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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1938)
~Ü FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1938. PLAN SILVER TEA Canby Relief Corps No. 16 will hold a silver tea at the home of Mrs. Lou ise Volstorff on the H eights on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Bridge will be hostess. THREE THE BONNEVILLE DAM CHRONICLE Pierce Sees Westward Trek; Result of Dams Automobile Bodies and Fenders T hat Bonneville and Coulee Dams Nation. In this land economic refu will usher in a new w estw ard move gees will find new homes w here they ment, such as we had before our n a m ay raise the things they eat and tional frontiers vanished at the w at produce abundantly for oommerce. R e b u ilt - S tra ig h te n e d - P a in te d er’s edge of the Pacific Ocean, was The new w estw ard movement has al visioned by R epresentative W alter ready begun and with it has come a M. Pierce, who gave his views on revival of the pioneer spirit. Get our low prices Columbia R iver developm ent in an Navigation an d T ra n sp o rta tio n — before Congress late in Jan The Columbia and Snake Rivers Feb. 18 address Fri. uary. He stated: form a natural transportation route ♦ The Columbia River is the second by w ater through the very center of CECIL B. DeM ILLE’S LATEST largest in the United States. It is the N orthw est. The foresight of the TRIUM PH more than 2000 miles long, from its President has made possible not only source amid the eternal glaciers of irrigation and power development but ‘T H E BUCCAN EER” the, snow-capped Rockies to ocean w ater transportation which will Frederic March, F ranciska Gaal, level. This m ighty river, w ith its also carry inland empire products to the Akim Tam iroff, M argot Graham e, w atershed and adjacent areas, has ports of the world. There is a great W alter Brenan. Ian Kieth, and over 50 percent of all the undeveloped program ahead for the Columbia R iv hydro-electric power in the United er region, including the Snake River. Thousands more. States. It affords the greatest op The next dam will undoubtedly be creaton of th at m onum ental struc ectric power. The G overnm ent pro See Jean L afitte and his buccan portunity for electric power devel constructed jects will be carefully conducted and a t Um atilla Rapids, m ak ture. eers help Andrew Jackson and his opment anyw here in the world. Its ing slack w ater studied for the purpose of deciding The Yardstick— to the m outh of the Tennessee sharpshooters hold oif a falling w aters are well nam ed “white Snake River, and providing w ater The President has on m any occas definitely w hat should be the cost of B ritish Army and save the nation as coal,” and they afford rich compen navigation for the transportation of ions expressed his belief th a t the hydro-generation and of the tran s the guns roar in the B attle of New sation for the lack of abundant de products from adjacent lands irrig power developments on the Columbia mission of such current, the two fac Orleans. Ju st one of the thunderous posits coal, oil, and gas not yet ated by the Grand Coulee project- R iver would afford a yardstick by tors which, added to local distribu m om ents in this m ightiest of adven found in of commercial quantities in the G ates of the highest single locks of which the people of the N ation could tion costs, m ake the total cost of de ture rom ances. N orthw est. The w aters of the Co the world swung open a few days m easure their electric costs and livering electricity to the consum er. when chained and harnessed ago for the first passage of a river judge for them selves w hether or not To illustrate the yardstick principle, G rantland Rice Sport Reel an.l a lumbia, (Continued on Page Four.) for the production of hydro-electric boat through the Bonneville ship they were being overcharged for el- Musical. energy, will be more valuable than locks, given us by the President. all the anthracite beds of Pennsyl Soon ocean-going vessels will follow vania, the bituminous coal beds of the lead of the river craft, and pen Sat. and Sunday Feb. 19-20 Illinois, or the oil and gas fields of etrate to the inland seaport of The This immense quantity of Dalles, 200 miles from the ocean. John Barrym ore, John Howard, Lou Texas. power and energy will not be deplet Eventually there will be navigable AM BULANCE SERVICE ise Campbell, E. E. Clive in ed with time, but will endure so w ater on the Columbia and Snake 514 State Street Hood River,- Oregon Phone 1891 long as w ater flows, far outlasting Rivers for 600 miles. Thus, w ater “BULLDOG the dim inishing natural resources of transportation, supplemented by other sections of the country. trucks moving over the rem arkably D RU M M O ND S The N orthw est has 40 per cent of fine highw ay system s of the N orth REV EN G E" all the commercial standing tim ber west, will help to regulate and keep Also Screen Songs and Paragraphics of the United States. This is also within