>M U " k H ' t -.y >»•* T 11 __ 11 ° N N K V I l i li k I) j\ M r II It O N I c; I, K IlKMOt HATH cade L o ck s NHW HOOKS IN T H K B O N N E V IL L E LIBR A R Y T R A VPA. P^lph Willi«!»» « » v* * l '* r ‘ y _ ,„t*r Mr. K<»lH-n Brook o f | it Tuead«) n*l(ht, w hrn | •nil *C»v*n», r '* r r r S.ih.t.i, the Greatest Desert: /:. F . Gautier. Visit India With Me: Dhan G op al M ilkerji I he Last Horn«* of Mystery: A lexander Pow ell. Six Years in the Malay Jungle: C ar vet h W ells. Pl* J r,M* Mrs Carl Hauler- , Eim Sund.t.n, M r. W alter w e rr rt Mr. W K Jo h n so n . b esldea li,m»«n» •"'» Mr* At ¡ t o m o g r a p h y Mr,,ch The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: T. H. Lawrence M g J»hn»>» » m other end Hr and Mr» A O l l » r - j »nd Mr. M L W olf o f Port cimr out for »upper W rd n**- F IC T IO N Hobgoblin Murder Strahan- Five Silver Daughters: Louis G olding. Against the Sky: K onrad Bercovici- Rough Hewn: D orothy C an field Fisher I he Bl.nk Flemings: Kathleen Norris. The Scarlet Cockerel C M. Sublette. I he Havering Plot K averne. i|M jrd Mr. Stanley Spot seen i invited Ur «»<1 Mra M. K to dinner Saturday night I, for M'hool ehtldren will lx* two »lyn. m bright yellow i ufl the Columbia Hlver high- S C IF .N C F in week Ralph William» iw Mary Ann a r e ittkmie with Mra Mr. Hubert Hri« k all! drive down for iu fhtfr Sunday Charle. Nel»on ia Portland and her re lu ctin g W illiam » | Mr W ill- lit» w ife New Pathways in Science: Sir Arthur Paddington. Men. Mirrors and Stars G. F d w ard P en d ray. work for the t'niteit S tate» engineer» »pent N IN E the Margaret f.id y >f Hllleboro r of Mr. Henry Ne!»on. vlalted Nelain. Sunday. Charle. IfaKKblom enter- Mr< C. K t arn» and Ml»» It» Trill at luncheon Wednea- Aufu.t peteraon haa re- frum a vtait to her aon In LSif Hill K eeler, one of the city'» two cand id ate» for m ayor, wa» caught “ buying vote» the oth er day when he paiuted out free tomato«-» to ladies of the com m un ity W Iven Kmbree, grad e »«-hoot principal, will return In about a week to resum e hi» dutle» here when he leaves his Job working on the Mount Hood hotel at Timberline Eight Women Insane; “Evil Eye” Is Blamed Cairo. - A rejected su ito r's "ev il eye” Is believed to have driven eight women mad at K ufrel Da- war, liower Kgvpt. They a re a mother and tier seven daughter«. T h e fa ttier bud refused to a l low two o f Ills daughters to m arry. Soon a fte r lie noticed the eight women w ere actin g strangely. He called a doctor, who found Teddy M cO arngte broke hi» left | w rist Monday when he fell from a j the women were all insane. They W May. who ha» b«-rn worWlng moving tra ile r Dr M E Johnson j have now been removed to the Ca*cad<- drug »torn Miner Ju ly took c a re o f him a fte r he »pent a \ Cairo lu n atic asylum ill return to Portland O ctober 1 sleep less night wondering how- badly T h e villagers believe an “evil- eye'' placed on the fam ily by I Walter John»on r o m n back to h r was hurt one o f the rejected suitor» Is hi* dutir* aa pharm aclat Dick Geiat i>t Chapman » grocery responsible for the women's co n n M. E Johnaon w a . vlalted »tore ha» moved into th r W J . Me - 1 dition. v»»k-end by Miaa V iola Llnd- G arrtg le residence i #f Portland R evive u ld Ju ry Law Mra Kalph Gilman gave birth to Woodward Mr» Jim M rrrlll an S- pound baby boy in Hood Kiver K ansu* City, Mo.— An old luw, tin- Mr. Silver Prrraa left Monday thla week, which m akes Ml»* Hazel used here for .*>1» years, perm ittin g Leaf Beach. Wash . and re- lU m m an an "auntie” now. a Jury o f six Inst end o f 12 m em bers, was Invoked recently on a civil stilt. Ttmndav Mr. and Mr» A W Koote and B o th sides must agnt? to the r e a« Beaver patrol won Troop W . Alvah made a trip to the Ochoco duction. ^petition again thla week, and forest Septem ber 20. returning Sep to win but once more to cinch tem ber 22 They were a fte r deer but E x cee d s F ir s t 122 Y e a rs prue a free trip to lionneville. had no luck In the first th ree y ea rs of the George and her daughter». Ueille George and Mra Kav- from Portland, vlalted Mra -’tt Wait Sunday, having heard Wait 1» leaving ahortly fo r ■*'infton, D C . to be with her Mu* George wa* form erly third ^ operator at the C ascade l«ock* f«<l depot M aster K rl»ey. Cascade Lock* grade school student, wa* uncon scio u s two hour» Tuesday when he fell o ff the Slide and gashed his head T h e injury, treated by I>r M E Joh n so n proved to be not serious n M L. Morgan left W