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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1937)
KH. UT T II K B ü N N K V I L L E D A M CH KONIOL K FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 19S7 must be some basic statement in law of the rights involved in the employ er-employe relationship. We are (Review of ‘ ‘That Other America” floundering in major difficulties by John A. Mackay) ( AM MIK I.OCKS CHURCH from which we can emerge by only Cascade Locks Chamber of Com (Mrs. J. G. Rumhuugh> Sunda>, January 17 one road: We must have a legal merce — Merrill’s dining room, Since the Peace conference in Rev. L. G. Weaver, pastor statement of the rights of labor. Tuesdays, noon. South America the reading public (By Jay C. Hormel) Sunday school, 10 A.M. In most respects our laws covet Bonneville Parent-Teachers Associa has been doing much research work Morning Service, 11 A.M. ing the rights of property seem ade Reprinted by special permission of tion — First Wednesday every of that country. "That Other Amer Young people’s meeting will be quate. But the rights of labor are the American Legion Monthly. month, study club at 1:30, regular ica” is a most interesting short book not adequately protected. The reason held jointly with the Bonneville meeting at 2:30 in Bonneville grade of 200 pages containing more facts Whoever oiiginated the idea that for property rights and labor rights group at the Civic auditorium in school auditorium. and figures of historical, political Bonneville at 6:30 P.M. Miss Sybil employers and employes have their coming into conflict is that the dis- i Bridal Veil Lodge, No. 117, A.F. and and religious interest than many Tucker will speak. Final arrange interests necessarily opposed has a pute is usually concerned with the j A.M. — School house. Latourelle books of twice its size. division of available income which is | ments will be made Sunday morning. fails, second Saturday in each It starts out by comparing this lot to answer for when he comes to jointly earned by the property and Ladies’ Aid will meet with Mrs. month. Visiting Masons welcome. America as being founded by the judgment. Intelligent employers and by the labor of the people who work j James Rasmussen Thursday after Cascade Yacht Club-Model room of Puritans who were pitched here by intelligent employes both know that there. noon. new administration building, Fri the world as Robinson Crusoe was unless the business succceeds and Before now the world has fre j shipwrecked. They created freedom unless the people who work in it quently been torn by a conflict of days. 8 P.M. BON N K V ILLE COMM U N IT Y rtf a home unit—not intermarrying are well treated, it cannot continue Cascade Locks City Council—Council CHURCH interests. As long as either of two natives while that other America and they will all be losers. chambers, Mondays, at 8 P.M. conflicting interests—in the situation Civic Auditorium Most people want to be fair. I want was founded by religious saints, Don Cascade Locks Boy Scouts — High under consideration, this interest is E. J. Aschenbrenner, Minister Quixiote and Sancho Panzho—who to give value for value whether school, Tuesdays, 8 P.M. that of labor—remains unprotected ;hey meet payrolls or draw pay en 10 A. M. Sunday School. were a combination of idealistic Bonneville Boy Scouts—Grade school by laws which state its rights, the 11 A. M. Morning worship. souls with material wealth obtained velopes. This is how it looks to me unprotected group has effective re auditorium, Tuesdays, 7 P.M. 6:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor from natives. The culture of Spanish after a good many years as an em Cascade Locks Townsend Club -Odd service. The young people from gentlemen flourished 200 years be ployer. Y"et we have in this country course only to force and violence. Fellows hall, first and third Fri Cascad: : Locks will be special guests fore this America, but ideals were j cf ours a situation where despite the Each time in the history of the world days, 8 P.M. when such a conflict became too at this service lost to appetites when they made fair-minded majorities on both sides serious for comfort, laws were de Rehekahs -Cascadia lodge, Cascade Miss Sybil Tucker of Portland, of the fence, violent strife frequently slaves of the natives. Locks, first and third Wednesdays veloped which stated the current district director of religious educa breaks out. How can this occur? This book is concerned in the of each month, Odd Fellow's nail, tion of the Methodist church, will be It arises because neither the work opinion of the rights involved. As we emergence in both Americas into 8 P.M. developed such laws in shape satis- j with us for the entire Sunday. She communities that shall contain, at er nor his boss is, under