T H K h o n n i : VI I I I : TW O i * " " ' " 110' " • ItIHAY, in 1 K Review of the History -Making Events of the Wor| . By EDWARD C W#it»rn N«i Mormons Are Off the Dole, Says President Grant S IX D ay m onths Saints ago the L atter church—otherw ise the M orm ons—in augurated a pro­ g ra m to m ak e every able bodied m em b er self-sup­ porting by Octo­ b er 1. In the g re a t tab ern acle a t Salt Lake City H eber J. G rant, p resident of the church, told an a u d i e n c e th at the plan had suc­ ceeded and th at th e d r i v e h a d t a k e n all the H eber J. G ran t n e e d y m em bers off public relief. The church has consistently opposed “ pay without w ork.” In reading his rep o rt P re s­ id en t G ra n t took occasion to criti­ cise the Townsend pension plan and governm ent control of crops, and he w arned the m em b ers to avoid "po­ litical en tan g le m e n ts." U nder the church relief drive, land w as leased and the needy provided w ith im plem ents for tilling. Wom­ ens groups h av e m ade clothes and bedding. M em bers have contributed the financial equivalent of two m eals m onthly to a sp ecial fund. In s c a tte re d storehouses, Mr. G ra n t reported, supplies have been laid up in generous quantities for distrib u tio n am ong the needy who helped produce them . U nder the p ro g ram , the speaker declares, “ the curse of idleness would be done aw ay with, the evils of a dole abolished, and independ­ ence, thrift, an d self-respect will be once m o re estab lish ed am ongst our people.” Social Security Act Is Due for a Court Test DISTRICT U N JU I D T G E E D C. STATES B. K EN N EM ER of M ontgom ery, Ala., issued an order halting collection in A labam a of a one p e r cent p ay ro ll ta x to finance the unem ploym ent p ro g ram . T h e result, it is expected, will be a clea r cut te s t of the v alid ity of the New D eal’s social sec u rity act, for law ­ yers h ad no doubt the case would be c a rrie d to the U nited S tates Su­ p rem e court. The o rd er was granted the Gulf S tates Steel corpo ration of G adsden, A la., on a plea th a t the unem ploym ent in su ran ce pro g ram , o p erated in co-operation w ith the fe d era l governm ent violates both sta te and fe d era l constitutions. A S uprem e court h ea rin g would c a rry the th re a t of possible invalidation of in su ran c e an d pension p ro g ram s now under developm ent in the sev­ e ra l states. Test Case Started Under Robinson-Patman Act H R E E com plaints w ere filed by the fe d era l tra d e com m ission un­ der the R obinson-P atm an act, n a m ­ ing five concerns, launching the first m ove to te st its pow ers under this far-reaching legislation which for­ bids the g ra n tin g or receiving by m erc h an d isers of d iscrim in ato ry price discounts in in te rsta te com ­ m erce. The com plaints nam ed M ontgom ­ ery W ard and C om pany, Inc.; K raft - P hénix C heese corpo­ ration, C hicago; ShefTord Cheese com pany, Inc., S yracuse, N. Y.; B ird an d Son, Inc., and B ird F loor C overing Sales corporation, E a st W alpole, M ass. M ontgom ery W ard and Com pany is n am ed jointly w ith B ird and Son and the B ird F loor C overing Sales corporation, a subsidiary. The com ­ p lain t contends th a t the two Bird com panies sold floor coverings to M ontgom ery W ard and C om pany at su b stan tially low er p rices than to com peting re ta ile rs. K raft-P henix C heese was charged with d iscrim in atin g in price be­ tween p u rc h a se rs, w ith the alleged effect of lessening and in ju rin g com ­ petition betw een it and other m anu- T , „ Iclcs. Mr. R oosevelt, not so elo­ quent as usual, d efen d ed the spend W. P I C K A R D lug policies of his a d m in istra tio n •paper Union. Hr, too, spoke a t P ittsb u rg h . The I 7 who . factu rers and distributors of sim ilar high spot of the ev en in g ca m e at SsmJV products. Lessening of com petition the close of Al S m ith 's a d d re s s to ,,,K ' f " 1 ,he Terre Hauteg^ bt tween custom ers of K raft-Phenix a w om en’s o rg a n isa tio n in New ' ia,17 '- '*‘d '-eitherBn was also alleged, and some of them York city. H r hud been tre a tin g of 1 mtnuair w ere alleged to have received fa ­ Italy's Cabinet Votes the New D eal an d its le a d e rs with " 1 ’ * to D e v a lu e th e Lira vored prices. biting s a rc a s m an d wound up with In filing its bill of com plaint, the P OLLOWING the eyampl* set by the d ra m a tic d e c la ra tio n : 1 J com m ission pointed out that no alle­ r F rance and other countries, the “ I firm ly believ e th at the rem edy !r Al ’ r • a«nrn*y. . w gation was m ade of “ bad faith or Italiun cabinet voted to devplue the for all the ills th a t we a te Buffering ,'1' a,tmg booth u* any subterfuge or secrecy on the lu a , setting its value at ap p ro x i­ from today is (he electio n of Alfred i ’hr h'» priaapal p a rt of K raft-Phenix in connection m ately 5 2 cents, as com pared with M L andon." I ' " I while Y»te, >XM the latest previous figure of 7 8 with its price policy." (hr loekrd (J»**. C harges against Shetlord Cheese cents The cabinet also let It be Treasury Figure» on w ere substantially the sam e as in known th at it would take action to pievent ren t and price in creases, Year’* Fir»t Quarter the case of K raft-Phenix. Hlraklcy and Lehm*|, and it voted a new 5 per cent capital 'T M IE g o v ern m e n t wound up Its levy to which property ow ners are nonly a affairs for the first q u u r tr r < f N rw York Governor Chicago Meat Packers obliged to subscribe to the extent the 1937 fiscal y e a r w ith a deficit of |> I Pt'BLICAJB iM Cited by Wallace ' *“ * V r* tuu -*,J of 5 per cent of their wealth about $530.000.000 c o m p a re d with a HARGES of engaging in unfair .