ednesday Boardman to be with her fath er. •>*. blood poiaoning In hla hand A farew ell d ance for Company 615, C. C C., most of whose members com e from W isconsin, Chicago and K entu cky, will be held at the W yeth amp Frid ay night. September 25 ns the com pany will be demobilized soon and the boy« sent home Hobby Heed s o r c h e s tr a will atari tooting at l*. Morgan and Jo e Morrla » quick trip up the Hull Hun T Thursday morning to weld a *1 a lumber mill. COM PANY TO UAN4 K T ra n sp o rtatio n will lx- fu rn “Tiny" Mitchell, International 9 P M ished leaving the bus depot at C a s ^ler, annoum • tins week th at cad e L o ck s and the Mount Hood M» .old out hia Interest In the 1 *Plll»ay dam und haa gone to hotel. Hood River, at S .10 P M Roosevelt ad m in istration the gov ernm ent spent m ore m oney than was spent during the first 122 year« of our e x iste n ce as a nation, oad during those 122 y ea rs we fought four w ars, including the one bo- tween the sta tes. You Owe $300 Your sh a re of the n atio n al debt of $34,500.000.000 is m ore than $300 That is the per cap ita indebtedness I of the nation and applies to ev ery man. woman and child. M ultiply. $300 by the num ber in your fam ily O F HOOD R IV E R Have You Tried This new exciting game of skill is taking Hood River by Storm. M O R R IS O N S CAPITAL AND SURPLUS .... $ 115,000 00 Tf1T11. RESOURCES.......... 1,450,000.00 W ith Mra. Nadine K trayer o f P o rt land scheduled to be the principal speaker, a m eeting of the Demo cra tic women of Hood R iv er county h as been arranged to ta k e place F r i day at 1 o'clock in th e Hood R iv er ca fe. R eserv ation s should be made by Thursday, according to o ffic e rs in ch arge, and m ay be m ade w ith eith er Mrs. C. E. F u lle r in Hood R iver, or Mrs. Ju a n ita Lew allen in C ascade I» c k s . T h e m eeting will be open to anyone in terested , ft is announced. H ickok. Mrs. Hugh F in g, Mrs. J . L. D rayton, M rs Ja m e s B ell, Mrs. H. C. W ilbur. Mra. S tan ley L evack, Mrs. Ja m e s R asm ussen. Mrs. F . L. M cGee, Mrs. E. J . W . Anderson, Mrs R obert Coleman and Mrs. 5 M arkw art. M RS. E R IC K SO N H IE S Mrs. Hilda E rickson , 75. m other of Alex E rickson and resident o f C a s cad e Locks since 1924. died Tu esd ay following an illness of more than four years. F u n eral serv ices will be held Satu rd ay at 2 F M. from the C ascad e L ocks chu rch, with Rev. L. G. W eav er o fficia tin g . In term en t will be at C ascade L o ck * cem etery. Mrs E rickson was born in Aland. Finland, Septem ber 6, 1S61. Several close delatives living in Portland survive, besides h er son, who is a resident o f C ascade Locks. Want to Buy a FUR COAT? HERE S YOUR CHANCE T O B U Y IT R IG H T — R E G IS T E R N O W ! V oters in C ascad e L o ck s and B o n neville who have not registered are urged to do so before the books are closed O ctober 3. Under the perm anent registration system now in force anyone who has voted in his present p recin ct at some tim e during the past two y ears need not re g iste r again. B onneville voters m ay re g iste r at the R oosevelt hotel on the highw ay and C ascad e L ocks vo ters a t the council cham ber. O F F IC E R S E N T E R T A IN E D Mrs. C. F . Lew allen o f C ascade L ocks, new president of the Bonne- J ville W om en's Com m unity club, en tertained outgoing and incom ing o f fic e rs and board m em bers at lu nch eon Tuesday. P rese n t w ere Mrs. F o x , Mrs. E a rl W ilson. Mrs. L yle Saturday September 26 Monday September 28 W e will have on Display 100 Far Coats All the Latest Styles, all Real Furs — direct from the Manufactuer to You. A C oat fo r E very Figu re A P rice fo r E very Purse Remember the dates . . . and come early to The Leonora Specialty Shop IIOOB R IV ER . OREGON USED CAR BARGAINS On Every Used Car— purchased between now and Sept. 27th we will install FR E E O F CHARGE: A New Hot Water Heater OR A Filling of Anti-freeze whichever one of these items you prefer at no cost to you. Bowlette? First N a tio n a l H ank WOMEN TO M E ET Electric Kitchen Hood River . 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1930 1930 1931 1931 1934 1934 1932 Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coaches Chevrolet Truck Chevrolet Pick-up Chevrolet Truck Chevrolet Sedan Ford Coupe T h ese c a r s and tru ck s are all in good condition. I f you a re in the m a rk et fo r a used c a r or truck it will pay you to look over our stock. Bartol Motor Co. Hood River