existing factory to the majority, enforcement Damsite post, Veterans of Foreign will address the children in Sunday conditions, always free to act as lib once, the pattern and seed of New Wars — First and Third Mondays, of the stated rights became a com - 1 school, and will be the speaker at Americas where common loyalty erally as he desires in dealing with i paratively simple task involving no j meeting room of administration the morning worship service. In the commands both the eternal anil the the other fellow. An employer, no violence. building, 8 P.M. evening she will have a message for matter how fair his intentions, can unconditional needs of its people. Is it not, then, apparent that there | the young people. We are urging all not raise wages greatly if his com This America had not penetrated EXAMINER COMING the irents of our Sunday school to petitors will not. Any attempt to set exists a way by which we can avoid 100 miles from the Atlantic seaboard C. M. Bentley, state examiner of be -sent at these morning services. an example of higher wage scales the violence which has appeared in in 100 years, for the Anglo-Saxon operators and chauffeurs, will be in the relationship between labor and coloPomzed with their own families | to equally efficient competitors may Hood River Tuesday, January 19, at put him in receivership by increas capital? Is it not plain that we can NOTES FROM SALEM and growth was slow and conserva-1 the court house, from 9 A.M. to 5 ing his labor costs more than he can quickly end this lawlessness by re Governor Charles H. Martin, who tive. P.M. All persons wishing permits or get back in his selling price. One re moving the underlying cause, by de just a few days before the general John A. Mackay, the author, is a licenses to drive cars should see Mr. veloping laws which state the rela election in November called upon the Scotch scholar and world traveler. calcitrant may block an entire in Bentley during those hours. tive rights of capital and of labor people of this state to vote “ no” on He has a catchy way of naming his dustry’s desire to do better for the on a basis which meets the approval people on its payrolls. all the measures on the ballot, told chapters Peaks and Caverns (good I t ’s when a woman has such a cold No wonder that both the employer of a majority of our people? the legislature in joint session Mon points and bad points). Craters (rev that a man can’t talk above a whis Until we have such a method day that the people had issued their olutions), Evangelistic Mirrors (re and the employe sometimes under per that a man is able to make him working smoothly, we cannot hope mandate by their overwhelming flections end comparisons of relig these conditions feel despair or re self heard. sort to inherently undesirable meth to avert industrial violence. Until “ no” vote. ions in both Americas), and Chal- j then it is useless to look for law and In this the governor cautioned thej lenges—only five chapters—and such ods. The employer who wants to be order to be maintained in the face solona to abstain from making any t a world of information one has to fair may have his hands tied. The of industrial injustice arising from new laws that would increase the- read and re-read it to get half the employe who feels that he is gettting a raw deal and has no hope of any either side of the fence. Only when debt of the state or add any new facts. other effective remedy for his troub this basic cause of lawlessness is re taxes. He called attention to the That other America has a large les reaches for a hefty club. Yet the moved shall we have taken a long fact that Oregon now stands ahead mission in Chili, 3800 acres, with 50 fact remains that such industrial step toward maintaining unshaken of her sister states without a def Indian families on it. It is a great strife contains the seed of revolu those American institutions which icit, and with $200,000 surplus. “ Come one, come all, this rock agricultural project under the new tions exactly like some we have seen we cherish above all others. Other recommendations in the Agrarian shall fly development, something in message, given at the opening ses wholly religious in true fellowship. upset democratic government From its stern base as soon as I.