F R ID A Y . OCTOBER SI. ISM T I I K W J N M . A I I I h HAM C H R O N IC L E » Ol It Editorial Views and Discussions H U M O R FOR 'I H E V O T E R One measure appearing °n the ballot by initiative petition which strikes "close home" is the W.iter Purification and Prevention of Pollution Hill The matter of stream pollution h a s been treated in lighter vein on this page in r e t e n t issues ind even dissertations in the Voters Pamphlet divert from the usual dry legal phraseology and set forth convincing p h r uses in verse. A poem by Samuel I. Simpson, written 60 ye.ir .i jo eulogizing the beauty of the W i l ­ lamette before the days of stream contamina­ tion concludes with the lines — ( in the roaring waste of ocean Shall thy scattered waves to tossed. Mid the surge's rhythmic thunder Shall thy silver tongues he lost. ( )' thv glimmering rush of gladness Forum . . . Mocks this turbid life of mine! Racing to the wild Forever Down the sloping paths of 1 ime. Onward ever. Lovely River. Softly calling to the sea Time that scars us, maims and mars us. Leaves no track or trench on thee. The beauteous verse r e c e iv e s modern com­ ment from the pen of Dean Collins, con­ demning the pollution of the river, who closes his poem as follows: If Sam Simpson from Elysium Could come back and see thee now, He would tear his lovely poem. And with dour and gloomy brow'. 'Onward ever, lovely river. He would say. And how are tricks? But if I’m invited swimming 1 prefer the river Styx . School News T* appreciate it immensely if they could give It to uri The high hool boys had a fo o t­ h ill game with .Stevenson lust week T h e score wn Ued T h e y hope I to win then next game which is this j Friday. The teachers of both the high I school and the grade s hool went to Tile Dalle for the Teachers' Con­ vention They W i r e gone Monday 1 and Tuesday There was no school j these two days Six wed. examinations w ere g i v ­ en last Thm -.lay and Friday, much to the d.-g ist o f many pupils Ueport cards will Is* given out this week Tin- IMit..r ; • plit, i* ili >*"11 I1 »per I l>e •*»'’*. In n III.I * <■ Hint Ihr Wri*k <>f Ori HON M M II I H t i i o o i . N t . W s " I it iM luiiiwn i. I* T A Member­ I l l y l . o r u l n e AA r h h r r > ship W**rIt Mio I « »plain Ihr object T h e Honnevllle Hr hool will give a of I* T A mol mu...... it the t h in « » tl.it » . in- dolili,' in our rommunltyT carn ival ni the school Krnlay even ing t let in Kvrryone in cordially T o jirotnolr Hi* welfare o f chll- invited to at I rtnl Th ere will be itien nini yolilli ln Ihr home, arhnol rii li* rii and roinmtinll) T o ralar ninny featu re» »nine o f which are I.iM.r Prize Mystery Tunnel. Flab 11.. ni a t o l . rd of home hf** to t e n i r * I'ond I'eano, Magician and Shuw ail* 1.1 a t r law* for fit«* rare and pro tr. lion of rlnldi i n mid youth, to tiainea and fun and lot» of eiitif' hi > 11K into i linter rrlat on the homi* ( '. . m e ' one and all and have u good and rii... I that paretita and teai'hera time Mias Stevens at tended the Inter­ mat « oo | h i al«* in te 11 ig cutí v In the mediate Teachers Miwting In Port tramlnic of Ilo* . luid» II\l h FROM T K I 1* Mm» D a la s h ff the T o drvrl.ip hrlvtrrn eihiratnr# and land Saturday \V AA' Pill faixton returned I ’rim.iry T e a c h e r » Meeting in l*ort- Hu , in* i *1 i ni I >1 iirh uniteti efforta Monday from a ll>-day trip to Chl- hind, wtnli* Mra 1 » K e e fe went to a» will •rrurr for every child Ihr Salem for the Annual Music Section ea o t-. attend the National S afety hint;i at /nlvnntagea In physical men o f the Oregon Stale Teachers' A sso ­ i 'onferrnce tnI anelai tnd aplrilunl c i m a t i m i Tina la not a local organization hill ciation Conference T h e Dirls Is-ague of Honnevilli* a national with approximately I KJI lilt ( O N T I I O I . I AAA 1»7 i ■ a i organizations with a b o u t S c I kmi I hint initiation Monday. Oct The cr* ■ *n Ihjuor control law was Tliose im lia