T H K FOI' K THE BONNEVILLE DAM CHRONICLE llou ii lüVKIl. OREGON Ofi'iciiil | ..|"T <if oily of Cascade Oregon. Official ]ml)lical ion for American Legion post No. 8 8 . Bonneville, SI'USC 1't I PTION KATES Three months .............. $0.50 six months ........................ On»* year ................................ $2.00 $i.oo Entered a*« second class matter at the postoffice at Hood River, Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. JOHN 1!. TRAVIS.........................Editor HUGH A. <COTT.. Associate Editor i'uldislml every Friday in the Interests of the Bonneville Dam area by the niii Publishing Company, Ine. B O X N K V I L I, K we’ll take that chance, and print our warning anyhow. Icy sidewalks and stairs are just as dangerous to pedestrians as icy streets are to automobiles. “ Be careful!’’ is the incessant cry. Some folks won’ t be careful, some folks forget to be careful, some folks remember but aren’t quite careful enough. Every winter takes its toll of sprains and broken bones. Our suggestion: Take every step with the feeling that it may be the one before the fall. Walk mincingly, with short strides. Test innocent looking snow—there may be ice be neath. Be prepared to catch yourself if you do fall. Pockets are no place ! for your hands when you slip. Bet ter wear gloves. W oops! Just barely caught your self that time, didn’t you? I) A M FRUÍA Y, J A N U A R Y 15, 1»3? C H II O X I C I- K A F R IE N D L Y S U G G E S T I O N F O R M R . D A S H A way from me M y spirit free Doth follow with much sympathy. The dupes that go Through falling snow In search of bleak absurdity. By H . A . S. N o w who's so wise That they 'd surmise The snow was placed for their surprise. A n d then "sw oof" down W ith muffled sound To choke their agonizing cries. N o w I ’m quite sure There is one cure N o need this freezing spine endure If you're so pert W h y not exert A n d button up your open shirt. — W E S T W A R D HO! Odd Shots — Charley Huelat of the Leonora specialty shop must be credited with the year's snappiest comeback so far—even if he can only be credited with putting an old gag in. new dress. Charley was pretty warmly wrapped up Friday morning (those of you with long memories will re member why) when he walked past T. W. Fletcher, genial office worker at Duckwall’s. “ You can always tell an old man!” called Fletcher. “ Yes, but you can’ t tell him much!” Huelat snapped back. * * * The Hood River hospital is nothing else if not loyal to the surrounding territory. Dessert for our first luncheon there last week was half a baked apple. “ Westward the star of Empire takes its way.” People who insist on staying in These oft-quoted words of Ban doors simply because of slippery croft, historian, hold for us in the driving conditions are missing some great Northwest a peculiar signifi H .E .C . * * » of the grandest scenery they’ ll ever cance. For this star which has been have a chance to see. in the vanguard of the march of cen Funny places, these hospitals. We The entire gorge and valley are turies appears now to rest station LAND TR A N SA C TIO N S additional strength to markets and were supposed to be all well, and transformed by the ministrations of ary on the summit of the Cascades. had got almost downstairs on our Two weeks of December 23 to Jan prices for farm products. winter. Take even a short stroll It has reached its destination. It can way out, when a nurse caught us uary 6. Compiled from data fur- In respect to farm costs, the report through the snow, with your eyes go no farther west. The shores of and made us walk back up and ride open to the beauty of it, and you’ ll the Pacific mark the terminus of its nished by the Hood River Abstract shows a 5-point advance in prices down on the elevator. paid by farmers for commodities • * • see. You needn’ t so much as leave leadership. There is no farther West, & Investment company. J. O. Jones and the State of Ore used in production and living, com your house, if you really must stay! Shoving off from our shores, you Sickness seems to be pretty prev gon, ground lease for parcel of land pared with a year ago. The purchas inside, to appreciate the wondrous- go East! alent at the moment. The exact per And the Empire is here—make no near Viento for consideration of ing power of farm products in ex centage which might be described as ness of snow on fir boughs, and the cupped drifts on every post and twig. doubt about it. And how rapidly it $16.66. Lease to expire June 21, 1937. change for commodities usually New Year’s Eve disease is difficult Oregon Lumber Co. to R. C. bought by farmers is estimated to be But the really grand views are ob has come ! Search the history of the to determine. Ramey, 10.15 acres in Woodworth 94 per cent of the pre-war average. • • • tained from conventional vantage nations through, and I doubt if you This is 5 points higher than a year points, with the entire landscape al will find any empire developed in so Acres for consideration of $366. No chances with tricky togas or Mr. and Mrs. Irwin A. Heft to R. ago and the most favorable relation tered by the snow. Mount Hood and short a