be semi-finals will start. The finals been obliged to postpone his nd-1 held Feb. 14, at the Auditorium. have been scheduled for 7:15 Sat dress, due to injuries suffered in a [ Officers elected ware: Pres., Mrs. urday night. fall last week. Fred Morton; Senior Vice-pres., CCC camps participating will be The opening date for a series of Z ig -Z a g , Sunset, Beacon Hock, meetings has been set ahead to Mrs. Fd Ulark; Junior Vice-pres., Mrs. Otto Pomplitz; Secretary, Wyeth. Hemlock and Goldendale. February 19 when Mr. Irvine will Mrs. Nelson Ross; Treasurer, Mrs. Max Glover, of Hood River, who be able to attend. Lee Sams; Sergeant at arms. Mrs. has won many honors in the Other persons who have agreed Emil Parmintier. wrestling ring, and has been in to speak at later dates include: close connection with the fighting Col. John C. H. Lee, Division En FOUNDERS’ D AY PROGRAM game, has been engaged to referee gineer: Marshal Dana of the Ore \T P.-T. \. MEETING the 50 fights. For the past two gon Journal; Judge Long. Domes e years, Glover has been promoting tic Relations Court: Judge Craw The program at the n e x t wrestling and boxing matches, held ford, Multnomah County Court; ( uscade Locks P.-T. A. meeting, every Wednesday evening in Hood Palmer Hoyt, of the Oregonian; i Wednesday e v e n i n g. February River. Ralph Dugdale, Superintendent of | 9, will consist of the regular Admission to be charged varies the Portland Schools; Major Thor- Founders’ Day observance. Mrs. with the time of the performances. on F. Weaver; Captain Robert Des- Ivan Emhrec is in charge of the All-day tickets will be available to Islets; and E. B. MaeNuughton of program and there will be a candle adults for 75 cents; afternoon tick the First National Bank of Port lighting ceremony and birthday ets, 40 cents; evenings, 75 cents; land. cake in honor of the founders of children 15 cents. Dutes for these speakers will be the organization. This will be a “ The boys in the CCC camps are announced later. very interesting meeting and it is in the best of condition,” stated hoped that there will he a large M. L. Morgan, who has been attendance. handling the advance publicity for TILLAM OOK DISTRICT \SKS There were only seven tables in the fights. “ The schedule in the FOR POWER LIN E play at the card party Friday camps they are required to keep, ♦ evening, January 27, but everyone Tillamook People's Utility Dis hail a fine time. their diet and their out-of-door Mrs. Wilma work makes for hardened muscles trict today called upon Administra Lovell and Mr. A. Foote were high and bodies that can take lots of tor J. I). Ross for a transmission in pinochle and Mrs. T. T. Thomp punishment in the ring. Then, line to their area and reservation of son and Silver Perras were low. 3,600 “ killowatt-years” of Bonne In 500 Mr. and Mrs. Carlson car too, CCC boys like to fight.” Attention to those who attend ville power. ried o ff the honors while Mrs. Olin John Schild, president of the dis ami Mr. Wentz were low. the fights has been called to the Three Links Club dance, follow trict, also asked for construction of ing the athletic event Saturday a Bonneville substation in Tilla night. , mook county so that Columbia river power would be available at a voltage suitable for loeal mar PORT!. \NI> SPK \KKR keting. SCHEDULED ♦ ♦ Oregon Districts Upheld A large portion of prospective Chaplain John W. Beard of the Request for reservation of ener women jurors in Hood River Coun Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church of gy, under the Bonneville law giv Portland will be the principal ing preference to public districts, ty decline the honor, privilege, speaker at the big evening meet came immediately following the duty, or however it is to be re ing of the Cascade Locks Chamber action of the supreme court in up garded. The Hood River County of Commerce to be held this even -1 holding the Oregon public power t ourt. in its January meeting, ing at the Cascade Lodge. Cham law. A unanimous decision handed made listings of jurors from which ber Proxy W J. Carlson will be down by the Oregon high court de panels are to I k - drawn, in included master of ceremonies for the oc clared that the Tillamook district in the list 9, prospective women casion which will take up at 7 had been properly organized and jurors. In previous ycurs women o’clock. that the present law was in accord had not been called for jury duty in this county because of the lack Chaplain Beard is a very inter w'ith the constitution. of facilities in the oid court room. esting speaker and is very well The 