KOI II T li k It O X X K V 1 1. I. K 1» A M I Itili It <’ Il H O > n~ I» »Hopping 1 i sul in Portland with her mother. »*• S u n d » ' Mr» ». K Miller n,.id. . 0 . 1 Mrs Mrs N ’ els Hesgurd are a bualne»» trip to Portland Monday Mr and Mrs A'els Porti. ' having all the fam ily at their place uni expected to return W ednesday. Mr and Mrs Jim Steel of Portland w v w w v v v v v v v v v v w * * * * * * * * * * * * Htr lit « li I. this T hanksgiving In to |*„( here S u n d » ' visiting Mr <*■- wer Mrs Belle Nell will spend Thanks <ItV Mr» M a lte r MrKIroyl * Mr? Keller ; ml Mrs Hntlr> Gray- . ivmg at Hi >wn«villc Oregon. berg. Mr .e.) Ruth Wilson from southern Idaho son were Port!snd ihuppcrs Satur R im er Howell of P o ttlan d visited Dick Gcist of the Cascade Food J I» visiting her aunt, Mr* b ranee day. on Sunday at the homes of Mi and store motored to Portland Sunday hbdto, .... 1 Mrs John Woodward ha- taken and attended a show. Reutersklold. Mrs J a i k Anderson. Ml and Mrs Week end ■ •‘,,riltr,(j 'I over the re stau ran t part of the I >kt Viola Brink w as a I»alles visitor Kenneth Anderson and Mi and Mrs Mi and .Mrs Arthur Nix and Mr ’ In) Mrs !...,„ side hotel and Mr: Henry Hosenback attended Thursday. J a e k Anderson J r J a c k H inc: ra m c home Friday the auto show in Portland Sunday. ■lay at Mr ' W lo r . r r . ^ , 2 Mrs H C. Nelson en tertain rd over Visitors and shoppers in Portland from Burns, O: . to celebrate their III r a t-tern Mr and Mr* Frank Moran spent the week end her folk* Iron» C o rv al during the past w eek w e ir Mi and sixteenth wedding an n iversary broad y*rir the week-end in Portland, visiting lis. Or. Mrs Norman No»mile Mr and Mrs * hr,> *1» Mr. and Mrs Chancy Wineland her parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Mrs Addle Arbogast from Heho. lack Anderson. Mr and Mrs o II tiding» |o ' V , ...^ 9 The new P earl Stout and Angela Immordinl Fee. j Or is visiting her dau gh ter Mrs Johns. Mr and Mrs J If Steven». '■“ ’l k i ,Uf were Portland visitors Tuesday. Joe Morris underwent a tonsil op- • Sam uel Lesman Mr snd Mrs Brigar Cosby Mr ami apprr. u i , r,y riuWrefi »*, J r Mrs H. C. Stratton of Bonneville i ration in llood River Saturday. The Bowen A Knnls Red A W hite ( Mrs Tom lt||>|x-i) ami Mr and Mrs alao by t beir panau Mrs Je s s e Glasgow entertained I store is now owned by Mr Knnla H V Wolff visited Mrs W illiam Ferguson here he r pinochle club W ednesday nfter- I alone. High Sat ui day. Mr and Mrs l( S eely of C asearie Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J '• 1 '■ *>” ' noon. Then- were two tables Th*- Jun e F.nnis visited her p a rrn t» I R e h s vlsltr.l Mr and Mrs Norman inrnt fo spent the week-end at her sister s guests were Mrs Lee Murra\ Mrs j over the week-end She la n student I Norimle on S a t u r d a y of laat wren five h,,r ■ ' ■« «• sJ rar.ch at Rex. Oregon. .G eo rge Baker. Mrs Je ff Olsen. Mrs at Grant high school in Portland ally Mrs Roy Lus« h am i Mrs A I »on Joe Bucher of the Hollywood e. .r\ M arshall Russell. Mr- W illiam Fer B e t a Ksppa trhoio/ahip *0» ] Mr White and Mr Vanderpool | can visited In lio n n evue T u esd ay is surprising his wife with a coin- guaon, Mr Krnie Jones and her _ ; were here T hursday and F rid ay in-1 Bill Fuaco who return ed home re ih r oifl* •-.? ( irr. k binaticn wood and electric rr:: e fo husband " h o filled in for an absent 11 »- l r . * « -I S i a t e i %* it i t , *g »preting the w ater system with the Cf>(l||y fr<1(n M ontana m a d e a trip Thanksgiving. member. Mrs. J e f f Olsen and Mrs Idi I Of lowering the insurance la t e . km nr u „ * prk I Mr. and Mrs Henry Nelson were M arshall Russell both had high score ' 1 » :• ser,..f rrjr U 1 The represent the Oregon Insurance Mr and Mr* Morae llo lt of Port at homocoming at Oregon State col- ,0 they drew cards to determ ine the -, ^ ! R ating bureau. land w ere week end g u r s ta of Mr lege this week winner and Mrs Olsen won out Mrs. » « A ll but f r jn „ Mr and Mrs Buddy H a rris have and Mrs Tom I »Ippery The Holt* 11 ■ 1 t Gretchen Granstrom w as at home Jones won the consolation