*’ other lands. sion of the 39th legislature, were: Lincoln, once hearing a man speak Whoever made this awesome It is self supporting and is headed by One of our gravest national needs abusively of another, advised him to threat "That the entire bonded debt of Dr. D. S. Bullock and E. E. Reed the state can be eliminated by I960. of the United States. It is the most is a method to remove the basic put all his invective into a letter. * ras miles from George Howe’s "That the state budget is balanced ideal life in the world, being a mir reason for industrial violence. We The letter was written, and read to grub, you b et! need not undertake any program and that there be no deviations from ror of Christian living. Lincoln, who commended it for its For he’d have fled from rocks aimed at reforming the morals of that budget that would call for extra severity. The writer was pleased, and stones Mr. Mackay's closing chapter dis the world, nor need we indulge in and asked him, "H ow would you ad If he’d have sniffed friend closes the fact that the other Amer revenue. “ That we must steer a sound and ica is exactly like this America. It any other form of impractical ideal vise me to send it?” Howe’s T-bones! sensible course that will keep us is seeking the phenomena of new ism. There exist facts to be ob "Send it?” said Lincoln. “ Oh, I from disaster on the rocks of soppy conditions of living—a new type of served. From these it should be pos wouldn’t send it. I sometimes write sible for us to draw some accurate sentimentality and the equally dan personality. a letter like that, and it does me conclusions for avoiding the very gerous reefs of the greedy vicious, good, but I never send it.” — The He says both Roman Catholic and vested interests opposed to the com Protestant religions have lost their real dangers of violent industrial American Magazine. Cascade Locks strife. mon good.” power in both Americas and yet al It long since became apparent to Taking cognizance of the toll be most everyone, everywhere is seek Chronicle want-ads for results. ing exacted by the maritime strike, ing the Eternal life through these the general public that labor does not always get its just due. The need; expressions of peaks and caverns, the governor said: "W e must not tolerate any activ craters, mirrors and daily chal for getting labor its due brought col lective bargaining into existence. ity which tends to divide the people lenges. Obviously, collective bargaining is of the nation or this state into “ We are one in Christ, one in sor ineffective if the other fellowT says classes that appear hostile to each row,” as Mr. Mackay says. “ No.” The next natural step was other.” mass action. But mass action can be Following caucuses Sunday night DR. JOHNSON ILL effectual only as it becomes violent in which full slates were written for Dr. M. E. Johnson of Cascade and lawless. will taste mighty good these days. And our dishes are each house, Harry D. Boivin, demo Locks will never again laugh at the Thus we have as a common spec crat of Klamath Falls, was elected “hot stu ff’ in more ways than one! joke about the postman going for a tacle in our national life strikes of speaker of the house, and Frank M. hike on his holiday. varying degrees of violence and law Franciscovich, republican, of As Dr. Johnson fell ill with a bad cold lessness, some of these going to such toria, was given the gavel of the the first of this week, and has since extremes that they are deplored by senate. been prescribing for drop-in patients even the most enthusiastic support from his own bedside. Mrs. Johnson ers of collective bargaining. Nor is Total capacity of exisiing electric Hal Rolf Jimmy is doing everything she can to help there any use pleading for law and generating plants in Oregon is 484,- him. order so long as we tolerate injus oOO horsepower. Others on the sick list include Bob tice and fail to provide any lawful, Wineland, who was taken to Hood orderly method for righting unjust River hospital by Lou Morgan yes conditions. terday, suffering a severe case of Collective bargaining cannot be to pneumonia: Ralph Williams of the any important degree effective if we West Coast Power company, influ simultaneously enforce our present W e congratulate the Lakeside Hotel on engaging a enza : Bob Morgan, who has had a laws. Law enforcement would pre- boil, and Ted McGarrigle, who has if the only kind of mass action chef who’s an expert on all kinds of dishes, and will give been in bed a week with a touch gets results. And we seem to be tourists something to r>member our fair city by of flu. under the impression that mass ac tion is the only means of enforcing Although it is the proper thing collective bargaining. This impres- CALIFORNIA When trimming off a tree, - on is incorrect. Sam did not use his safety sling In this misconception lies our sole And dowm he fell — A h ! M e' difficulty. There is open an effective Sl . 1 hs W BRANDY way to enforce collective bargain R om a W in e Com pany Inc. lodi. Calif. West Coast department store sales ing without resort to force. But be gained 11 per cent in 1936 over 1935. fore we can make use of it there C h u rch e s BOOK REVIEW M eetin g s Labor and th e L a w m odernized poem s lakeside hotel Hot Stuff Bonny Villa Taven PROGRESS ROMA Eight-Forty <*io iShCOCfiAC 0 West Coast Power Co.