MUDAI', MARCH lì«, 19R7 T H E B O N N E V I L L E DAM C H R O N I C L E THREE Scenes and Persons in the Current News Chicago Coeds Shake a Mean Leg 1—F ren ch officialdom assem bles a t cerem onies in which a bust of the late Myron T. H errick, A m erican am bassad o r to F ran ce, is unveiled. 2—A rthur J. A ltm eyer, recently appointed chairm an of the social se­ curity board to succeed John G. Winant. 3—B atallion of the fam ous International brigade credited with sav­ ing M adrid from assaults of the rebels. U niversity of Chicago coeds “ swing it” in reh earsals for the annual show of the M irror, w om en’s dram atic society. A tower of the famous old school looms in the background, gazing down austerely or, the modern collegiate chorus girls. Left, to right: M arjorie Kuh, F ran k ie Burns. M arjorie Ryser, Louise Huffaker. See Your Voice as Others Hear It The gadget being dem onstrated here by Mme. Sara Kopelle, m ovie d ram a coach, and Nan Grey, film actress in Hollywood, is called the kym ograph. Developed by a London physicist, the device reg isters by graph the vibrations of the hum an voice, m aking m istakes in speech plainly visible. It is being used in the train in g of actors and actresses. G. B. Shaw Sits for the Sculptor NEW SOVIET OFFICIAL G eorge B ernard Shaw, B ritish playw right and caustic critic of m od­ ern life (left), pictured in London with the sculptor Sava Botzaris and the bust which sculptor Sava Botzaris is m aking of him which is to be cast in bronze and gilt. A recent photograph of Vice P re m ier Valery Ivanovitch Mezhlauk, who has been appointed to the post of co m m issar of heavy industry of the U. S. S. R. to succeed Gregory K. Ordjonikidze, who died recently Mezhlauk is well known in the United States, having traveled ex­ tensively about industrial centers here. He is an exponent of A m eri­ can m ethods of production. Vision of the 1939 Golden Gate Exposition A vision of the 1939 Golden G ate International exposition, now rising from the w aters of San F rancisco bay. This is A rchitectural A rtist Chesley B onestell’s conception of th a t section of the 400-acre exposition which faces Y erba Buena island and the B ay bridge, and is a t rig h t angles to the m ain gateway. Savant Discovers New Comet Dr. F red L. Whipple of the H arvard observatory, who announced recently the discovery of a new sm all com et in the constellation Canes Venatici (the hunting dogs), is shown in his office at H arvard univer­ sity, checking over negatives m ade a t night of the stars. The com et, which ha a tail about “ one degree long” and is of the twelfth m agnitude, was discovered by the astronom er when he exam ined a photographie plate he had taken.