OfTOHfcll 211. '»•»* Scenes and Persons in the Current News Rescued From Canadian Wilds After spending 30 days on the shores of a wilderness lake in North­ ern Canada two pilots of the Canadian air force were rescued. Left to right, Joseph Forty and Sheldon Coleman, the stranded airmen and Jam es Hartley, mechanic of the rescue ship. The pilots ran out of fuel and were forced down on the lake. They Improvised a shelter to wait for a rescue party. Crack “Fencers” Compete for Hunt Cup Marshal S M. Budyonnj and Marshal A !. Y<-g rov of the Russian army watch autumn maneuvers k«l f ;rces. 2- Prem ier Leon Blum of France, wh- has y ined Britain and America in going off the 3 Rebel forces and civilians hail the rai- ng of Spanish monarchist flag over San Sebastian, 1U capture by the rebels. rs Don't Mind Clouds or \\ hite Caps Hunt clubs throughout America are holding their races these bracing autumn days. One of the oldest of these events is the Meadow Brook Hunt race. It was held recently on the Long Island estate of Ambrose Clark. Justinian II, owned by Stuart S. Janney won the race over a three and a half mile timbered course. Hitler Views Biggest Maneuvers pGud* Just over their herd and white enps below their feet are all part of the job to the workers who are H the steel reinforced structure for mighty Bonneville Dam on ’he Columbia ^ v c rlh isp o w e r nnviga ion P * .* tro l 1 by the Public Works Administration at a COCt O t $*2,000,000 It being under- undfr the direction rf the Army Corps of Engineers. \\ here a Norse Avalanche Killed 74 With camouflaged machine-gun­ ners crouched at his feet. Realm- leader Adolf Hitler of Germany sur­ veys the “battlefield” in Southern Germany during the Reich's biggest war maneuvers since the days of « million tons of rocK crashed 1914. The battle games were held • r h T n lake’ Norway- «bowing the towcrir.g cliffs .r„ ^ pdal valley leaving a scene oi death near Berlin. Chancellor Hitler flew below, causing a tidal wave that roared through the ‘ livf( in the two villages that his own airplane to the maneuvers £ in -ls "ake Seventy-four persons are known to have lost their and on several occasions watched the catastrophe. the progress of the contending forces from the air. The general staff of the Reich’s arm y thanked the realm leader for perm itting the holding of the maneuvers, declaring that they were the most comprehen­ sive in more than 20 years. At about the same time, the Red arm y of Russia was holding its annual autumn maneuvers.