"" '■■" '.'.M L': '■ 1 RMBOXICI.B IRS HAS the C ar you NINE W ant ! We have so many orders Location B IL ITY MWWU. .. * . tor the NEW FORD for With the two engine sizes Ciu»e t h 2 y a re One for maximum performance with good economy [ED WITH A LIVED UP TO One for maximum economy with good performance i)cet deUy your inspection. That we are having difficulty in showing them to you. However cars are arriving every day id a*. I» $ 7 7 5 .0 0 and we can promise delivery soon. rv [SEDAN [SEDANS. W e do have for sale the following U $ 7 5 .0 0 up s impany Hood River C A R S E D 1 QQfi Ford Tudor. Less than 9 0 0 0 mi,es- Excellent condition. d . ..................................................... $ 6 0 0 .0 0 | 9 3 5 Ford DeLuxe Touring Fordor. Motor reconditioned. k USED CARS ^*C ^un', ,Coich and is good $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $225.00 S 50.00 $275.00 — TRUCKS - TRUCKS ^ Base Dodge Truck 7 f111 overhauled. good rubber $675.00 $175.00 $125.00 $325.00 rff Good rubber. Guaranteed ................................................................. $ 5 7 5 .0 0 1 QQb Ford Fordor. Hot water heater, windshield defroster. 1 J J j !^od rubber. Guaranteed ................................................................... $ 5 2 5 .0 0 j 9 3 5 Plymouth DeLuxe Fordor. low mileage. Guaranteed................ $ 6 5 0 .0 0 1 9 3 3 Plymouth Coupe. New paint, good rubber. Guaranteed ....... $ 3 7 5 .0 0 1 9 3 ] Ford Coupe. Rubber 9 0 ''• new paint. Guaranteed ............... $ 4 0 5 .0 0 iq Ford T u d o r. Lots of Model A Fords. Chevrolets and various other makes. . . all priced right. COULTER MOTOR CO. PHONE 4444 HOOD RIVER $ 3 8 5 .0 0 G u a ra n te e d HOOD RIVER