Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1938)
THE B O N M M I I K F R I D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 1«. I « * T II K F K D A M t 11 KON II I K — September Dress Specials Specially Selected Assortments on Sale 12.75 DRESSES 7.90 Black and Fall colors Silk crepe. smart styles in all sizes up to 44. 6.75 and 7.75 DRESSES 4.95 5 dozen Smart Dresses Black and new Fall colors and attrac tive dark prints. New styles in crepe and taffeta, and all sizes. 12 to 40. You can well afford to have at least 2 of these attractive Dresses. An early selection is advisable, as these real values will soon be gone. M e M SPECIALTY SHOP Hood River, Oregon I Want Ads get results. / J / ? ' Ittt HOOD RIVER, OREGON Game Fish Planted in Local Sloughs O A total of «0.250 game fish have Thmt war H<J,? b€*on planted in the slouirhs of the . of the Columbia near Hood R iver during — — W orld 1 recent weeks The fish were sal Why can t we see the brutal horror vaged from Sauvies Island, near o f this . thing» Portland, and brought here bv the . . f State Game Commission cooperating ravaired • With the Hood River County Game I h<* eities w r^ked^ by bomb The murdered babes; Protective association The staring women with dumb ter \N orking with the game commis ror in their eyes. sion m planting the fish was J E. Driven mad by constant fear; Slade, who has bee n active in The awful caricatures that once mosquito control operations Fam il were men. men.-— iar with the river and the «loughs were y i . Men with faces ali hut hlow n aw a v . where he has supervised n 7 . " . uperv ised the spread Men with shattered minds and shat I ing o f oil for mosquito control Slade took one lot of fmgerltngs in G e o r g e i_ , tered . , Nwlies; . , , , , Morrison's launch upstream to four th,n* ’ whl> * anno* du land-locked sloughs which can be Where is the conscience of the reached only by boat The spinev- world T j rayed fish which were received are I f it should wake— most efficient in mosquito annihila- I say. if it should wake and bid the i tion. it is said Other sloughs were people speak. j filled with the minnows under the And all the people everywhere | supervision of Alva Day, president Should rise and say. " I t shall not | o f the Hood River County Game P ro b e !" tective Association. Then wars would cease On August 2*ith a shipment was — R. H 1 Hint on received which included 5000 black bass. 10.000 calico bass. 5000 catfish. i 10.000 crappies and 50 ring perch j These were planted in what is known j as Button's pear orchard, a newly- formed slougl n< >r Hood H irer ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Household Hints Irving B e rlin '» V u - R . O . o/ C H E Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire have been reunited in their finest motion picture since "T o p H a t." Grand music and many new danc es including the one which is taking the nation by storm ‘ ‘The Yam .'' Also a very fine story and a supporting cast that includes Ralph Bellamy, l.uella Gear. Jack Carson and Franklyn Pangbom. Opening Monday, Sop*- I*. For Indefinite Run Sonja llenie'n Latest M Y LU CKY STAR she is surrounded by stais includ ing Richard Green. Joan Davis. C e s a r Romero, Buddy Kbeen, Arthur Treacher. George Barbier. Ixmiso Hovick. B illy Guilbert and Paul Hurst. V Y Y W Y Y W Y Y Y Y W aw RIALTO THEATRE HOOD R IV E R . OREGON ♦ So»»*- T H E DEAD E N D K ID S in "L IT T L E T O U G H G U Y ” Also ‘ Wild Bill Hlckok and Surprise Midnight Matinee Satur day E vening! Sunday Only sofSt. IS DOUBLE F E A T U R E Edward G. Roidnwm and Jean Arthur in TH E W H O LE T O W N S T A L K IN G ” Plus— < iaudeU e ( albert and MHvyn Douglas in SHE M A R R IE D HER BOSS w e p A I»- »* - * l • FO U R S A C R O W D Errol Flynn Olivia OeHavUaad. Patnc Knowles and Koealind •ell make up the dazzling crowd aYYY Y Y W Land Transactions I t t t W W t W t t H t t t W W t YW Transfers o f land titles, recorded in Hood R iver County from August 31 to September 7. and reported by the Hood R iver Abstract A Invest ment Company, were as follows I J I -akin and Cora B I .akin to Bernard L and Forestme Rau. w ar ranty deed, conveys Lot 19 in BIk 4 j >>f Waucoma Addn. Central Lumber Co to Fred M and I Beulah K Snider, warranty deed, conveys N S Lot 5 and «, in Blk. 1« exc W 20 feet in Cascade I.orka Addn. L. E Look to Edna M Look w ar ranty deed, conveys undivided one- half interest in tow tracts in the most •■asterly com er o f the southeastern com er o f the W illism Jenkins I)o- natlo>i . and Claim James M Cannon to Velm a Ma- theny and Warrane, warranty deed, conveys W S o f W H N E 1, SW «* Sec J. T 2, containing 10 scree— • bout i s miles SW o f Hood River. Martha A Curtis to Fred B Curtis warranty deed conveys Lots 10 and 11 In Spangler Subdivision o f Block 2 o f Pirkhurst Addn Y I. \HOR DAY RECORD With only two reported traffic fatalities in Oregon over the three- day I i f birr Day weak-and the holt- day takes Its place as the second safest out of 12 major holidays dur- ing the past two years, according to Secretary of State Earl Snell Only last New Year's Day. when there were no traffic deaths in this state over a two-day period, can show a better record. Snell «*'dared V IC T O R R M O K U * F L A TERM and R< A V IC TO R R M ORD I.OOMIM HOLME OF MLRIC HOOD R IV E R Silo Silas Sez . . . The cheapest thing to be found at any bargain «ale Is the hu iband waiting for his w