3,600 kilowatt reservation, versed in the history and geogra forwarded by J. L. Stcinbnch, sec With latter jury rooms t>cing used retary of the district ln>ard of dir now in the hirst National Bank phy of the Columbia River. ectors, is the estimated maximum building, the plan of using women MONTAN A VISITORS HERE demand for 190. By the end of as well as men on the jury was Mrs. Domonic Marrone and Miss l'.'tl directors of the Tillamook inaugurated by the Court. Notices were sent by County Helen Hillard of Glendive. Mont . district figure they will need mother and sister of Mrs. Ed * »590 kilowatts of electricity. The Clerk W. L. \ unnet informing Clarke, arrived from Montana Sun district would pay $17.50 per kilo those who were on the jury lists day for a 10-day visit ut the watt-year for prime |M>wer, the that their names had been drawn. Clarke residence. uniform price everywhere on the Of the 97 women listed, fully one- third have sent in their derlina- transmission system. tions, the County Clerk’s office M ITC H E LL TA V E R N BURNS First Oregon District Tillamook the only major pub reported. Declinations have to be Fire at .'1 o’clock Friday morning completely detroyed the tavern at lic district in Oregon has an area mud«- within a 15-day period, which Mitchell Point. The conflagration of 15tl square miles and embrace* has now e la; 111 ed. is believed to have started from a the most thickly populated area of P. P A L. REDUCES hot water heater. One cabin, a the county. It was organized in E LM TR IC It VTKS shower room and wash room were July, 1933, but has taken no action ♦ also destroyed. The large hotel, toward marketing power until com H«x*d River will get its fourth standing south of the tavern did pletion of Bonneville Dam as a electric rate reduction since 1929 source of energy and construction when a $200,000 rate cut goes into not catch fire. of a transmission system. effect throughout the Pacific Pow P.-T. A MEETING COMING The line suggested by the Tilla er A Light company system. Residential rates here under the Remember the regular meeting mook county dire* tors might pass of the Cascade Loch* P.-T. A « either through Polk and Yamhill new schedule will he 10 to 19 per W ednesdav, Feb. 9. The card counties or through Benton and cent below those in effect prior to Lincoln counties. A line to A s the 1936 rate cut and commercial party held by the P.-T. A last ti ria, recommended by the Bureau rates will be 14 to ¡26 per cent Friday »a s quite a sucre»*. There will be four more follow of the B udget, iater may be extend under the 1936 level. The new rates were announced in ing and the P.-T. A. hope« to ed d<iwr, the coast through Tilla mook <Continued on Page 4) have every card enthusiast out Irvine’s Appearance Now Postponed ♦ Women Jurors Say ‘No Thank V ou’ ERICK GKANDSTKOM 1 M ÍE N BU DE V I II ♦ Mr. Erick Grandstrom, an old- time resident of the Locks, passed away at his home in t'ascade Locks Sunday morning. He was horn in Singo, Sweden. Oct. 21. 1959. Ilo was married to Mrs. Ida Halst rum in 1900. Surviving are his wife, Ida. and a daughter, Gretchen, a niece, Mrs. Elsie Warren, and relatives in the East. The t’ascade l.iH'ks Odd Fellows held the grave side services of their order. Inter ment at the Riverview cemetery in Portland. FR ID V Y. KKHKl \RY S. 19.39 Locks Officials Abashed at Pierce’s Plan illy F. T. Humphrey) tEditor’s Note: Mr. Hum phrey of the Oregon Journal in a visit to Cascade Locks last week discussed the power situ ation with various citizens and councilmen. The summary of these talks published in last Sunday’s Journal is well worth reading for all citizens of the dam area.) Eugene Sets Record Rate for Power It would take more than an argument over $200 worth of Bon neville power, used for floodlights ♦ Electricity distributed by the at the big power-navigation cele bration last July 9 and for street City of Eugene, Oregon, will light lights since, to "bust up" the beau local stores at the lowest cost in tiful friendship between the Bon the nation. A supply of power neville administration and the city from Bonneville Dam first feder of Cascade Locks. At least that is the position tak al project on the Columbia River on by Bonneville and Cascade is expected to meet the additional Locks officials who flatly deny re energy requirements occasioned by ports that there was "a ruckus” the reduced rates. recently over the suggestion that Wednesday the Eugene Water the lull be camelled in furtherance Bonneville Board put into effect a new sched of friendly relations. administration says it should be ule which provides 375 kilowatt- filed under the head of “ continued hours of current for $7.16 a month. negotiations." Cascade Looks o ffi Nearest competitor is the Tacoma cials just grin and say, “ you can’t city-owned system w h i c h last | be ruled out for trying," admitting month set a charge of $19.39 for ; good nuturcdly that while llonne- t iai quantity. !