¡.J The gold value of ih j lira was deficit of m o re th an $880.000.000 fur practices have been filed against placed at 4 677 g ram s of gold for the sam e period la st y e a r ; v «*>tm tbernoj the A rm our and Swift m eat pack­ each 100 lire. Gold re serv er of the -„J R eceipts in the Ju ly 1 S ept 28 p e ­ ing com panies of Chicago, and Sec­ Bank of Italy will be revalued on the riod W e r e $1,119.196 888. C om pared hot ci—¿.¿j re ta ry of A griculture W allace has basis of the new lira with the surplus with $988 888.265 last y e a r, w hile ex Rrpvblaj cited them for a hearing in New to be placed at the disposition of the pen d itu ars it s were $1.635.909.816. York on N ovem ber 2, for violation treasury. !*w kl4r ki ag ain st $1.815 219.471. G e n e ra l e x ­ of the packers and stockyards act ir: M V J p en d itu res w ere $1.047,514 060 this of 1921. Ble»k>t t year, c o m p ared w ith $939.977.775 Former Ambassador Straus According to Dr A. W M iller of last. R ecovery and re lie f e x p e n d i­ Taken by Pneumonia the bureau of anim al industry, the tu res am o u n ted to $588.395,755. c o m ­ ... ; ESSE ISADOR STRAUS, m er com plaint was based on the charge p ared with $875 241.695 chant prince and. until his re sig n a ­ th at the packers had been obtaining Incom e tax co llection fur S ep­ business in violation of the law from tion last August. A m erican a m b a s ­ tem b er will am o u n t to ab o u t $287.- .. , fr.rr. sagl steam ship com panies in New York. sador to F rance, passed aw ay In 000 000. a g a in st $231.000.000 last IS uli on > 1 , his New York hom e ... .. Uk* COB U nder the alleged illegal a rra n g e ­ Itlraklry y ear, and f r the first q u a r te r of this cxift. at the age of sixty- m ent, Miller said, A rm our and Swift y e a r appr- x u n .itH y $358,000,000. C !'■ . K R • --lx f j \ four. The im n.edi had arran g ed a reciprocal a g re e ­ co m p ared with $278,000.000 M iscel­ falo was rutminstal ( m ent by which they sold m eat to A I laneous in te rn a l re v e n u e n etted the g ■v'-rr.ur. Ns than D the ship owners and in return sent was pneum onia, but gov ern m en t $817.307.783 in the Ju ly - - 1 tneir exports abroad in their ships Mr Strau: had been 1-S eptem ber 28 period, as co m p ared and J hn A Mijr, Gic Another charge was that the p ac k ­ ’W in fll health f >x some with $517.984.451 last y ear. comptroller. ers had extended credit for longer time, this being the Tlie public debt a t the end of the periods for favored custom ers than reason for his r e ­ * nvrfltioB at Si m | m onth Stood at $33.831.790.000. COO»* for others. tirem en t from the • : C F-;-t t i f p ared with $29.423 624.000 on the am b assad o rsh ip j ¡b. -iri vice pfri ktiii G rad u atin g from sam e d ate la st y e a r. r.f iv.iri afc| Secretaiy Ickes Reports H arv ard in 1893. Mr. Deal. Jesse I. Straus S traus began work Alleged Collusive Bids Poland Confiscating The Democrat* reaxM ECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR as a bank clerk. In 1896 he ob­ Hi rbert H Lehman. ia4 Bj Land» of Nobility ICKES referred to the D epart- i tained em ploym ent with it H Macy didacy was wsrnly m ent of Justice for investigation two | it Co., big New York d ep a rtm en t P O L A N D 'S g «verr.m ent b gan the President Roosevelt who i new instances of alleged collusive store, and by 2919 was its p re si­ uie to deliver tJ Wf bidding for federal construction m a ­ dent, holding th at position until he nobility and la rg e e s ta te holders , , a . '1 csndids!* !b! terial contracts. The charges are was given the P aris post by P re s i­ by seizing 60.000 a c re s from tax In­ ,i.e to M L against seventeen copper cable and dent Roosevelt in 1933. He was a debted p ro p e rtie s. T he land will U t he trek» ConunMC steel tubing firms. The Ju stice d e­ D em ocrat and was a m em b er of be divided am ong the p e a sa n try . that km «••] partm en t already has under investi­ the board of o v erseers of H arv ard This is the first step In c a rry in g out barring druted scntfl^ gation previous charges m ade by and of the A m erican Acaur* ch a rg es of v a g ra n c y and “ for in­ it and battled w ith a big force of burgh, re ite ra te d and su b stan tiated e a st end police to get a t th eir en e­ his form er assertio n th at New Deal v estig atio n .” Held w ith h im w ere m ies. The au th o rities forbade the financial policies w ere im periling Seym our W alden an d W aldo F ra n k , p arad e as scheduled but the oppos­ savings accounts and insurance pol- both of New Y ork city ; C h arles S tadtfeldt, s e c re ta ry of the In d ian a ing mobs got together In various localities and fought desperately Sir Oswald issued a statem ent charging th at the ’ B ritish govern­ m ent has openly surren d ered to Hod te rro r.” C J S A ¡¡¿Si