4 Mr» M « I fur dinner •' I mi L jfr< A It I» Tempi»* went nd Moi'«!« V n y., charl) H)»l»-rt»on *« • bvrDinf Sam» w ent to P o r t la n d (»s While there »he e n j o y e d ,dh her I M i» » l e llw (¿unter won •' i It pouml tur Sunday at the hon ie o f Mr an |ir« ««-nl w ere I M M < ■ i«l> Mr* Marnili jio ami MrI «'h a rte« Itea lle |j- ; M- 1 *• .••««■ •*• < • p at the home o f Mr an«t ’ a Strom are Mr* Htrorn'a and father, Mr anil M r» i Mr* Strom a brother la alno *v J. t birthdhy Saturilay Mr mul Mrn Milt Jturton 'l.‘- werk end in Portland. Mi Murr li y Johnson gave a birth- ' party fot h«-r «lauKhter Mau- ,, ,-r;. ag. , ,.nt|v Kourtei-n Mnri- m-vllle «hildren attended. Mr and Mi Stanley John*on vi; w w v t w w w m iu s v u w n ,-,*l Portland Satuntay. •Mi K S W hite vlalteii thè Stan­ ley Johnaon» Hunday. )V W W \ lV W \ \ V M W \ \ V \ \ Murray .lohri-.on atfended thè O r­ Mr and Mr* VnuKhn Fuget egon-Washington Karne, now I iv iii k In t'nok'a ««Minori. were Mr J e ffrie» o f thè MorKan ("rane ho*t* »* « «limili ni Hun hoine ' «> who i Just back frorn Russia, Sunday night Th> «■■ atti mlm# wi*f<• r now ron.slrurting u «rane here. N n rva Ji-nklfi* Itoaernui liUHirii-- a ai thè Community Center Tf*M Ida (Maxier. Verna Greet « *i Jcnkinn, ha* bei r. pu-kiriK up. thus necea»i- ("u rly M elvogt <'l«-n < ‘ollmburn, tatii'K thè ernploynient of m oie help Mi Melen Wilson «peni Tuesday H en ry it rink .nut Hot«- » Ilouvilli- F I. Mott<-r hum h«-. i nanaiffr of in Portland Iti«- P.ei r> atmn f ‘ent«: Tu-n- •lay In f'orilarul I rum’ ' I ' rn K'rinK to huy m y*“ lf a harem " M r» N orth »pent .« fi­ Dumber What l i < x h I i U v f t H u m l f t v V ai can t y a ha Mr* n|Hf i*r K u rd * *. M r» 1 ruinb : irri­ N e lli. • Koiitrr. h|M«nt \ ••••k **ru] gaa station tila t aid 'KiKht (Jais tur with Mn Forti nind M orth. a 1 rollar.' ’ Mr iiml Mr« A rri hi« \ mb-raon npi-nt Su min y m K **1 A4 uh Twenty-t * o members of th 11ertn id * Moor* M m T nt thè vi-raity of Ori-Knn f a m i l y are l'o r i lami or« of t'*xt hook* in current u M r» « olii M cordlnK to a recent check at il turaci! frorn i-inlei! v in i ! hark •rulty Co-op Bonneville Mr an d Mi'■ Kd 1-r ii» o f th#- phone ex chanK< VI»- W aldport land Mr* 11 I' CSuntai d rove Ited the i talph Mark w ar » Thur» d ty M r« ( ’ \ M iller of 1•ortland VIM id Rivrr Sunday w here they tied her Min. I A’ll Mill«•r, over th^ Mr« fiunter a parenta. Mr V* eek end ■ Lu cille Mr< ’ ullouKh viHited hrr luid Mi- It h Klink vlalleil L Mn E I Rotateti S ala r* fa m ily In Hood R iver over tin- w eek­ end Mr and Mr* W a lle r Kan/ler mo­ Ijirob* *pent Saturday at Hon- Irk where he built a flue In the tored lo Portland Friday Kmtney Main! »pent Sunday with I h»mr tnd Mr« Harold M« Khalkn hta fa m ily In Portland M r» Kd George »nd M i* A V H'-lieau »pent Friday in Pori land M r* McFadib-n 1» in the St Vin­ cen t» honpititl nuffi rir.K with a broken hip, received in an auto a< cldent recently Mr. and Ml*- Gene W«>ol»»-y of Cun ade Ie>« k* vi»|te«l Mr and M r». Rayburn Monday evening Mr and M r« I. A Godby from M r» W alter Kan/ler viaited Grand Coulee lately. M r» Hen Torpen «pent a fe w days vtnltinK In Vancouver, B. C. and Seattle. Wash l> It Martin, cook at the Cninmun- ty Center. «pent a few days in Portland recently. W ork on the dam continued as ERE S % ;■ CONOMY met 0* lo ip». il lo » round In *00 f lo Ma 1 — U n io n f'ociflc «Oft eogi lo- i -e d m o a b .h lg h U Kh*dgl»t r, o n e q u ip m e n t . 