ife to make her purchases. Many persons feel that the cream used m . reamed carrots might be put to better advantage. ♦ In the old days when a man bought a horse, It didn't fall o ff 20 per cent in value and become a "used horse"' after he had driven It a couple o f miles. ♦ Most folks wonder what has be come o f the old fashioned girl who SM*. hPr htyr friend only cn Wed- , nesday and Sunday nights It must he hard to spend half a 1'le-time taking dancing Inasons only to discover that < nr has learned the w rin g steps. ♦ I know a woman who holds her rg e remarkably well She's been holding i! a t 2f> for t h e last 15 years " In addition to being used for food, egg* have dozens of other uses, says Dr L A Wilhelm, of the State Col- leg of Washington poultry depart ment Some of the unusual uses o f eggs and their products inelude those o f clarifying wines and In the tan ning of leather Both frozen egg white and yolk, as well as dried egg whites, are used tn certain m edi cines Several thousand pounds o f dried egg whites are used yearly as a cement for bottle and Jar raps. Unemployment compensation was not designed to remove individual« from relief rolls Nit to enable those who ordinarily support themselves to sustain themselves in some degree during peri 1s < ’ temporary unem ployment / / .v < ff< r it t of scalp treatments to Butt your 1 >mpN*e with • ■' ■ prnporlyi sppl . : , ■ ar. pula turn and steam i ft ilmu S herw ood Beauty Shoppe Phone 1C 1* Hall Building » » » W V ^ t m i l A AAAAAAAAAAAAA^ - Reduced purchasing power of agrt- oulturists is handicapping business In ! Hrastl ■ j ! DODGE * PLYM OUTH .s I l l s and S4 UY It K J. F. V O L S T O R F F on the Heights Hood River G O PENDUTO«? > ROUf'O-UP] September 15, 16, 17 LOW RAIL FARES U N IO N ’ACIFIf BUSI NESS D I R E C T OR Y PLUMBINC AND HEATINC CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Ëarl J ^v,e B B Powell Chiropractie Phvslclan X-ray Diagnosis Complete Electrotherspy Colonic Irrigation Frans Building O ffice hours 9 to 5 Phone Hood River ffl*51 Plumbing Metal 110 Cl LIFE INSURANCE DENTIST Ron E. Dreske Dr. L. R Alexander U fe Inaurano* Dentisi — Medieval » I d « . Phone 3021 Resting Sheet Work Phone J6&2 Hall Building Mood River. Oregon Phone «444 R*s AUTO FREIGHT J Warner Henderson Ray's Transfer D.M.D. Dentist - I oral and Phone 4001 Res l ong Distancie Moving Hoott It id g M il SIM S ta le Street g Phone «571 OPTOMETRIST Penn C. Crum. D. O p t. Optometrist and O p tio ta n COMMKK4 IA L CHES POR EGGS AM 0 ,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\%%\\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* was received with the same number Wrap melons, pineapple and other of bass, catfish and crappies A fruits with pronounced flavors in total o f 200 bull frog tadpoles was w-.,x paper. It will prevent odor included in the latter shipment from penetrating icebox. Use rub- instead of the ring perch t*.r bands to hold papers in place. The fingerlings which measure When you prepare toast to serve about ." inches, were placed In 24 with poached eggs, spread It with 10-gallon cans when they were cans- , hIv R(,aaonpd m|nced ham mixed to the sloughs The fish an» \ with butt.'i . ported „ Reheat the toast N all regarded as game fish, the bass fon. ttin_ thp eKV. on the slices being particularly desirable They ' , , , ,____u A discarded wire hair brush comes I should mature in two years to in handy to remove hair And dirt | good game size Day announced from the brush o f carpet sweeper and dry mop. Line pot holders with leather. It is a non-conductor o f he t and makes a burn-proof holder High school students from needy families, who have N’ en hoping for financial assistance of some sort to help them remain in school during the coming scholastic year, will be heartened by the announcement made ! this week by Ivan G Munro, Oregon head o f the National Youth Admin- I istration, in which he stated that ! Student Aid Funds have been grant ed to one Hood ftiver County public high school for the coming year The allotments are on a monthly basis and subject to readjustment during the year, according to need and use o f the funds by the various schools. Hood R iver High School hns been l granted $Ui All public schools are j eligible for such assistance under the •Student Aid regulations These funds go to many school throughout Oregon. Amounts assigned to Indi- | vidunl schools are dependent on the enrollment o f the school and the need for help In the particular locality. Disbursement o f the money Is hand led by the principal o f each school, and the students perform various jobs at th* school to earn their money. //tr f t ph ' x , i1 i1 ♦ • C AR E FR E E Mnn . Tuea . W ed '/k'ftà Youth Administration Makes Local Allotment NOW P LA Y IN G F ri., Sat. T H F C O NSCIE NC E OF TH E W O RLD Where is the conscience of the W orld* Must it forever he asleep W hile the nations kill* ; Can we forget in one short score of years Hoe Cortland, lionne» Ule, Hood Hiver Phone Bcott Bldg. Phone 3402 linter Auto Freight im PHYSICIAN Hood lUver I2«i Portland KA PAINTING— PA PER INC C. W . Hamilton. M. D. f h ) stcian and Surgeon O ffice, Hroelus Bldg O ffic e Phone 2741 Keeidenrs Phone 1742 Hood lU ver, Ore. ABSTRACTS Hood River Abstract 6 Investment Company A bstract* Insurance» E state D a n a 104 Third Street Hood River. Ore ELECTRIC SALES fr SERVICE L. C. Cheatham Phone Hood Hiver NEWSPAPER ACENCY