prise '■ " ’ :T| ruiatloa* Tbr . n moved into a traile r houae in front are form er lio n n evu e resident# over the week-end visiting her par- Mrs Kmma Woodward is planning ■ *» o I ■ t pro fession i. j of the Craigmont hotel Many plana for the co m in g holiday ents. a big T h anksgiving with her fam ily iig k u v J The infant baby of C. F Sign l <a are in the m a k in g S e v e r a l lio n n evue C harles and Louis Ceciliania were „ h at pom(. Those expected are Mr* »JU lre m e n t to -l.embeftbty in Portland Friday evening visiting j Rt,ss Jenkin s. Mrs A M Miller. very ill. fam ilies spent T h a n k s g iv in g aw ay! Mrs Veta Vanstrorn la spending from home while others en tertain ed Rose, who is attending Girls Poly* Mrs Winifred Brownlow, all her M il»« the wo* i daughters and their children from I hanksgiving in Portland with her r r |a l jvea a n j friends here technical school there them a l l 1 Today. daughter. Francis Reuterskiold and son c ar- Portland, and also Mr and Mrs Mi and Mrs O II Jo h n s en jo yed lisle attended the auto show in Port John Woodward from here Mr and Mrs F rank L u n d ay of a short visit S u n d a y and Monday land Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J a c k Elmer spent the Portland visited her parents. Mr and from Mrs E W Buck of Alsea Or Mrs. Arthur Nix spent Friday vis- week-end ¡n Portland at Mrs Har- Mrs Andy W ittm an over the w eek -! Mrs Johns acco m p an ied Mrs Ruck iting her sister. Mrs. John Butler, at vev W illiam s', Mr E lm er's sister end to her home at The S te a d y Jot»- Skam an ia. Wash. Mr Rimer returned to Burns, Or , Mr and Mrs J a c k Collina were R anch to rem ain for a week Mr. and Mr«. Linn Andrews moved w j,ere he is working. S u n d ay eve- Homi R iver visitors T h ursd ay. Mr and Mrs W a lte r M< Elroy into the Charles Nelson apartm ent n|n(t Mr and Mrs I»el B rad b u m are drove to Bend T h u rs d a y and re- Sunday. Mr and Mrs C harles Haggblom sporting a nice new c a r turned F rid a y W h llr there th ey vis Miss Marie Je ffries spent the week a r r en tertain ing on T h an k sgiv in g Mr and Mrs Jim Merrill were ltp<1 Mr» M c E lro y's sister and hr,.' T heir guests are Mr and Mrs N ew Portland business visitors Monday th rr anij fam ilies. Mr and Mrs ton Kessler. Mr and Mrs Ik>n L e w Mr and Mrs Fred Marrop planned ( Georgl, Child* and Mr and Mrs T is of Portland, Mr and Mr# George You'll find her* *11 th M I K E ’ S to be T h an ksgivin g g u ests of Mrs |* Sexton Haggblom. Erlen Rosenback. Grant needful tFungi is Will Howard of Portland FO R F I R S T C L A S S Cavis, Anmng Alden, I-awrence Mr* Pointer's T h a n k sg iv in g din Herbert and Eric Haggblom Barbering ner guests from out of town a re Mr I C a s c a d e Locks W. F. Hepner visited in W a r r e n - and Mrs C h arles T re gard en and ton. Or . over the week end sons. S ta n ley and Orvin of Yamhill. Mr and Mrs. Noble Hyde en te r Or , and Elsie Pointer of McMinn tained Mr and Mrs F ran k Stader <lt> Rolf k n q u la ll ville. Or and son. ‘'Toughy.” S u n d ay at a Mrs Fred Anderson and J e a n vls- Mr and Mr# Eric Knqulst and i lovely ited friends In town S u n d a y DR. MELVIN E. JOHNSON wonderful chicken dinner. their d a u g h te r Mra Alno K rrring Mrs. R. W illiam s of the power I . . ,p . . ... . FORMAL and SEMI- _____ _ , Mr T ickle spent the w eek end in P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEON ton. made a trip to C a n a d a and j company is entertaining Fhanksgiv-. Portland. FORMAL DRESSES F'uget Sound point# the first p art of | ing Her guests are her mother, Mrs i Mr and Mrs Ft. G. Oneel are e n Cascade Locks Phone 35 | Here Benoist and brother. E d g a r 1 tertain the week snd all sccessorw in g for T h an k sg iv in g his p a r C arl M<-Ginni#. who ia w ell know n ! Benoist from C latskanie, Or. Her I AT SPECIAL PRICE* ent*. Mr and Mrs O C Oneel, and throughout the d am a r e a for hi# (s is te rs . Mr and Mrs. Ft Ft Ftrock ■ hi* brother and sister-in -law , Mr piano p la yin g , visited the IPmny and children. Mr and Mrs. Flelmet A l l <:<■ NTS AND HATS and Mrs C layton Oneel from V en j Schwarzin and children. Villa ta v ern T u e sd a y a t r e d u c e d pricb REFRESH Y O U R S E L F at Ernest M yers and Anning Alden ezuela, South America Mrs O scar Kklund » m o th er and Mr and Mrs W illiam Ferguson broth«-r fr**m T ac o m a carne ,|own for went duck hunting Monday at A r C O M M U N I T Y CENTER ! lington, GI.