0*d tionpd " j — fort, H i l l e d p a ( 1 »#rvkr usual W ednesday. " '» •« Standard Nckdi 30- !>, '-'usiad ,.‘f rgluran-TouriilI November I Coerl •id,., (, mon,h. Hat Sale mm. TRAINS . or r o iìt l a n d ___ '*, f * t » « r « r # L 1 ,n’ ' ' " ’ 1.7,13,19,25. ®f'lon'’ 1 hi-ago Air tondi- fh.Standord Pullmom, Dinor- ~ amou, Cantlaawm Dlnn.n, OUR ,;JSAND R°SE-Dn.i/y 20 to 40 per cent. 1',-eónH ' ’ * r*a,'° 1 loung«. D in«». Here city E N T IR E STOCK Reductions from ■ ^'"ion Tourl,fond Slondord B,r I0ndition*-f f e c«.dl JoM ! T E D - D o ^ wn li Coath,,‘ “ "d Slondord Car- ‘° ' ^ ^ ^ R lC E D M E A L S is your chance to buy the Hat you like for even less than you were prepared to pay at d.Hrt V .r »r - n Toeain d "■‘•,vo,i®n* l ° c * l agent [jSun.,!Vlon.,Tue., Nov. 15-16-17 i -» os ALEXANDER SO TTS in ( !.. — '« B L At The Roosevelt ^ — sat ■'t *> "V* -. +A The Krani! old man o f the staKC Fred Stone y e t» an ideal vehicle for his talent.« in "(»ran d J u ry ," cornin', to the Koorevelt theater in Bonne­ ville Fnd.i ur.d Saturday, N ovcm b 13 and It Far o ff the pattern o f film s dea!- The h o r s e -r a c in g , g ir l- c h a s in g .nK with the c:inK problem, the pic-1 tore is a condemnation o f the avc- j rom ance of a m adcap m illionaire' rai'e man * unw illinKness to k ° nut of Ins w av to halt the march oi crime. An oxcitinK chain o f events is set i in motion when a Kfand jury, whose member- are little concerned with Pot Patcrso*. Mary SHsn. Geo-ge Bcrbisi public w elfare, fails to indict a m em -I * »oramouni Pic*-j.-». C .-»re d t y R oom I Waft« o W i l T t i W ANStR RroiuCio* tier o f a powerful crim inal syndicate charped with murder. Stone portrays ; ALSO W E D N E S D A Y a public-minded citizen, furious at thi. miscarriaKe o f justice, who tries to clinch the evdience aRainst the fCopyrighted l'.'.T-T — U. 5 . Patents Pending) killer He riles the boss rack eteer, tnd cornea near paying fo r his ben­ efactions wth his life Owen Davis Jr and I-ouise L a t i­ M oon's Our H om e,” is the leading he m anages to stall o f f bill collec­ mer, tw o recruits from B roadw ay j ch a ra cter in "S p en d th rift,” sched­ tor until a fte r the K en tu ck y derby, win» fir*t scored in “ Bunker B e a n ,", uled at the R o osevelt th e a ter prom ising that his horse w ill win. are again linked in romantic roles . W edn esday and Thursday, N o v e m ­ H is last cent goes tow ard r-a ch in g Moroni Olsen. Frank M. Thom as. J ber 18 and 19. K en tu ck y—and then his horse fails. Russell Mirks. H a rry Jans, Guinn . Fonda is a young m illion aire gone Tou gh break fo llow s tough break. W illiam s and Marry Beresford are broke in "S p en d th rift." O w ner o f a H e fa lls for a southern belle. M ary string o f polo and race horses, he is Brian, w ho turns out to be an a rt­ also cast. Itii;- Mouthed Marvel believed by his society neighbors to ful gold digger, and she g e ts him ’ T it only A funny man at his funniest can be w orth at least S2.000.000. A ctu a lly up to his ears in debt. a fte r the stables and fortu n e are Is- pretty funny, you'll have to n