time. But a hundred years slipping sashes were taken by a. Mount Adams are spread in different ago, Whitman and his companions Insinger, 26 acres of land near Sum ship for agriculture that has existed ladies’ aid society we heard of, who colors on different canvases, and landed at Walla Walla. That date mit station. Dated November 10, since the year 1929, except from spent an afternoon “ sewing on the August to October this year when even the hills in their new winter marks the beginning of the settle filed December 26. Christmas play.” First National bank to Mr. and the relationship was even more fa costumes for the ment of the Oregon country—the be clothes will bear looking at. * * * vorable to farmers than at present. Mrs. Walter Nack, a 2-3 interest and If you’re really ambitious, and in ginning of the great trek to the A municipal lottery is suggested The report, which is available from pretty good trim, a long hike into Northwest. Now we have an empire to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Isbell a 1-3 in Portland by Commissioner Ben interest in estate and 20 acres lo county agricultural boards, contains the hills will more than pay for —splendid and populous cities, mar nett We think the taxpayers take cated about 2V; miles south of Hood farm price data and other informa itself. There’s a lot of fun in follow velous natural and cultivated re enough gambling risks already at River. tion on a large number of farm prod and a commerce that ing animal tracks through the snow, sources, the biennial elections. E. J. Cowlishaw to the state of reaches round the world—all brought ucts of importance in agriculture of watching the squirrels at their win • * * Oregon, parcels of land south of Oregon, showing the relative posi ter antics, and experiencing the to pass within a hundred years! Social climber: One who cannot Is it any wonder that the eyes of Parkdale for a consideration of $3000. tion of each compared with the gen thrill of coming across an occasional Dated August 15. filed December 28. square herself with her own circle. eral average and conditions which all our eastern cousins are focused bear track. * * • P. B. Silkworth to Mr. and Mrs. have existed during other years and All right, curse the snow if you upon us? There is our salubrious Howard C. Johnson, around 40 acres periods. New name for janitresses: Sweep must. It's a nuisance in most ways, climate, temperate and benign. There ing beauties. we’ ll agree. But your blasphemies is the wonder of our mountains—our in the Mt. Hood district. Dated April would die on your lips if you would scenery. The man who writes, “ See> 1, filed January 2. P L E A F O R H O S P IT A L Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Homan to view it ns it should be viewed—and America First’’ must come to the Economists no sooner quit worry SUPPORT GOES O U T Northwest to feature his superlative Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander, joint how the farmers love it ! ing about the depression than they scenes. The dam area has right at its tenancy deed. Dated December 16, start worrying about a boom. This An urgent plea for support for the front door a wonder of the world— filed January 2. CRIM E STILL W IT H US paper will give two glass inner tubes Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ferguson to Doernbecher Children's hospital was Recurrence of dastardly crimes in the mighty gorge of the Columbia. to anyone who can figure out a set Duckwall Bros., Inc., parcel of land transmitted this week to the Sun by up under which the economists. World travelers will tell you there is America such as the kidnaping and brutal murder of the little Mattson no river trip to be found that is com near East Barrett school for consid Miss Bessie Williams, county health would have nothing to worry about nurse. eration of $1800. * * * boy in Tacoma causes many people parable. The hospital has provided frequent Mr. and Mrs. Harleigh Glass to There are our mountains — great to wonder if civilization is taking a The gorge enjoyed rather low tem backward turn. In view of the white dominating sentinels that send Paul Silkworth, 20 acres of land in service for children of Hood River peratures during the past week. Sev shrewdness and canniness of modern their copious wealth of water c a s -1 the Mt. Hood district. Dated January county, according to Miss Williams, eral society dames were noticed and has also cared for children from crimes, one is apt to stop and pon cading down their granite canyons, 11, 1936, filed January 2, 1937. hereabouts acquiring icy stares. Bertha Huggins, as trustee for every county in the state, 90 per cent * * • der. Certainly the philanthropic and that bring the life-giving fluid to Lindsay Hill Spight and Prudence of whom are unable to pay for treat our fields, and make that liquid fire good will agencies in modern civil Then there was the guy who asked ization must do much to offset the to give us light as well as power to Spight, to Melissa E. Hill, a bargain ment. the waitress for a roast leg of lamh, Supported by funds from the state and sale deed for lot in Hull's sub dastardly nets