Il K II O N N I V U I I I» V '« • Kill U « » » ° N 1 r 1 "I T(»h( K K ill Y IlK M irsil NOTICE OF HEARING ON COUNTY BUDGET COM M UNITY CBtjJ for Hood River County for the Year 1937 Summary of Amounts to Be Raised is shown the amounts proposed t<> l»' expended by the various services o f Hood River County for ih< year 1937; also the esti- by Tax Levy ’ to the various fund: from ■ ources other than taxes; and the Follow . officivi 11. mated rei j s nts to be raised by tax levy, as a n iv e d at by the budget i diii - vat ii >u i Hood R iver County at then meet .nr held October 14th, 193»> mittee fi com m ittee was com posed <>i tin members o f the County Court Sani I' dp - \nchar, F. D. Nunnmaker. s ( Babson and Kent Shoemaker E O. tereby given that the Levying Board «‘ he County C °u r.. wijl N otice . « ■> meet at th Court H ouse in H ihx I River Oregon, at 10 » clink A X N ovem ber IS. 1930 when and where any person who s . m . W edne •h tax le w when the Muai shall br mad« '■ ■ subject t gainst said tax levy or any part thereoT favor uf i BY ORDER o k TH E < o i N r\ 1 Oi III H. J. Blackman. Clerk General Fund t ouuty t • ■ '-i "t : S '.ary . County Judge $ v signers. 'p er diem e> .................. and r CiiU-c v xpense ........... À en : r lit o f county - ivation OKI \rin\ Vge IVnsiiH is 200.00 Clreu . Court ........................ Ju* Y.c Court ........................ ( . ant Cl k ’ • Of tire: Salary u. County Clerk . Salary oi d e p u t y ............. O ffice enpertse ................ Sheriff’s C e c : Salary o f Sheriff ............. Salary th ief d ep u ty ... Salary t f - cond deputy. O ffice i i.iense ................ Ca hire ......... .................. E m ergency deputies ....... Insurance ............. Treasurer’ s O ffiee: Salary o f Treasurer ....... O ffice Expense ................ A ssessor’ s O ffice: Salary o f Assessor ......... Salary of deputy ............... O ffice expense .................. Car expense ........................ Special appraisers ............. 1.600 00 1.500.00 600.00 1.600.00 1,600.00 1 500.00 600.001 500.00 600.00 250.00 ; 900.00 I 115.00 1.300.00 1,200.00 500.00 300.00, 500.00 ; S c h o o l S u p ’ ts O f f i c e : O ffice Expense ............... 4-H Club W ork ................ County Institute ............... School Library- ................... S u rve y o r’s 339.00 ................... .700.00 County A gent’s O ffice : Genera! operations ......... Special control fund ......... W eed control ...................... Dairy disease c o n t r o l ........ H orticultural liens ........... 2.000.00 600.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 D istrk t O ffice 250.00 75.00 25.00 A ttorn ey ’s O ffice O ffice rent .......................... 240.00 j Supplies ............................... 50 00 Stenographer ...................... 300.00 Travel ................................... 50.00 j Care o f the Poor Subsistence, rents, etc. .. 10,000.00 Hospitalization, medicine, ............................................... 4.000.00 1 County physicians ........... 1.000 00 Dependent M others’ A ssis tance ..................................... 2,000.00 C oroner's O ffice ................... 100.00 Health O fficer ...................... 600.00 Court H wi~e: Lights ................................... 200.00 Telephones .......................... 500.00 Janitor ................................. 720.00 W ater ................................... 600° Fuel ....................................... 200.00 General maintenance . . . . 200.00 Jail: Rent ..................................... 180.00 j Per diem for j a i l e r ........... 720.00 Prisoner’s board ............... 500.00 Jail maintenance ............. 100.00 200.00 Scalp Bounties ...................... 600.00 Printing ................................. 100.00 District Sealer ...................... Indigent veterans’ R elief .. 300.00 County Library .................... 2,450.00 ParkJah- Library 200.00 370.00 Bund Premiums .................... 100.00 Insane ...................................... County Health Association 2,250.00 100.00 Publicity ................................. Experiment fa r m ................ 1,665.00 Buy .’ anil Girls’ Aid Society ...75.00 P acific Protective Society. 