··=-: _,;::7~,.ft •.•.• ::::-:;..~.-~ • Tuinlo..a M.a n a • , ta rc h • r • .,.._,,. Tuo..d .i,cuu-., .Sup«r rMILC::C> a 4 P Co ... Dealt•.,-••_. T he -4 1' h•• the . . m .. c ab ,nc-t, ma1or p.l••• ..,,,._ ~U l,a•.a A A udao S y uc m. +Pouu T oo e Con crot. oo• c en c;,..,.J p,<al..cr. hado- Tuo,o • . ao d pc,r(o rroan cc, •• the \ b attery opc, rao o o . H.n d • omr h a od - rub~d c a b,oec cfC ~HILCO 640X • PHILCO 885X •$129 50 Thr c .i .. c t raagc < < a u• I.Au Arrtal 1 h<' <, , o,- h $95 \. .& 50 < 1reuer separation on foreign stations. } Tuoio1 Range~ l Tuned Circuits. Shadow Tuo..in1. )-Point Tone Coou oL. Coonn Grand Spn..ker and many otben. Handsome abion of baad-rub~ bun •-alout • 1th ourawood iA- lars,. Ln.AffieJ WUA 8el1ffia The 64} X u 10 the tame cabinet, C....,-,. buc u for b.ctery o~nuon l ocludet Pb i I co For,,,gn Tuning Sfµlrm Spread-Band Di.al ,nt.h forn1n sc.a • aocu tprad l omtt (a.nhu ape rt. Tuou,1 Raogn.. 1- Tuo~ Cucuiu .. } -Point T one Conuol, Sh.1do • Tu - n10g. o•entu Perm ane nt field o, . O&tDJC Spuker, etc PHILCO MIX• $95 i.a.Affiol The 6'61X it in tbe same cabi net. buc o~rates 00 ~tbu Ahu-oatio1 o r D,rttt Cwnot . ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE b-F,ddin ~ e r . H 1sth-f1d elir, Tone d-nibbcd cabinet of cost Iv. in la.id w ooch. al st 79 .50 A•rfal 1,th • , , a ode t r \ c, .. cpuun Lucst lcuurcs. 1nduJ1n~ Phi. o For'C:gn Tuning ~vsum. Ph ilco Color O,al • 1tb " 1n en c , .a m c ~•b1n C"e r '<':a ti..rc, a nd r cc torm an ... !era 1hort •• a•c tun,n .: ~HILCO 643X • Sl 19.50 include Phuco Forng,, Tuning Bead Dul Wl th fore-ago tcao oos ,prnd apan. Turun~ Ran~N, 2- Tun~ Ca r· Oui6en., Inclan~ SoundioJ Board. uu r-cure• F . but •• fo r 6- voh Lfl, An-fat th an the P1 turee ., 9 10. 13 15 nd I , Pl. :'\ spread S • m.-.s f•rth •_r a p rt u•w ir Ra nv,,. ne e:.d ol 4 T unt>d ( ir u,ui 1ruite d c,f 2'0 , tioM Tubf':fl r 11 t " d o f 'J. PHILCO 650B • La• Aerial bu all feature. of \he 11ft PLUS · t.om&tic TumnJ. tiona apread 6 times farther aoart. The 650B lahove) i , a ,uperh Am erica n and Foreign Baby Grand Indu<le\ the major features of the 6~0X. Modern cabinet of beautiful hand -rubbed walnut. PHILCO 2650B * Leu Aerial * 1ao Big/,,. PHILCO 660B o ln•ure PHILCO 665B* a•ptlon $82.50 I.Au Aerial In same cabinet. $92.50 PHILCO 608 $104.50 $92.50 Complete with Batterie,-Leu Aerial lo same cabin et. Americiin and Fo rc11<n Battery· Operated. Includes major icatures of the G 1 0 X . I...,. I 10 $37.50 $87.50 Major features of 66~X . PHILCO 6438* * IAu Anlal Never before su c h an amazing value in an Am er ican and Fo reign Baby Grand 11~ this 6 I 8 (above)! Includes Philco Foreign Tuning 11stem and majo r features of the 6 1 F. Beautiful modern cab inet. lo same cabinet. Major feacures of 660X. La• Aerial PHILCO 61B I~ PHILCO 84B More t han ever the 84 B (.ahove) brings th e utmost in American rec•·ption for the least pos· sible expenditure . Features indude Wide Vi- si on Dial. Glowin~ Beam St.1tion Finder, Elec- tro-Dynamic Sp<·aker. R<·duction Gear T uning . e tc. Newly dc~i~ncd B.,by Grand cabinet. Beautifullv fini:, h<·d in ,rnth entic reproduction of burl and butt w.alnut. $35 The 60 8 is in the same cab in e t, but is for American receptio n . I ncludes the features of the 60f . PHILCO 348 PHILCO 33B $4995 T h e 34 8 is in the same cabinet. but is an American receiver for 6 -vo lt batte ry operation . Includes the fea tures of the 34F. o . , ... ., I $39.95 Complete with Batterle• The 33 8 is in th<· :0-.1111<' cahin,·t. but is for bat let• opcr.ttion. Brin~:,. 1ww ,alu<· in .1n Anwn · C:an r<·Cciv<·r for un" ir<·d lwnwi. ! I ndud,·, the m .ijor fc.iturc:, of th,· \ \f. Co mplete With Batterle1J - - I $22.90 - - - I " " ... .., . . I I 5:! . PHILCO 898 $42 .50 F<)r tho c "ho w.1nt 1111<' Anu.• ric.tn re· ccption, th•~ smart S9H (.tbO\cl h .,s no value <'qu.il in the n .1h} Gr.tnd held! Features include 2 -Point fone Control. W iJ.-.Vision Dial. 2 Tumn~ R.tn~c1>. 9 TuncJ C1rcuu,. El<>ctro OynamicSpc.t"er. ere. Gr.iccful h.1nd-rubbed <.·.1hi1wt in .iuthcntic rcproducuon of m.itched burl, butt .1nd )tr.tight-guined walnut. PHILCO REPLACEMENT TUBES IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY RADIO