of the fiends of the drive our machinery. and all he got was the cold shoulder- higher educational system, the hos These invaluable resources of ours division to Hood River. present day. * * • Mr. and Mrs. William Fuger to pital faces money shortage due to What is the enuso of present-day our livable climates, fertile soil. Real estate men are wearing wide spread crime? The Yakima Re unrivaled forests, fishing industries, J. B. Laber, conveys to Alta Laber shrinkage in property evaluation smiles these days. Heck, all through The hospital guild is sponsoring a public some time ago laid some mining possibilities are megaphon part of an acre of land in Cascade the depression they had lots to be bill in the current legislature for an blame on the ineffectiveness of the ing an irresistable call to others. The Locks. Dated December 22, filed thankful for. additional appropriation of $34,464, pulpit. The Bend Free Press last trek to the Northwest will continue. January 6. » * * and asks citizens and organizations week charged the schools with fail They will come to us in large num to urge their legislators to support Some people won’t be satisfied ing in their mission. But if one bers in the years just ahead. The FARM PU RCH ASIN G PO W ER empire will double its population. with the milk of human kindness, N E A R IN G P R E -W A R N O R M AL the measure. thinks broadly on the problem, he What of our future citizenry? Will but insist on having the cream too. will see that u people such ns now • * • we have “ men and women to match Market prices at mid-December Too Bad lives in America, advancing in men our mountains?’’ After all, the indicated that the general level of tality, in business, in science, in Jake, the genial gentleman who Persons who have slipped on iey government, in social welfare, in greatness of an empire lies in the farm prices in Oregon has advanced runs a shoe repair shop near the sidewalks during the past few days education, would naturally grow race of men and women it develops. somewhat during the past month Hood River hotel, has an excellent may well wish for the good old times smarter and shrewder and perhaps We have great things to measure up according to a review of the agri memory. In 25 years of cobbling, he when there weren't any sidewalks- to. • * * more brutal in crime. cultural situation just released by says he has never returned the the OSC agricultural extension ser wrong pair of shoes to a customer. It may not be pleasant to think, Congress is in session again, and Skiing is back with us again, and vice. This trend is similar to that of thnt as wo advance in civilization, Never, that is, until this week, we may soon expect some major we must cope with more vigorous once more a carmine face becomes farm prices in the country as a when he not only gave the wrong ascents of hot-air balloons. crime, but we must face the prob a badge of honor rather than a badge whole, and in line with recent trends pair of boots to a man but told the • • * lems as well as enjoy the luxuries of shame. in consumer purchasing power as man, who returned with the boots, We understand young Senator indicated by industrial payrolls and that no mistake had been made. o f our growing civilization. Anyway Rush Holt of West Virginia will not To be great is to be misunderstood, it seems that federal and state law business activity. Later the real owner of the boots get a slice of patronage pie. Looks said Emerson, but there ain't room in Compared with a year previous, showed up. and Jake doesn’t know enforcing agencies have advanced in like he's going to be kept pure io the halls of fame for all the hus their lines also, and our hope is that the Oregon farm price index for what to do. He is distressed by hav spite of himself. bands in America. their efficiency can bo so developed November, at S4 per cent of the 1926- ing made an error, but more dis * • • that safety of all our people, from 1930 average, was up 12 points, or tressed to think that somebody has Well, folks, the joke factory is We fail to find the Schmeling- approximately 16 per cent. This com the wrong shoes. murderers, gungsters and kidnapers closing down for another week. Sec Louis fight pictures listed with the pares with a gain of 14 points, or 19 can some day be assured. “ I’ve lost a pair of feet,” Jake 10 best movies of the year. per cent in factory payrolls in the says. He’d like to see the man who you all at the inauguration. SLIPS COUNT! United States, and 15 points, or 17 has them. Such are the totally unpredictable ¡ Federal Power Commission reports per cent in general business activity, j Approximately 81 per cent of the habits of the weather that by the how tregon and Washington to from October 1935 to October 1936. TwoKe persons were killed in' people of Oregon now use electricity time this editorial appears, its en-, have the lowest average electric prought-made scarcity of some farm Portland traffic accidents during De - . or live within the limits of free ser- lire force may have been lost. But rates in the nation. products has been a factor giving cember. j v j c e connections. TO T H E SNOW — * * m