50.00 Totnl ni Renerai Fund i «• ni a \i ► i» •*' f ' 1.020 00 j 1X11.00 unt y of H » 10 i.ASCAtlB Lucy J. H. • IS S IIS I ISSI I I I i Sheldrake I Lee H S6 ,7ll"O i t i o n <>f t h e b u n d ’ o f m a t r i m o n y h< and now e x istin g betw • \Nimmt rot tu fure p la in tif f a n d im * » i T h l ., d efen d a n t - iin n io n » of wa> i* --rv ed p i . b l i i ’ a ! io t i b> SHERIFF u|»*-ii V irtu e an order of Krrd W W ilson, judge o f sani court, m ade on th>- 12tn day . f SepR-mbcr. 1916 Said sum m ons to EFFICIENCY T H E IN run for six con secu tive weeks in a TO IU T H F VA LE ECONOMY NAME OK TH E STATE <»l ORE- t i-w »paper published in lio o d River County, Oregon First publication GON. EXPERIENCE 1V;6. last publna You are hereby required to npp- ar September 1 th ti-.n October luth. 1936 and answer the coinplaint filed against you in the above entitled G A COBB Attorney for Plaintiff. I h .1 V> J H »Vgrdi suit on or b e fo re #ix weeks from the C a sca d e ta n k s . O re g o n * tk u3Q date o f first publication hereof, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to this court for relief as prayed for in his complaint, to-wit for the illssolu -. tion of the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant. A b le , A c t iv e , V ig o r o u s Legislator This summons is served upon you -X by way of publication, by virtue o f An order of Kred W Wilson. J u d g e \r«l<-nt «apporter of ( of said court, made on the 7th day bla Paver tlereii^ort of October. 1936 Said summons to run for six consecutive weeks In a r 'arried the f.ffcl a 1 newspaper published in Hood River County. Oregon First publication g re«» fur u l kxki t October 16. l f X last publication ne ville. November 20, 1936 G. A. COBB. Attorney for Plaintiff Only represen Uh” Cascade Locks. Oregon ol6-n20 Northwest oo KP01 committee A rh*sj* PI BM C A T I O N O F >1 MMO.NS >u vs. Ruth K Vale. Defendant Reelect Walter M. Piere rise from Oregon tt-i■*" $63.205.00 In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for the County of Hood River. Anning M Alden, Plaintiff. vs. Bernice Alden, Defendant. ................................ Sale o f gravel ................. . . of pre»tlge. 1 i>-rn and* that power be u»*4 U all the peopk Tl( industry *k*f l-J TO BERN ICE A LD E N : IN TH E NAME OF TH E STATE OF O R E GON, river. IA good Oregon Fighter» W h o W a n ts to G o B a c k to the Chaos of \ otr- to t Iinllmie Good Times. I’d Adv P ie rc e for Confi*** C J SH0RB V- VOTE FO R STADE l m a n $10,495.00 1,000.00 1 frfiij 00 10 hhh (Ml 600.00 168.00 1 hito ( mi 100 (/j Republican Candidate for State Senator Sixteenth Senatorial District, Hood River and \Vas<° Loin' ................................ FORM ERLY Anderson Funeral Home Hood River, Oregon Paid advertisement SECRETARY Phone 1391 OF STATE Republican Central Com m ittee. H ood River * Chairm an AMBULANCE SERVICE 314 Slate St. I IM h> III i MK> •„•o issi in by ROAD FI ND Total T h e OREGONIAN \ 2.’<i> m i none You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed GENERAL F IN D against you in the above entitled County clerk's fees .........$ 3.000.00 suit on or before six weeks from the Fines ........ 1.600.00 date o f first publication hereof, and if you fail to answer, for want Sale and rent o f land, thereof, plaintiff will apply to this houses, etc......................... 3.000.00 court for relief an prayed for in hia 75 per cent Auto Camp in spection fees .................. 75.00 complaint, to-wit fo r the dissolu- Sale of temporary auto li censes ............................... 500.00 Transfer from dog license fund ................................... 700.001 Dance hall and beer li censes ............................... 120.001 Bank interest on daily de posits .................................... 100.00 Cash on hand Jan. 1......... 2,000.001 fia s tax refund .............. Garage rent .................... *•» ' ' 1 lo 711 f tlh e S t a t e iu f 60.00 Estimated Probable Receipts Other Than Taxes Tuta! in aii ‘I lunch ■ *n«t • *«■ imi $ i *UV) On Road m aster's salary 1 MUI (Ml M echanic's salary 1.500 00 Foremen s 000 on j Labor . . . .................. 4,000 (10 Truckdrivers 2,500.1« Truck repairs 2 UUJ 00 Supplies 4.IKS) 00 Gas and oil ........... too 1 « Pow er 400-00 Powder 2.000 00 Insurance . 500 ' « Man and team . 10.700.00 Bridge repairs 1,200.00 Culverts ....... ..... 6.000 00 Em ergency W P A work Rights o f way ......... . . . 3.000 ' « 500 ' « Engineering .............. Moving house from right o f way .................... ....... 1.500.00« 00 Balance on loader .. Crusher ...................... ....... 1,750.00 355 (JO Screens for crushers . . . . Power unit for cru sh ers.. 1,900.00 550 1« Hoist for quarry ---- ... n Ilililí;e l I 'n h ah le Ile« r lp t* rrt|Ulfe o t h e r th a n pien i t.i\e % 11 » l i m a t e « ! i IM.OO T o t a l to I m - ra is e d l»> ta x e s 1.000. 00 p i BLU \ i MIN ‘ »I Nt M \ | ( l \ > Road Fund Total o f Koad Fund ' '•«•! N I '• (¡enera) Fund Road Fund State Taxes County School hand ( i.urt House Fund Interest on Loop R o*‘‘ ItiillllS I.Mip Road Bond Sink ,ng Kund jo.mi i it -ivipts from Intere-1 mi Investili"!!! 5.000. 00 ■nenia In.m il Empire W aterways \ - * ociatiun 900.00 ’ |ivf/Hani mis \ its.nal Re - employment 600.00 s : \ ie 50.00 Office Rent lor sam e Janitor service for Same 1,600.00 500 00 s| \| \| \IO HI YOURSQI KiildeJl iM f