< VI Kid and Mr. and Mr« F ran k S t r a d e r anil a visit with the Kklund* S a t u r d a y Or. L illian McLeod entertained Miss ! *on- 1>ar> '*’ a r * * *® bo Ifueata of Mr and return*-*! Fiorile T u e sd a y Fountain and lunch service. and Mr* FI C. Stratton at Bonne Ethel McRae over the week-end. Mr s: . !• * M I. C h ap m an **-nt Billiards----- Recreation. ' Mr. and Mr*. C R. Bybe, Mr. and ville for T h an ksgivin g dinner in to P"M land S u n d a y for tF:e auto n e w purses Mr. and Mr*. Chari*-* Gidel from Ernest Myer* w as the recipient of show I Vancouver are to be guest* of Mr a turkey hen from the Fire D epart |.enlFirr VclW Sur* Mr ..rid Mrs H oward Hohulenborg I and Mrs. Hulse T hanksgiving day. ment. visited Mr Hchulenberg’s p a r e n ts in COSTUME IEV i ELRY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matson and Rev. and Mr* L. G. W eaver, Mr Portland S a t u r d a y and aim» did a GET V O IR NEW LOAD OF j daugh ter S h irley a r e going to Cot- and Mr*. W ilbert Harrison, Addison | ta g e Grove, Or., for Thanksgiving. visabrellas Harrison and Dori* Rhode* attended All of F ran k Moran's friends were church service* at the W yeth C.C C. glad to h ear he w as honorably men camp S u n d ay afternoon, w here the PAJAMAS and R0BES tioned over the Richfield new* pro Rev. Mr W e a v e r preach es re g u la r ly g . t t l n V e lv e t- Y W * gram . Mr. Moran i* »porting a nice Mrs. Harrison played the piano for new car around. hymn*. Mrs. G. E. Miller ha* been ill the Mrs. Z J Hopkins visited her s is HOSE and KERCHIEFS I p ast w eek but ia g re a tly improved ter, Mr*. L. G. W ea v er, h ere over ( now. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eckhart, the week-end. „11 these and mo" “ NOW AT ! Mr. and Mra. Maaon Jon*-» »topped Dave Moffett and Bill Morgan snw I , in S u n d ay to see Mr. and Mr». Oscar the Stevenson-P ark rose football con-| T H E DALLES FREIGHT j Hyde, much to their surprise and t< t at Stevenson S atu rd ay . delight. Mr. E ckh art and Mr. Hyde George Thomas drove to Portland LINE are old schoolmate*. S a tu rd a y and stayed there the first ] M. L. Morgan and Arvlc Finch and Cane ad e Locks p art of the week. I ! .....I River. 0rf9<* Bobbie went to Boardm an Sunday Members of C asc a d ia R e b e k a h 1 1 goose hunting, returning with two lodge made their trip to Stevenson nice ones. la st T h ursday evening af te r all Mr. and Mrs. Will M yer of Port- Those who wont were Mrs. R. J. j | land w ere Sunday guests of their Wuner, Mrs. Vera Sprague, Mrs C. son, J a c k Myer. George Lamont w as a business L. R ankin, Mrs. Joe Morris and 1 Miss Beth M anchester. visitor in Portland Monday. .W ish Stella Woodward cam e down Mr. p.nd Mrs. W illiam Sundsten and Elin Sundsten were F'ortland from Hood R iver last week-end to PF.RMANENTS h<- with her fam ily. visitors W ednesday. WAVING W c carry the better class <>l I' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Epplng spent W illiam Sundaten, F rank H all and WOMEN S AND CH ILD REN ’S the week end in Hood R iv er at her M L. Morgan attended a m eetin g of H A IR CUTTING Compare our prices for Qu.tl'<Y- m other’s. the Hood R iver Oddfellows last HOT OIL SC A L P TREATM ENTS Norman E asle y of Stevenson spent T h ursday night, when the s la te DYES — BLEA C H E S the even in g in the Locks visiting his grand manter spoke. More than 100 sister, Mrs. C la r a Nix, S atu rd ay. i i . o . o f persons attended. Mr. and Mrs. R ussell Nichols a t The C ascade Locks postoffice h as tended the auto show Sun day. been redecorated with fight g r a y Cascade Locks Bonnevue Holiday Bound! Bonny Villa A Happy H o lid a y Season for Her 69c to $3.95 Dry WOOD The Leonov Specially Skof Wilma Sherwood Beauty Shoppe Jewelry Jewelry Store