bounds the rates of the rail being made a perm anent asset roads, which have exacted such a through the sustained yield plan of heavy toll from our producers. CHIROPRACTOR cutting, now being developed through Repaym ents to Government— PLUMBING — HEATING Monday to Friday Feb. 21-25 the wisdom of this adm inistration. The electricity generated a t Bonne Dr. Earl J. Ivie Our w heat fields, our fisheries, our ville and G rand Coulee is a by-prod Chiropractic Physician fruit orchards, yield in abundance. “I M ET MY LOVE AGAIN” uct of these multi-purpose dams. B. B. Powell X-ray Diagnosis This fertile Columbia Basin is a land Navigation will bear its reasonable H enry Fonda and Joan B ennett in a of tem perate climate, ideally fitted Complete Electrotherapy of the cost of Bonneville, and Plumbing—Heating^-Sheet Metal sterling bit of screen entertainm ent. for the habitation of civilized man, portion Colonic Irrigation sale of electric power there generated Work Produced by W alter W anger and for those who love home and the will repay to the Federal Governm ent Franz Building greater than his “You Live Only land. Office hours 9 to 5 th at portion of the cost of the dam Phone 2552 310 Cascade Once.” Irrigation Farm ing— which m ay be fairly charged to the Phone Hood River 6951 The stupendous Grand Coulee Dam hydro - electric power system. The is prim arily an irrigation project. It farm ers who use the G rand Coulee LIFE INSURANCE wil m ake it possible to pump w ater w ater for irrigation will repay a rea DENTISTS over a million and a quarter acres, sonable porton of the expense of the constituting the greatest single ir rigation project in all the land. Ron E. Dreske Dr. L. R. Alexander Cheap electricity for pumping w ater Life Insurance onto now barren lands will come not only from G rand Coulee, but also D entist — M edical Bldg. Hall Building from other power plants in the Co lum bia Basin, which will m ake avail Friday Only Hood River, Oregon Feb. 18 Phone 2021 R es. 8144 able thousands of acres of rich land, Phone 6444 What Finer Recreation? THE CISCO KID RIDES AGAIN ! ! freed from dependence upon the un certainties of rainfall. It is clearly R eturn showing the thrilling w ithin the facts to state th at this AUTO FREIGHT “ROBIN HOOD OF J. W arner Henderson development will afford at least 100,- 000 new homes on irrigated lands, ELD O R A D O ” D .M .D . here farm ing m ay be conducted W arner Baxter, Margot, J. Carroll w under Lester Auto Freight ideal conditions. These proj Naish, Bruce Cabot. Absolutely tops Dentist — Scott Bldg. ects will affect directly the lives of on Second Street, Hood River in w estern type spine-chilling enter Phone 4801 R es. 5413 a million or more people, and indi C igarettes — Tobacco — Cigars Portland, Bonneville, Hood River tainm ent. Don’t miss it! rectly react helpfully upon the entire Phone Hood River 1261 OPTOMETRIST Portland KA. 7800 Saturday only Feb. 19 PASCADIAty BARTOL M O T O R CO. Anderson Funeral Home BUSINESS DIRECTORY RIALTO Pool — Billiards archbank’s MIRIAM HOPKINS and RAY MILLAND in R ay’s Transfer Local and Long Distance Moving 306 State Street Phone 6571 “W ISE GIRL” S aturday M atinee: “THE V IG IL A N TES” ; also Donald Duck in “ DONALD’S OSTRICH.” Not«. Our surprise m idnight m ati nee this Saturday evening is prob ably the finest motion picture ever shown as a preview and we have shown some really fine ones. Suffice to say th at it presents the recent Male Academy Award winner in the greatest role—never before shown in Hood River and a picture m ade for those who can take it. Sunday only PAINTING. PAPERING CALCIMINING L. C. Cheatham Phone Hood River 5892 Feb. 20 DOUBLE FEA TU RE: Jan e W ithers, Thomas Beck in NEWSPAPER AGENt “ FORTY-FIVE FA TH ERS” Edm und Lowe and Ann Todd in Oregonian Agency “ Murder on Diamond Row” Mon., Tu., Wed. Feb. 21-22-23 DOUBLE FEATURE: Clarke Gable. W allace Beery, in "HELL DIVERS” Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy “NAUGHTY '"MARIETTA” M Y SERV IC E can mean so much to you! It can give you the joy of talking to old friends, to loved ones in other places. Don’t reserve it for emergencies alone! After 7 p. m. (all night to 4:30 a. m.), the N IG H T rates to most Long Distance points are in effect and are especially attractive. The same low rates are m effect ah day Sundays. Just call or dial Long Distance and state your wishes. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Phone 1542 Emery Cotton, Mgr. Address 209 Sherm an W. P. EDLING Penn C. Crum, Opt. D. Optometrist and Optician Scott Bldg. Phone 2402 R es. 1171 PHYSICIAN C. W . Hamilton, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office, Bro8lus Bldg. Office Phone 3741 Residence Phone 3742 Hood River, Ore. ABSTRACTS Hood River Abstract & Investment Company A bs tracts—Insurance—Real EstafeP— Loans 104 Third Street Hood River, Ore. ELECTRIC SALES AND SERVICE L e t s Electric Shop Radio and Electrical Service Oregon Journal Jhons 5857 Hood Ri»• Phone 1791 210 Oak RL