tn l w ere Jeanette f liai liai ni r in li «• r a poaalldy the 17 framed in recognition o f the fact I* T A la Ihr lai y rat In Ihr t'nltrd Caron. Dolores Heifer, Shirley Shut- that prohibition or unreasonable rea- enhurg and Iris Mem ovltcli Tills State , tr turn is ineffectual In preventing May I alale anni" o f the Ihlnifa inaki-s nine in (lie Dirts' l e a g u e tins a large pail o f the population from year W e hope tliey will enjoy hav- « e are itmng hero* obt lining intoxicating beverages Th e mg them Klrat through our efforta vt e oh act was framed with the intent to The 7th and Mb grades City lias I. lined a muale teacher for our minimize abuse o f the use o f alco­ elected t.ester Iguituinn for sh eriff a hool holic tuiuor so fa r ns possible We aponaor I'a m p flr e G irl* and Th e sh eriff's salary lias not I n - i - ii peer and light wines were made i decided on yet Some of the business are woiktng to r e v iv e Hoy Scouta more readily available than the high­ Jesse We ilao afionaor I It I ’ luh work people in P o w e r City are ly intoxli iting liquors; w ere made w tilth waa very auciwaaful last v< ir. M'.«ii> private deteetive, fate a year, obtainable by the glass, whereas the our lei\ « and girls having won four llinmie Italiedeaw, Sign Co . Roy .p ntuous liquors and fortified wines Ural prizes tw o arcond p r u e » four l.uscli Insurance Co , Jeanette Caron ¡..mid In* had only In packages from thint and one fourth prize. a total j and Palsy L elthelser in a l*rlnting state liquor stores, to bo consumed of H o i « ' at the llo o d l l l v r r ■«"hool I 1 t ’o w In. h is called Ditto ..ff the premises Dispensers o f light It.iv l.uscli lias been out of . I i . hi I fair wine and beer were put under strict Main plana are under w a v to Ite n r - I days on account o f an accident in regulation and supervision He had four atltches taken f i ih. children o f Ihia comniunily football In other d a t e s that have .Iquor and the wav to carry them out la I In bis tongue, otherwise he is all , oiitrol boards, the Oregon law is right through your au|>|Mirt and ctKtpera recognized as one o f the ts'St. If not 1 1.. 11. M ia your organisation, an let I’tie primary room had ttielr pet the ts'St , yet devised T h e Oregon n I’tiuisday Parents of the U« make It a b ig g e r aucceaa Itila » ' oyy . ", mission is held In high esteem children w ere invited Th ey had a \ rat tad us rrmemtiar to re mem for its impartial but rigid admlnla- short program, showed their pets bn I' I* y neetla you ' tration Mia Kelsav I'rea c.l ifterw ir.ts served refreshments The origin al Knox law has been of cider and doughnuts amended frv>m time to tim e by the I'H I I ' t l l t M * l t \ l l III t M O M * The ,'trd and 4th grades wrote legislature, but a lw ay s under guid­ When Ilo Roll ball tw.ya gel ready itle is Inst week thanking Mrs ance of members who w ere actuated 1.. throw the old hall around next North and Mr Coulter tor their ■Pt lug Ihr field will tte ready for courtesy in showing us the Post tty desire to make such im prove­ ment« in accordance with the theory them filia week ga n tener« >rv O ffice Tills week the t allguage w Inch the law w as built as ex- h i . y pi Wi ng raking and seeding tunc was taken up writing letters to p e i'c iiw showed were needed til. .otthnll pai k oppi »alle the |>o»t Mrs Is* P e r * who brought us a The initiated measure Is put fo r ­ ’ idi* >in (ht* rt*rtt*rv i itiful begonia and to Mr Stuhha ward in the name o f the Anti I .iquor I itfhU rtv |»Ut U f l * 1*' * um w tin painted the flow er pots for u* ,. ie o f Oregon It might work as nier and now with a turf field the Sim ley Owsley left the Herd i le.trm nt upon the total volume o f tram will h. on Ih r »pot to put »ut kti.h last » I S k moving with tier , r and light wines consumed, but B-'inr n al hall plavtli family to Portland it would almost certain ly promote Oeorge Chaney brought another ■temperance in consumption o f the t h e BONNEVILLE PAM i id le to 1» ! companion t. \\ ■ mipy ■ r volume and greater importance turtle ha* tirrn named Tt e I new the consumption of hard liquors I*. ¡■eve The public demands access to al- lohn O 'Iti ftHilltl a itr\ thusti«* ' .lie beverages It la a safe pre- I ifflclal paper o f city o f I aa. ad# ad in w htch mum tmgs hAtl • option that it opposes return o f tanka Oregon olisi up tor the winter It M i the old-time saloon The public orti. .1 publication for Amanean igtit in fot i les son .