• cdcrul P o w e r ville administration has gone out of Commission figure« submitted by it» way to help them, us the first J. W. McArthur, Eugene Superili- official customer, it has made it Undent, show Portland and Salem clear that Bonneville power is for merchants pay $16.1.3. Spokane sale, not to he given uwny to $16.19, Walla Walla and Yakima friends. $17.63, ( orvallis and A I !> u n y O ff Federal Plant Pro|H»nal $22.75, Pendleton, The Dalles and What Cascade Locks councilmen Hood River $20.95, and Roselnirg, can’t smile over, however, the thing Medford and Klamath Falls $21.25. that has them in a «lither to It« Bonnet ¡lie Power Sought more exact, is Representative Wal lin* City of Eugene is negotiat- 1er Pierce’s lull to cstuhlish u fed- itig with Administrator Ross for a eral electro-chemical plant, possibly large block of Bonneville power to Ml Cascade Locks, to manufacture a insure sufficient electricity to meet cheap sodium chlorate weed killer. increasing local demands, which If the congress goes for the pro already are nearly three times the posal, they are convince«! it will national average for home use. blow plans for the two-million dol W holesale schedules for Bonneville lar Chipmnn Chemical-Pensylvaniu power now under preparation will Salt plant higher than a kite. In he submitted to the Federiil Power fact Chipman has told thenf in so • ommisnion for formal approval. many words thut he won’t do any Such rates will be applied uniform thing until congress nets and ,f the ly throughout the Northwest along action is favorable, his Cascad« the entire length of the Bonnevill«* l.oeks developrnent is out for go«HÌ. Ile sitnply won’t rompete with thè transmission lu'twork. I he Bonneville chief now is United States trraaury. And tha! speeding construction of a high- moke» Cascade Lock* with ita voltage transmission line from the high hopes for big mdustry, ita l olumhia River dam to Eugene, cheap power, ita a|ow water navi 169 miles away. Hydroelectric gai ìon facili!tea for steamers, and energy from the fed«-rul project ita 2299 aerea of industriai site» will he uvailahle to Portland, Ku- very, very unhappy. Ite thut us il muy, Cascade I • cks gene, and W illamette V alley com is determined to won» out suine munities by fall, hi' said. means of obtninirig thè $1 1.50 at* V is Home Rates dam tate for power they buy frinì Eug« ne schedules put into effect Bonneville, rather than puy thè Wednesday offer housewives 190 $17.50 tranamiasion line rate, thè Ijilowatt-huur* sufficient electrici sanie n* Engi ne 159 inde» awuy. ty for ample lighting, refrigeration l o « a I « i r « Prohlem and small appliances for $2 12 a Two possibilities are being ex- month. More complete electric plored by thè power eormnittce, ervicc, including cooking, will cost niade up of Counrilnten J. A. Mer $192 for 25o kilowatt-hours. Only city in th«- nation with lower resi-1 rill, fhairman, Jack Flaucher and L. L. Amoth. One invulv<*s leasing dentini rate i* Tacoma, whose u ,, . , -barge ,» $1.79 for 100 kilowatt- V h «!• to Ih. city. hours, was initiated on January 1. I '/“ T ,nV° lv-'' UM ^ *?•» . . . , . ‘ ” •■1 Power company line which The new schedule undoubtedly , hey expect soon to own and which Will result in s greatly increased runs right by the Jam on its way use V. * of electricity,’1 ■ ■ ■ Superintendent to Multnomah Kails. In h. * . .,nt McArthur told Administrator Ross, the city would have to spemi about and a reliable supply of Bonneville | for thr hookup and trans power at very favorable wholesale former* to step , trp <|own down . h„ curr#|lt rate, will enable the Eugene Water i fr„ m 13,900 to «900 v.dts, and ,n from Hoard to meet the increasing «Je the end this line might not b« manda.” The residential schedule heavy enough In no rase do they a vai lab le to Eugene homes today want to lay $10,(K)0 or more on the ia: line for the Bonneville cable, al- Eir*t 15 kwh. at 4 cents each though they have asked for a price Next 25 kwh at 2 «ents each and have not receive«! it. It’s a Next 00 kwh at 1.7 cents each i nice problem. All over 100 kwh at 1.2 cents each f'ost o f the transmission line, Minimum rharge. 60 cents a month I «1‘ofitliuiNl on t*mgm Kour i 1