> Mh» • EIGHT I lie Hound F a m ily The hound fa m ily includes so m an y v a r ie tie s that It is often d i ­ vided Into two gr< up» the coursing dog* and the s e r n tm e docs. The lle .tg lc * *|M*riulty is rabbits. The large nostril* uud deep loo»e lip* serv e to creut a d v a n ta g e III pick- mg up the tr a il and the b re e d Is famous for its te n ac ity in holding to the line Once ca tching the scent, pleasure and success a r e signaled by tilling the a ir with bell like burks. And this vocal m u sic p la ce* nim at the top a* the best »m g er In c.iMiir circle* Ian» Angele* T im es. Viento »|l> Mrs. \. M. t'cderson n !io lends irte life, lend ine heurt filled with thunk ful tu »J — Shaknptarr M ary Crano of Portland visited Mr and Mrs. Fred Vogel the past ■week. Jo yc e Miller of Hood R iver spent the week-end with her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. J. O. Jones. Mr. and Mrs Ted H uskey and llti tie Darlene were in Hood R iver S a t ­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Caruso and ehil- 1 dren were m Hood R iver S a tu rd a y on business. Mrs S. Mondelli has been quite ill for a couple of w eeks but improved .rapidly the last couple of days. J . O. Jo n es is remodeling one of his cabins this week. Mike A g u ila and friend Frank of Bridal Veil visited Mr and Mrs S Mondelli Sunday. Prestone Mtlloodiam rm L„o, '• < V " All Wmtt, -’ * Mile, fnini ||()U(, M i l e s fr om 1.01 rrn m ,,,,^ Huyes Furnished Hváled ( " '» > » 1 to n y t\| PIMM, Hi mu * annuls f„r f (>0g _ t|. ' 1 1 ■»' Modem* * * Shortage M o rg a n 's S ta nd ard Service AN D GARAGE Cascade lax-It* a b u l a t e d Uounty UomroiMn»ner Perry Förden Sheriff Sheldrake Level County «’lerk Vannrt Hunt Port < ommissioner «three Shoem aker Morrison Samuel . . ............. Mr* Munroe County T re a s u re r : Mr* Bi*hop County Coroner: Anderson County Engineer: Hurlburt Constable C w r ig a n , Mayor of Hood River Kolatad 1 K*»ir T reasu rer of Hood R iver Her*hner Recorder of Hood River i Howe City Councilmen «three electedi i Lindlev j Fletcher | B ald' a in , Taft j Old Age Amendment , Ye« r e Attorney General 1*47 V n W in kle ............... Hood R iv er county s vote in last j D< om n 1662 .......... T uesday .- »'lection is tabulated her«* • Husmer ....................................... . 133 for the convenience of Sun sub- State T reasu rer scribers : . . . 2090 United S ta tfs . P resid en t-Vu-* I t * i- , Holman ........................................ 1535 Burt .............................................. dent ......... h5 ' Swetland .................................... 27» Roosevelt-Garner 1249 S tate Senator Landon-Kr.ox 2179 155 Stadelm an Lemke-O' Brien ........................... 23 Galloway .................................... . . 17<*> Thomar-Nelson . 5 Stadelm an «W asco and Aiken-Teiehcrt ........................... Hoo«t R iver counties 1 ........ 4620 United S ta te s Sen ato r: 2148 G alloway .................................... ___4119 McNary Mahonev ................................................ 1791 S ta te R ep resen tative: 23 Mrs. Munroe H ass ............. 1426 IS Thom sen ...................................... ......... 1246 Rudder .............. ................... Streiff .................................................. . 13 Pierson ........................................ ......... 1159 United S ta te s Representative: District A tto rn ey: ................. ................. Pierce .................................................... 2«>>*5 R ak e r ............................................ ......... 2430 Ritner .............................................. 1132 Cobb 1265 Don't Knock! Knock Just Walk in! DINE MrMiHli,,., faces nation But there isn't anv Prr '<»nr »hn W tljf hfft W o h.ivc .in «imple supply to prole - you .iqa.ñ« C{¿ u o.ithor County V o te T U, AND LIFF DANCE LODGE Delia and A ndy Cr.e-ha!f miie west of Hood River ! No ---------------------------------------------- -— _Z j ENROLL NOW! dh j . t j or» Vr*J 1 IT ................ 1071 I | State Rower B i ll: ............................... No Hydro-electric Bill: 1337 •-•our, Ye« ............................................................ 104? No ................................................ 1924 I State Bank Bill: W EST CO AST POWER CO Jew e try W e carry the better class of Jewelry. Compare our prices for Quality. R. O . of e H E d Jew elry Store This worthy cause merits the complete approval of each and every one of us In times of famine flood, war. epidemic, drought or fire, the Red Cross is first on the scene of distress, lending aid to the unfortunate sufferers. I h e continuance of this great work depends on your «»operation. Following Buys No .......................................................... .. IMS! Ye* No The annual Nklkxit! lU-d «'toss Roti Cài opened on November 11. and • -es Novembri X l a i your part. .... Tax Reduction Amendment: Yea .................. Ye« r- J W e O ffer You The No Three new steam heaters in the high school gym will be greatly appreciated by audiences attending basketball games there. It’s another forward step! Cross During This Week ... Military Training Amendment i Ye« PROGRESS Red Week 1196 ! School Diiitrict Amendment I Ye* ...................... No 1 National :v>7 i Advertising Amendment: 'Y e s No PhoneW ........................... 25c DR. W E S T S TOOTHPASTE. 2 for 25c 50c RUBBING ALCOHOL W E ST C L O X ALARM CLOCKS PAR W R IS T W A T C H , guaranteed 25c N YAL TO O TH PASTE 100 N YAL ASPIRIN 40c SQUIBB TO O TH PASTE The fellow who got that Job a w a v from you yesterd ay 1« a low-down, chiseling *o and *o and he cut the price to t h e bone to g e t it. When you got that job a w a y from him last month it wa* superior salesmanship. - C h a r l e * McIntyre in the Pacific Printer and Publisher. The University o f Oregon School of Architer ture and Allied Art« 1« the outstanding school of its kind in the country, according to Grant I.a- Farge. prominent New York a rch i­ tect. Mr. L aF arg e visited the c a m ­ pus recently, a* representative of the American Institute of Architects How m any readers ever pay any attention to the argument of a pub­ lia speaker’ - S h e l b y County (Mo.) Herald * for 75c HOT W A T E R BOTTLE SI 00 Box of COLONIAL DAMES PO W D ER, guaranteed one year SI.00 BOX COLONIAL DAMES POW­ DER. with 50c ROUGE to match S I .10 Y AR D LE Y CREAM with trial free jars of FOUNDATION and NIGH I CREAM . ¿RUG store RELIABLE DRUGGISTS PHONE 1351 ■ HOOD’ftlVEA 89c