*u lady hugs > .-iM not trust the liquor interests le g i o n peal N o » IhmnaetUe >’ ra d e r w h ic h a s a fe p la c e vv.»« flr>ur .1 t , « r i t e the control laws, nor ahoul.t Notice of Budget Hearing N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y G I V E N to the legal voters of the city of Cascade Locks. Hood River County. Oregon, that at a regular meeting of the Council of the said City of Cascade Locks. Oregon, to be held at the Council Chambers in said Cit\ of Cascade Locks on the thirty-first dav of October. 1938. at eight o’clock p. m. on said dav. a hearing will be held for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board The total amount of money needed by said City during the calendar year of 1^39 is estimated in the fol- lowing budget and includes the amount of money to be received by said citv from fines, licenses ¿ind road taxes. and all other monies of the City. GENERAL Advertising Printing Elections Emergency 200.00 100.00 50.00 .249.00 1 1.599.00 P O LIC E Salary Special Police Insurance 1.200.00 50.00 50.00 1.300.00 500.00 Ml 500.00 STREETS Maintenance and Repair 1.000.00 1.000.00 RECORDER Salary Audit Supplies 300.00 100.00 25.00 425.00 ATTORNEY Salary 250.00 250.00 TREASURER Sal.trv Bonds Supplies 300.00 25.00 15.00 340.00 E N G IN E E R Salary 100.00 100.00 Estimated Outstanding Warrants and Interest 2.000.00 REVENUES Licenses, rents, etc. Fines Road Taxes 1.550.00 650.00 450.00 450.00 G. E. M A N C H E S T E R Mayor j ATTEST W | CARLSON Recorder Salmon, Trout and Chicken Dinners C H R O N IC L E o s id e Mitered aa second class matter at • lo ffio « under tha M« t Jr y Mf II al U N Ì » “ '*■' Act r*f c o n g r « . of iM r K A V IR 1 Put . t r d ev e ry rttdav tn the tnterr•'> . f the H.wrnexllle l ^ m i » a t., i*r Publishing v\ympairv Inc lu ll y tit It t O N A ► M * s » * > . » . ttrWOS • » «.I • " * • I the I aa. ode I * ™ « » W ip w e y I « k* « • •• ,h *" K " yeti I *.i .r It.maey iMe .1 at PENN’S M fo r their h ib ern a tio n ♦ ne would »uplH.se want the pro- t. ti.«lists to do It I f changes in I I M AIO I O I h » H H . II » I II I Ml I ¡.resent law are desirable let the tty A t rillila 't . Mullen i judlced b* the la w giver* The 'he gir Is of the Cascade ivkft p.■•nling measute has that element ih Sch . s »1 have fveen fix •hg up perversity in It from which prr- Th.sw* on !hr f U h kt*r HH'ir. * with deep convictions are how mi; K r r Art* Ihr president s .A 111«* » p H intention*»!. unable to free Mill TM .md h rr f»»sisfsnt • tv •ntìA t f., ..»elves It ts unwise an.l If I i o r o l h v MsclK innon t > - d its results would no d«*uht r Ajiur ah id Helen *r*Ii • ! *.»p|Hvinf Ha s|H«nsors The N il These girls have t e rn gather 1 tw defeated »»regom an I.sirs tstiles picturx rtc A ig .,t»y ta w ill charge half fare« k : d people h a i r < .*«tn ini!is! t.'urtsts using government rail- so y .aie else haa i.nvthirg d r y do not want we won <• » j FIRE Sundries and Equipment 1 L. M O R G A N . l e s s e e miles cast of Cascade Locks • • FUEL ICE HAY G R A IN A w COLD STORAGE 1 1 . « 1 1 1 n ig h t I any a t th e M ■»■»• reti I... day r. I |y. wyryey tile , a n d « »«.te la rk a r»l. < « »»th eetm ..« .wail u . , Ile. r a t »!•«*«• H I » * » ; Hi’ l r r l Y a * u h a Jack Tray »a e ¡ T l t ’ N HATEE H % rtf * 1C\ l i t e Aiultti't U l f IT S LOVE KV.day A G A IN T h e D alles F re ig h t L in e t v t -her 71 ï A* P I » C J5i'kld(* L O v ' i j P h o n e 131 .