Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1937)
T H E KOLK Cascade Locks w w w w w w w w w w w w w ^vw * (Continued from Page One) In Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tharp spent Wednesday in Vancouver, Wash, and Portland. Ore., on business. In Portland Mr. and Mrs. Lee Murray visited Mrs. Murray’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Delaney in Portland Saturday. ♦ Leaves for Corvallis Mrs. Bert Nelson and two daugh ters, Elli and Barbara, left Monday for Corvallis to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tay lor. ♦ Dinner Guest Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abischer en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Har rison and son, Tommy, to dinner Thursday night. ♦ Johnsons Have Son Doctor and Mrs. M. E. Johnson of North Bend are the proud parents of a son, born November 16. The baby has been named Garry Robert. ♦ At Newport C. L. Atkins spent the week-end in Newport. ♦ At Oceanlake Mr. and Mrs. W. Ivan Embree. and daughter, Gyda Anne, spent the week-end at Oceanlake. ♦ Goose H u n t i n g Melvin Harrington, Mr. Fisher, and B O N N E V I L L E DAM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1937 C H R O N I C L E evening. A delicious Melvin Viele of Portland went goose Tuesday hunting at Blalock. All returned chicken dinner was served. Those enjoying the dinner were Mr. and without a goose. Mrs. Charles Haggblom, Mrs. Karl ♦ Rosenback, Erick Haggblom, Helen In Parkdale Rosenback, Lawrence and Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rosenback and Haggblom, the honored guest, George Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenback were in Parkdale Sunday visiting at Mr. Haggblom, and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Harris and and Mrs. E. E. Goodrich’s home. son, Jerry, of Hood River, were Sun ♦ day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. In Portland C. E. Cams. Mr. and Mrs. Art Warren and son, Marion Jarvis from Chicago was a Arty, spent Saturday in Portland. visitor of the Ottis McKinnon home Archie Douville spent Tuesday in Sunday. Portland. Andy Johnson formerly of Cascade ♦ Locks was in town Sunday visiting Mrs. James Rasmussen left Tues friends and relatives. James Crowley, who has been vis day morning for Corvallis to visit iting at the Prohaska home for the her parents. Miss Donna Davidson, Horace past two weeks, has returned to his Wilson, Edward Arnold were guests home in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Matheny enter of Miss Jeanne Orvis Saturday even tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strader ing. Arthur Lovell, former Cascade and son, Daryl Sunday with a lovely Locks youth, is visiting his parents, dinner. Mrs. Ivan Embree and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lovell. Mr. Gyda Anne, Mrs. Harriet Waite, and Lovell lives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Pauly and son, Ar- Mrs. L. L. Sprague were shopping vin, and Mrs. Eleanor O’Neil were in Portland Thursday and Friday. Joe Morris is spending a few days visitors at the home of Mrs. Harriet Wait. Mrs. O’Neil is staying for an in Walla Walla, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hatton spent indefinite visit. the week-end in Portland. Mrs. Charles Haggblom entertained Mrs. J. H. Turnipseed and Joanna at a luncheon Friday Mr. and Mrs. John Semple and Mrs. Freda Hend spent Saturday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris enter rick of Milwaukie, Mrs. Karl Rosen back, Eleanor Sprague and Mrs- tained Frank Rennick of Bonneville Tuesday night to a delicious dinner. George Haggblom. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Purion of Omak, Wash., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sprague for a few days this week. Mr. Sprague and Mrs. Purion are brother and sister. Mrs. George Haggblom was hostess to a birthday party for her husband Cascadian Theatre FRIDAY, SA TU RD A Y, SU N D A Y Marlene Dietrich, Mervyn Douglass, Herbert Marshall in Ernst Lubitch’s ANGEL M ON. T U E S., W ED., T H U R S. Rialto Theatre Nov. 26-27 FRIDAY and SA TU R D A Y Joe E. Brown in Leslie Howard, Joan Blondell FRIDA Y-SATURDAY-SUNDAY DEC. 3-4-5 ANN SHERIDEN, JOHN LITEL, GEO. E. STONE, GORDON OL IVER, MARY MACQUIRE In ALCATRAZ ISLAND Red & White Store SP E C IA LS Fri., Sat., N ov. 2 6 and 27 9c. 19c. 29c SALE TOMATOES Blue and White, 2%s FIT FOR A KING 9c SUNBRITE CLEANSER BEETS With Helen Mack Nov. 28 SU N D A Y O NLY Nov. 29-30-Dec. 1 STAND IN EPPING’S I Nov. 26-27-28 Ugene Fancy Diced. 2 for 9c 2 Cans 9c No. 2 cans SOUTHERN RICE Extra Fancy Jessie Mathews in GANGWAY 4 lbs. 19c SYRUP Red & White. 2 % 29c cans Also LADY FIGHTS BACK MACARONI and SPAGHETTI Red & White. 14-oz pkg. SALMON Red & White. M ONDAY, T U E SD A Y , W ED . Nov. 29-30-Dec. 1 First Time Ever Shown in Hood River—that Greatest oi All Thrillers: 9 for 29c Regular size BEANS 4 lbs. 19c Small White Idaho COFFEE LIVES OF A BENGAL LANCER lb. 23c Matchless FLOUR Blue Bell 49-lb. bag $1.59 LUX FLAKES 9c Ask Your Red A White Dealer How to get an $18.75 Sara Wright Elec- trie Mixer for only $9.98. Gary Cooper. Franchot Tone. C. Aubrey Smith. Sir Guy Standing, and Thousands More THURSDAY ONLY 1-lb. can 29c Fancy Copper River Sockeye. WHITE SOAP P. & G. 2 for 29c DEC. 2 JEAN PARKER, DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY in Life Begins With Love The Ideal Christmas Gift. Fruit and Vegetables GRAPES 3 lbs. 19c ONIONS 3 bunches 9c Grape Fruit 5 for 29c SPINACH 2 lbs. 9c CARROTS 3bu. 9c APPLES 6 lbs. 19c